Back To basic



  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I'm such a dork! I have my calories set to lose 1 lb per week. Don't know what I was thinking.

    It is funny how many of us had TOM show up!

    Now that it's been mentioned, I realized I've been stuck at a ten for a while now. I just keep hovering here. So frustrating!

    Bobbie - eating out is sooo easy but so not good for weight loss. My dh is the first one to stay lets eat out. Hang tough! I'm glad you're back to feeling like yourself.

    Jessica - have fun bra shopping!

    I'm feeling discouraged today. I'm super stressed at work, which lowers my morale. I feel like something has to give or I'm going to explode. Then, my loss this week was very unimpressive. I was good with my calories every day. I'm hoping it really was not having enough water intake that made the weight loss minimal. I have to get past this ten. I've been sitting her too long. I just want to go home, cry, and go to sleep. Definitely not having a good day. I want to eat, but I *need* to make myself do a workout dvd when I get home.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057

    I did weigh in no change which is Awesome because I KNOW I have water weight today, so I will take it! Hopefully I can see it by monday or so!
    About this 10 lb mark holdup! I think it is mental for me like I am afraid of passing it for some reason. IDK maybe in my twisted little mind I think the farther down I go the more likely I am to stop or something and we all know what happens when we stop! Well whatever it is... I am going to work it out in a 2 hour workout by myself tomorrow morning(well me and our pit bull) :wink: And again Sunday with my husband. That little pit bull is an AWESOME workout partner!! Since I can't afford a trainer she gets the job. I don't know if any of you have ever been around a happy pit bull but she loves to exercise and she is really strong! So she will pull me at a nice pace (when I allow her to pull) and help me keep from slowing down.

    Have an awesome weekend everybody!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Ok internets down,typing from phone and it sucks will xheck back later hopefully it will come up. Y'all be strong keep ur heads up. We have this we are the back to basic team hear us roar!!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning and Happy Saturday. I woke up feeling fabulous this morning even though I had take out last night. I know I know I said no more. Chinese is a weakness of mine and we ordered it. The worst part was that it wasn't even that good. I ate maybe half of it and was over it. Chinese food in CT really sucks. It made me miss my chinese place in TN. Anyways the husband and I had a picinic in the floor and watched Monsters vs. Aliens. After that we curled up on th couch and talked for an hour or so. It was fantastic. Then we curled up in bed and talked for another hour. It made me fall so much deeper in love with him. We talked about anything and everything that was on our minds. We talked about where we want to get stationed next because he should be done with school here by the end of the summer. We can go anywhere from Japan to Hawaii. The biggest two places he is thinking about is Kings bay, GA or Bangor, WA because of the type of subs they have. If he goes on a fast attack, he will get less notice for deployments, but we would have more options. His other top two places are Pearl harbor, HI or San Diego, CA. We coule also go to Spain or Italy. So we have a lot to talk about and a lot of things to consider. He is a good man and wants to keep me happy. I know that when the time comes that he will make the right decision. If he is top of class he may get to pick where he goes. The better he does in school means the better choices we will have for our nesxt station. I am definitely excited to see where this takes us.

    Today we are going to go shopping. I am going to get my new cook books that I want and we are going to browse and look for other things. It is going to be a great day.

    Tamara - Have fun at the derby and circus for Jade. I hope you feel better soon. I know you don't need to be sick right now. Love you girlie.

    Amber - You are doing an amazing job. Keep up the great work on the losses. I am so proud of you my friend.

    Marcie - I am so glad you are still here with us. You can have as many do-overs as you need as long as you keep trying. You will get there. I am still here for you lady. Pop in that Jillian's dvd and just work it out.

    Deneen - Thank you for your words of encouragement and the email checking on me. Now come back to us and stay with us. You can do this too. I am going to have to get your phone number and start hounding you when you disappear.

    Karen - Get your water in. It will really help, especially if your sodium is high. I know how bad the eating out is for me, but I just can't seem to say no. I am working on it thouhg. Keep on working out it and we will get out of that stupid 10 number that keeps messing with us.

    Jessica - Good job on losing the holiday gain. Now you will get out of the 150's for sure. Great job on the bike workouts. My new workout dvds will be here in a week and I am excited about them. We got to get over this hump.

    Jena - Have fun working out with your free trainer today. The desert sounds fun. Enjoy your awesome workouts this weekend. I am totally with you about the mental games that the scale plays with us. I have been trying to get out of the 180's and stay out since the end of November. I am my worst enemy when it comes to it. My new small goal is to be under 175 by the end of February. I think that is totally attainable. DO you want to set a small goal with me? I feel like we are kind of in the same boat with being stuck at this point. Are you up for it?

    Anyone else that is stuck super close to a 10 mark, do you want to set a mini goal with me? We will have 5 weeks to get under the 10 mark and on the lower range of the next 10 mark. I am at 182.5 and I want to be 175 or lower by the end of February. If anyone would like to join in this goal, please let me know. We can all do this. It is a mental game that we keep playing with ourselves. Lets win the game and own the scale. Who is with me?

    For anyone else that I missed, I am sorry. I hope you are all doing great. Keep up the good work and hang in there.

    Okay I am slacking on the challenges. I have gotten my water in all week, but I have not done any situps. I have also not posted any positives so I am going to post a few.

    I look in the mirror and I see how thin my face is. I used to have like 3 chins and now I have one and a very long thin neck and I love it. I also love that I have nice shoulders and they don't look like a football players anymore. lol I colored my hair this past week and I love being a red head. I feel really pretty as a red head. I like the way that my jeans hug my hips and I don't see much back fat anymore. I have some new lingire (spelling) and I feel SEXY in it. I still have problem areas like my stomach, but overall I feel great about my body. I think my legs are my favorite part of my body now. Oh and I tried on ball gowns last weekend and I felt amazing in them. I felt better in them now than I did almost 11 years ago for prom. There is a submarine ball April 16th and I am goinw to get a ball gown and have a princess night. I can't wait. Okay sorry if it sounds like I am tooting my own horn, but I do have positives to catch up on and I am very proud of how far I have come on this journey. I am going to continue on this journey and meet my goals. I will not give up on myself or any of you. So this weekend I would love to see some positive posts.

    Okay enough of my rambling, but I did warn you that I would be back to my old self again today. Everyone keep up the great work and have a fantastic weekend.
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    ok group so I thought I had posted my weight loss but I guess I just sent Tamara a message. I did really well this week and I lost 6lbs. I could not believe it I felt on top of the world. I know that very soon the weight will no longer fall of that easily but until it does I am gonna soak it up lLOL.

    Bobbi- You will not be so proud of me know. I gave in last night and ate a oriental chicken salad with spinach artichoke dip chips and salsa last night from Applebees. I had it in my mind I would eat off the 550 cal or less menu and when I opend my mouth I ordered. Bad girl yeah I know. Enjoy your cookbooks

    Tamara- since I ate bad last night I woke up this morning and was 3 lbs heavier I am so upset with myself. Guess I don't have the control I thought I did.

    Everyone- Sorry Tom came to visit. He is always an unwanted guest in my home. Everyone have a wonderful day and eat well.
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    One pound down this week. I have to say I am impatient...why can I easily gain 5 pounds in one week and yet when I am really focused, the weight loss is so slow?!?!?!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    One pound down this week. I have to say I am impatient...why can I easily gain 5 pounds in one week and yet when I am really focused, the weight loss is so slow?!?!?!
    slow and steady WINS the race! Good Job!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    BOBBIE!!! YES!:bigsmile: Lets do it! It will not last long though cause I am realllllly close!!:wink: BUT as we know even if I hit 179..9999 tomorrow by wednesday I could be well back over the 180 mark! So 175 sounds like a great mini goal, that is well away from 180! I would like to hit it by Valentines Day(my 5 yr wedding anniversary) but we'll set it for 2-28-11 that is a little over 5 weeks so totally doable!

    What I am doing to push out of this plateu:
    1. Upping my intensity in work outs! This is a must. Even at 180 lbs I am not weak by any means and my body knows it! :grumble:
    So even doing the elliptical everyday won't(and hasn't) worked. Why? Because I have been too comfortable barely sweating and just fooling myself into thinking that when it says I have burned 550 cals it probably is more like 300. So this week I have upped my intensity and have been pouring sweat by the end of my session. For the past few months I was starting at a resistance of 3 ending at 5 maybe a little 6, and was barely winded. So this week I have started at 4 quickly going into 5 and last night ended at 9! WHEW!! FELT GREAT!!
    Also this week I have added in STEP UPS for 5 full minutes I have 2 step ups each are I believe 6 in high which one by itself is really not high enough so I put them together so 12 inch step which is pretty intense when your 4'10 right Jessica? :laugh: My hubby saw me doing it last night and asked isn't that a little high for you!? :laugh: "hey did you just call me short!" :indifferent: :tongue:
    I have also kept doing the 30 situps. well actually more than 30 I just do as many as I can in 5 mins.
    My DH was telling me this morning how a jumprope can really kick your *kitten*! SOOOO I will be picking one up soon cause kicking our own *kitten* is our goal right? :bigsmile: AND IT IS SOOOOO Back 2 Basics! :drinker: :glasses: :tongue:
    Maybe we could give everyone here some time to get a jumprope and have it as a challenge exercise?? He said (btw my hubby is a really fit guy and spent years doing cardio and weight lifting to the point his body always looks fit even if he lays off the exercise) I as a wife sometimes don't like getting my fitness advice from him, its the witch in me:devil: , but I know he is right about the jumprope so I'll listen this time :tongue: )
    A jumprope uses just about every muscle and fully engages your core and is an awesome cardio workout. He said do 100 to start with doing 5; 20 rep sets. I am going to go see what Ross has today I have a few errends to do today all within 2 miles of my house so I am going to walk to them. Going to do the park/pit bull routine when DH gets home from his class before dark and then again in the morning. 170's I am coming after you this week with a vengence! :devil:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone back home and internet is working again. hip hip horray..I am still nto feeling 100% but gotta keep going jade has had a full filled day today.,.Her derby car won one race and lost one race but she had fun thats all I am sayin.. Then we went food shopping chicken is in the oven right now for my chicken salad I am so ready for it.. I have to meet the girl scouts at mcdonalds at 430 to go to the circus, I will eat before hand as I have never been a mcdonalds type of girl.. well maybe I will have one of jades fries but thats it..

    Jena- Awesome job I picked up my jumprope the other day, gonna start using it also.

    Bobbie- You have to share recipes out of cookbook

    Karen- Kewep working on that house

    Keri- One pound is a pound but know where your coming from.

    Amber-stay off scale after one bad meal, it will discourge you like it did me.. we are a lot alike...awesome job on weight loss this week.

    Don- Awesome job on getting the wii active

    Marice- Where are you I could have missed a post from you

    Deneen- Come out come out where ever you are,

    Rupi- Aewsome job on weigh

    For everyone I missed sorry, gotta lot to catch up on plus eat my salad then relax for a few minute before I have to get ready to go to the circus, I absoutley love me the circus its probably my favorite..
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope you had a relaxing Saturday :flowerforyou:

    I decided to sleep in today as a treat for the last few weeks of hecticness! It was well worth it :)

    My roommate and I are both doing the Jillian Michaels DVD together so its been going great. We decided to take a break today, and went for a nice long walk instead, so it was a fun, gossipy, girly day for us.

    So excited for everyone and their goals and mini-goals. Have a fantastic saturday evening....

    :heart: rupi
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    jena- YES that is high lol darn it why must we be so short lol. When I started losing weight I used the kids bathroom stool for step ups, i think I might have to go back to doing it. I woudl do 20 straight minutes. I hated it but it got the job done.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning team.. How is everyone doing this morning?? I a still feeling stuffy, but hoefully going to the gym and steam room will break it up for good.. I am not bad enough to have taken any medicine, I like that to be my last resort.

    I hope everyone has had a good weekend and ready to get back 2 basic monday as our new challange starts then.. I will have charts up after the gym,I am gonna let everyone sleep in this morning, so moving, I will start laundry and dishes when everyone wakes up, so I dont wake anyonoe..speak of the devil my husband just walked in the room.. Shhh kids are still a sleep and it stays quiet that way..

    Offt to make my banana french toast, its been a while since I have had that I am ready for it this morning.. Everyone enjoy your sunday...
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday. I woke up in a great mood today. I got up and fixed french toast and bacon for breakfast. It was 327 calories and so yummy. We are having fish and veggies for lunch and that is 388. I am not sure what is for dinner yet. The hubby is playing a show tonight and we have to leave at 4 so that means we will be eating out again. Dang it. I keep trying to not eat out, but I keep giving in. Tonight we really have a no choice because off the show.

    Yesterday I failed again at not eating out. Usually when I eat out I do not log my food, but I counted every single calorie yesterday. We went to Panera Bread for lunch. Then we went shopping. I was able to get my wedding ring back. I had to have it sent off because a few stones were loose. I haven't had it ofr 2 weeks and I am so happy to have it back. I looked for cookbooks, but I couldn't find any that I like. I want some healthy cookbooks. I want recipes that are yummy, but don't need to have 20 million different ingredients. Simple can be tasty if it is done right. I was very upset that I could not find any. Then we went and got my husband a new video camera. He wanted a flip camera, but those were not great at all. So we spent the extra money and got a really nice video camera. We had to drive to a Best Buy an hour away to get it. He wanted it for the shoe tonight so it was worth the trip. Then we drove back and he wanted to take me out for being such a good wife. So we went to the Outback and I ate bad food, but did not finish anything. I counted all my calories. I am not beating myself up over it either. I could have been better, but it is done. I did pass up Dairy Queen yesterday. I guess that is one good thing. lol

    Jena - Okay so far it is just the 2 of us on out mini challenge. We can totally do this. I am sure that you will make it by your anniversary. We got this. This week I am going to add intensity to my workouts. I am going to do my Jillian videos because she always kicks my butt. I am also planning to do longer workouts. I can do this. We can do this. 175 here we come.

    Tamara - I am glad you had fun yesterday. I hope the steam room today will help break up some of your congestion. Feel better soon.

    Amber - Do not beat yourself up over the one meal and DO NOT get on the scale the next day. It will play mind games with you so bad. Eating out has so much more sodium and so much more calories and fat than we need. It is no wonder that you were up 3 pounds. You are probably retaining all of it. Just drink lots of water and eat better. I need to take my own advice. Eating out is such a weakness of mine. Come on ma'am. We can totally do this.

    Okay everyone have a great day. I need to get motivated and get moving. Talk to you guys tomorrow.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good evening team.. How is everyone holding up this weekend.. I have been sick most of the weekend.. I have not taken anything although I probably should have.. Oh well plan on going to bed early tonight.. Here is the chart.. I will post your challange first thing in the morning.. My thorat is on fire right now!!

    weight loss 6.0 pounds this loss since challange started..... 19.0 pounds lost
    weight loss 3.0 pounds this loss since challange started...... 1.0 pounds lost
    weigh loss 1.7 pounds this week.... total loss since challange started...... 3.2 pounds lost
    weight gain 0.5 pounds this week... totol loss since challange started.... 1.0 pound lost
    weight change this week loss since challange started.....0.5 pound lost
    Weight gain 3.0 pounds this week... total loss since challange started..... 5.5 pounds lost
    weight loss 0.2 pounds this loss since challange started..... 1.0 pound lost
    weight gain 1.2 pounds this week.... total loss since challnge started....... 2.2 pounds lost
    weight loss 0.4 pounds this loss since challange started.... 0,4 pound lost
    weight loss 6.5 pounds this loss since challange started ..... 6.5 pounds lost
    weight loss 1.0 pounds this week... total loss since challange started..... 1.0 pounds lost

    total loss this week......... 14.1 pounds for the week for Jan loss since challange started 41.3 pounds

    No report from: Risa, Tanya, Mitzi,Deneen,Sayurin,teresa,Tracy,Anita,Jeanne..Please please send me a private message if you still wanna be a part of this challange... the more the merrier.. We can and wanna challage each and everyone.. so please send me a message with your current weight and goal weight and pounds lost. Thanks a head of time.

    Good job everyone.. This is only 3 weeks into the challnge and we have lost 40 pounds, and if 4 of us TOM had not shown up we would be showing aesome number.. But lets count our blessing and say its outta the way now and nect week we are gonna have an awesome weigh in.. Everyone enjoy the rest of you Sunday afternoon...
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning team.. How is everyone?? I am still not feeling 100% actually I had to break down and take some medicine, I took theraflu cold and cough, if I sneeze cough or have to blow my nose one more time, I might have a fit..

    Ok challange for this week is to continue to get your water in and this week we are gonna add a physical challange, starting with 25 jumping jacks today and everyday you need to add 10 more.. Break them up, do them in sets, do them during a commerical from your favorite tv show... Just do them.. Last week we worked on ourselves so this week we needed a physical challange.. and like I said drink your water..

    For everyone who sent me there weight thank you.. Like I said its much easier to read them in my inbox rather then chase them down on message board, so please continue to send them to me that way.. For the one I have not heard from for a while I have sent them all email or friends request trying to get them back to the team..

    Well I am gonna attempt spin today, as much as I should probably stay at home in the bed,my brain dont work that way..iIt says its Monday you rested Saturaday its time to get up and get busy!! So here I am oatmeal with berries in front of me and coffee to the right of me..I am set after eating and drinking that I need to go make kiddos lunches they actually have school today.. ut I dont know for how long this week its suppost to snow again tonight..uuugghhh

    Have an awesome day, dont let anyone deter you, make your mind up for you.. You are strong stick to your guns and be who you wanna be!!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. I had a fantastic day yesterday. My schedule is changing this week. My hubby has night classes for the next few weeks. So now I will have to do my workouts at night and I am used to doing them in the morning. This week I plan on working out super hard. I am not happy about my gain from last week and I will work it off this week. I am planning on double workouts each day. Since I am working otu at home, this means I will be doing 2 workout videos each day. This is my personal workout challenge for the week. I want to do 2 dvds each day until weigh in on Friday. My new workout dvds should be here this week hopefully. Until then, I will be doing a Jillians workout and a Leslie Sansone walk at home. Looks like I am going to be working it out. I am also going to get all my water in, do my jumping jacks, and add the sit ups back into my routine. I am going to stay positive and work my butt off this week. I will be out of the 180's very soon. I can do this. 175 here I come. Oh and this week should be my turn for TOM, but I am not going to let it stop me. It should be here on Thursday.

    I hope everyone has a great day. Good luck with the challenge. We can do this. I gained 3 pounds last week and I refuse to let it stop me. Let's all push ourselves to reach our goals. We are all here for support and motivation. Good luck team. Oh and 41.3 pounds lost in 3 weeks is amazing. Way to go team. Keep it up.

    Tamara - Thanks for the chart and keeping up with everyone. I hope you feel better soon. Love ya!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Mornin yall, (with my Texas twang) :-)

    What a weekend it was for me! What was suppose to be a 'me' weekend turned into kaos! My husband and son were to be gone for the whole weekend on a backpacking trip with the boyscouts. I get awoken Saturday morning by my husband that Sammy had got sick overnight and I had to come get them. They drove up to Pardanales Falls, which is a 3 hour drive from our home, with another family! I had to scratch all my plans for Saturday to drive up there and back...which took 7 hours total. I didn't get home til close to 6pm on Saturday. Of course I left without eating breakfast, and I didn't have lunch til about 1:30pm at the country store they were waiting for me at. Of course this is the hill country and good ol country what did I have!!! Well chicken fried steak, mash taters and fried okra, with lots of white gravy of course!!! It was yummy! and it was the only meal I had that day. Needless to say I got no excercise in. I had to fit in everything I was suppose to do on Saturday on Sunday and of course that meant alot of running around and not eating or excercising! I am wiped today.

    I however even though is 10:42am here...I want to start drinking my water right now, stay under my calorie count and get some type of cardio in today. Hopefully, I can do the jumping jacks! and a big hopefully...I can put in that Jillian Michael 30 day shred DVD in....I'm just so scared of her now!

    Thanks for everyones support. It really means alot to me!

    Will check back later.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Moring team.. Where is everyone. I think they took a hiatus!! come back come back where ever you are..

    Bobbie- glad you were so productive yesterday

    Marcie- we got this girl!!

    I am off to do my jumping jack then head out to the gym, but first gotta finish oatmeal and coffee and make kids lunches, I know I know I am running behind!! I took some nyqui lastnight and slet fantastic, hopefully the kids went to bed at bedtime,, I have no earthly idea if they did or not!!

    Have an awesome day!!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I am soooo not having an easy time with this right now. It seems like I hit the wall. My motivation was so high after the holidays. Then suddenly, I'm struggling. I took last week's not so great loss (0.4 lbs) hard. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it has. I know that slow and steady wins the race, but I feel discouraged.

    Part of the problem is, having lost 18 lbs, I actually am at an ok weight. I could, in theory, stay at this weight. But I want to lose 8 more lbs. But since I'm happier with the way I look in the mirror, it's harder to stay strong when I'm tempted.

    Today's goal: to work out. I am going to do a quick straightening up of anything that needs it when I get home, and then work out. I'm making that goal official by telling you all. If I don't tell anyone else, it's easy to find an excuse not to do it. :P Turbo Jam is on the schedule!

    Marcie - Where in TX are you? I'm in San Antonio. I hope your son is feeling better. I need to get more use out of my Turbo Jam dvds before I buy anything else, but the 30 Day Shred sounds interesting.

    Bobbie - You go girl!

    Tamara - I hope you feel completely better soon.

    Good job everyone on the loss last week!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    ok sorry I did not get on here sooner but yesterday I left for work at 10:15am and did not wak bak in my door till 1am this morning. So jumping jacks huh? Well I hate it but I guess I will do it since no one can see me doing them. I am a ltlle discouraged it is only week 3 for me and already gained 2 lbs that I can't seem to drop. I work such crazy hours that not eating after at a certain point so I do eat dinner at 10pm because that is when I get the first chance. It was either that or go to bed again with 1000 cal left for the day oh yeah and starving. Also I am finding that I am either not eating enough which I totally thought that I was or not eating enough calorie dense food as Tamara would say. So if anyone has any advice or suggestions I would really appreciate it.

    Bobbie- Glad your back and got ur fighting gloves on. I need you here not only for inspiration but as my friend to help me through this journey that will very soon get so hard I won't know what to do.

    Tamara- I am still waiting to hear from the gym. I am hoping to get in there before weigh in but I am still doing my Leslie Sandsone walk away the pounds. Oh yeah I am so not loving you for the jumping jacks but I will use my anger about them to get me through them LOL

    Marci- I hope your son feels better and I am sorry all your plans for yourself got wrecked. Keep up the good work.

    kincar- I am sorry I don't know what your real name is. Your body is just throwing a fit cause it probably feels good where it is at so it does not wanna do anymore work. Keep up all the hard work and it will pay off in the end.

    Everyone have a wonderful day and I will be back soon to check in.