Lose 5 Pounds a Month February 2011



  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Afternoon all, sorry been busy lately and haven't posted much.....enjoyed the superbowl....had a little party...ate WAY too much....but got in a good workout in at the YMCA.....seem like most are off to a great start for the month already....keep up the GREAT work all.....talk to you again soon....:flowerforyou:
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    I'm new to this Thread but I am in for Feb. :) yay!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Yea, Phyljen's back!

    I have been really not good - no gain no loss, but no exercise and only logging in in the morning. Which means everything after the oatmeal is unaccounted for. And what doesn't go on the log stays on the hips.

    Here is my confession. I have been anxious and depressed about a bunch of family matters and in order to quell the thoughts I have become hopelessly addicted to Wordsplay, which is an online boggle game. I can spend hours on it in the middle of the night, which means I'm exhausted when everyone else is waking up and that of course makes me worse.

    Sometimes just telling the truth about these things starts to shift them. I hope so.
  • NCisME
    NCisME Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in! This seems to be a nice/feasable goal.
    -1.4 since the 1st so far

    2/7 weigh in : -1.6

    Total so far for Feb: -3 lbs
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    Bouncing back from the Superbowl and making the next few days extra light as far as calories. Planning on doing an extra work-out today because of all the yummies last night. I did not eat anything that was super calorie laden, but I did eat too much of all the good stuff!

    I only weigh in once a week and I have been doing so on Fridays. I chose Fridays because it makes me eat well during the week and seeing a loss on Friday going in to the weekend motivates me to make good choices while eating out over the week end. :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Just a quick update, I'm home. Procedure took 15min after the gas knocked me out. I have my meds and loads of gauze...I'm feeling a little crappy but I know it will pass. Thank you all for the well wishes over the past month. On the road to recovery. :heart: Next up, my Godmother's grandmas wake tomorrow :cry: Gonna be a long week.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    When I posted on Friday I had totally forgotten about the Superbowl and the extra challenges that Superbowl parties can throw in most people's way. We did not go to a party but did watch the game. Lots of high sodium food this whole weekend. I am with Kelly, drink drink drink. I got in a nice long run on Saturday and a great bike ride yesterday (all inside...not the cold this weekend but the roads were wet and slushy).

    I am hoping to see good numbers tomorrow on weigh-in but only time will tell. I hope to get a run in after work tonight...if I can find the time. I should get up in the morning and do it but I have a really hard time doing that in the winter. So easy to stay snuggled tight under the blankets.

    Remember to eat healthy and try to get some exercise.


    "It does not matter how fast you are moving; its that you are moving!"
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    55tolose, "I didn't know when I got married that I was already 6-8 weeks prego lol ..."
    LOL, I know how you feel - I was 16 weeks pregnant before I even found out!... And no, I'm not a complete moron - I've just never had a regular cycle, and after we were married for a year, I went off the pill, to try to 'regulate' my cycles, thinking I was going to have 'problems' getting pregnant. I guess not! :ohwell: :happy:

    Now, 55, you listen up, it's time for you to get back on the wagon, little missy. I know you're busy, working, studying, being a mom, etc. But you've got to make time to eat healthier and exercise. No more cookies, no more SODA! You ARE going to get below 152, even if I have to MAKE you!! I will drag you there, kicking and screaming! (PS. That butt-kick is as much for me, as it is for you, and you know it's only cuz I :heart: you!)

    As for my goals, I am 5'2", and I will be ecstatic to be in the 130's. I'm aiming for 135 to get to the top end of the 'healthy' BMI range. We'll see after that, I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. How tall are you?

    I am the exact same way I wouldnt' be supprised if I didn't know untill I was that far either lol but I was a full 12 weeks along when I did haha.

    Lol haha k I'v got this : ) 2 days in a row no soda !!! Yay. awe Im glad you care enough to drag me lol Im going to have to because you rock and Im going to have to keep up to you if I want to keep racing you : ).. :flowerforyou:

    I also am 5'2 and before I went on bc pills to treat my ovarian cysts cause one burst I Weighed 120-125 pounds and still felt like I could lose 5 pounds. Im half way there from my highest pregnancy weight.
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I weighed in this morning but it has been a busy day. One day off this week and 12 hour shift don't leave much time to get the normal everyday things done. And I am back tomorrow. So I had to go grocery shopping so I wouldn't be tempted to buy my lunch while at work. Just got finished packing my lunch for tomorrow!! I am so glad summer is right around the corner that means lots of yummy fruits to eat.

    2/6- 268.2
    GW- 263.2

    I am up two pounds from what I was a week ago but I had a long 16 hour day last night and fell victim to soda... I needed the caffiene. I should have stuck with some black coffee. But had a great workout today and going to try to step it up tomorrow!! Congrats to everyone who lost and if you didn't stick with it!!!

  • us05
    us05 Posts: 54
    Im in too... My last weigh in was 91kg, and that was sat 5th Feb... so im aiming to get to 88kg (just over 5lbs)
  • Ralu19
    Ralu19 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, everyone. My weigh in this morning:

    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15 ---
    Feb 22 ---
    Feb 28 ---

    One pound less after the first week. I hope it goes down after TOM is over. I was a good girl this morning, woke up early to train for an hour before going to the office.
    Wish you all a great day! :smile:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Karin- never heard of wordsplay. but if that is all you do when you have problems in your life that is good. I seem to head to the refrigerator or cupboard and pull out FOOD. wish I was one of those people that just couldn't eat while under stress... Wonder how that would be???

    Bru- Take care and sorry about your grandma.

    I'm back at school today. First day with kids. We have only 30 % of the population of students because many were evacuated during the past few weeks. Also teachers left so it is like starting over a whole new year. I have some of my kids but about 3/4 of them are from other classes. CRAZY days. But I brought my lunch and plenty of fruits so I have all bases covered, unless I eat it all up, which might happen since it is only 12:15 and I only have one tangerine left. I'm pumping the water to convince me that I am full!

    Take care and WELCOME all you newbies! Phyljen
  • 1st Feb - 154.5 lbs
    8th Feb - 154.5 lbs
    15th Feb -
    22nd Feb -

    No change. I'm actually quite disappointed, I really felt like I had lost this week. Oh well, I'll keep on keepin' on.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15
    Feb 22
    Feb 28

    Goal: 133.8

    Only a 0.2 pound loss. But, I'll admit, I had a very heavy dinner last night with some girlfriends....so....hopefully next week will go better.
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    I shed one pound, was hoping for two pounds, oh well....not off to a very good start this week though thanks to bbq at a superbowl party. Gonna have to really sweat this week to get back on track, crossing my fingers that the 15th will show a loss and not a gain.

    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15
    Feb 22
    Feb 28
    (Goal: 186)
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    First week check-in: down 2.6 pounds.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I lost .8 this week. So far not an amazing start but we will see.
  • 55 to lose...i'm 5'2" as well, and my goal is 135 lbs too (who knows what I will do after that)! You are quite a bit ahead of me, but its exciting to see someone with the same goals. I haven't seen 135 since about 2003!!!!

    Good job to everyone on their losses, the superbowl is a tough week...i think I read somewhere that the average person consumes over 3000 calories during the superbowl!! YOWSERS!!

    Has anyone done 30 day shred, I ordered it the other day and I'm curious to hear about it.
  • Feb 1 = 127
    Feb 8 = 123.5

    for real? can I keep it there? that seems to be the hard part.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Welcome Lorraine, congrats on your losses to date!

    Jean, almost half-way there, and the month is not half over yet. Great progress!

    Runner, I'm sure the pounds will start melting off soon. What 10k program are you doing? I am planning on finishing Couch to 5k, then start a 10k program back-to-back.

    Kelly, did all that water get you back to ONEderland? :drinker: Have fun on your mini-180 challenge. We're all still in the same boat!

    Tina, great to hear from you. Dare I admit that the only part of the superbowl that I watched was the Black Eyed Peas at halftime? :laugh:

    Karin, I don't think I will check out the Wordsplay site, as I am already addicted enough to MFP. The good news is that within days of me posting about my 2 year old crying every day when I dropped her off at daycare, she magically stopped. The universe is listening. Your family matters will improve. In the meantime, you might want to try something like Simply Sleep, or Tylenol PM.

    NCisME, nice *kitten*! (the donkey, I mean!) :bigsmile: Great losses this month! Keep it up!

    Rabbit, I usually weigh-in on Fridays too. I like to do my official weigh-ins on the gym scale, so the Friday weigh-in for me is partially to ensure that I make it to the gym for my lunch-time yoga class.

    BRU, I hope the wake is going well today (ok, as well as can be expected, you know what I mean). I also hope you're starting to feel better after getting those teeth taken care of. :flowerforyou:

    Terri, you're doing great at keeping up with the exercise over the weekends. I am already anxious for spring / summer, so that I can get outside more. And, so I can start exercising in the mornings again. I'm like you, but it's not even so much the snuggling under the blankets as the DARK for me. I hate getting up in the dark. Ugh.

    55, hmm, I wonder how many calories I can burn while dragging you with me to 150? Fair warning, I peeked on the scale today, and I'm definitely under 155. Now I just need to stay there! :tongue: I went on Birth Control at 17 for PCOS, so I don't know if it was BC or just adult-hood that made me gain weight.

    Shawna, great job packing your lunch. I did the same thing last night. I knew I wanted to go to the gym at lunch, so I packed a lunch for myself while I was packing my daughter's school lunch.

    Welcome MFT!! Welcome us05!! We're all here to support you!!

    Ralu! I'm so proud of you for waking up early to workout! The race is on! :drinker:

    Phyljen, I am like you - I EATwhen I am stressed. I've been trying really hard lately to force myself to drink a cup of tea first, because it takes so long for it to cool off before I can drink it, I am usually feeling better by then. So proud of you for everything you're doing. Those kids are lucky to have dedicated teachers like you!

    Serenity, I'm sure that loss will show itself soon. Ha - love the quote in your signature.

    Think, a loss is a loss!! Sometimes it is just not as big as we like it to be though, huh? Celebrate anyway!

    sgreene, I have a lot of working out to do this week as well. Let's sweat it off together - here we go!!

    ceelovejay - great loss!!

    lostalykat, keep it up! Little losses do add up!

    ukredhead, I tried one day of the 30-day shred, but was so sore that I didn't keep up with it. I remember Bru kicking some Jillian butt, she'll be able to share her thoughts.
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