30 Day Shred Motivation Thread



  • Awesome Thread! Just started my second round. I did 30DS back at the end of September 2010. Lost 8.6lbs and 5 inches. Hoping to loose another 8lbs again. I am currently on Day 4. Level 1 is def. my favorite one. I hate Level 3 and am not looking forward to that LOL! Oh well I know it works!
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    L1-D2 I was going to wake up this morning and do it but my alarm didn't go off. So when I get off work today I will do it. I'm really going to have to push myself because I am sore head to toe. I ran for 30 minutes last night and did 30 day shred in the morning all while working a 12 hour day. I'm determined to do it though. I highly recommend starting out with 3lb weights if you're not used to much exercise. L2 I will go to 5 pound weights.
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    I am on board too! Ordered it through Amazon a few days ago. I also do the C25K (week 6!) so I will have to do both in one day since three times a week I go right from a long work day to teaching ballroom lessons....
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Man, I wish it was tonight already so I could do this and get it over with :)
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Hello everyone!!!:flowerforyou:

    You can count me in!! I started the 30 DAY SHRED last week. I did 3 days of level one and my legs hurt so bad I could not squat down to pet my neighbors dog!!!! :grumble: LOL!!! :laugh: I also walk 4.5 miles per day and try to do ZUMBA 3 times a week. So, after reading everyone's posts it's obvious I was over doing it!!! So, I would like to start it over and do the SHRED on the days that I am not doing ZUMBA. I love how everyone is so positive! I'm looking forward to the progress and support that we can give to one another!!

    Today I walked 3.5 miles and decided to come home, take a break and just finished doing the 30 DAY SHRED!!!! I feel great!!!! :bigsmile:

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!!!
  • lbisson
    lbisson Posts: 4 Member
    I have decided to dust off my 30 Day Shred dvd and start it up again! It should be easier with motivation from a group with the same interests. :)
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Hope you guys don't mind if I jump on this opportunity to do the shred again. I just completed a mini goal of doing the shred for 30 days in a row and I really enjoyed it and found that I was gaining more endurance and my body felt so much stronger.

    I have not yet mastered all of "Natalies" movements and was considering trying another round this time without any modification and increasing the size of my weights.

    Glad to have another forum to check in with to keep me accountable.

    Heres to our shreadathon!:drinker:
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    I got mine from Target. I will start with you all.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Yay. Big welcome to all the newbies. We can do this! And at least we have a place to brag/complain about it!
  • D1L1 completed!!! :bigsmile: I dreaded it for nothing! Even though it has been 16 months and I weigh a few pounds more (because of pregnancy weight) I am obviously more fit than when I started the shred last time. Today felt EASY compared to then!!!

    Here's to a new, shredded me for summer!!!!! :happy:

    Keep up the shredding everyone!
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    I am on day 4 and loving it!
  • tltincher
    tltincher Posts: 107 Member
    I bought mine earlier this week, started the next day on LEVEL 2....not recommended! I thought I was in decent shape. UGGHHH! I threw up afterwards. The next day I felt great though. Thank you for starting this thread, I am going to officially start tonight...on Level 1. Here's to us :drinker:
  • Started the Shred last night! I am a little sore today, but not as bad as anticipated. I may end up switching it up with another video every other day. But after doing just the 1 day, there is no way the Shred doesn't work! It has to....very intense!
    Love this thread, I will definetly come here for motivation when I need it =)
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    I found the video! Thanks for the On Demand tip! I watched it first to see the girls' form..(.the last thing I want is an injury) and then I COMPLETED DAY 1!! :)

    It went by faster than I thought but I only have 1lb and 10lb weights, I need to go buy the 3lb ones. I had to do the girl push-ups and on one of the lower ab moves when you have to lift your hips off the floor....it killed my back! I lift weights and do a lot of cardio but I think I have been protecting my back the way I hold my body and I could really feel how those muscles have not been used lately! There is a Precor ab machine at my gym that I have stayed away from because I always wrench my back using it. Who knows, may have a pinched nerve so I have stayed away from it.

    After I completed the video I went to Curves and completed a 30 min circuit and stretching. I had a much harder time making it through the workout and it showed as I burned less calories than usual. I think this may have been a little to much for me today. I usually use Curves on my "light" workout days twice a week. I also do C25k three days a week along with the Elliptical and at least 1 really heavy lifting day. I rotate all these and will also combine walking and biking. I have to have a bunch of different things so I dont get bored and I stay motivated. Plus I feel like cross training will help when I compete in Warrior Dash in May.

    So, four hours after the 1st shred day I can REALLY feel it in my upper abs. That's a great thing though!

    Happy Shredding,
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    just did day 3. for some reason the cardio was worse today then it was the past 2 days..i was shaking trying to breath.
    everyone says there legs usually hurt but mine dont hurt at all. i have no upper body strength so thats what really kills me, my arms hurt but even in the dvd she says " your legs should be burning right now" but there not. and i seem to be doing everything right. idk. i also did her banish fat dvd for a long time before this which is alot more leg stuff so maybe thats why. but its def hard. i cant do the push ups all at once. i gotta do some, take a second, then do the rest.
    and instead of the cool down i do more crunches cause i need extra work on the tummy area.

    on a side note. my bf just did day 1 today..he came out of the room panting and soaked in sweat!

    i dont sweat at all for ANY workouts.
    but i rarely sweat with anything...but he said its def. an intense workout.
  • Great....I am in....I will do it along with my C25K.....hopefully I wlll still be able to walk after all of this...I will start it tomorrow...I have the video, but I have never made it any further than a few days.....now I am a more motivated person than when I originally bought it!

    Yay mommy! ok. If you're going to do both maybe I can? the question is what to do first. Probably C25K. Or maybe one in the morning and one at night...

    (if you can't tell, I'm very impressionable)
  • Ok, so I bought this dvd months ago, did it once, thought I was going to pass out and haven't touched it since,lol. I have asthma so a lot of cardio knocks the wind out of me, but I have been doing yoga and practicing my breathing. This thread inspired me to try the DVD again, so on Sunday I will start the 30 day shred-with my inhaler close by my side for support! :happy:
  • lorirogs
    lorirogs Posts: 65 Member
    Do you need to have hand weights??
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Hey to my fellow fellas. I JUST finished Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. L1D4. My arms are shaking as I type this. argh!! I think it's getting easier. The side lunges with the anterior raises KIIIILLuh me!! I find I kind of slack off on that. Also, for those who've had c-sections about 9 weeks before starting this type of thing, did you find that the abs pulled a little more when doing the abwork? Like doing the leg lift/crunch. It kinda gets uncomfortable so I end up doing some other kind of crunch. So, I was just dropping in to say I finished day 4!

    I didn't want to pay 30 dollars for a set of 3 pound weights, so I taped 2 water bottles together. I find it works just as well and the grip is nice.
    Having weights would benefit you rather than none. So you may want to go for it.
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I have just finished Level 1 and tomorrow I'm about to start Level 2. I just watched it to see what I'm in for :grumble: I'm sure I'll do fine!! Well I hope so. On Level 1 the lateral raises with the side squat kill me - my arms are so shakey afterwards!!

    I am deterrmined to stick with is though and will finish my 30 days moving up a level every 10. I'll then go back and try again to do all the advanced moves - except press ups because I have very little upper body strenght.

    Hope everyone is doing well :heart:
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