Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Thank you ladies so much. I'm feeling better today (but then again I just woke up I love the benefit of Clomid (if it results in a baby of course), but the side effects drive me nuts (almost literally). So today I've got my appt to talk to the doctor about doing a day 21 progesterone (for my sanity) and recheck my blood sugar to make sure the amount of Metformin I'm taking is helping with the insulin resistance as well as putting me on progesterone after I ovulate. I'm gonna ask her about the mycoplasma infection as well. She is only a family practitioner but would be my doc when I get pregnant/deliver and then the baby's doc after.

    Erica I do feel lots of bloat. I weighed myself this morning and I am still at 146lbs so maybe I have dropped some weight but the bloat isn't letting it show on the scale! lol! Congrats on your NSV! I get motivated by watching Nike women's commercials as well as looking through my Women's Health or Fitness magazines while listening to good music. That is awesome that you accomplished that goal for the day!

    Pam you are absolutely right....I do feel a million times better when I eat healthy then when I just eat junk. I have energy, I'm happier, I feel thinner (even if the scale disagrees), and I believe that it is increasing my fertility health. Sometimes it is easy when you feel like you are going above and beyond (what anyone else is doing) and not seeing the results to get discouraged. This is how I feel with losing weight and ttc. I'm on a mission now to try and stay positive and know that God has a plan...even if in the meanwhile that plan results in me being a little hormonally imbalanced and "crazypants" as my DH calls me! lol! Hope you don't end up getting sick! No kissing! :)

    Alisa again I hope all is well. You are in my prayers!

    So I have a question for everyone! When are you planning on testing this month? Tues March 1st looks like the date for me.

    By the way, I had ordered Preseed online and was worried it wouldn't get here in time for babydancing which is to commence shortly...but it did get here! Yeah! And it came with this little packet full of sparkles and baby shaped "sprinkles" and on the packet said "Baby Dust"...almost made me cry (yup, can you tell I'm a little unstable?! lol!). Hoping this baby dust does it's magic this month!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I love those packets of baby dust. They sent me some when I bought preconceive tea. My husband just rolled his eyes at me. :laugh:

    I will probably test February 22 or 24. AF is due the 22nd, but I sometimes have a day or two longer LP and I don't test early... unless of course they do a progesterone draw and it's through the roof. :wink:
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Heather- How long left do you have on Clomid this month? I want to second what Pam said, you’re eating habits and exercise are what I strive to attain. I know it’s hard to put so much work into something and not see as huge of results as someone else would have for only making half the choices you have, but I assure you that your body and future baby benefits from it!

    FC for you Andrea, and try to forget about TTC while on your trip, just enjoy yourself, I know it’s easier said than done, but try 

    Pam – 15hrs is a long day! I hope you don’t have too many of those because you might be setting yourself to catch that cold your husband is getting. Take care of yourself!
    When is your appointment? I’m curious to know the results of both the surgery and to see what they suggest next for you now that you o’ed twice in a row!

    Erica – I loved your non-scale victory! What a great attitude, most people (including myself) would just wish I looked like her then stuff my face with salty or sweet snacks!

    AFM- On the weight loss side of things, I’m not actually doing so great this week, this makes me upset with myself because I did so well last week and had the scale to show for it. After my appointment Tuesday I’ve kinda aloud myself items that I normally don’t have too often such as coffee and alcohol. I think it’s because the realization that I may not have either again for the next year at least, so I’m taking it all in now!
    On the TTC front, I’ve been freaking myself out about the IUI! Every little mini cramp I have I’m freaking out that I’m potentially o’ing early and will loose my chance this month! I’m also curious as to what we should do on the DB front, I’m thinking we should BD either tonight or tomorrow morning before my U/S (but that’s at 6:45am) then hold off till the IUI to be sure the sperm count is at its highest, then BD every second day afterwards incase. Does this sound logical? Also does anyone have any suggestions on what we can do to help increase our odds before the IUI? Any suggestions are welcome, one of my friends is really big into crystals and gemstones and has suggested I wear a certain type of stone that helps with fertility, so I’m looking into it.

  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I think your husband is supposed to, ehem, refresh his reserves at least 48 hours before an IUI so that the little swimmers are healthy and new. My friends that do IUI swear by acupuncture, but I'm not so sure you could get in by your IUI. And none of them have had success, so that doesn't really sound all that helpful, though they are dealing with other fertility issues.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    The IUI can be as early as Monday so we just wont BD Saturday or Sunday (48hrs ish), as for the accupunture i have no ideas where to look for one let alone know if i could get an appointment, but I'll look anyway. I'm probably going look into some yoga poses too. Thx for the suggestions
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I would call and ask your doctor, but I would probably BD Saturday morning. That should give his guys enough time to regroup and in case you do O on your own, you aren't shooting yourself in the foot and missing it.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thx Erica, I'm making a list of questions to ask my Dr. for tomorrow morning and will confirm with him. I also find it weird that every site says that after a shot of Ovidrel I should have the IUI 24-36 hours later yet i'll have close to 72 hours in between if he gives me the shot tomorrow morning and i dont have an IUI till Monday. We'll see!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yeah, that is strange. Maybe he's just going to prescribe you the shot and you'll have to give it to yourself on Saturday night?
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    I thought of that too, it's the only thing that makes sense to me, but wow do i not want to give myself a shot and DH will never do it. I have two RN's in the family but they dont know we're TTC and they both have big mouhs so they're not options either.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi (I have done absolutely NOTHING at work today) LOL

    I just wanted to stop in and say....
    Ashley I'm so excited for you and I hope everything goes well!!! So I really don't have the knowledge to share... Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Heather - It sounds like Clomid is the cause of the gain, and if you get what you are taking it for, it would seem worth it! I hope so much that it works for this time! You too KAH! And getting stuck at a weight is certainly frustrating and rant worthy - no sorries! Have you been keeping track of your measurements? I bet you are seeing more of a difference in those. PS - Your recent pic is gorgeous.

    Pam - What a work load! My fingers would be numb, too!

    Erica - That is an excellent NSV! I am going to have to think of your accomplishment next time I can't seem to move my lazy butt! That almost happened to me last night, which cause me to be at the gym til 10, but I got myself there eventually, haha!

    Ashley - I can't wait to here how this goes for you - it's going so quick! I'm sure if you give the shot yourself, the doctor will give you adequate instructions (or I hope they do!)

    kcurtis - get to work!

    AFM: Thanks girls, I am going to have to try to ignore the whole situation until Sunday (highly unlikely!) I bought new pregnancy tests (what do you guys think about First Response?) and was going to keep them til Sunday, but I am too anxious so I tested again today - BFN. But it's too early still. Silly me! :tongue:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hello ladies! Still feeling better today than yesterday (small victories!). My appt went well. My doc prescribed me Prometrium to take after ovulation (for my own sanity since progesterone supplementation is not a for sure bet to deter miscarriages). She is also going to do Day 21 blood draw for Progesterone to see if I ovulated this month. I'm feeling really hopeful and optimistic about the probability that this is THE month and this baby is going to stick!

    Ashley I'm super excited for you! I love when things happen instead of waiting for things to happen! If I were closer I'd give you the shot! :) I don't blame you for not wanting to. I'm a RN and I don't think I'd be excited about giving myself a shot either.

    Andrea you are too sweet! :) And I have no room to tell you not to test, I'm pretty sure I'm a peeonastick aholic! lol! I did take my measurements on the 25th so I'm going to wait at least till the 25th this month to reevaluate them. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Feeling very cold and VERY ready for this weather to turn to Spring. (Can I complain anymore about the weather?!) I just want to open my curtains in the morning and see the sun shining on a world of green instead of white and brown....I don't know what it is, but this winter seems to be dragging on and on! Going to Spinning tonight to warm myself up a bit! Looking forward to seeing how many calories I torch in a Spinning class! I'm totally loving my Polar HRM (if you haven't noticed)! :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather - love the new photo. I saw it straight off and thought you were a newbie until I saw your name :P I know it's frustrating when you do everything right, but the results just aren't there. If you're feeling bloated, it probably is the meds....blah....bad meds (but good in the right ways).

    Erica - Way to go!!! I love it when I do that and biggest loser always seems to help me too....I hate sitting and watching it. I have to be doing something.

    Andrea - I too am a closet pee a holic.....LOL well except here. Then I'm all reasonable and say you should wait and all that good stuff, but I loved the ovulation kits because 1. I got to pee on the stick daily and 2. I always saw two lines....LOL

    Ashley - I'm thinking it's an at home thing and if I have heard correctly, you might not be able to give it to yourself, it would be awkward (unless it's a thigh shot). I'm trained to give shots (was a nursing student - are you an orange by chance? that's how I practiced at home) and I'm only 5 hours away....hmmmm....The ones the clinic they showed us were like an Epipen - just a jab - nothing to it. I did a search on youtube for fertility yoga - there was a bunch of stuff.

    AFM - Thankfully - it was only a 12 hour day today....LOL and tomorrow's only a 6 WOO HOO. DH's appointment after work for his follow up - I'm so nervous. I have to get out of the house to chill out a little....tomorrow we find out if having a baby will cost us $5K or $15K.......I will not be peeing on a stick this month - I'm confident that we missed the window by at least a week because I was way too miserable and contagious to do any BDing. Sniffly nose, fever, coughing and speaking like a horse are not sexy in the least. At least I'm not going crazy over it. My only hope now is that my body's not doing weird temp things and that I start my AF in a week. I was uber craving sweet when I got home and just ate a lot of dried cranberries......I'm not even a huge fan of them....but they were there.....Ugh! DH is feeling better today, no fever, but I'm still making sure that everything is disinfected and no SMOOCHING in this house!!! I'm not catching that again.
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Just a quick post and I will catch up later.

    Ashley - I think by Monday it will be too late if you get the shot tomorrow. I just did my shot on Monday night and I ovulated yesterday. They told me that I had to do the shot between 8 - 10 pm. It really isn't that bad giving it to yourself. I was a little freaked out the first time but it was fine this time. You give it in the stomach so it is a lot easier than somewhere else. Good luck! I am sure the doctor will tell you a bunch tomorrow.

    I have a question about FertilityFriend. I need to do a manual override because I used the Ovidrel shot and I can't seem to figure out how. I have looked on the site but I can't seem to find it. Any help would be appreciated.
  • whitelion82
    whitelion82 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh! so glad to have found this thread! My hubby and I would like to start TTC in September 2011, and I have been overweight for too long. I've had some kind of sleep thing for almost 2 years now (they called it Idiopathic Hypersomnia, which translates to "You sleep too much and we don't know why.") I fall asleep in the middle of the day most days.
    I'm hoping that exercising and eating better will increase my energy level where I don't have to sleep extra hours. I can't wait to start a family, and I REALLY want to have the energy for it!!
    I'm starting out at about 230 (depending on which scale I use), and I'd like to get to 150. I'd like to be less than 200 when we start TTC. Guess I can't continue losing once pregnant, right?
    Love to hear anyone else's motivation! Anyone in NH?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    KTau - I'd like to know that too actually.....I've tried adding in all the "signs" if I've been told it happened on a certain day, but that really messes with the data....Stomach eh? I guess it makes sense.

    Whitelion - Welcome. I too used to sleep randomly during the day - my doctor's said it was too much sleep, but I guess I just needed it. Since losing some of the needed weight, I find that I don't do it anymore (well except when I'm sick apparently). I'm now at 230 as well (well a little above that). We have a fertility clinic appointment since I've already lost almost 20% of my body weight (19.3% to be exact) and they're going to try what they have to to get us preggers. My goal is to be at around 220-225 (in the 220s at any rate) when that happens - thinking it will be March/April.

    My goal in losing weight was to combat the PCOS that's stopping me from being able to get pregnant. It looks like I have ovulated 2 months in a row which is exactly what I was hoping for. Now I just need to ensure a healthy pregnancy - which to me is about 30lbs of gain at most.

    Gotta run - it's worktime!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Thanks for all the encouraging words everyone, it really helps calm the nerves!

    Kcurtis – Any news about your niece?

    Andrea – FC for you, enjoy the weekend!

    Heather – I love the new pic, you look beautiful!

    Alison – Where are you? I hope all is well with you! I know your TTC is on hiatus till your hubby is back home but how have you been?

    Kt – I didn’t realize it was in the stomach, and as for FF I’m so new to it myself I have a few questions of my own, but if I remember correctly there is a tab for meds and HCG is one of the options. My account currently has me ovulating on CD9 when I know I didn’t (it was the day of my sono, so I’m positive) but I can’t seem to figure out how to override it.

    Welcome Whitelion!

    Pam – The weirdest thing happened last night, you were in my dream, which is really weird because we’ve never met! In my dream I was in TO for work (plausible because our other office is on Bay St, and the vendor I work closely with is in Mississauga), and of course like most dreams a bunch of weird stuff happened at work, but then I was having lunch with you and your husband, we were meeting for the first time and you were introducing me to your newborn daughter! She was beautiful by the way, and thing I remember so vividly was how she had that wonderful baby smell.

    AFM: A bit of sad-ish news from my appt this morning, the follicle is still too small so I’m going back Monday morning to do another U/S and if they’re bigger then they will give me the Ovidrel shot. This isn’t bad news, and I should have known everything was working so fast and easily that a delay had to occur, but I can’t help but be slightly disappointed that the IUI won’t happen on Valentines Day. Oh well, I guess I need to wait and see, it’s turning out to be the story of my life!

  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I have a question about FertilityFriend. I need to do a manual override because I used the Ovidrel shot and I can't seem to figure out how. I have looked on the site but I can't seem to find it. Any help would be appreciated.

    Scroll down to "Ovulation Detector" select "tuning/override" and then you can enter the day in the box provided. You can also change how your O is detected here. I recommend Fertility Awareness method for those temping. Advanced puts too much weight on your CM. FAM pays attention to your temps.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    abeare - Sorry that your follicle isn't big enough, but maybe now you can have the doctor give you the trigger shot and you won't have to worry about it.

    Welcome whitelion!

    My DH is sick (again). He's such a baby when he doesn't feel well. I really hope he doesn't share this bug. I'm still not 100% from the last one. And that means our Valentine's plans on Saturday are probably shot. :ohwell:
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thx Erica, your trick to override the O on FF worked for me too! And yes I thought about the fact that I won’t have to give myself the shot now that I have another U/S Monday. It also relieved my worries that I O earlier than the scheduled IUI, the Dr. told me that my follicle was at 12mm (which is weird considering the other Dr. told me it was at 15mm on Tuesday, so someone’s wrong because I don’t think they tend to decrease in size!) and that I was unlikely to O over the weekend naturally unless by fluke it grew abnormally fast. So here’s to hoping that come Monday it’s at the right size to give me the shot!
    So sorry to hear you hubby has a man cold! I hate those, I’d rather be sick than deal with DH sick. I hope you still get to do what you have planned for your Valentines Day!