Back To basic



  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    ok drank all my water today plus some and I am doing pretty good on this plan so far

    Good Job my friend,will see you in a bit to go shopping with you..

    Jena- I have one of her DVD but dont remember which one, yeah I know I am slow.

    Rupi- I hope you love it, anything to get moving is well worth it

    Jessica- How is homeschooling going??

    Karen- I am glad you are doing so well, it make you feel a world of difference.

    Bobbie- How was thast fabulous dinner?

    Tanya- how is the water coming along?

    Nicole, Mitzi, Sayuri1, and tree where are ya'll we need you to chatter up on here, so we can keep up with ya'll..

    I hope everyone has an awesome day, we will start new challange monday, get you through you frist weekend, see how that goes.

    Today is lat chance workout so come on , get something in.. Its better then nothing.. Much loe to the back to basic team and I have a feeling were doing be an awesome little team..

    Have a blessed today.. I am blessed to have y family and friends riding along with me for this journey..
    Marcie- Awesome job on getting cardio in

    Deneen- You hanging in there my friend??
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I stuck with my plan to excercise this morning. Day 2 of 30 day shred. It was actually easier this morning than it was last night. My plan is to do levl 1 for 10 days and then move on to the next leve for 10 day and so on. Oh and I logged it as circuit training general. You all let me know if this is correct?

    Rupi...You will like the DVD. Jillian has a way of not letting you quit. I still love her, but from what I hear I will have a love/hate relationship with her later! :laugh:

    Tamara...thank you for the motivation.
    Bobbie.....How was that chicken salad? I'm sure it was to die for!! You are an awesome cook!! more lurking...if I can do it, you can too! :tongue:
    Deneen.....I need to personally come get you back to us!!
    Jena...Thanks....I feel my motivation coming back!

    I'm still trying to get acquantined to the rest of the ladies, so dont' get your feeling hurt if I dind't mention you.... :happy:

    Oh and strbryt what is your name?

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member

    Oh and strbryt what is your name?


    Her name is amber its a friend of mine and bobbies that we used to work with at cracker barrel...she is the only crazy one that still remains there and she is a hoot... Out to take kiddos to school have an awesome day love to you all.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member

    Oh and strbryt what is your name?


    Her name is amber its a friend of mine and bobbies that we used to work with at cracker barrel...she is the only crazy one that still remains there and she is a hoot... Out to take kiddos to school have an awesome day love to you all.

    Thanks Tamara!
    Welcome Amber! Glad you are here!
    Oh and I see some profiles with no pictures...I really love to put names to it would be nice for you all to add your picture. :happy:
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Doh! It just occured to me that I have not added all of you as friends. I just sent request to:


    The rest of you were already my friends. I hope I didn't miss anyone! If so please send me a request! :flowerforyou:
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    I want in. My name is Don. Married with two children son 13 and daughter just turned 10. i can't remember when I joined but it has been a few months. I could use aditional support. work fulltime go out to lunch with coworkers but split low cal lunches.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    "Oh and I see some profiles with no pictures...I really love to put names to it would be nice for you all to add your picture. :happy:"
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hey everyone. Bobbie here. I had a great day yesterday and I am having another one today. I got an hour workout in today and I have logged all my calories for today. I have already drank all my water too. I usually drink more than enough water every day. Tonight for dinner I am making a grilled chicken salad with lots of fresh veggies. I am using fresh mushrooms, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, celery, tomatoes, green peppers, and chicken. I am also adding fresh pineapples, apples, and raisins. I am excited about it. I love shopping at the commissary on the base. They have fresh produce and it is so good and cheap. I got a fresh pineapple for a buck. I love it.

    Tamara - My starting weight was 289. I am weighing on Friday and will give you my current weight. My new goal weight is 160 - 165. My workout goal is a minimum of 4 workouts a week.

    Jena - Better late than never. I am glad to see that you joined the post.

    Marcie - It will get easier every day as you get back to it. Hang in there my friend.

    I hope everyone else is still doing well and having a great day. TTYL
    So are we just going to switch to this thread??
    I love the TITLE of this thread! Because it is about the basics you don't have to spend a bunch of money on "stuff" to lose weight! It is doing basic things over and over that get results! anyone that does not agree I invite to prove me wrong! In fact I would love to bet a large amount of money on it! :bigsmile: So if you say no and that the basics dont work then I challenge you to a 30 min workout 5-6 days a week for 3 months while eating right and I only take CASH! :laugh:
    I used to workout with a trainer who was AWESOME I did her boot camp for about 5-6 months and and she used to say SIMPLIFY!! She once said you know why kids are overweight? Because no one just eats PB & J anymore! Simple and Basic! And she is sooo right! Your kids don't NEED a bunch of crap packaged and processed and "decorated" for their viewing pleasure and for that matter neither do us parents. A PB&J sandwhich (when done right :wink: ) is a healthy filling lunch. Nope doesn't come with a candy and a capri sun but it is sweet and has protein and fiber add a small apple and a SERVING of chips and you have a healthy lunch that won't break the bank and is BASIC! :bigsmile: So yes I want to embrace this thread as a reminder that it doesn't take fancy new expensive equipment, and boxes of food created in a lab, not even a lot of time spent "making a game plan to lose weight" Just Back To Basics!!
    The trainer used to also say STOP using your ATM for everything and you'll lose weight.... She used to say only take $3-$5 in cash with you a day to eat with( if your not taking all of your food packed up with you) She called it the Poor Mans Diet. You won't get that extra taco or upsized whatever if you don't have the $ for it! And it's true if you only have $4 and you MUST eat at lets just say McDonalds With $4 you can't get the Meal Deal instead you have to stick to the SMALLER portioned value menu! YAY!!:drinker: So you BASICALLY just did YUP Portion Control!!
    I am getting really excited about 2011!! :bigsmile:
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I am dragging today. I stayed up late working on our house last night. I swear it will never be back to normal again. Ugh. Eating healthy sure is harder when you're tired. I indulged and had some Hershey kisses. It's probably a good thing they weren't almond kisses. Those are a weakness of mine so it probably would've been more than a few! :)

    I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Not only am I doing my first official post-Christmas vacation weigh in, but I'm changing scales. I bought a new one, and I'm heavier on it than my old one. It's only 2 lbs, but still! It hurts to give up those two pounds here at MFP.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    just got a quick minute. Tamara- schoolings going well. Still struggling with finding friends but after her dr appt today we will be doing the online school for the next couple years. Dr confirmed that it is Tourettes so Im gonna wait till she is alittle tougher to send her to school because I know there will be kids who wanna pick on her for it and shes tiny and the tiny kids get picked on already
  • brashear_2420
    Hi ladies. My chicken salad last night was fantastic. The husband and I ate it all. It was amazing. The hubby cooked for me tonight. I am sick. I have been sick for a week and I finally dragged my butt to the doctor. I have a virus and according tot he doctor it will last another week. I was not able to get a workout in today. I just felt too bad today. However I did great on my water and calories today. I hope that we all have a great weigh in tomorrow.

    Marcie - I love the Jillian DVD's. I have her No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. They are tough workouts, but they give great results. I have also done the 30 day shred and by day 3 it hurt to do stairs. lol I am so proud of you for the walk and the workouts. Way to get back at it lady. Morning workouts are the best.

    Jena - Yes we are on this thread now. Our other thread had lost it's energy. it is a new year and we need to get back to basics. This is a great new post for 2011. I agree that it doesn't cost a fortune to get in shape. I have 4 workout dvds and some hand weights. I use what I have and I do the best I can with that. I do have access to the gym on base also, but it is cold in CT and I don't want to get out. lol

    Tamara - Have a great weigh in tomorrow. Thanks for checking on me.

    Amber - How are you doing lady? We need some more activity from you.

    Deneen - Are you coming back to us?

    Karen - I am glad that you have gotten your motivation back.

    Jessica - I hope that the scale starts to move again for you soon.

    Everyone else - I hope that you are doing well. I will learn all your names soon. Also add me as a friend if you would like.

    Have a great night. I am going to lay down and I hope to have a good weigh in tomorrow.
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    Let me ask you guys a question. I work until 10:30pm three nights a week; I was watching the Dr. Oz show the other day, and the doctor was saying that one of the ways to lose the weight (their 4 easy methods to lose weight segment) was to not eat after 8pm...I'm usually starving after work because the start of my shift is too early to have dinner and I only get a 15 min break in between, so usually not enough time to eat. Do you believe in this method???

    Got in all my water today....but dreading the scale for tomorrow ;)
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning my BtB = Back to Basic team.. How is everyone this morning.. I just weighed for my friday weigh in and I was up 1.2 pounds, I am gonna accept it and roll with the punches.. This is a new year new thread new team, have lots to look forward to.. and ask Mitzi if I had one brownine last friday I have 200 brownines..So my own fault I enjoyed, now BACK TO BASIC..

    as of right now here is what I have:
    CW= Current weight GW= Goal Weight

    Tcox69= Tanya CW 274 GW 170
    Mitzi= Mitzi CW 276 GW 150
    Strbry= Amber
    Risa= Risa
    Cudybug= Jessica
    Rupi= Rupi CW 147 GW 125
    MNLopez= Marcie
    Dhiggins8= Don
    Mrs.Barnes= Jena
    Brashear_2420= Bobbie
    Addiograsso= Deneen
    Nicolel83= Nicole
    Sayuri= Sayuri??
    Treekins= Tresea
    familygirl37167= Tamara SW 135.2 GW 130

    Thats who I have and any weights I have please send me a private message with your weights and goal for the next week. SO I can keep t straight for next week.

    Jena and Bobbie- I agree that you dont have to spend a bunch of money on exercise I didnt do anything for the first 6 months of my weight loss.

    Bobbie- I hope you are feeling better

    Jena- No we will always keep this name when we roll a new thread it will be back to basic #2 or something to that effect.

    Jessica- Stay strong with homeschooling, I give you credit and would do the same thing.

    Rupi- I dont eat after 6 but I am usually in bed by 7 and a sleep by 8 but in the same sense I am always up at 3.. Do what works best for your body, you body will get into a routine, I've heard dont eat 2 hours before going to bed.. Give you food time to digest.

    Amber- How did you do yesterday my friend?? You didnt call so I think you felt pretty proud of your choices.. I am proud of you.. Tell Gina to join our team..

    Deneen- How is it going my friend?

    Marice- I am loving my moring workout, they work the best for me and they are out of the way..

    Mitzi- Come out come out where ever you are?

    Karen- I like how you are getting your water in,small changes my friend, small changes..Its didnt come on all at once its nots going away all at once.

    Risa- How are you doing?

    Tanya, Don, Nicole,Sayurin1, teresa, where have all other back to basic friends been?? Well fixin to hit the gym.. Remember today is weigh in for those of you who choose Friday, so send me a email with your numbers and goals please..

    Everyone have an awesome day!!
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    Good Morning my BtB = Back to Basic team.. How is everyone this morning.. I just weighed for my friday weigh in and I was up 1.2 pounds, I am gonna accept it and roll with the punches.. This is a new year new thread new team, have lots to look forward to.. and ask Mitzi if I had one brownine last friday I have 200 brownines..So my own fault I enjoyed, now BACK TO BASIC..

    as of right now here is what I have:
    CW= Current weight GW= Goal Weight

    Tcox69= Tanya CW 274 GW 170
    Mitzi= Mitzi CW 276 GW 150
    Strbry= Amber
    Risa= Risa
    Cudybug= Jessica
    Rupi= Rupi CW 147 GW 125
    MNLopez= Marcie
    Dhiggins8= Don
    Mrs.Barnes= Jena
    Brashear_2420= Bobbie
    Addiograsso= Deneen
    Nicolel83= Nicole
    Sayuri= Sayuri??
    Treekins= Tresea
    familygirl37167= Tamara SW 135.2 GW 130

    Thats who I have and any weights I have please send me a private message with your weights and goal for the next week. SO I can keep t straight for next week.

    Jena and Bobbie- I agree that you dont have to spend a bunch of money on exercise I didnt do anything for the first 6 months of my weight loss.

    Bobbie- I hope you are feeling better

    Jena- No we will always keep this name when we roll a new thread it will be back to basic #2 or something to that effect.

    Jessica- Stay strong with homeschooling, I give you credit and would do the same thing.

    Rupi- I dont eat after 6 but I am usually in bed by 7 and a sleep by 8 but in the same sense I am always up at 3.. Do what works best for your body, you body will get into a routine, I've heard dont eat 2 hours before going to bed.. Give you food time to digest.

    Amber- How did you do yesterday my friend?? You didnt call so I think you felt pretty proud of your choices.. I am proud of you.. Tell Gina to join our team..

    Deneen- How is it going my friend?

    Marice- I am loving my moring workout, they work the best for me and they are out of the way..

    Mitzi- Come out come out where ever you are?

    Karen- I like how you are getting your water in,small changes my friend, small changes..Its didnt come on all at once its nots going away all at once.

    Risa- How are you doing?

    Tanya, Don, Nicole,Sayurin1, teresa, where have all other back to basic friends been?? Well fixin to hit the gym.. Remember today is weigh in for those of you who choose Friday, so send me a email with your numbers and goals please..

    Everyone have an awesome day!!

    Good morning!
    Being up 1.2lbs is actually not that bad, especially considering you are in the maintenance phase! Great job...looks like some of us had more control over the holiday season than others :tongue:
    I was rudely awakened by the un-announced, no appointment set, maintenance guy today, so I'm running on about 3 hours of sleep today...wish me luck to get through the day, without using food to stay awake :happy:
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Had my first post holiday weigh in. I am up 1 lb, which is not bad at all.

    Rupi - I have read differing opinions on eating in the evening. Some say don't eat after 7:00, while others say that is a myth. I view it as calories in. If I haven't eaten my calories, I eat them. We're so busy with the house we sometimes don't eat dinner until 7:30 - 8:00. If I'm under calories for the day, then I need to eat.
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning ladies. I am feeling much better this morning thanks to my visit to the doctor. I weighed Monday and was at 189 and this morning I was down to 183. I was up 2 pounds from my Christmas Eve weigh in and that is something I can live with. I know I ate so bad and didn't get any workouts in for a week. My goal was to stay under goal weight during the holidays and my original goal weight was 185. It looks like I did pretty good. I am in no way complaining about it. Now my new goal is to get down to 160 - 165 by April. I know this is something that I can do. I have lost over 100 pounds and I am not done yet.

    I got up and cleaned the house and I am now doing my bills. I have to get off my butt and get back into the swing of things. I will and am going to feel better. The husband and I plan on going to the gym to get a workout in tomorrow. Fingers crossed that we stick to the plan.

    Tamara - That is not a bad gain. I am sure it is muscle with the 9 workouts that you did last week. I am super proud of you.

    Karen - A one pound gain is not bad at all. I know it feels good to get back to doing what we know how.

    Rupi - If you are starving after work, then you should have a small snack. Try to have something like a yogurt or fresh fruit and veggies. Keep the calorie count low. You do not need to starve your body. Find what works best for you. You will make changes as you go along I am sure.

    Marcie - How was your weigh in today?

    Amber - How are you doing this morning? Did you have a good weigh in?

    Jena & Jessica - How was your weigh in as well.

    Everyone else - I hope you are all having a great day.

    I have got to get to work now. Have a wonderful day.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good morning!

    I am up 5lbs from the holidays. I am not even going to complain....I totally earned those 5lbs as much as I binged!! Reset!!!
    I did my 3rd day of JM 30 day shred and it was painful. I am so sore!!! How long before the soreness goes away??? I was having second thoughts on it, but I really want to stick with it.

    Congrats to all the "losers"! You all have a great day!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    hahahahaha I forgot to weigh when I was getting dressed lol but I know I didnt lose anything so no biggy. Next week starts back on schedule. My DH was on vacation from work this week so that messed things up working out wise.
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I weighed in today and I am am happy to have just about lost a pound. The reason I am happy is that I didn't work out this week. I came home from holidays with a nasty cold that settled into my lungs which meant in order to sleep i had to sit up. Oh well I am on the mend with two days off work and lots of sleep. Does anyone have tips for running outside in the winter. I live in Alberta Canada where is there is about a foot of snow and the temperature is anywhere from -2 to -20C(which is 28.4 to-4 F for my American friends|) . Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Risa1955
    I am doing ok this trying to get 64oz of water a day isn't easy I don't usually drink water so it is a challenge for me. I am at 175 lbs my weighin is tomorrow so I will post that tomorrow