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  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    woohoo bobbie. Its good to be out in the open about TTC hehe. I do need to jump on that bike and my scale has stood still for way to long. Been super lazy and feeling down today. Should feel better tomorow and will get on that darn bike if my life depends on it!

    I wish the snow would stop and it would be spring time already lol I miss walking places with the kids. I could walk now but with them its torture in the cold cuz they are cold or my son doesnt wanna walk but I cant carry him and the stroller doesnt work when snows on the ground and quite honestly he is too big to be in a darn stroller. I really want to get to goal wieght by april! I have around 20 lbs to go.

    HAHAHA Dh is picking up wendys for dinner (I know bad) on his way home and he called to see what I want and I said just a chili and a fry (there new frys are to die for) and he said "thats it, you dont eat!!" hahhaahaa silly guy
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Everyone
    I got my water and my sit-ups in yesterday. I broke my ankle in October and besides a couple hours snowboarding I haven't been doing to much physically. Last night I got home from work and immediately put on some workout clothes and brouht my exercise mat up stairs. It took about 3 hours to use it but I was so happy that I did. I did lunges, squats, sit-up, side and front planks and then a lifted weights for 20 minutes. It felt good, but I also realized how fast you lose it. Prior to the break I was doing bootcamp classes 2-3 a week(it was at bootcamp when I broke it) and then I quit until yesterday. So heres to a another new beginning and not losing it again!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning team just got back from the gym.. Boy its cold outside..Gym didnt open until 8 am again.. I did 25 minutes on the treadmil ran 2.2 miles then I did spin for 45 minutes, if felt good..Super proud of myself.

    I got my sit ups in yesterday and today and drank my water how about ya'll??

    Today relaxing my son has a friend over and I think hubby and I are gonna run away wit my brother in sister in law to lunch and a movie.. quality alone time...

    Hope all is well today..Be strong, tell yourself you can do it..Its worth it.. Have an awesome day
  • brashear_2420
    Hey everyone. I hope all is well. Welcome to Kerry. I hope you are enjoying the thread so far.

    Yesterday did not go as planned, bbut I just went with it. I was under my calorie intake and I got my workout in. I didn't sleep well last night and I have a huge headache today. I went to the doctor this morning to have some lab work done. Then I went to the commissary for groceries and it was a mad house. We are under a winter storm advisory starting tonight at 7 and ending tomorrow night at 6. I didn't have to go to the store, but did it just in case. I think we are getting more snow this weekend too. I am so nit used to this much snow, but I am enjoying it since I am a stay at home wife for the time being. The base has already closed school for tomorrow. That means the hubby gets a day off and that is nice. He needs to practice his guitar and he can do that tomorrow while I get my workout in.

    Jessica - It is very nice to be out int he open about it. We are very ready to start our family. He is supeer close to his and he wanted to tell them so bad. I told him if they asked then we would tell. So his sister asked and I told. He told the parents and they already suspected it. He probably gave it away when he told them he wanted to get me a puppy or a baby for Christmas. lol Good luck on the bike today. I am ready to see a loss for you.

    Karen - Thank you so much. We are both really excited. I got some special chocolates (I know they aren't on the plan) and something special to wear in order to seduce him. lol I want it to be super special when we make our first baby.

    Kerry - Thanks for adding me as a friend. Good luck on your journey.

    Tamara - I got all my water in and I am about to do my sit-ups. Thanks for the challenges and keeping up with all the weights. I hope you enjoy the day with the hubby.

    Marcie - How are you doing my friend? have you heard from Deneen?

    I hope everyone else has a great day. I have some research to do for the hubby's valentine's day gift.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    dang it I forgot about doing those sit ups yesterday!! Guess I have to do 60 tonight!! :bigsmile:
    I did walk with my co worker 3 times yesterday while at work Yay!! Looking forward to moving that scale in the "right" direction again!!
    Just out of curiosity is anyone here 'on the path'(NOT JUST TRYING :bigsmile: ) to losing more than 50 lbs?? I am and plan on doing most of it, if not all of it, This Year!! Just wondering who is in 'That Boat'...

    I have a really good feeling about this group and want to be a source for all of you if I can help with questions you may have about "stuff". I know a couple of you may be new to the dieting and exercise thing but I am NOT so email me if you have a question and I will try to give you some pointers. :smile:
    I can definately give you some ideas to lower your sodium and things like that...
    ok break is over:grumble:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    woohoo bobbie. Its good to be out in the open about TTC hehe. I do need to jump on that bike and my scale has stood still for way to long. Been super lazy and feeling down today. Should feel better tomorow and will get on that darn bike if my life depends on it!

    I wish the snow would stop and it would be spring time already lol I miss walking places with the kids. I could walk now but with them its torture in the cold cuz they are cold or my son doesnt wanna walk but I cant carry him and the stroller doesnt work when snows on the ground and quite honestly he is too big to be in a darn stroller. I really want to get to goal wieght by april! I have around 20 lbs to go.

    HAHAHA Dh is picking up wendys for dinner (I know bad) on his way home and he called to see what I want and I said just a chili and a fry (there new frys are to die for) and he said "thats it, you dont eat!!" hahhaahaa silly guy
    heck yeah those fry's are good evil little suckers!! :devil:
  • addiograsso
    Hello everyone, my name is Deneen and I AM FAT! Isn't that how to start!?!?!??! :)
    Ok, so I was trying to sit and read all the posts on this AWESOME NEW THREAD, but then I figured, hey - - no more excuses!!! Let's just get on with things, I'll catch up as we go along..... To all of the new gals - welcome, welcome, welcome. We have some truly FABULOUS, FABULOUS (did I say, FABULOUS) motivators on this site - Tamara, Bobbie (aka Boobie), Marcie, Jena, and several others I'm sure I'm missing.
    To the aforementioned along with Jessica, Karen, etc. I HAVE MISSED YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! Thanks for the love, patience, prayers and kind wishes. Thanks for welcoming me back and for believing in me.
    Well, where to start?!?!?! As you all know, my FIL passed away on 12/8. It has been very, very sad. It has been INCREDIBLY tough on my family and my diet.... I won't bore you all with the details, but my DH has had a heck of a time, but I must admit is doing rather well - all things considered...
    Death can sure bring out the WORST in people - if any of you know what I mean - there were some real, true colors of some folks that made me just want to *****slap some folks - sorry for the language, but that's the only way to put it.
    As far as my diet... I've eaten TERRIBLY when I eat and have even taken to drinking GASP soda again... :( I am soooooooo mad at me... :explode: :angry: :grumble: :noway: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    anyhoooo - onward and upward, today is a new day. I stepped on the scale a few days ago and it looked like I hadn't done too much damage, but with that news have taken to eaten like i have a hall pass to play in fat, salt, sugar and crappy food land... again - insert sad face here... Soooooo, i am not looking too forward to stepping on the scale on Friday, but will do because it looks like this thread has all the makings of setting me on the course to skinnydom... ;)
    Tamara - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, MANY TIMES THANK YOU!!!!! I can send you #'s or should we just start anew on Friday!??!?!?! I will, gulp, actually put in writing for all the world to see - my weight - UGH! ALso, there's challenges!??!??! WHOO HOO! Are they daily, weekly, what!?!?!? I see something about situps and water - will start on both.
    Looks like I need to spend some time on cleaning up my profile - and updating too...
    Marcie - I've missed you too, girlie girl! We can do this!
    Jessica - How are you sister?!?!?!?
    Bobbie - Words can not describe how much it has meant to have you "in my corner". Thanks for sticking with me and for sending all the kind words. I AM BACK SISTER - FOR REAL!!!! I NEED to make this a habit again - i can NOT tell you how much I've missed everyone's smiling face.... As you put it when you moved to CT - it's like going home. This feels like home... and a good, safe, happy one. I have a confession to make. I haven't told too many people about my MFP journey - not even my husband, i am sooooooo afraid of his criticism and I need somehting for just me, where i can share my unedited thoughts, fears, dreams, successes and more importantly, failures. Eventually, I will tell him about "my girls", but for now, this is my solace, my refuge, my place to confess and talk and share openly. Weird???? I almost feel like I'm cheating. Please, someone tell me it's ok...
    As many of us have talked about before, this weight loss thing truly isn't rocket science, but it is AMAZING the mind games we play with ourselves.
    So here's my stats, gulp...
    I am 43 years old - yikes! I have 2 children - one by birth and one that came into my life as a package deal with my DH. They are both girls - ages 10 (in a week) and 3 (mine by birth). I love them dearly and this has to be for them. For Christmas, Santa brought my oldest some mats and a portable balance beam. Both of my girls are sooooo excited. They got into their new leotards and wanted Mommy to join them. I put on my sassiest sweat pants and headed to the basement - to "work out"..... How very sad. My 10 year old, said do this, do this, do this and i found that i could BARELY do anything - I could barely touch my toes, i couldn't jump rope, it was all very, very embarassing and sad. That's when I knew it was time to get my act together and get back to you guys. I'm not sure I'll make bikini mama by summer, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to run and do jumping jacks with my girls and not want to have a heart attack - that would be easier.
    My simple, bottom line goal is to be happy... Be happy - that is a lot harder than you think. I just want to "sparkle" again...
    So, here's to our journey ladies. I'm somewhere in the 247 pound range - which is 20 pounds lighter than when I started in August, but it's still TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEVEN HUGE, EMBARASSING POUNDS!!!!! I weigh MORE THAN MY HUSBAND. Which, by the way, I've NEVER SHARED WITH ANYONE!!!!! The fact that I won't share my weight with him really annoys him and I really want to be able to...that is when it is around 140... :)
    Ok, well now are you really glad that I'm back cuz I did ramble did I not. I sure have missed everyone!!!
    Happy 2011 to all of you! Cheers to us!
  • addiograsso
    Ok, just tried catching up on a few posts and WHEW! I have missed A LOT! So - FIrst and Foremost, sorry I missed touching base with some of you and for missing some pretty big highlights...
    Bobbie - CONGRATS on telling the folks! BTW what is TTC???? i saw that in Jessica's post and don't get it.
    Jessica - I am so, so sorry to hear about your daughter's Tourette's... Yes, kids can be so very mean - girls especially - so I understand why you've decided to home school for a while longer. I knew you were leaning towards getting away from that, but can see why you have a change of heart. Again, my thoughts are with you.
    These kind of things - kids health, death of a parent, BIG THINGS, TRULY BIG things, can keep this in perspective - ya know?
    Marcie - How the heck are you my friend!?!?!?!??! What's new? How is your son? Have you heard from him?
    I think about you and he LOTS. There is a new video flying around on YouTube called Thank your Vets (I think) or Thanking the Military or something. IT IS INCREDIBLE. YOu and Bobbie should check it out. It's about 4 mins long and is set to the song Arms Wide Open - by Creed. Bring your tissues...
    Ok - Any other issues I'm a day late and a dollar short!?!??!
    Jena - I'm with you - it is WAAAAAAAAY easier to "Diet" at work. :)
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    deneen- welcome back and you definately can do it. BTW TTC stands for trying to concieve. I kinda fell off the wagon during the holidays and then the week after the holidays I was so involved in worry over my daughter and googling everything I could think of and then googling the stuff that I found googling that I just kinda lost focus for awhile one me. Isnt that how us moms work? We lose focus on ourselves and focus on our family instead. Been a good week so far not so bad. gonna try and get a workout on the bike while watching biggest loser tonight. i really want some darn cookies though I dunno whats wrong with me lol must be TOM or something.

    Ok ladies I gotta get better at the water intake which has never been that good BUT I certainly havent been drinking as much as I was. I need to get the water outa the garage cuz its way too cold to drink. Its actually frozen in some spots lol. Im hoping to start getting bck at eating better and althoug its a lame excuse but moneys been tight and so weve been skimping on buying snacks and such. Just getting the bare necessities. So holidays are over taxes are coming in here we go!!
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Hi again, thanks for the great welcome! So much to keep up with at first so forgive me if I don't remember people's posts or name at first...I PROMISE I'll get the hang of it.

    Deneen I know what you mean about not sharing your weight. This is the first place...this very forum...where I have ever told anyone my weight. I've had overweight friends who were blatantly honest about their weight with me and still I said nothing. Actually typing my weight on this forum was surprisingly freeing. This place seems like a place of great support so I have great expectations for myself!

    Jena I too am definitely going to lose this weight...I will not spend another summer being the fat mom, fat wife, fat sister-in-law, fat friend, etc...etc. I KNOW how to lose weight, I've done it many times before....the key for me now is going to be keeping it off. That is what I look forward to learning.

    Bobbie good luck on that baby. I have been an stay at home mom of three for the last 14 years and it's been great...wouldn't have traded it for anything.

    I did have good intentions of doing crunches yesterday but have had such a horrible virus since Friday that my head wouldn't allow me to do...I can barely breathe! :sad: But I did finally walk for an hour today after spending the last three days in bed so I'm hoping to be on my way. It's been a bad cold and flu season here!

    Anyway, thanks for a great thread. I look forward to getting to know everyone more.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning my fantastic Back to Basic team..How is everyone this hump back morning?? I am doing awesome has such a lovely day with everyone yesterday..daughter was absoutley halirious to say the least.. My son was good as gold played allday with his sister in the snow watched her loved on her, I love seeing them like that.. My hubby and I went out to lunch.. We are on our 3rd snow day this week and its not suppost to be over 28 today and 29 tomorrow so I am saying we will be out for the week then they are out monday for MLK day..

    Deneen- It is ok to have this as your safe haven, we are here for you..Glad to see you back.. You can send me your number private message to my inbox by friday that will be fine..The challage this week is adding 30 sit up to your normally scheduled exericse and to drink at least 64 oz of water which was last week challange.. I am sooooo glad to see you back,, you got this girl. I know how hard losing someone is.. This friday will be a year since I lost my dad..and not to mention I was a daddys girl to say the least.. I am gonna make the best of the day and roll with the punches.. My mom and my stepdad and my brother and his wife and me and my husband are all going out to dinner to celebrate it..

    Bobbie- I hope ya'll enjoy your snow day today.. I know we are all, especially when I got justin in the face with a snow ball monday it was so funny...we tried to make a snow man, yeah no such luck..

    Karen- Hope all is well.

    Amber- where oh where are you my friend.. I see that you are completing your food diary.. good job proud of you..sorry we didnt work out yesterday, I know my tummy better settle down.. Thats all I got to say..

    Marcie- How is Jillian going??

    Kerry- i am glad that you were able to break your silence here with your weight thats what we are here for..spills your beans so to speak..

    Jena- How is being back at work? Did I read you got a walk in?? I am proud of you to pick up the pieces where you left off prior to going on vacation..

    Jessica- I so understand about your daughter my friends daughter has a skin condition and she gets picked on all the time, super sad...

    Nicole- I love the picture of you..

    Everyone else I have missed, come out come out where ever you are!!!

    Have an awesome day...I am back on schedule today up at 3 coffee drank check..fixin to make my oatmeal and cranberries then headed to the gym from 5-7 and hour of spin class and a hour worth of weight training..

    Everyone have am awesome day becasue we choose what mood we are in.. we decide what to put in our mouth we decide who we let annoy us.. Make it the best.. we are never guarnteed tomorrow!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    good mornin ladies

    stupid stupid stupid snow!!!! I really wish it was spring time. I wanna walk to the library and really I cant even drive there the snow is so bad and its just up the street! GRRR I wanna sit at the playground and watch my kids play while reading a good book again!!! I wanna feel more accomplished then I do in the cold weather. i really feel like i cant do anything cuz Im freezing all the time lol Without 50 lbs of flab and insulation Im feeling colder then last year lol.

    I know I kept saying I was gonna get on the bike during the biggest loser but I seriously had to force myself too. I sat in my bed and at some popcorn (had a ton of calories to eat up still) and then get snuggly under the blanket and warm and didnt feel like moving at all. I kept saying "ok Im gonan do it" and just not move. It was bad. So finally 45 minutes into the show I got up and figured I would do 20 minutes and go back to being warm under the covers. Passed up 20 minutes and felt fine, I was still alittle cold but it was ok cuz I was moving and I wasnt even outa breath yet. I really thought I would need to start from square one since its been a while but nope did 40 minutes and coulda done more but it was getting late and I forgot to plug my sons baby monitor on and ith the tv loud and the bike loud I couldnt hear if he was calling for me. Not a bad burn and Im not even sore today. Gonna try to get some more in after lunch maybe, just kinda sucks cuz I hate leaving the kids upstairs. I was gonna move the bike back upstairs but santa (darn him) got my son a tool bench for christmas and well its now where my bike was. Working on moving stuff around to move it to the one wall then getting my bike back up here. we will see.
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. I am having a good old fashioned snow day. The hubby is home with me. We got up and I made us french toast for breakfast. Now we are curled up on the couch watching AFV and the snow out our window. We have blizzard conditions. It is 28 degrees and we have 37 mph winds. We have about 2 feet of snow on the ground. I can't even open the back screen door. It is craziness!

    Today's plan is to hang out inside all day. I am going to read, play my video game, browse the web, get an hour workout, and try to make a baby. The trying part is so much fun! I went to the store yesterday and we have plenty of good for us food. I made breakfast so the hubby is going to cook dinner. For lunch we will have a sandwich and for dinner he is going to make grilled chicken with veggies. It is going to be a nice relaxing day.

    DENEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I am beyond happy to see you back! I have missed you my friend. There was no way that I was giving up on you. I know how hard this journey can be and I know how worth it that it is. We are all still here for you. I am glad to see you back and doing this for you. You deserve to be happy. We are here for you. This is your safe haven. You can vent and lean on us all you want. We all need a safe place and someone to turn to. You will tell your husband when you are ready. Your daughters will also appreciate all the work that you put in, especially when you can run and jump with them and do all the fun stuff. You got this my friend.

    Marcie - Is Jillian kicking your butt still?

    Jessica - Awesome job on your bike yesterday. Keep it up. I know your kids come first, but you have to take care of you for them too. We are definitely having fun TTC.

    Jena - I am glad you got a walk in. Are you kicking your butts eliptical? I lost 50 pounds last year. I know you can do it. Keep it up. We will all be losers again!

    Karen - How are the house projects going? Are you finding time for your workouts?

    Kerry - I am glad that you have found us and that announcing your weight was freeing. It is just a number and we can gain control of it. I started at 289 and last Friday I weighed in at 183. My goal weight was 185 and I have been undr it for a few months. Now it is time to get down to my next goal of 160 - 165. I know that all this is possible.

    To everyone else...I hope you all are doing well. Good luck to everyone. Make today a great one!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    bobbie- we have about the same weather here except this is like snow storm 3 for the season for us ugh. we normally get ALOT of snow but this is just insane! Im hoping it means that we will have an early spring instead of snow on easter like most years. Last easter was actually pretty mild compared to other easters. I remember the easter I found out I was pregnant wtih my son we had snow like what you have today but maybe more and DH had shingles and had to take 3 hours to shovel my little car out of the driveway AFTER the snow plow guy plowed the driveway. It was insane.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Stoppin cleaning cleaning.. Thats all I got..need I say more..whats even better is hubby is working on bedroom I am doing dishes livingroom and jades room and laundry..believe me and you I would rather have those three then the bedroom..well lets just say we need a bigger house!!!
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Everyone
    I got my sit ups and water in yesterday. My legs were aching yesterday after short leg workout I did the day before, so I gave them a day of rest. I could barelt walk staris. It just shows how quickly I got out of shape :grumble: Anyways they are still sore today but I think I will force some squats out.

    I just wanted to say that reading all these posts are amazing. This group seems so tightknit and there for eachother. Like some of you on here, I won't tell my husband what I weigh. I am afraid he will see the number and not me. To him I am still sexy, attractive and desiralbe and I don't want that to change. So one day I hope to tell him and maybe will tell him what I weighed when I started. The journey may not be easy but with a goup like you guys it will make it more fun!!

    Weatherwise it is snowing again and freezing. It was -36C (-32.6 F) with the windchill this morning and is suppose to stay that cold all day. Does anyone have suggestions for in home cardio without DVD's.

    Thanks everyone, have a fantastic Wednesday
  • Risa1955
    I'm still here I haven't posted ir anything since Sunday because I fell and twisted my ankle and sprang my wrist so not doing anything but laying around. I am still trying to get all my water in and stay under my calories but that hasn't happened but haven't been over by 50 calories yet so don't think I will lose any this week hopefuly I don't gain my lb back
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I'm still here I haven't posted ir anything since Sunday because I fell and twisted my ankle and sprang my wrist so not doing anything but laying around. I am still trying to get all my water in and stay under my calories but that hasn't happened but haven't been over by 50 calories yet so don't think I will lose any this week hopefuly I don't gain my lb back

    Take care of yourself and we will be here when you are feeling better, dont worry about the pound get yourself better first.. Have a good day!!
  • Risa1955
    Thanks for the support. I have to take it easy my body won't do any other.:grumble: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Good Morning!
    Deneen!!!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :love: :bigsmile: Lets get to WORK!! And about NOT telling your husband GOOD! ANd it's OK to have something that's just yours! My husband knows all about MFP whatever, he really has no interest in my online social life! lol BUT on the occasion I start telling him about something going on, on MFP, he has no real interest anyway a lot of uh huhs and ok's so don't feel bad he probably wouldn't care anyway!:tongue:
    Ok real quick I did 60 sit ups last night! Was I dying YES did I want to quit YES Did I do them 10 at a time YES In front of my very fit husband, who could do 60 sit ups for fun :grumble: YUP! BUT Did I FINISH all 60? to qoute a certain political whohaa "You Betcha!!"
    Also got in around 17-20 glasses of H20:drinker: (I start losing count after about 15c.)
    Maybe I should just keep the situps in my daily things to do God knows after 3 C-sections I NEED to work on my abs and after last nights struggle, further lets me know I GOT WORK TO DO!! :blushing:
    One thing for sure I sure the heck don't want to have to "make up" 30 sit ups again!! :tongue:
    Have a great day and DRINK UP!!! :drinker: