The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    WOO down to 210!!! Thats a 3lbs loss. I was sick this week, so I lowered my calorie intake (which wasn't hard, the only times in my life I'm not hungry is when I'm sick :laugh: ) because I couldn't excersize. I didn't know the loss would be this significant! So, this week I'm feeling better and I'm going to work at maintaining this 3lbs loss.

    The only weight I remember being is 213, so to be under that is just an amazing feeling.
  • I realized I didn't "check-in". Hadn't read enough of the posts apparently. Bad me! That's ok! I will be better come the future. Right now, I am down from 217 to 214.2 (yesterday). So, that is awesome! I still can't believe it is me every time I walk by a window. These 40 pounds have changed my life literally. My expectations of myself and my dreams. I always knew I loved horses and wanted to ride, but now I see riding as something I can do and be comfortable doing! So excited for spring to come so I can get back in the saddle (literally)!

    thats ok...i'll fix it for next time! thanks
    that is really amazing...we are all so proud of you and i know that you are in this for the long haul- you will get rid of all that weight and then you definitely wont know that person in the mirror!!! IN A GOOD WAY!
  • WOO down to 210!!! Thats a 3lbs loss. I was sick this week, so I lowered my calorie intake (which wasn't hard, the only times in my life I'm not hungry is when I'm sick :laugh: ) because I couldn't excersize. I didn't know the loss would be this significant! So, this week I'm feeling better and I'm going to work at maintaining this 3lbs loss.

    The only weight I remember being is 213, so to be under that is just an amazing feeling.

    thats excellent Meg! glad u are doing better...and im sure u can keep that off!...and wow thats amazing to be under 213 for the first time u can are making excellent strides!!! awesome work!
  • I'm in too. In the 2nd grade I remember being heavier than the other girls. I'm ready to not be her anymore :happy:
  • Welcome my newbies...this time im gonna make sure to respond early so i dont have a million ppl to reply to lol...

    @AmyNVegas- of course you can join! thats what this club is all about- a home for everyone! wow you have definitely had a journey wow wow...first of all let me say congratulations on being the lowest since elementary- what an amazing feat...yes that is a great goal- under 300 is just a jump away from where u want to glad to have u with us and i hope we can all be of encouragement to u throughout this journey- dont ever be afraid to rely on ur club mates for support- we want u to succeed just as much as we want to!...Welcome!

    @artist444- better late than never!...yep that was all my intention- those of us who really dont kno where we are going- we need a place to call home and be able to relate to everyone around us...and i hope this can be that for you! yes i too cant WAIT to get to come face to face with my inner skinny girl...i bet she's great! haha...Welcome!

    @TrudyMay- glad to have u with us trudy...maybe if you dont mind giving me your current weight and goal weight i can add u to the list and can keep up with your progress!...Welcome!

    and all of you are welcome to add me as a friend if you'd like....

    also we put our weigh-ins on Saturdays and thats when i put up the chart of weights and if you will come back at least on saturdays to put in ur weight for the week that would be great!

    thanks everyone for being great and keep up the wonderful work!!!
  • lovemyhellokitty
    lovemyhellokitty Posts: 72 Member
    Hello All! I belong in this club fo sho :)

    My name is Denise
    I am 5'5..My highest weight was 270. I am currently at 204 but it has been 5 years since I started focusing on losing weight and it has been an ongoing battle as I am sure alot of you may already know. Losing and gaining the same 20-30 pounds is so much fun! I loved what the creator of this club wrote and can definitely relate. So many of my overweight friends have their awesome before pictures of what they used to look like to give them their inspiration. Even at 204, I am excited to be where I am at right now. I haven't felt this good since ummmmm... never lol (well I did hit 197 back in 2007 but that was very short lived). Needless to say I can't wait to get under 200 again and hopefully stay there for a while. My doctor wants me to get down to 175 so that is my ultimate goal right now. I haven't seen 175 since I was 12 years old! Good luck to all of you and thanks for letting me be part of this awesome club :)
  • lovemyhellokitty
    lovemyhellokitty Posts: 72 Member
    Hello All! I belong in this club fo sho :)

    My name is Denise
    I am 5'5..My highest weight was 270. I am currently at 204 but it has been 5 years since I started focusing on losing weight and it has been an ongoing battle as I am sure alot of you may already know. Losing and gaining the same 20-30 pounds is so much fun! I loved what the creator of this club wrote and can definitely relate. So many of my overweight friends have their awesome before pictures of what they used to look like to give them their inspiration. Even at 204, I am excited to be where I am at right now. I haven't felt this good since ummmmm... never lol (well I did hit 197 back in 2007 but that was very short lived). Needless to say I can't wait to get under 200 again and hopefully stay there for a while. My doctor wants me to get down to 175 so that is my ultimate goal right now. I haven't seen 175 since I was 12 years old! Good luck to all of you and thanks for letting me be part of this awesome club :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • abihaila
    abihaila Posts: 24 Member
  • Yep been fat all my life... I was called chubby checkers in kindergarten. I did lose weight once. Not cuz I was trying but I was partying A LOT so, no time to eat. And if you go to the bar on an empty stomach you get drunk cheaper. lol Well now that I am in school and practically married, I don't party as much. Well hardly ever... I gained all most all the weight back. I was 250 got down to 180 now 220 or so. I don't want to be skinny EVER but, 160 will take me out of the obese range. I was very happy at 180.... and that is fat. I was 180 my senior year of high school (1992). haha I am 36 and have no kids so I can't claim "baby weight."
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Wow! This is a group that I can really relate to! Where do I sign up? :happy: At one point I got "down to" just under 200 pounds for a very short time and when I see those pictures now I can't believe I let myself gain so much weight back again. This time I want to make this a mental change as much as a physical one and I'm determined to learn to live a more healthy lifestyle. I can't even picture myself at my ideal weight according to the charts and have no idea what I would look/feel like at that weight. Heck, I probably weighed that in 2nd or 3rd grade.

    I look forward to getting to know you all better!

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hope everyone is working their hardest toward their next weigh-in!!! :drinker:
  • hello hello hello!!!
    welcome new friend/ members!

    @lovemyhellokitty- congratulations on losing the first 70 lbs or so...thats amazing news! yeah i understand that plight- losing and gaining, losing and gaining- it can get really frustrating. I know that u will be able to make this happen and i hope we all can help u get there...Welcome!

    @ 623Hernandez- ouch- little kids can be so mean cant they...yeah im very happy with just looking good and i never really expect to be skinny- but healthy would be really great!...very glad to have you here!...Welcome

    @ cv0409- u just did sign up! glad to have you.yeah i know for many people its a hard journey- i hope that u can do this with all of us...Welcome!

    once again to let all u newbies know we post our weigh-ins every saturday so that i can add it to our chart! so please come back on saturdays to update me

    thanks and add me if you would like me to keep up with your loss
  • I'm down one pound this week. I had weighed a couple times earlier in the week and was actually down two pounds, but I was at a friend's house last night for dinner and all her food was SO salty!?! :grumble: I've been drinking lots of water today to get rid of the extra sodium, but my eyes are still kinda puffy. For some reason my body just can't handle much sodium. Next week I will hopefully be down extra to make up for today.
  • thanks for coming and telling me...where is everyone!!!

    well i lost 1 lb this week.... hope the rest of u come on and let me kno whats going on with ya...i'll delay posting the chart for a few days
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Sign me up for this one! :)

    I'm Angela - my highest weight was the weight I was when I started this journey - 285.4. It was about a week before I got on MyFitnessPal from another site and I've been here ever since. I was told by a doctor when I was in college that 175 would be her estimation of what would be right for my frame, even though that's still in the "overweight" BMI category. So that's what I'm striving for in the long run.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm up a bit. Doing the 30 Day Shred. I keep coming back here to see what's new, but it seems we've gotten a little quiet.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day, magglett!! And everyone else. :heart: Have a chocolate.*
    * But just one!! :bigsmile:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hi all! Happy Valentines Day.

    Well, I just got off the phone from booking my very first massage ever! I had set that as a mini goal for when I hit -20lbs and my hubby got me a gift certificate for VDay! :) I hit my mini goal last Monday at -21lbs but I had a pretty bad week right from the beginning with not eating too great and not exercising as much (only did zumba twice). I don't know why I tend to punish myself, but I do. So, I held off on making the appointment because I was convinced that I'd have gained several pounds meaning I wouldn't have a 20lbs loss. Figures, I do something really great and still find a way to make myself feel down about it. So, imagine my surprise when I got on the scale and it said a 1 pound gain!!! I'm not normally excited about gains haha but this means I'm at -20lbs exactally! So my appointment is on Thursday! WOOHOO!

    I went though something weird this week for sure. It was like I settled for 20lbs. I would think, "oh I've lost 20lbs so I can have that _______) Umm, HELLO MEG!!!!! You still have 50ish more pounds to lose, step away from the cookie! haha So back at it this week. I had my quater weight loss crisis, time to move on.

    Hope this finds all of you well!!!
    As for the chart, I'm +1lbs putting me at 211.
  • :heart: Happy Valentines All......I have also been overweight most of my life.....except in grade 3 to 4. I changed schools then and was so nervous I couldn't eat and got skinnier and skinnier. My mother told me that if the wind blew I had better hold on to the fence or I would blow away. She also took me to the Dr. and he gave me some red medicine and apparently it worked....I've been eating ever since. I have lost weight and been to just about my goals and used to think I was really fat when I was full term with the pregnancy of my son at a whopping 173 lbs. I got married in 1972 and was 129 lbs. I have been on uncountable diets and seem to gain all the weight back + a few pounds extra while on every diet....I am now at 230 lbs. and have been over 200 for about 15 years and am 56 yrs old and 5 ft 4 1/2 inches tall, and a big boned girl. My goal for right now is to get under that 200. I started playing around on MFP and joined on Jan 20, 2011 and have been pretty consistant with my Food and Exercise Diaries......But...I have not lost any weight. I started walking with my husband today for the first time in a very long time......I would love to be in your club.....I think I need the support
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