*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Week #7 Discussion (Close

Wow what a week! So how is everyone feeling? Do you think what you did this week worked? Did you make any changes to your previous routine or do you feel you need to make changes for the upcoming weeks? How are you feeling overall mentally about the journey thus far?


  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I changed my routine. I started Insanity. If anyone are doing it, please let me know. I am looking for support. I am in C25K week4. Have been doing elliptical. These are not reflecting on my scale. I guess some days I went overboard with my food. Hmmmmmmmmm I need to have a strategy for that. Any help is appreciated.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
  • glittersoul
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Truly love all the support we give one another. The support and accountability of this group helps me immensely. Watched my sodium this week - with the exception of last night - forgot that shrimp was so high in sodium. Ate lots more fruit and fresh veggies this week. Switched to Trader Joe's sprouted bread. It is really good with a nutty flavor. Loving the changes I am making. I don't lose weight fast which is why I usually quit. Having this change through the beginning of June is Awesome for me.
  • helengator1
    okay S2S buddies! We are doing this!! Down only another .5 lb but at least I broke the plataeu. Eating more and exercising a bit less got me over the hump. Now I'm kicking the exercise back into gear and keeping the calories higher. Thanks to all of you for your advice and support!! Seeing you succeed really motivates me! Love this group. Thanks!! Let's have another great week!! Maybe next week I'll pull a big number and be into the 180's???? :happy:
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Was down 1.2. WooHoo! Started back doing the 30 Days Shred. I have TOM this week so I am really happy I still lost. It was a little better Monday so I am hoping for a nice loss next week. My goal for next week is to continue with the 30 Day Shred. I would also like to start March off by being 225 so 3.8 for rest of the month is very do-able. I seem to be losing slowly and thats ok as long as the scale is going down in the right direction.

  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Feeling like crap. Had a gain, again. I have lost and gained the same 1/1.5 pounds for over a month. Sick of this, and really ticked off. I am trying, and thought i was getting the hang of things. GRRRRR
  • bhonniered
    Feeling like crap. Had a gain, again. I have lost and gained the same 1/1.5 pounds for over a month. Sick of this, and really ticked off. I am trying, and thought i was getting the hang of things. GRRRRR

    That sucks! I am having the same challenge and am going to spend some time looking through my food diary - the answer has to be there!
  • mommy2two07
    mommy2two07 Posts: 128 Member
    I gained for the second week in a row. Really need to push myself to try to get in exercise more often. But I also need to try to get myself to snack on some healthier choices like fruit, etc. I really want to show a loss next week and hopefully a big one to help against these 2 gains.
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    I had a loss of 2 pounds this week after a gain of 1 pound last week - My goal this weekend is to get a new scale that measures by the tenth, because waiting to see each pound loss is killing me - I am down 2 sizes in jeans which is awesome!!! - this is my 16th week on MFP and have lost 19 pounds (currently 251)...it is slow going, but this is the first "program" that has truly been successful with me and actually feels like it is doable!! - Trust me, I have tried every pill, powder, shake, infomercial, etc....if I had all the money I spent on weightloss I would be a wealthy woman :laugh:

    I also want to get some type of weights to add to my workout - thinking about a kettle bell routine to start working on the muscles...Love my Leslie Sansone DVD's but need to add in something more - my calories have been refigured so maybe I will have better luck getting to my calories and adding in the exercise.

    Third goal is increasing my water - actually figured it out and I'm barely hitting my 8 cups a day so I want to bump that up!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hang in their ladies!!! - We are almost to the half way point - for any of you that are struggling it really makes a difference for me if my calories (AFTER EXERCISE) are at least 1200....and if I can keep my sodium under control - WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    bump.. :-)
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    I didn't exercise as much this week but i really watched what I was eating... I have always stayed under calories but it depends on what calories you're taking in.. this week was all fruit, veggies, beans, dairy and whole grains.. and I finally broke the plateau that I was stuck on and am happy to say I'm down 3.8 lbs this week!

    I'm hoping to be able to get more workouts in this coming up week.. keep up with the water intake and fruits and veg. I got the jillian michaels 30 day shred video from the library and I'm going to attempt to do some of it (we'll see how well I'm able to adapt the exercises to my bad back)

    good luck to everyone on this weigh in day and congrats on all the success :)
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Well, I made it to the gym the last 3 days, going again today. Last week I only went 2 days, had a stressful week and to make things worse I ate like crap all weekend long plus Monday!!!!:sad: I was actaully relieved to see I lost .2 pounds this week.

    My water intake is great. One thing that I continually have trouble with is SODIUM!!! I need to eat more clean!

    Thank you girls for being inspirational to me. Seriously I may have thrown in teh towel after this weekend and given up but you all motivated me to push on! We can do this!
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Hi all you lovely ladies! I'm down 2 pounds (for a total of 11lbs since starting!) which is great because last week was TOM so I'm feeling good about that.

    The biggest thing that I need to do is to start working out. Right now, my only workouts are walking up and down two flights of stairs to my apartment and hauling stuff around at work. I want to sign up for a 5K in the Spring, but I'm nervous about finding the time to train. We have 4ft of snow here and I can't really afford a gym membership (especially if I decide to go back to school), so I need to come up with clever ways to work out. Suggestions appreciated! And no, I'm not DVD type gal. I just need to get off my butt and get started!!

    Now that the weather is somewhat decent, I might try walking for 30 minutes after I drop my son off at school in the morning. It's something, right? :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So I maintained this week. I'm cool with that. I have prepped myself for it all week. I think it is funny how you know your body well enough to know that you aren't going to see a huge loss. I know my body has been out of whack and VERY tired this whole week. However, I did get some good rest last night. And man did it feel good.

    This week my goals are to:

    Stick with lots of water
    Keep eating the way I have been
    Keep going with Zumba...
    Also, I want to jog a few times this week in the morning (now this is going to be the hardest thing because I HATE running and/or jogging. I hated it even when I was an athlete lol. But I know it is a great overall workout and I really want to start working off some inches in my lower body as well.
    I'm thinking Zumba three-four days this week and weight training and jogging the other 2 days. Once I think of my schedule, I will let you guys know, so that you all can keep me on track lol.

    But I'm very proud of everyone! Keep up the hard work!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I am so bummed. My weight is still 191.6. I know I have been working out. alot, it is not reflecting the scale.........................
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Dhathri - Maybe its muscle gain from working out? Are you measuring yourself too? :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Friday Snowflakes!:flowerforyou:

    I am feeling so good! I am feeling good because I am so here in the head now. And it is finally paying off for me on the scale. Since December I have been getting consistent with my eating habits, which I have known is a key part to a success at a healthy lifestyle change and routine. Am I perfect? No I am not put I don’t have to be perfect to succeed. I am good with the exercise but my eating habits have been my biggest struggle for a life time and will be something I will have to contend with in my life forever. Changing our actions and mentality is the hardest part of losing weight to me.

    If mentally you are not there then eating and exercising is for nothing because we all can follow rules for whatever purposes or a challenge. But when the challenge is over and if you are not mentally with it then the weight will eventually come back. So since March of last year when I joined MFP I have been trying to get where I need to be mentally and I am finally getting there slowly but surely.

    So remember if we can get there mentally we can do this! Don't be afraid to seek help if you are not getting there mentally. Don't think that you need to be perfect and if not perfect you are a failure because you are not. A failure is when you give up or stop trying because your perceive it to be too hard or think it is too hard. I am never going to be perfect and I am at peace with that now. I know I am going to slip and have lapses and that is OK. But it is also important that I also know I can and will succeed. I know I will keep getting up as many times as I need to get up to succeed on my journey to have a healthier life.

    Losers, maintainers, and gainers all have something they can be proud of!! Negative thoughts and beating yourself up about a gain is only hurtful to you.:grumble: If you gained take a peek back to reflect on what you could have done differently or what you can do this week differently to make this coming up week a more productive one. Once you have reflected, let it go that you gain and focus on making the next week a better one. :bigsmile:
  • helengator1
    help! will someone please send me the wiegh in spreadsheet link and a new brain so i can just do it each week without asking for help. thank you!! embarrassed :blushing: