30 day shred starting jan 1--anyone in?



  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    L3D3 Done. o boy that last cardio is a killer
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread for encouragement! I'm only on L1 D5...it will be D5 tomorrow, this is the third attempt to try the 30 DS, I've had the dvd for a year! I did it for a couple days the last two times and quit because of the soreness. Well this time it's on!!! I'm already farther than the last two times so I cannot quit now. I am working through the pain this time thanks to encouragement from this site. I've been doing Leslie Sansones Walk Away the Pounds for a week prior to this to prepare myself and I believe it has helped, I can definitely tell I've already lost inches. I've been monitoring calories on this site too, it is amazing!! You all are really inspiring me, I have 30 pounds to lose and I'm so determined.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good Morning everyone!:flowerforyou:

    I haven't been on the computer in a while, so I haven't been posting messages.

    I want to say, however, that I did complete the 30 Day Shred challenge.:drinker:

    So proud of myself for keeping that promise to me.

    So now what do I do? Well, I've decided to keep going with the Shred, but only 3 times per week and do cardio on the alternate 3 days per week and top it all off with a good yoga stretch on the 7th day.

    I was still have a few pounds to go to get to my current weight loss goal but I'll get there.

    I haven't read any posts yet but will get to that tonight.

    Congratulations to everyone who has completed the challenge! Way to go!:bigsmile:

  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Sorry but not exercised in over a week. It's killing me, but this cold stuff is for the birds. I have not stopped coughing for over a week. It's getting better, but just no energy to exercise. I hope to get back on the band wagon in a couple days. Hope each of you are doing great in your shredding journey. I really miss the exercise.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    L3D4 Finished. the jumping is starting to get to my knees
  • jroulo
    jroulo Posts: 50 Member
    Level 3 Day 5 Wow what a workout. I purposely took yesterday off from all exercise except some nessary show shoveling but I still don't feel strong enough to say I have level 3 mastered.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    L3D5 done. level 3 is going fast. after all this time i've finally graduated to doing actual push ups instead of the girlie ones
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    Congrats to all who have finished!!!!! You all ROCK!!!:bigsmile:
    I took a couple days off shred because we had 18 inches of snow to be shoveled and removed so we could get around. So I was really beat from doing that. So tomorrow is my graduation day! I am so excited, now the trick is gonna be doing it with super bowl, but some how it will be done, even if it is before I head for bed!
    I am really thinking couch to 5k is next. We have a 5k run/ 2 mile walk in May in my small town so that is kinda my goal to be able to RUN in it! I did this 2 years ago and did the walk and pushed my son in his stroller. I had a cold and couldn't really breath and I was one of the last walkers to finish.....I was sad to see how slow I was at 26 years old and all these much more mature women were beating the socks off me. Anyway hope everyone finishes strong!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    L3D6 Done almost there.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    L3D7 finished. i'm really giving it all i got. i feel so strong. my body is actually craving this 20 minute burn. is anyone else here?
  • jroulo
    jroulo Posts: 50 Member
    I'm here Day 9 of level 3 if I counted right. I'm thinking about what I want to do next. I thought I might try putting levels 1 and 2 together for one workout and mix in level 3 a couple times per week. I'd definitely like to get some more Jillian DVD's.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    L3D10 Finished!!! hey i was thinking the same thing. rotating level 1 and 2. i now love Jillian so i might see what else she has. i also was thinking about purchasing some Bob Harper videos. but i love this constantly moving exercise i feel like i get more out of it and it's a stress reliever. good luck!
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