Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Quick post...almost caught up with my work outs this week...ran 2.31 miles which caught me up with my miles just need to get my strength in tomorrow and I'm golden! Plus today's run put me over 100 miles already so that is pretty cool! Hubby made "Healthified Tuna Casserole" and I have enough calories left over for some popcorn to go along with our movie tonight! Check in with you all in the morning-FINALLY will have time to devote to all of you!!!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Selfish post :)
    Hey Guys super tired today since I went out with my bestie last night and had a few beers hehe. I ate really well for being at a bar maybe that is why I felt a little hung. I only had 3 beers all night and ate a chicken salad with a fruit cheese platter. Score for good choices! We went for a scoop of ice cream afterwards but it was totally worth it. I tracked all my food so all is well. I have my duathlon tomorrow morning! Ahhh. I am picking up my bike at the bike shop tonight and I need to make sure it feels good before the race, then dinner and such. I was able to vent with my bestie and came to some good conclusions about my stress and everything. I think I need to give my man an ultimatum at some point. we have been together for 6 years and no ring... so I think I resent him unintentially and it just builds so I turn into a biotch. But this is another thing we just have to deal with in life. I feel really good today other than tired, emotionally ready to conquer the world. Sorry for the selfish post. Ill hopefully have pics from my race tomorrow. Have a great weekend!!
  • SeeCrystal
    Hello everyone I wish I could have reply sooner. I can't get the boards on my phone. But I believe it could have been water weight But I'm wishing on a pound or so gone since I got off track some...I love food. But i will exercise to the moon. I started walking and watching tv. Thats one of my new habits!! I wish all of you get weight loss for the week!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Gonks... Thank You. I have to be honest and say that it DID seem like I was getting yelled at in the beginging of your post. But that is just becasue I am emotionally unstable. LoL. I really apreciate everything you said. I have recently began dealing with my alcoholism. The past two months have been very eye opening to me. I have learned alot about myself and the reasons why I drink. I am begining to learn that "control" "selfishness"and "guilt" are my biggest issues. You just showed me that I am now attatching those feelings to food. Now I see why they told me not to make 2 life changes at once! No one likes being showed their wrong, especially if they are control freaks, like myself.... but I sincerly apreciate you pulling the wool from my eyes and letting me see how I am really thinking. I am determined to make the change to a better, healthier lifestyle. Of course I want to loose weight, but I need to realize that will come as I get healthier. Mental and Physical health need to be my priority.

    Now wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug from me. I hope you know how much you helped with just that one post.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    jbars - I am very much a solo-runner -- I can't stand working out with others because I don't like having to constantly worry about their pace, their burn, their practice, etc. I want to push myself as hard as I can at MY level and on my time. I also consider exercise "me time". I don't want to talk and socialize when I'm running or doing anything else. I just want to focus on me, de-stress, and be alone in my thoughts. Maybe just explain this to her and tell her it's you own thing and while you appreciate her support and encouragement (maybe she's just trying to be there for you and her intentions aren't as underhanded as you think?) you'd rather just do it on your own. Sometimes people just don't know where we're coming from. Try not to let it get to you and just keep reminding yourself that you are doing it for you! :happy: You're doing fab!

    jbars totally agree with Meag-it is MY TIME!!!! My husband didn't understand it at first but after I asked him how he would feel if he didn't get to go sit in his tree stand or go out on the boat he finally "got it". I love my family, don't get me wrong! BUT I do feel that since I started running-really running consistantly I am a better wife and mother. I have that half hour or more (depending on how far I'm running) to clear my head and to re-energize myself for my second-shift (wife and mother). I teach 2nd grade-so dealing with 24 7-8 year olds and their parents all day I tend to be a little short with my girls and hubby; running helps me to "let it go on the road" :wink: Plus it's nice to just have some alone time!!!

  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    2 hours later and finally caught up with all the posts....time to respond!!!

    Megan-taking it slow with the C25K is GREAT!! This way you won't overdo it or hurt yourself by pushing yourself too far too quickly! Plus you feel more accomplished when you hit new milestones (2 miles is HUGE!!!) CONGRATS!!!!! :happy: :flowerforyou:

    Meag-thanks!!! I wonder if missing a run for us is the same as a smoker (or drinker) going through withdrawls??? :sad: I hate missing a run! 125.7 lbs!!! WOWZA!!! going to be cheesy "weigh to go!!!" :laugh:

    Jbars-sign up for the 5K!!! Even if you do a run/walk combo you are still out there! I am ADDICTED to running (Hello, my name is Melissa and I am a runaholic :drinker: ) and to the races! They are so fun, upbeat, motivating, and are so high-energy! I'm always looking for races to's my drug :happy: Plus it keeps you motivated to do more!!

    Rachel-try looking on or I just googled Michigan road races and found tons of races! My 5 yr old played soccer and was more interested in picking the dandilions then in the actual sport. I think she would enjoy a gymnastics or a dance class-but most of the classes around us are geared more for at home moms and start before we get home from school/work BOO!!!!:angry:

    jnlynch-what a great week for you! My favorite part of my week (besides family time and running) is planning our dinners for the week and then going to the grocery store. I love seeing all the healthy foon on the belt and in my cart-and the comments and looks from other shoppers and workers (especially when my daughters are with me and picking out fruit/veggies).

    stuartme123-great job rededicating yourself to C25K! Just listen to your body and take it slow! Just looked up the Jamaican chicken recipe and wrote it down...added it to my dinner list for next week! Thanks for the YUMMY recipe!!! :flowerforyou:

    KanCrav-great job on the loss! I like the "give a stranger a compliment" way to pay it forward! Gonna try that today while we are out and about! In regards to Gonks post...I do have to agree...don't beat yourself up on food choices you make...we are taking this all one step at a time and being accountable is our first step! I by no means make perfect choices all the time and I am ok with that-I don't stress over eating 1 (or 3) chocolate chip cookies...they tasted GOOD!!!! I know that slip ups are going to happen BUT what I have learned is how to prevent myself from making it a daily occurance!!! Keep your chin up girly :flowerforyou:

    Katy-great job on the loss!!

    Guam-we are going to be doing some baking here too!!!

    AFM: No run (most likely) for me today; going to get in my strength workout from Thursday that I just didn't have time for. Also out to get supplies for some V-day treats for my girls to take in on Monday and the 100th day of school celebration. Need to finish planning my dinners for next week 2 days down-Jamaican chicken with mashed sweet potatoes (thanks to stuartme) and venison or turkey (haven't decided which) meatloaf in the crockpot! Have a great day everyone!!!!

    :heart: Melissa
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Just had to share my planned dinners for next week:

    Homemade chicken noodle soup (in the crockpot) and homemade bread (just need to find a non bread machine recipe and one that's easy)

    venison meatloaf (in the crockpot) and salad

    quesidillas (meatless) with homemade guacamole

    italian turkey or venison sausage stuffed shells with salad (or other veggie of girls' choice)

    Jamaican chicken with mashed sweet potatoes

    Hubby usually grills on the weekends so we shall see!!!!

    Making my list and checking it twice :laugh:

  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    So I love your meal list Melissa! I'm currently trying to plan the meals for the week. So quick selfish post...

    Yesterday as I was leaving work dressed in my regular clothes (not scrubs), I got called a skinny *kitten*! So this group must be working! :laugh:
    Then I went to Bob Evans last night with my mom, and the waitress kept going on about how we were doing such a good job eating healthy. She also mentioned she wasn't used to anyone drinking as much water as me. I take that as a compliment, too!

    So tomorrow we are doing my son's birthday party. He will be 4 on Wednesday. I can't believe my baby is so big! So anyway, I have a whole house to clean, 30 day shred to do, grocery shopping, and playing with the kids. My husband is out of town for the day. So I have to get moving.

    Meag- On the whole lightly active thing. In the beginning I was doing strictly lightly active even on the days I work. Then I started getting very light headed, dizzy, and weak while I was at work. After a couple of weeks of that, I started adding in 45min to 60 minutes of brisk walking depending on how busy my day was(I figured that since I was technically walking brisk for more like 12 hours that probably wasn't all that bad) and I wasn't getting dizzy or weak any longer. I would still say I'm lightly active on my days off work because I cleaning, doing laundry, playing with the kids, walking the dog, etc. I've not added the walking the last few days I worked, and I guess I will see how I feel. :smile:
  • kbellnurse
    Love the meal lists guys! I always made a little one on the back of my grocery list so I know what I need to buy. (Especially being car-less it is essential I don't need to go back to the store during the week)! Some of those ideas sound soo

    @rachel - congrats on being called a skinny *kitten*!! Must have felt great! I work with a bunch of women who feel the need to comment on every pound i gain, bah. But they do give me credit when it comes back off too ;) Have a good weekend!
  • CaptainJim157
    Hey, how's it going today? :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meredith-thanks! and i hope D3 went ok?! I'm pretty sure its not a "sign" or anything!! LOL keep up the great work!

    Kandace-great job on getting back in line with this months goals!! finish strong and you will get it no prob! WTG on the 6 days sober, and enjoy your walk to the bakery with the pup! also way to volunteer...that's awesome!

    Katy-great job on the 5lbs so far!!

    Meag-awesome job on the new low!! it's nice to have a lil extra cushion room for the freak out days!

    Megan-great workout, and WTG on the 20lbs of fat gone forever!!

    Melissa-you are kickin it as usual!! i hope you enjoyed movie and popcorn night with the fam, and that's some great looking food that you've got planned for the week!!

    AFM-not doing fantastic on my water...but you know me...I will be making up for it over the next few days now! LOL Went and saw 2 shows with my new bf this weekend which were awesome!! tried sushi for the 2nd time in my life with him as well, and it was a lot better then I remembered!! and mfp has a bunch of rolls listed for calories so i had no probs logging it! now I just need to worry about the V-day potluck at work!
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Another selfish update:
    While my back pain miracously disappeared the same day I mentioned on this thread that I was having one, the right side of my neck & shoulder became stiff & has paining since the past 2-3 days. Nevertheless, yesterday morning I had decided I would get myself massaged by hubby & immediately go to the gym to tun my 1st 5k on the treadmill. But when I started running, I was ready to give up after 10 min. Then thought ok 15 20min. After 20 min I was comfortable running again & ended up running my 1st 5k :drinker: In fact, I actually ran 3.25 miles & my legs could have gone further, I am so happy!!! Thank you all for the support & encouragement :flowerforyou: And now my neck & shoulder's much better too. I think another run tomorrow would make it perfectly fine :smile:

    I also made the black bean muffins. You were right KatySteel, they turned out pretty decent. I've been eating 2 a day. I think TOM is around the corner. I've been feeling so hungry & my hubby was laughing seeing the way I was eating today. Most of it was healthy but tonight we'll have pizza...have to have it once a week :happy:

    I tried on a dress today that I wanted to wear for my anniversary since I didn't fit into it for new years. It fit me well but I think it's too cold & don't want to wear it now. Will have to find something else....don't want to shop though :(

    Getting ready for lot more travelling now & once that is done, it will be time to work towards my bikini goal :love:

    Hope you are all having a fun & healthy weekend!! :drinker:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    spell-glad that your back/neck/shoulder are feeling better and that you were able to get that awesome run in!! a 5k is a huge accomplishment WTG!! also wtg on that could always compliment it with a shawl or scarf if it's too cold :)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~spell...congrats on the dress fitting!! Small victories keep us going!! Maybe you can alter it a little to make it warmer like a small sweater or a wrap??? (wow, i didnt know radd posted the same

    ~Kbell... anything new on the car front??? I know your gonna find one soon, I can feel it!~!

    ~Captain Jim... Im good.... How are YOU????

    ~radd... good luck with your potluck. I have NO self control when I am around a bunch of food, I end up "tasting" everything. lol. I know youll do fine though, your a champion!~!

    AFM.. I feel like I have been on MFP ALL WEEKEND... that is a good thing though, I could be worse Not drinking has freed up so much time for me, I almost dont know what to do with myself. I am walking my dog more, I try to time it but it doesnt always work out so I just log the same time everyday and figure it will balance itsself out sometime. Im super excited for the gym today. I didnt make it yesterday cuz it closed early. :( Im not gonna beat myself up about it though. Im trying to be nicer to myself this week. I was in the mood for celery this morning (very strange!~!~!) but I didnt want peanut butter. So I mixed some cottege cheese with a little garlic salt and black peper and stuffed that into the celery. Its SOOO good. I dont know where these cravings are coming from but Im glad that they are for healthy things and not chips!!!

    Tuesday is my fourth wedding anniversary!!! We are not doing much (unless there are plans I dont know about) but I am ok with keeping a low profile, its been a very hard year for us.

    I had WAY too much coffee this morning and I am getting restless waiting for my friend to go to the gym with me so I might go find something to clean.... Ill be back later, have a great sunday everyone!~!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Ok quick question...recently one of the QOTD's was go to breakfast Meag and someone else (sorry I don't remember who else) mentioned a cereal. I think a blueberry wheat something?? I was at the store yesterday and saw nothing! HELP ME!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey!~!~! Guess what! I am not ObEsE anymore!~!~! YEAY! Now Im just OVERWEIGHT!~!~! THis is AwesOME!~!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning everyone and happy Sunday :happy: Wow what a busy weekend! I've spent so much wonderful time with the boy, running, driving into the city, doing some food-experimentation and working and I really haven't had more than a spare min or two to log my food (on my phone) and post a status update here and there. Been really wanting to catch up with all you wonderful ladies. I feel like I'm going through withdrawal - And as usual, I've missed so much!

    This weekend has been SIGNIFICANTLY less stressful and anxiety-ridden than last weekend, so that's a major bonus. I'm feeling good about my food intake and about not stressing when I have something that doesn't exactly fit my eating regimen. Definitely doing well at giving myself a bit of a break and being a little more lenient. Not perfect, of course, but better. I treated myself to some very yummy coffee at a Toronto cafe yesterday (times 2), including a soy latte, and didn't stress when we made dessert on Friday night. I also went to the grocery store before getting to Ty's place Friday night and brought over a bunch of fruit, yogurt and cottage cheese so that I have options while I'm there. Makes me feel a little "safer" being out of the house...

    Works been keeping me exhausted. 5 hours of sleep per night, max. But despite my lack of sleep I managed to run my FASTEST 5K TIME EVER yesterday :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: WOOT! Holla! I was sooo thrilled. I felt amazing once I hit the streets and decided, "Meag - today's the day. You can do this." And I did. Sure, I only beat it by 8 seconds. But that's OK with me! Felt great averaging a 9:34 pace, especially since I had to contend with traffic lights and idiot pedestrians (unlike race-day). My last mile was UNDER 9:00 -- a friggen miracle! haha It felt amazing knowing I could keep up that pace and speed up as I fatigued. A definite sign that my training is working :bigsmile:

    Melissa - Posted on your wall in a hurry, but for anyone else that wants to know they are Kellog's Frosted Mini-Wheats, Blueberry Muffin flavoured and they are SO good on their own or with milk. Yummy!

    Kan - Cottage cheese, ground pepper, and fresh veggies is an awesome snack! I love it with grape tomatoes, cukes, bell peppers, anything salad-y :happy: Just toss it allll in a bowl. And if you're feeling like a little extra something on top, have 2 Tbsp of hummus mixed in with it. So many good flavours going on.

    Spellbinder - Wonderful accomplishment on your 5K lady! You must feel great :happy: Be careful with the shoulder/back injury though because running can really aggravate your upper body as well. The impact of running combined with your arm swinging can be surprisingly hard on your shoulders, especially if you tense up at all when you run. Make sure to keep your shoulders and back completely relaxed as you're running and try not to "bounce" as much as you can. Stay low to the ground and take short strides - definitely want you staying injury free! And LOVE that you are totes ready for the WD now :drinker:

    Tj - Mmmmm sushi! Jealous! :tongue: Glad you liked it. Sushi is one of my faves but I never get a chance to grab any! It's been on my "to do" list for months...

    Rachel - Awesome compliments and great job on the water! Wish I could manage to drink that much...Usually I get comments about how much COFFEE I drink. Not nearly as complimentary hahaha Sounds like if lightly active is working for you, then stick with it, and treat every day as a work day, I guess. I'd only really worry about it if you're feeling like you are starving (not emotionally hungry but legit hungry) or not losing at all. Just be sure to eat your cals and log all your food and exercise. I'm sure you'll be successful!

    Melissa (again) - Missing runs is TOTALLY like being a smoker with a 12 hour shift and no smoke breaks! Makes ya crazy and irritable :laugh: At least it makes me! But the rest allowed me to have a super great run yesterday and so maybe it was worth the time off... Love your meal planning and hope your 10K "race" today goes well. I'm sure you'll blow me right out of the water! I'm used to it by now :wink: No harm no foul, girl.

    Aly - Good luck on your duathlon today!! I'm sure you'll do great :bigsmile: Not sure how to respond to you comments about your bf... Ultimatums, in my experience, usually have pretty mixed results. You really can't anticipate his reaction and they tend to come off as being quite aggressive/inflexible. Maybe your best bet, instead, is to have a really genuine serious talk with him about how you feel instead of forcing him to make a decision he might not be ready for. Ask him how he feels, what he thinks about it, etc and maybe there's a very legitimate reason he hasn't popped the question - Men have feelings too! The last thing you want is to start off that convo on bad footing and have him feel attacked or go on the defensive. Instead of making it a me vs him thing, try to talk it out as partners. That's just my advice... I know that any time I've been given an ultimatum it's immediately made me resent the other person for not taking my feelings into consideration. Should be about "us", not just about them. Hope you take this advice in the spirit it's intended. Definitely just want you to be happy and not needlessly stressing - and it seems like your bf is usually there to help you cope with stress and make sure you're happy, so I'd hate to see that ended on account of something like this <<hugs>>

    kbell - Sorry to hear about your continued troubles finding a vehicle - that sounds incredibly frustrating. But I know you'll pull through and manage. These struggles in life help to build character and make us stronger and more resilient. Just keep reminding yourself of that. You'll look back on this and see how much you've grown. Lean on your husband when you need to and keep your chin up. That's the best we can do. I know I've been struggling to find meaningful, field-specific work for about 18 months now with no avail and sometimes I feel totally helpless but I just have to remind myself of all the good that's come from this experience. You're going to come out the other side feeling stronger - Promise :flowerforyou:

    Gonks - You're like an MFP buddah... So wise! Loved your post to Kandace and I hope that others read it (myself included - I need a smack upside the head sometimes too!) Thanks for that! And love having you back. Update us with YOUR stuff sometime soon.

    Guam - Hope you had a great weekend with the boy and that the kids V-day prep went well! Can't wait to hear about it today/tomorrow :happy: Keep kicking *kitten* and stick with the C25K - You're doing great!

    OK that's all I have time for right now. Heading out in a little bit for my run. Pork tenderloin, roasted buttercup squash and green beans for dinner tonight. Yum! And then heading over to the boys to have a little date (billiards - yay) and maybe watch a few Eps of "Louie" if we have time. Love spending my weekends with him and really just can't get enough - I am amazed every I see him with how perfect things always are. So incredibly happy :bigsmile:

    Have a great Sunday everyone. Much love :heart:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Meag- you read my mind! It is updatey time.

    First- Kandace, I’m really glad I could be helpful. I do tend to be a bit of a finger wager, so definitely take my tone with a grain of salt (esp online, it’s hard not to). And really, rest assured- it’s something we all struggle with. I gained this week, and while I *know* that I’ve done well this week, and that there’s something else that’s causing this, my first inclination was to not go out with my roomie this weekend (we were getting Indian for her and double my workout. Even now, I’m working to not think about it, not stress about it and keep my cals and my working out in balance. It’s so easy to let guilt and shame and even control become a part of the lifestyle, but in reality, they hold us back just as much as overeating or general inactivity.
    I have some homework and some work work to finish before going to see the boy tonight so I’m gonna make this a bit of a selfish post.

    So for weigh- in this week, I gained a lb, which has been a bit of a hit. I’m trying not to obsess over it and I think I’m doing pretty well- went out last night, got some cals from my w/o to play with, tried my first green monster—but I definitely feel a little “blah”. Yesterday I carved out time for my long run, and even though I know I walked 2 miles earlier in the day, I felt really defeated that I could only get up the energy to get 4.5 miles. I know I should feel good, but im just feeling a little out of it- the combo of the gain in weight and loss in fitness is just kind of a double whammy I could have done without. Maybe I’ll try to go for a tempo run today and change up my routine a bit for this week (more the order I do things than the actual workouts).

    Okies kids, Back to the grind for me. Tootles poodles. Hope everyone enjoys the nice weather!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Just got back from the gym and the grocery store. I accomplished W5D1 of C25K like I wanted too, but I also wanted to stay at the gym longer and get a higher burn in, but the hubby and I had a tiff before I left the house and I couldn't get my head in the workout. The good part was hitting up the grocery store I didn't even attempt to deviate off my list because I wanted to get home and just be done. So not only did I get super healthy items, but I also managed to spend very little money!! Yippee!! It helps that we still have a lot of choices in the house, but never the less!

    I am currently trying to not be mad that I didn't get in more of a workout and to be very happy with completing W5D1. So i'm faking it until I make it! I am sure a walk with the pup later will certainly help.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Got my 10K "race" in today and was excited to beat my first actual 10k race time of 62:45 to 58:25! I know what you mean Meag about the training-I can totally tell that the interval and pace workouts are working :happy: Made a YUMMY GM afterwards! My girls both love making smoothies and as I was helping my youngest (who is potty training right now) in the bathroom my oldest came walking by with my GM cup drinking it....You DON'T mess with a fatigued woman's GM!!! She wanted one of her own...even after I showed her everything I put in it she was like, "yeah, well I like all that stuff anyways!" too funny-so I gave her some of mine!

    Trying a new recipe tonight...acorn stuffed with wild rice and venison...a little higher in calories (I think it was about 430) but that was for an entire half of squash...will let you know how it turns out!!!

    Off to prep veggies for the week and change laundry (for the 5th time today)
