Lose 10 pounds in February? You bet we can!!!!



  • me
  • Screen name: sandyrff
    Goal for February 28th:177
    February 1st (starting weight):187
    February 8th:183.2
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Screen name: cls413
    Goal for February 28th: 199!
    February 1st (starting weight): 210
    February 8th: 209
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:

    Last week was an okay week, and my first complete week using MFP, so there were some insights to go along with that and things I wanted to change for this week anyway. But I still felt like I was doing really well, despite not knowing what the scale might say to support that (or not).

    Then Superbowl Sunday happened. I was actually doing really well, had a very low-cal lunch in anticipation of snacking all night. Would have actually stayed within my calories if one of the girls hadn't made individual-size desserts. But they were SO good, and except for that, I had eaten far fewer calories than anticipated, and was already planning a really hard day at the Y on Monday to burn it all off. So I figured, bring on the decadence, it's just one night.

    Then Monday happened. I've been really good since I started watching what I eat about NOT eating emotionally the way I have in the past. Well, Monday I had a bit of a break down, went over my calories (by another full day's worth, I'm ashamed to say). Also, I had a rather traumatic drive back to town (went to visit friends 3 hours away for the game). No accidents, no inclement weather, just a lot of little things that in my already fragile state added up and made me really not want to get back in the car. So... no going to the Y. I should have done at least some exercising at home, but I didn't (for the same BS reasons that I shouldn't have ordered and eaten an entire Pizza Hut P'zone, but did).

    So, now I just need to take all the things that I learned about myself that first week on MFP that I was going to improve upon anyway, and just work twice as hard at it. Yes I still lost a pound this week, but the repercussions from the last couple days could easily follow me to next week's weigh in, if I let them.

    I've heard that if you are an emotional eater, one of the things to do is to change your way of thinking, and instead of turning to food when you get down, just use it as extra motivation. I just need to tell myself, "This weakness is part of the reason I'm fat; I won't let it control me anymore." Unfortunately I really do my best workouts at the Y. My Wii Fit doesn't do nearly as much for me as it used to (mainly I think I'm just bored with it), and the roads are in no shape for getting out and walking. So if I'm feeling too emotionally distraught to drive (or I'm stuck at home with no car), I can't really take advantage of that negative energy the way I'd like to.

    Hmm, this turned into quite a rant, didn't it?

    Congrats on 1 pounds lost!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It helps to rant sometimes, that is what we are here for. You can do it, one day at a time! I would like to recommend if you are going for a long drive next time and that stresses you out, try taking along healthy snacks next time.

    To get emotional eating under control is a beast, but you can do it. It takes a lot of self talk, self love and positive thinking and thoughts. Get rid of those stinking negative thoughts. Replace with positive affirmations. The more you do this the more you will believe in your abilities to overcome emotional eating. It will make you mindful of picking up your fork to sooth yourself.

    Another thing I do is IF I must eat something when I am emotional or upset I will eat something good for me, meaning healthy snacks. Sometimes I will even binge on cereal or salad. Veggies is better than cereal of course but 2 cups of ceral has worked for me also. It is better than fast foods--what I call FAT foods these days. When driving or wanting to order fast foods, I tell myself fast foods make me fat. It works most days. Fast foods was my demon for years and I had to find a way to overcome my addiction to fast foods. I am a firm believer they put some addictive in fast foods. As long as I stay completely away from them I do very well losing and maintaining my weight. The minute I go for something fast foods it takes me days to get back on track and to get the craving out of my system. Developing new habits take time, so be patient, you are doing great! You did not gain weight over night so one pound is one pound gone.

    Keep up the good work!! :wink: :drinker:
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    Screen name: atrayubrandy
    Goal for February 28th: 155
    February 1st (starting weight): 166.8
    February 8th: 165.2
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:

    Yay for a loss!! I've been doing so well lately. I only had one day where I was above my calorie intake (yesterday) but it was only by like 16 cals. I must admit, I'm TERRIFIED for this challenge! On days that I exercise it's usually in the form of pilates or dancing. The only time I really walk is at work. I might take an afternoon walk with my husband after dinner each day so long as the weather holds up. It probably won't be a mile but I'll do my best. :-)
  • poarche
    poarche Posts: 62 Member
    Screen name: poarche
    Starting weight: 183
    Goal weight: 173
    February 8: 182
  • Lmprf97
    Goal for February 28th:105
    February 1st : 116
    February 8th: 115
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    Screen name: Iorns78
    Goal: (as of Feb 28th) 155
    February 1st (starting weight): 165.6
    February 8th: 163.8
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • Screen name: Danoodle
    Goal for February 28th: 110
    February 1st (starting weight): 1186
    February 8th: 116
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:

    So far so good! But I'm starting a night class that will be 2 days per week from 6-8:30 right after work. So, eating a healthy dinner on those days will be VERY hard =(. Hopefully those late nights won't make me too tired to go to the gym at 7am like I do now!! yikes.

    I'm a little scared. It sure takes no time at all to lose the fitness I've been working so hard for everyday.

    Good job everyone! keep up the good work!

    Just a word of encouragement - it took me 1 month to lose my first pound! I was working out almost every day and eating right. I think I was building muscle mass while losing fat so the scale didn't read my success. Also, I was working hard building strength and fitness.........and most importantly I was building DISCIPLINE! I was able to get into a routine and kept it up even though the scale said I wasn't losing....and now I am feeling like I get to see results of my hard work. each time I reach a plateau and feel like I'm working for no reason, I have to remember that the discipline and commitment are a success in themselves.
  • Screen name: msJNFR
    Goal for February 28th: 165
    February 1st (starting weight): 174.4
    February 8th: 173.3
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • Screen name: Aaronc909
    Goal: 272
    February 1st (starting weight): 285
    February 8th: 281.6
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Screen name: Danoodle
    Goal for February 28th: 110
    February 1st (starting weight): 1186
    February 8th: 116
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:

    So far so good! But I'm starting a night class that will be 2 days per week from 6-8:30 right after work. So, eating a healthy dinner on those days will be VERY hard =(. Hopefully those late nights won't make me too tired to go to the gym at 7am like I do now!! yikes.

    I'm a little scared. It sure takes no time at all to lose the fitness I've been working so hard for everyday.

    Good job everyone! keep up the good work!

    Just a word of encouragement - it took me 1 month to lose my first pound! I was working out almost every day and eating right. I think I was building muscle mass while losing fat so the scale didn't read my success. Also, I was working hard building strength and fitness.........and most importantly I was building DISCIPLINE! I was able to get into a routine and kept it up even though the scale said I wasn't losing....and now I am feeling like I get to see results of my hard work. each time I reach a plateau and feel like I'm working for no reason, I have to remember that the discipline and commitment are a success in themselves.

    I love your attitude and you are right, it is about more than the losing weight quickly. Commiting to activity and strength training is very important if you are trying to lose weight for good. Sometimes many under estimate the powers of strength training. Once you get it going it will work wonders for your confidence, morale, and mostly your shape because your metablism will be better and those inches will make you look like you have lost more weight than you really have! I hope you are still able to keep you ST up even with your night time classes. I know you can do it with a little planning and disipline. I took classes and you will just have to come in and hit the sack.....:-)
  • Screen name: Dreambodyreacher
    Goal for February 28th: 285
    February 1st (starting weight): 299.9
    February 8th: 294.0
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • Screen name: Aaronc909
    Goal: 272
    February 1st (starting weight): 285
    February 8th: 281.6
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
    Good JOB!!!!!
  • nkiffle
    nkiffle Posts: 1 Member
    I know I am a week late but I would like to join this challenge. I hope that's ok.

    Screen Name: nkiffle
    Height: 5'7"
    1st weigh in (February 8): 156lbs
    Goal for February 28th: lose 6 lbs
  • I'm late to the game, but count me in!! :bigsmile:

    Screen name: LadyCrimson
    Goal for February 28th: 232
    February 1st (starting weight): 242
    February 8th: 240
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • Screen name: Nadyasmom
    Goal for February 28th: 125
    February 1st (starting weight): 135
    February 8th: 135
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:

    Just as I suspected--NOTHING! So frustrated.:grumble: Ate a cookie. :blushing:

    Goals for the week:

    really watch my sodium intake (I'm hoping that it might just be water weight holding me back0. Eat more protein, less carbs.

    Gotta add that mile. Hmmm...I wonder how far it is down ot the closest shop. maybe a mile? I'll have to take my kids. Let's hope it's warm enough some days!!!
  • Screen name: Dreambodyreacher
    Goal for February 28th: 285
    February 1st (starting weight): 299.9
    February 8th: 294.0
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:

    WOW! Well done!! What's your secret???
  • Thanks Mollie! It will take work and....you are right- Sleep!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    I totally love and get a kick out of the little button that states how much I would weigh if I eat like this for 5 weeks! :love:

    Do any of you love this button like I do? :happy:

    Like this morning I hit it once I mapped out my food for today and I take out my exercise calories by using the add calories button (-972) and my little button said 328 something if I ate like this for 5 weeks and I have been on a high all day and I plan to make sure I stick with my plan today so my little button will have me in the 320's in 5 weeks! And this is the 1st time I have seen it say the 320's too, just another confirmation I am coming on down the road.

    Is it just me? Please share, I know there is somebody else in this group who loves that nice little baby!:flowerforyou:
  • Screen name: Curlygirlyful
    Goal for February 28th: 210
    February 1st (starting weight): 220
    February 8th: 219
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:

    Even though I only lost 1 pound I can feel my body changing. In my workouts I can actually do a really plank without faking it and yesterday I did 10 real girl push ups. I am getting my "friend" this week. When I get my monthly "friend" I crave sugar. My goal for this week is to not let my emotions or cravings for food take over me. I want to take control of my sugar intake.
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