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  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    To all here is another wrap that I like to make and the family loves I found it on the Discovery health website Just Cook this

    Mediterranean Chicken Wrap

    2 chicken breasts
    1/2 lime
    Olive oil
    Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper
    2 cups mixed salad greens, your choice
    1/2 cup cucumber, seeded and diced small
    2-3 ounces feta cheese crumbles
    Roasted red pepper strips, the kind from a jar
    Light Caesar Dressing
    4 large whole wheat tortillas or wraps

    Place chicken breasts in a large ziplock bag, add 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, season well with Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper and juice from half a lime — seal tight.

    Using something heavy, flatten until the chicken is an even thickness of about 1/2 inch thick.

    Heat a grill pan or skillet really well, and add chicken. You're probably not looking at more than 3 or 4 minutes a side (if your pan is hot enough) to cook the chicken yet still keep it moist — and moist is what you want.

    Remove chicken from pan and cut into thin strips.

    Dress salad greens with a little dressing. Warm wraps slightly in a microwave and put on flat surface.

    Spread salad among the wraps and add to each: some chicken, some feta, some cucumber and some of the red pepper strips. Roll up, cut in half and serve.

    Serves 4.

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    To all here is another wrap that I like to make and the family loves I found it on the Discovery health website Just Cook this

    Mediterranean Chicken Wrap

    2 chicken breasts
    1/2 lime
    Olive oil
    Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper
    2 cups mixed salad greens, your choice
    1/2 cup cucumber, seeded and diced small
    2-3 ounces feta cheese crumbles
    Roasted red pepper strips, the kind from a jar
    Light Caesar Dressing
    4 large whole wheat tortillas or wraps

    Place chicken breasts in a large ziplock bag, add 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, season well with Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper and juice from half a lime — seal tight.

    Using something heavy, flatten until the chicken is an even thickness of about 1/2 inch thick.

    Heat a grill pan or skillet really well, and add chicken. You're probably not looking at more than 3 or 4 minutes a side (if your pan is hot enough) to cook the chicken yet still keep it moist — and moist is what you want.

    Remove chicken from pan and cut into thin strips.

    Dress salad greens with a little dressing. Warm wraps slightly in a microwave and put on flat surface.

    Spread salad among the wraps and add to each: some chicken, some feta, some cucumber and some of the red pepper strips. Roll up, cut in half and serve.

    Serves 4.

    Yummy sounds good gonna have to try this one,,.Tomorrow I will be celebrating Valentine day!!

  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hi everyone!

    Well I did hhave a loss this week! When I was at my moms last night to shower(we won't have time to fix the water heater until tomorrow) I stepped on her digital scale(same one I had borrowed for last weeks weigh in) anyways it was after 8pm and it said 179.1!!! AT NIGHT!! You know who is lurking right around the corner so who knows what it will say in the morning but all that really matters is that I saw a 7 not an 8 AT NIGHT!! :smokin:
    I am fighting eating too much because of that a hole TOM lol and I can't believe the scale really said that because I have not been able to work out at night like I usually do because I can't shower afterwards. But I guess it's true about eating those exercise cals! I have had nothing left over this week and lost!? :drinker:

    Have a great weigh in tomorrow but as I always say no matter what it says just keep going!! :flowerforyou:
  • brashear_2420
    Hi everyone. I hope you all have had a great day. I did not get to do the fit for two pregnancy class today. The instructor had her baby and they are not having the class anymore. I was very sad to hear this. I was really looking forward to it. So my friend and I walked the track for about 30 - 35 minutes. She is 26 weeks and has not been exercising. That was as long as she could handle, but we are going to do it again next week. She needs to get in some exercise and so do I. It was nice just to talk for a bit and I was happy to get in my exercise. I had a good day today. I also paid bills and balanced the check book. I filled out my medical papers to take to the OB on the 23rd. I also started getting everything ready to do our taxes. We have an appointment on Tuesday morning to get them done.

    Anyways I hope everyone is doing okay and that you are all big losers tomorrow. My goal is to maintain.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Jena- when you posted 179 my eyes went big for you. How stinking exciting !!! I cant wait to stop seeing that stupid 5 lol

    So I didnt avoid whatever was taking over my kids last week lol. It was a one day thing though so hopefulyl Ill feel better tomorow!. But man I can see why my daughter slept all day the day she had this. So needless to say I wont be working out tonight like normal. got in almost all my calories fortoday which is great since I didnt feel like eating. Ive been drinking alota tea and trying to keep fluids in since Im losing alot. my mom of course was freaking out since DH isnt coming home tonight and she thinks I should go to the ER lol I said its one day Ill be fine. Im hoping I see some kinda loss tomorow since TOM is gone and I really did eat prettydecent this week minus the min blizzard yesterday!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning my peeps..The scale was up on me this morning by 1.2 nothing at all.. I know and I say that to myself, but also with the gain I am showing almost a 1% in muscle gain also.. So I will take it..

    Last day of training went well.. I made it to the next step.. I have an interview monday at 1145 am.. I am the only one who wanted first shift which is 5 am to 330 pm.. I will be glad when this process is over.. This is an excellent job.. So I am pretty proud of myself..One of the trainer last night when he was doing my interview with them, was like Tamara you motivate me, you freaking motivate me..Which made me feel good.. Also my friend who already works there called last night and said oh yeah I heard them talking about you today.. I was like what, what were they saying and she was like they were saying they only recommend you and one other person.. So then I was on cloud nine..

    Well gotta leave a few minutes early for the gym I have to get gas this morning.. I am in an awesome moood. Who cares the scale was up I believe yesterday I was in my size 2 pants.. So I am over the scale, still gonna weigh on fri but you know, its doesnt determine who I am, and how I will feel afterwards..

    ANd tomorrow I wil take my much needed rest day..Hubby and I are working together today gonna have an early dinner then dessert somewhere for my valentines day..

    Hope everyone had a good weigh in and send me your weights promise to have a chart up this weekend for everyone to see.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    WOOOHOO finally moved the scale. Im down only 1 lb but Im ok with that. I was sick and TOM soo woohoooo. Im gonna do this! SO IM still at that stupid 5 lol 150 and next friday I beter not see that stupid 5 or I might scream lol.
  • brashear_2420
    Hi everyone. Well I was up another 0.5 pounds this morning. I am trying not to gain, but it keeps happening. I am not feeling well again today. I think morning sickness is coming. I barely kept my breakfast down and have been feeling queasy all day. I ate lunch and so far so good.

    Tamara - I am proud of you for just rolling with the punches. I am glad to see you were up in muscle.

    Jessica - Yay. I am glad the scale finally moved for you. Make that 150 disappear soon. I hope you are feeling better.

    I hope everyone else has great losses too. Have a great day everyone.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hi everyone. Well I was up another 0.5 pounds this morning. I am trying not to gain, but it keeps happening. I am not feeling well again today. I think morning sickness is coming. I barely kept my breakfast down and have been feeling queasy all day. I ate lunch and so far so good.

    Tamara - I am proud of you for just rolling with the punches. I am glad to see you were up in muscle.

    Jessica - Yay. I am glad the scale finally moved for you. Make that 150 disappear soon. I hope you are feeling better.

    I hope everyone else has great losses too. Have a great day everyone.
    Saltine crackers mama!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I want sweets so bad and looking at the vday stuff everywhere makes me want them more. Anyone have any low cal sweets recipe thats easy. I have cake mix and frosting from last vday that is still good, I was thinking of letting my daughter make cupcake for DH monday. I have two things of sugar cookie mix leftover from christmas too so Ill have to make some and have the kids use the leftover frosting on it since I know that big thing of frosting will be too much for cupcakes. But I would love something I can pig out on and not feel quilty or not eat a whole meal because of eating a cupcake yaknow.
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    ok my wonderful group- First I woul like to say sorry for being a wall for a few days. It has been crazy busy for me between a two day funeral and making myself go to the gym I have been a bit busy. I really appreciate all of you for looking out for me. I did do really great this week somehow it the mist of everything cause I LOST 5 LBS THIS WEEK!!!!!. Which means I met my first mini goal of 25 lbs lost. For my reward one of my best guy friends is treating me to a healthy lunch date. I am so excited. Now I am setting a new mini goal of another 25lbs. When that happens I am going to treat myself to a new hair color. I have never had my hair foiled and colored so I can't wait.

    FernandoMike- Glad to see you on here my friend and stick with us. I also appreciate all of the kind words.

    Tamara- Thanks for the push and I really appreciate all that you do to help me with this journey.

    Bobbie- Glad your tummy feels better. I miss you so much. Rub the belly and tell my little baby I love her or him.

    To everyone else- Take care and keep up the great work. We are in this together. If one of us falls the rest is there to pick us up and when one is up with are up with them.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey there just checking in.. Have a busy day planned about as busy as yesterday so I will be non exsistent today..But my eating will be a whole lot better then yesterday lets just say I had the best valentine with my honey and thats hard to say because sometimes you just loose the touch after 11 years together..But he made me feel like a queen lastnight and thats all that matter.. I am fixin to go ride my scooter for about an hour or about 4 mile. then home to go foos shopping then to go pick up girl scout cookies then off to get kiddos.. I may hit the movies sometime today before we go get kids and after food shopping, just depends but gonna roll with the punch..I signed up for indoor triathlon I am super excited.. you swim 500 meter you run 3 miles and you bike 12 miles.. I am so ready to change this up this year,,,so come on spring I am ready to play outside.. Well its 21 degree so wish me luck on scootering.. I will have a blast.

    Love to you all have a awesome day and cherish each day like its your last..your never guarenteed tomorrow!!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Just checking in real quick. I have to work all day then hubby and I are celebrating Valentinse tonight, He is cooking me veggies, brown rice, and chicken. He will also have a cresent roll with it but at this point I don't plan on having one. I do plan on having a bit of desert which he tefuses to tell me what it is. I figure that I am doing so well and today I am going to stay on the straight and noarrow so I can enjoy a bit of dessert with my man. Not planning to be on here anymore today other than plugging my food in so everyone have a wonderful night.
  • brashear_2420
    Good evening everyone. I have had such a good weekend so far and a busy one too. Last night my sweet husband came home with a dozen roses, a fresh cut roses yankee candle, rose petal bubble bath, chocolate, and an ipod cube for the upstairs bathroom. He had a theme. I love roses and he calls me his rose. He knows how much I like my baths. So he bought the cube for me so that I can listen to whatever I want when I am relaxing and he got the candle and bubble bath so I can relax. We are celebrating all weekend. He wants to treat me like a princess and I will gladly take it. He took me out to dinner last night and it was so yummy. We finally found a chinese place that we liked. Then we went and walked around the 2 casinos in the area. They were like a maze inside, but so beautiful. We spent a few hours walking around them. The lighting and water features were so nice. We had a great night.
    Today he has duty and is on the base all day. I sent banana nut muffins with him this morning. I cleaned the house this morning and then worked out for an hour. I also did 3 loads of laundry, went to the store, made 2 dozen cupcakes, and a V-day cake for my hubby. I also took dinner to my hubby on the base along with the cupcakes for his buddies. The cupcakes were a surprise and the went like crazy. I came home and made chocolate dipped strawberries and marshmallows for tomorrow. I also made a strawberry compote for breakfast tomorrow. I am making waffles tomorrow and we are doing strawberries and whip cream on top. Then he is cooking lunch and dinner for me and I have been ordered to take a bath and enjoy my gifts while he cooks. It is going to be a great day. It has been a great weekend so far. On Valentine's day I think we are either going to lunch or a movie. Then our celebrating will be done. All I can say is that I am one tired momma. I think I will sleep like a baby tonight.

    Tamara - I am glad you had fun doing the scooter. My workout kicked my butt, but I powered through it. Glad you are doing good and changing things up.

    Amber - I rubbed my belly and told the baby you love them. Great job on losing 5 pounds. Enjoy your luch with your friend. Have a great V-day dinner with the hubby. You deserve it.

    Jessica - I wish I could help you with a healthy sweet options. All we have is bad stuff in the house right now. This is our last big splurge weekend for a while. I got to keep it together.

    To everyone else - I hop eyou are all doing great. have a great V-day weekend.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Howdy busy day for me today..scootering getting kis home son has baseball practice hubby has a service call daughter wants to swim i am gonaa lift need o get shirt for interview tomorrow i need to get eyebrows waxed,oh yeah and deliever girl scout cookies..So what am i doing sitting at the computer..eatin my oatmeal and coffee.

    Amber- I hope you enjoy your dinner and dessert.

    Bobbie- Enjoy the spoiling

    Jena- I know you are excited about your anniversary tomorrow.

    Don- What are you doing with your wife for valentines day?

    Karen- Where have you been?

    Jeanne- A loss is a loss..Good job.

    For everyone else I missed I just looked at the clock and I have to leave in 30 minute still need to finish oatmeal drink coffee get dressed and deice my gotta get..
    Well I Better get, I still have to get gas before I do all my running around or I wont be running around!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Back to basic team come out come out where ever you are!!! Come back to me.. I will post chart tomorrow trying to finsih up studying these behavorial questions formy interview tomorrow!!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Well I came home last night to a candle light house with a beautifully dressed table and picnic in the livingroom. Silky rose petals, and wine glasses. Red heart shaped dinner plates and a nice cooked meal. I did'nt have to lift a finger. Although I did weigh my food. I enjoyed every bit of my brown rice, veggies, and chicken. Ok so I did eat 3 cresent rolls!!. Then hubby surprised me with a valentine cupckae from the local cupcake shop, and some arbor mist strawberry wine, I only had a few sips of wine but I sure did eat my whole cupcake.
    Then today I worked and then I went to the gym with Tamara and died a little on the arc machine for 45 min and 10 minon the ski machine. I was just beat when I was finished but now that I am home and settled I am so happy that I did it.

    Tamara- thanks for kicking my butt today at the gym.- oh yeah and for future refrences you should never deliver peoples 4 boxes of girl scout cookies to the GYM!!!

    Bobbie- Glad you are being treated like a princess. Enjoy it girl you deserve it.

    Everyone have a wonderful valentinse day tomorrow.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning..Everyone..trying to get charts together..I havent recieved any weights from jena to my inbox..Challange this weeek..Hummmm thinking trying to think of a good one..

    Lets say put yourself first this week.. If normally you would do something for someone else..think of yourself first..we cant take care of anyone else if we dont care of ourselves.. I am posting chart right after my interview which is at 1145 my time.. Wish me luck..

    and happy anniversary Jena.. and happy valentines day to everyone.. I celebrated mine friday night and we had an awesome time which sounds like a bunch of us did..

    Off to the gym, have girl scout cookies I gotta deliever..
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Hey all! I'm back! I apologize for not posting the last few weeks. Chicago finally got that massive snow that the rest of the country had and I ended up with sick kids and so I just got caught up in that mode. I watched what I ate and exercised when I could but really didn't track. That is a bad habit of mine that I need to break. I something alters the natural flow of things in my life, my nutrition/weight is the first to go. I have not weighed in, I will do that on Friday....just in time for TOTM! :laugh: Glad to be back!
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Howdy busy day for me today..scootering getting kis home son has baseball practice hubby has a service call daughter wants to swim i am gonaa lift need o get shirt for interview tomorrow i need to get eyebrows waxed,oh yeah and deliever girl scout cookies..So what am i doing sitting at the computer..eatin my oatmeal and coffee.

    Amber- I hope you enjoy your dinner and dessert.

    Bobbie- Enjoy the spoiling

    Jena- I know you are excited about your anniversary tomorrow.

    Don- What are you doing with your wife for valentines day?

    Karen- Where have you been?

    Jeanne- A loss is a loss..Good job.

    For everyone else I missed I just looked at the clock and I have to leave in 30 minute still need to finish oatmeal drink coffee get dressed and deice my gotta get..
    Well I Better get, I still have to get gas before I do all my running around or I wont be running around!!

    I m here tonight will be the med chicken wraps and rosemary garlic potato wedges and a movie. we went and saw the Eagle i thought it was going to be better than it was but it was not that bad it was just ok. been working with the kiddos doing the Active 2 fitness game there are mucles that i forgot I had. we have a ball doing it while getting Fit at the same time.I'll be back later.