30 Day Challenge



  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    What kind of daily challenges would you like to see here? This is my first time doing a challenge....let alone keeping up with everybody! I have my friend and cousin on here, kylakesgal to help! It was her idea :)

    This is a first for me as well (the challenge part)! Daily might be hard to come up with, but I've seen weekly challenges like 3500 exercise cals/week or trying a new class/exercise machine/sport/activity. Nutrition challenges are also a possibility. I know those are kind of basic ...but that's all I have! Looking forward to participating!!

    Thanks! Daily challenges like drinking an x amount of water or exercising at least 30 minutes, etc....they are not mandatory but will help us stay on track, weekly challenges sound great too! I will see everyone on Monday! Don't be too bad this weekend, LOL
  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    I'm in. I keep looking for a challenge and I do much better with short term goals.
    Looking forward to it.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Can't wait......we are going to make this fun!
  • lwilliams83
    lwilliams83 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! Finishing up one challenge on V-Day so this will keep me going for my last 10 pounds!! Can't wait :-)
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    I'd like to join. I will weigh in on Monday with my month goal :o)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Don't forget tomorrow is V-Day...our weigh in day! :)
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I'm all over this! I've been stuck at the same weight for over 1 month despite watching cals closely and working out 4x a week for at least 30 mins. Maybe some of the mini-challenges will kick-start things. Thanks for going this!
  • tatiana_13
    I'm inI I'll officially post my stats and my goals tomorrow. But I need alot of motivation. I am trying to lose the last few pounds....but I looked back over my MFP stats, and I've been shocked to see that i've been trying to lose those pounds for the past year. Which is to say, I lose some of them and gain a good deal of them back. Perhaps some part of my goal is unrealistic (not in the sense of too skinny, but unrealistic in the sense of how much I'm willing to do to maintain it)...something I need to figure out along the way. But really...not all of it is unrealistic. A good deal of the problem is how I go about losing it.

    My problem is that all the good lessons I learned losing all my obesity weight (consistency, taking it off slowly) sort of seemed to fly out the window when it came to my last few overweight and "vanity" pounds. SO. I am trying to REMEMBER those good lessons. To not to resort to crazy thinking or crazy diets. To be patient. And to be happy with losses of 0.1, 0.2, and even 0.0 pounds a week.

    Yes, Tati, that is normal.

    Looking forward to the next 4 weeks with you all!
  • EmRN06
    EmRN06 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm in!!! I'm excited, this is my first challenge!!! Thanks for getting me involved!
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    What a good idea! I need something to focus on otherwise I tend to yoyo so this is perfect. Plus I'm new so I hope to meet people who will motivate me and push me. Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I definitely want to participate!

    I've been stuck lately around 160, fluctuating really between 160-164. My goal is the get down to 157 by March 14th. Weight doesn't come off quickly for me anymore now that I'm in the healthy BMI territory, so it's a pretty lofty goal! Hopefully this will be the kick in the butt that I need to get better about what I'm eating!

    So excited! Nervous to weigh in tomorrow, though. Lol!
  • abbylane35
    I'm in! I've been doing a Biggest Loser challenge at work for the last 5 weeks, and it will be ending this Friday, so this is perfect to keep me accountable! I'll check in tomorrow!
  • abbylane35
    I'm in! I've been doing a Biggest Loser challenge at work for the last 5 weeks, and it will be ending this Friday, so this is perfect to keep me accountable! I'll check in tomorrow!
  • sethbarner
    sethbarner Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in! I will post my starting weight and goals tomorrow.
  • MrsRC
    MrsRC Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, can I join? just joined myfitnesspal and this would be great accountability!!!

    I really want to lose weight, but life just seems to get in the way!

    Looking forward to a new start tomorrow xx
  • microem1
    microem1 Posts: 38 Member
    Yay i'm def up for this, my first challenge! although monday is prob going to be my heaviest day - I'm not very good at being healthy at the weekends, but hopefully this might actually help!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Anyone can join! See you all tomorrow!! :wink:
  • muffinattack
    muffinattack Posts: 16 Member
    I'm definitely up for this! I have another challenge that starts the 12th of March, so this will help me into that. :3
  • incognitopotato
    incognitopotato Posts: 26 Member
    Just joined MFP today... this sounds like a fun way to jump start my fitness plan and maybe even make some new MFP friends ;) See you all tomorrow!
  • hoosteen84
    hoosteen84 Posts: 14 Member
    Saying as everyone else is joining I think I will too! I really need to start doing some exercise and I think this will be the kick up the backside i need, don't want to be the only one not reaching their goal!