Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-thanks for your vote of confidence with the potluck, I sure hope I can "behave" myself!LOL great job continuing on the healthy eating and working out! and congrats on being in a new weight range....that is a great feeling!

    Melissa-i was the one that 2nded the blueberry muffin frosted mini wheats!! LOL and they are super yummy just like Meag said! Lemme know what you think when you find them and try them :) great job on cutting so much time off of your 10k that is a huge improvement!

    Meag-he LOVES sushi, so I am guessing I will be seeing/having a lot more of it!! any specific kind that you recommend that I try?? and great job on your fastest pace yet...that is awesome!!

    Gonks-sorry bout your WI this always are so consistent and I am sure the "switching it up" that you are gonna try this week will be just the thing that you need to lose that plus more next week!! good luck :)

    Megan-sorry you had the tiff with your hubby, i know that can affect your workouts and mindset,so... with that being said, great job on getting there and accomplishing your WK5D1 goal for the day!

    AFM-not too much to say...but I did try a new dinner last night that was really good!! I am a very busy person so I always look for quick prepackaged food for those days that I just cannot cook! I tried the stouffers stuffed bell peppers last night (stuffed with beef and rice) and they were super yummy and filling, and you just pop em in either the oven or mic and they do all of the work themselves!! 4 per box...1 for 190 calories! i had 2 for dinner last night and wil have the other 2 for dinner tonight!

    good luck to everyone...we are already coming to the end of week 2!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Quick update for me because I am soooo psyched about my progress this weekend! :bigsmile:

    1) Check out that ticker - Heck yes, ladies. That's 100 miles logged in 2011 so far. I'm 1/10th of the way there. Pretty happy about that!

    2) I ran my 10K "race" today, running a more challenging and "hilly" course than my race in Oct, and I slaaaayed my time by 3:37 seconds. Ran 6.28miles in 61:53, that's an average pace of 9:51 over 10K. My time for my race was 64:37, but since I ran an extra 0.08 miles today it actually took me 61 minutes to run the 10K today. Friggen amazing :drinker: I was thrilled once I finished and texted Tyler immediately to gloat :laugh:

    What a great weekend for running. Two runs, two PRs, and 100 miles logged. Couldn't be happier.

    Heading out to Oakville now to meet up with Ty, play some billiards, eat some of my 1000 remaining calories in decadent Marble Slab ice cream, and enjoy what's left of my weekend.

    OH! And for those of you looking for new meal ideas: I had roasted parsnips tonight mixed in with some buttercup squash, red onion, carrots, and red pepper - So good! Parsnips are insanely nutritious and really yummy roasted. Toss with a splash of olive oil and bake for 40 mins at 400F. Have I mentioned my love of super buttery, creamy buttercup squash recently? Yep! Try it. It honestly tastes like butter -- You will not believe you're having a nutritionally packed veggie, that's for sure! Oh and BTW - Root veggies are also very filling, inexpensive, and they last for ages raw in the fridge, so if you're on a budget... BUY SOME ALREADY! haha Had that all with a side of roasted pork tenderloin and it was fab. Love dinners that just get tossed into the oven and tada - delicious! :happy:

    That's it for me I guess.

    Gonks - Great attitude. It's definitely hard to cope with gains when you know you're working hard and you feel that you deserve a loss... If you remember back to when I was still losing, I probably gained weight once every 4 weigh-ins. Extremely frustrating but it just became part of what I was used to. I knew that while about 3/4 of my weeks I'd lose 1-2lbs with all my W/Os, every few weeks I'd be set-back. But it all evens out over time and you know you're doing fab so try to just keep on going and not punish yourself or feel defeated. You are kicking way too much *kitten* to feel that way :happy: Super proud of you, lady! And so impressed by your perspective and attitude. You really do have it "figured out" better than just about anyone I know :glasses:

    Melissa - Fab run woman - You are such a motivator! And here I thought MY time was good :tongue: Love that your daughter is on the GM bandwagon too! I'd love to have a GM tasting party some day.... Everyone makes their own concoction and fills those little tester cups. YUM! That sounds divine. Everyone's GM experiments always make me want to workout more just for an excuse to whip one up... I guess your daughter and I are of a similar mindset... How old is she again? :laugh:

    Have a great Sunday chickas! :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    TJ - Sorry, missed ya. I eat a lot of the sashimi. I'm not a huge fan of rice or mayonnaise, TBH, so I avoid that whenever I possible. But I do love spoiling myself with a few pieces of Green Dragon (yum - avocado!). The spicy tuna and that all have mayo in them but I hear they are quite popular (just obv high in fat). I'd recommend anything with BBQ eel - high in fat but so yummy. Can you tell that sushi is a splurge meal for me? I totally don't have any idea what sushi is healthy but I doubt I order any of it... I tend to enjoy the rolls with tempura in them (can we say deep fried - heck yes!) and I love any fish I can get my hands on. Just keep trying stuff and figure out what you like. There's something for everyone! Most places will also offer you the option of ordering grilled whole fish - that's a great side dish to share if you want something stacked with protein and super healthy. Its also totally unique having a whole fish served up to you.

    Anyone else a little more well-versed in sushi/sashimi? This is just off the top of my head...
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-thanks for the tips!! we ordered the volcano roll (super yummy), the spicy tuna roll (not a huge fan of cold fish!), the mussels (super yummy), and a deep fried roll (good but def not healthy)!! it turned out that each PIECE of a roll was anywhere between 35-60 calories so really not that bad if i do say so myself!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Gonks... You make me laugh.. thanks for the advice as always!~! I am all ears whever you need to put me in my place. I am glad that I am in a place in my life where I am learning to be so honest. Hopefully someone who has a hard time with saying the hard things (like all the mistakes I make) will read your posts to me and learn something. Meag is also an awesome teacher as you are, I think you two are meant to be

    ~Meag... good job on being easy on yourself. I know how much time and dedication you put into staying healthy so I understnad how you can get frustrated easily. But look at how nice you are being to yourself now!~!~! It makes me so happy to read about when you see your boy. I feel like I can see you smiling through your words!~!.. Im soo happy you found such a great person!~!... oh yea, Congrats on the RUN!~!~!

    ~Radd... I hope your lunch goes well today. I know how good those stuffed pepers are, I love them!~! But I have been trying not to eat processed foods anymore so I can control what is in it. Do you like to cook? If you do you should take your day off and make some stuff that you can freeze, this way you can eat homemade stuff and its still fast when you need it!~!~! ( Soup freezes really well!~!)

    ~Melissa... Congrats on your run!~!~! I cant wait til I can say I ran I REALLY want to know how your dinner turned out. I have been using lots of fresh veggies and I am running out of things to eat. We only do the norms, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans (toooo many green beans). I try to make veggies more interesting so my husband and brother will eat them, but the only way I know to do that is add some kinda of cheese sauce or somthing and I dont want to do that. Stuffed squash sounds really fun!~!~!

    AFM... I feel like I have been on this thread WAY too much.. lol. I hope you all are not getting tired of my mindless ranting. I woke up early today and had alot of running around to do so I ate breakfast late and was hungry RIGHT after. (it was 2 egg whites and tons of veggies so I dont know why) So I ate my lunch 2 hours after breakfast. Ehh.. well I added my dinner and gave myself some extra room incase I want to eat my salad early. I havent logged any exercise yet so unless I fall into a big vat of chocolate sauce before I go to bed I should be just fine with my calories. I was really nervous about it, not sure why.. but now that I see the numbers I can tell my mind to shut up and relax!~! Ok, sorry you all had to be stuck in my head for so long, but thanks for listening!~!~!

    Happy Valentines Day everyone.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Just got the best valentines day gift ever- 3 pound loss this week!! I have already surpassed my Feb goal of 7 lbs, lossing 8 lbs as of today! I am super pumped- and its TOM!

    Not only did I drop the LBS but this weekend I had to buy new work pants because my old ones were simply WAY to baggy! and then I did W5D2 of C25K and totally rocked it! I thought I was going to die the last 3/4 mile but before I even realized it was over. I'm in such a good mood right now!

    Hope everyone has a kick *kitten* day!!!

  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Melissa-i was the one that 2nded the blueberry muffin frosted mini wheats!! LOL and they are super yummy just like Meag said! Lemme know what you think when you find them and try them :) great job on cutting so much time off of your 10k that is a huge improvement!

    I couldn't find the blueberry ones :grumble: found the strawberry ones instead and they're pretty tasty!!! Thanks!! I was pretty excited to cut that much time off! Goes to show that speedwork is just as important as distance!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member

    ~Melissa... Congrats on your run!~!~! I cant wait til I can say I ran I REALLY want to know how your dinner turned out. I have been using lots of fresh veggies and I am running out of things to eat. We only do the norms, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans (toooo many green beans). I try to make veggies more interesting so my husband and brother will eat them, but the only way I know to do that is add some kinda of cheese sauce or somthing and I dont want to do that. Stuffed squash sounds really fun!~!~!

    Thanks!! Dinner was actually really GOOD!!! The squash with the brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg made it sweet enough for my girls along with the venison was quite tasty!!! We did have a lot of the venison and rice mix left over so using it to make sloppy joes later in the week. Definitely easy to make when I have time I'll post the recipe...I think I found it on either or

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    This was recently posted on MFP and I think it deserves serious attention. It's a GREAT explanation for anyone that's confused about how our bodies lose/maintain weight and what we need to be doing to attain quality weight loss. Losing weight at the expense of muscle loss, increased cravings, irritability, etc is NOT worth it and will cause you a great deal of aggravation and hard work in the long run. Please read and love this advice :happy:
  • ngoat
    ngoat Posts: 97 Member
    This was recently posted on MFP and I think it deserves serious attention. It's a GREAT explanation for anyone that's confused about how our bodies lose/maintain weight and what we need to be doing to attain quality weight loss. Losing weight at the expense of muscle loss, increased cravings, irritability, etc is NOT worth it and will cause you a great deal of aggravation and hard work in the long run. Please read and love this advice :happy:

    I agree. It is a great post!
  • ngoat
    ngoat Posts: 97 Member
    Quick AFM Post: I lost 1.5 lbs this week :smile: I needed that loss. I have been maintaing for a few weeks now. So it feels good see some movement. I started taking some B-vitamins and I really think they are helping my lack of energy lately or at least having a placebo effect. Either way, I am hoping to back to my normal exercise schedule this week. No more slacking if I am going to make my Feb goals. I hope everyone is having a great V-Day :heart: today. I hope to be able to catch up with everyone later. :love:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day all!! :heart:

    shelsab - Thank you!! Date night was great! And we even hung out with my brother and his girlfriend. Hope you had a nice, relaxing weekend.

    kbell - hope the car situation works out well. Its so unfortunate that you get so close to getting a car and then nothing works out. Hopefully that will all change soon. Keep your head up!!

    Aly - glad that you were able to talk things over with the bestie. I am sure you were able to think things through a little more rationally. I agree with Meag though. I wouldn't say give him an ultimatum but sit down and have a serious conversation about where your relationship is headed and what you both want out of it. Maybe he just never wants to get married. Whatever it is, I hope that you guys are able to work through it. And I can't wait to hear how the duathlon went!!

    Rachel - compliments are always nice!!!

    spellbinder - great job on finishing your 1st 5K!! I hope you feel accomplished!! And I know you were looking forward to fitting into that dress...great job!!

    Tara - glad to hear that things are working out with the new bf!! And I am sure you did great at the potluck. You are great at kicking *kitten*!!!

    Kandace - great job on being nicer to yourself!! Sometimes that can be hard to do because we expect far more from ourselves than we would from anyone else. But making a conscious decision to take things easier on yourself will probably help you tremendously with the struggles that you have been going through.

    Meag - glad to hear that this weekend went much better than last weekend. And good job planning and preparing yourself to be at Tyler's house. And great job with the victories this weekend too!!

    Gonks - hopefully your "blahs" are done and over with! But no need to dwell on it. Pick youself back up, dust yourself off, and back to kicking *kitten*.

    Megan - congrats on your 5K training!!! Chalk that up as a win and don't focus on what you didn't get done but feel accomplished about what you did get done....W5D1 & D2, healthy shopping, and not spending too much!! And great job on the loss!!

    AFM...I was so exhausted after work on Friday that I didn't make it to the gym Friday night to finish up W1 of 5K training. However, I decided to drag my butt out of bed Saturday morning and just go. I am so glad that I did. When I got there and tried to pay for the kids to go to the kids club, it was FREE!! So I made sure to not only finish up W1 of 5K training but also fit in some lifting because I wanted to make sure I took advantage of the free kids club. Saturday was so beautiful here too...I'd say it was in the high 70's, maybe even into the low 80's. Food went well Saturday until I went out with my boy and brother that night. Beer, shots, and a late night trip to Denny's. I felt horrible yesterday. But that is over and done with. Unfortunately I probably won't get in W2D1 of 5K training today cause the boy and I are going to see Sixteen Candles in the movie theater for Valentine's Day.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday! :heart:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Nancy - great loss!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Guys and gals! It has been a crazy busy weekend that left me super exhausted but I will give this a try today hehe. Sorry I couldn't read all the posts like I wanted to, but sa la vi!

    Meag and Guam and whoever else gave me kind words about my worries- Thanks so much. I feel a million times better after having my bestie night and so much less stressed. I am going to have to figure some things out, I know right now with how busy I am he is feeling pulled at both ends as well. I made sure to take sunday off training(even though my gulity mind was nagging at me) and I spent the whole day with him just relaxing and chilling. What we do best. For now I am not going to worry about it and hey it's valentines day!

    Duathlon!!!- I will post some pics when I get a chance but lets just say it was hard. This was not a race where you see people of all shapes and sizes, I went into this race feeling tired and a little stressed but I left it feeling accomplished. Even though I didn't get a medal in my age group. I believe I finished the race somewhere around 2:15 minutes I will have to check the results to get the exact number. It was humbling since I felt that I was amazing at my last race, not so much here but I completed it and that is all I wanted to do. The hilly runs and bike were intense. I have not done a lot of hill work but it was an amazing workout. I pushed myself harder than I have in a long time but I did feel discouraged that I was in the back most of the time. But hey I did and and I didn't quit super accomplishment for me!

    The rest of the stuff- I took Sunday off because I was exhausted and I needed a break. I am totally getting burned out with all this training and commitments. I only have 6 more weeks and then a vacation and then I can get back to focusing on myself. I splurged saturday evening and tonight we have a dinner. Lets just say I am not thinking I will see the scale go down. But I am back on the tracking wagon and I plan to be super diligent the next 6 weeks after tonight and feel good and happy and ready for hawaii! I feel good today, I am letting myself have a little break from everything right now. Tomorrow I am going to get back on this horse, but for now I am focusing on me and not letting myself get stressed out. I hope everyone has a great Valentines day! I will be back a little later.

    QOTD- What is your valentines day plans if any, if not what is a perfect date to you?
  • fightingdissonance
    Happy Valentine's Day all! Sorry to be so MIA for posting, gearing up for midterms this week and time is seeming to slip away entirely too quickly!

    @meag - It was way last week now so belated, but thanks for the info on the C25K! I checked it out and it looks super useful and doable. Going to start it next week once in reading break and the gym at school isn't so packed - though I don't know why I let that be an issue for it, I would rather there be minimal witnesses to my first few trips on the treadmill. And congrats on the first 100 miles and the new PRs, that's amazing! The recipe ideas sound delicious, next trip to the grocery store I'm so getting parsnips and butternut squash.

    @kandace - Thanks for the kind words! You are doing so great also! Have you tried the C25K yet at all? That experience with running does sound pretty painful - ouch :( It's so hard not to go full tilt at first when you want results and to push yourself, but so worth it to start off slowly and build to more I'm finding. And your comment today on the "unless I fall into a big vat of chocolate sauce" made me actually lol. You have an awesome attitude!

    @gonks - Your post re: guilt and shame really made me think as well - thanks for the wise, blunt and straightforward words.

    @rachel - Whoa that must have felt great to get called a skinny *kitten* lol and have the comments from the server! You're doing awesome! Though we all are doing this for ourselves of course, its a bit of a boost when people around you notice your hard work

    @spellbinder - Congrats on the first 5k! I do the same thing on the elliptical when raising resistance or going longer, break it into "5 min more" goals and then before you know it, you're past the time and still pushing it hard!

    @mkingraham - Congrats on the first week! How was it to complete, had you ever tried running before starting the program?

    @kbell - Sorry about the troubles finding a car, I hope you find the perfect car for you soon :)

    @tjradd - Things with your new bf sound to be going excellently! :) All your sushi talk sounds awesome and makes me want to finally suck it up and try sushi lol.

    @melissa - Your dinners sound excellent! Plus I love that your daughter wanted your GM, that's incredible that you're teaching them such healthy habits.

    @ngoat - Congrats on the loss! B vitamins are excellent - I agree it's hard to say whether its more of a placebo or actually giving more energy, but really, regardless of which it is, as long as it's working, then that's what matters! :)

    @lostalykat - That's incredible that you did the duathalon, congratulations on completing it and pushing yourself! Great attitude in taking a break now, sometimes you burn out and need to decompress and focus on *you* as well as training. You're doing amazingly and are totally inspiring!

    AFM - Still having trouble seeing anything on the scale. Have only had a .5 loss since I last weighed in on here Feb 2 though I have been sticking to my calorie and exercise goals. It's really frustrating. With a long history of disordered eating it's difficult to comprehend the need to eat more to lose weight, but beginning today I'm going to up my calories to 1300 daily and see if that helps break this way too early plateau. My roommate gave me a pep talk on it this morning which helped me to start readjusting how I'm looking at it - losing weight on the scale is only a small part of this, building muscles and cardio endurance are my main goals, and the scale tells me nothing regarding those. And on that positive side of it, I'm feeling results and holding onto that as tangible markers of progress. A month ago, I couldn't even pull myself into a side plank for 1 second, and now I can (relatively) go into them easily and hold them longer each time. Each time I can push a little harder at the gym, and the elliptical resistance goal I set for February is already being met. So, I'm trying to stay focused on that, but wow is it ever hard when I'm so conditioned to see the scale as my main marker of progress. Have also discovered we have a great selection of group classes at our school's gym, so going to do Pilates for the first time ever. Already getting into a bit of a rut with my workout regimen at the gym so I'm excited to take the classes and mix it up a bit!
  • cheralicia
    I'm back! This is going to be a super-selfish post because I'm crazy busy at work but I just wanted to jump back into the swing of things... I definitely missed being able to check the thread over the last week and a half, so I am going to try and catch up tomorrow.

    Update: I wrote the LSAT on Saturday and it went well!! Such a relief that it's finally over and now I can focus on my diet/work-outs again. What I am taking away from this is that I managed to get in 6hrs of studying 5 times a week AFTER a crazy day of work...and I didn't if I can do that, I can definitely get in at least 1hr of exercise a few times a week - no excuses of "I'm so tired, what a long day I've had".

    The good news though - I was able to stick to my diet and my cal limits, cooked most of our meals (didn't eat out) and managed to get to yoga each week so I definitely didn't let it all go when the study stress got high. So no scale change (which is good because I had lost 3lbs before)!

    With it being valentine's day, going to spend a quiet night in with hubby and make dinner:

    fresh lobster, lemon/garlic shrimp, grilled peppers, zucchini and portobellos, and rice spaghetti (yay no wheat but tastes so good!). Also bypassing dessert (he doesn't like sweets) and am limiting myself to 2 glasses of wine...all in all shouldn't be too bad.

    Workout Sched for this week:
    Tuesday - Vinyasa/Core Yoga
    Wednesday - 45 minutes elliptical, 20 min running
    Thursday - Hatha Yoga
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - Looong day of snowboarding!

    I hope everyone is doing well with their February challenge!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey everyone...

    Sorry I haven't been feeling very "posty" lately, I guess. I usually ramble on here for ages but the last few days I've been focusing my energy on other affairs. Promise I haven't forgotten about you :wink:

    Today's been a weird day. My boss (who is the owner of an independent securities business) sent an email to all his employees saying he told our biggest client - the massive night club that I work at every weekend - to go *kitten* themselves and pulled our whole team from the bar. Which means that I no longer have a steady income. I still have a job with my boss - I wasn't fired or anything - but I only work when we are contracted out to nightclubs and so until he finds other bars to do business with, I am SOL. Kind of a bummer but like anything there are pros and cons and I am trying to see the up sides. I totally hated that place, the commute was killing me, and my sleep and mental health has been majorly suffering. I am just not getting enough sleep AT ALL working there, so perhaps this will be for the best. It's not ideal from a financial perspective, but I know I'll make due for now and I should hopefully be getting shifts at other nightclubs soon... We'll just see what happens! I am not getting too bummed out about it. I have better things to worry about than this :glasses:

    When I got up this morning I unofficially weighed in at 125.2lbs - another 0.5lbs lost from Friday. I am guessing this was from all my hard running this weekend. We'll see if it sticks around. Going to meet my targets all week for calories (as best I can) and definitely going to make a concerted effort not to stress about intake. Less stress, more sleep and more stable intake should regulate my weight-loss and keep me at maintenance for a while (I hope!) so I am feeling good about it. Definitely do NOT want to fall under 125lbs :ohwell:

    Oh in better news - The weather here is warming up! Which means more runs outside, the snow and ice are melting, and spring is approaching. Can't wait to be spending all my time outdoors again :bigsmile: Yay!

    Cheralicia - Walked through Trinity Bellwoods with my boy on Sat and past the pizza place you recommended! We both agreed it looked sooo good - There are a million awesome little places in that area that I'd love to try. Makes me almost wish I lived in Toronto - apart from the expense and the hustle and bustle of the city... There are like a billion fab restaurants I want to try and sooo not enough time or meals in the day to try them all! Really liking your fitness schedule for the week - what's the core yoga like? Never tried it but it sounds like a great change from the ordinary. Oh and your Vday dinner sounds supremely delicious. Lobster, shrimp and veggies. Yum! Very lucky husband you have...

    Echo - Try the butterCUP not the butterNUT. I much prefer the former. Looks like this when you buy it at the supermarket: -- It's the creamiest squash you'll ever try. Promise! Glad to hear you're going to give C25K a go - give it a fair chance and I bet you'll love it! :bigsmile: Sounds like you're making great strides with your NSGs so keep at it! Don't let the scale be your only barometer for success - we all have struggles with the scale now and then but obviously you are making a lot of progress so keep at it!

    Aly - Great to hear about your duathlon - Sounds like you did great and love that you felt accomplished once it was done. We always have *some* regrets after a race, things we wish we had done differently, but it's all behind you now and you should be really proud of yourself for finishing and kicking so much *kitten* :drinker: Can't wait to see your pics, lady! And pshttt who gets medals anyway? Not this lady. Who needs em! You are totes a winner in my books, girl! I'll make you a winners medal and send it in the mail if you like :wink: hahaha

    Guam - Thanks :happy: Sounds like you're getting in some great runs when possible, making good use of the kids clubs (free?!? sweet!! :drinker: ) and have a good healthy attitude about the occasional treat and bevy - Really glad you aren't beating yourself up. And very jealous of your weather! Send it my way, would ya! :tongue:

    Nancy - Great loss! :bigsmile: Keep at it!!

    Megan - AWESOME Vday present! Love the loss and that you are rocking C25K - Great work lady. Super proud of you!

    QOTD: Vday plans are Yoga tonight at the gym. We aren't a VDay/Holiday type couple at all. We go big on celebrating anniversaries and birthdays in our own cutesy, uber-cheap kind of way, and we celebrate our relationship every time we see one another. No VDay celebrations necessary for us. It's just not our bag :happy: Hope everyone else has a great time and does what they like today, though! To each his own. Lots of love from me to you today, though :heart:
  • kbellnurse
    Hey guys,

    Just popping in (with propped open eyelids) to say an update about my car (I know you have all been waiting with bated breath, j/k)

    This weekend was pretty ridiculous, between the car drama, the paper writing, working, trying to work out, NOT eating everything in sight. I think however in the end I came out somewhere near the top (perhaps not "on top" competely)

    I DID buy a car. The one from out of town. I spent most of my day yesterday (7am-5pm) driving out, looking at it, driving back, and then having a quick lesson from my bro in the art of the manual shifter. When I got home I was already exhausted but I had left myself a whole HALF A PAPER to write so there was no rest for the lazy. I wrote from 630pm - 2am and then woke up this morning at 7am and wrote until 1:30pm. And it's done. But so am I. Needless to say I ate every friggin carb I could find all night. Popcorn, crackers and hummus, some little low calorie ice cream cone thing I found in the freezer, etc... I feel like bloated garbage but I have a finished paper to hand in today! I weighed myself on Sunday am and was down 0.2lbs from two weeks before (February has been a mess, didn't weigh in last week because of TOM) which I figured was a victory since all these stress has not been good for my diet. Tomorrow is my official weigh in and I dont' know if I will have shaken last night's calorie fest in order to get any lower. Sunday was 154.2 and I'm PRAYING for 153 point anything but I wouldn't put any money on it. My feb goal was to get into the 140's so we'll see how it goes. Today's been pretty good so far.

    Anyway.. I'm losing the ability to write anything that makes sense (3000 words on applying mutual goal attainment theory to women post gynecological cancer will do that to you)

    I read all your posts though and I'm glad to hear that most people are doing better than I! :)
    I would like to check back again tonight but I have a midterm on wednesday that needs studying for as well. So sad.
    have a good week everyone!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    For anyone looking for a good time/excuse to start C25K -

    Just do it! :tongue: Much love!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Guam... what a nice treat for the kids place to be free.... good job on staying motivated enough to push yourself a little extra! Hope your Valentine's Day was great!~!

    ~Cheralicia... your back! again!.. lol... glad to see your back and your scale is being good to you! You have been working so hard, dont forget to take some down time!

    ~Meag... sorry about your boss being a butt head, that really sucks. Everything happens for a reason, maybe something awesome will happen soon that you wouldnt have had the oportunity to see if you were working at night.

    ~Kbell... CONGRATULATIONS!~!~!.. this reminds me of a friend of mine, he gets really drunk and wants ot high five people, ususally he yells "IM GONNA HIGH FIVE THE *kitten* OUT OF YOU!!!" and thats what I want to do to you right now, high five the *kitten* out of good job finsihing that paper!~! And on top of that you have a car!~! Whos got a car? YOU GOT A CAR!~! (ok, im gonna stop now cuz I am singing at my computer) I think you can tell I am happy for I wouldnt worry about the weight too much, you cant gain TOO much in one day. (I did manage to gain 2 pounds in one day by drinking a 30 pack of bud light last month, but thats a whole diff story) GO KBELL!~!~!

    AFM.... Today is my 4 year Anniversary. Nothing insane planned, we are pretty busy right now so we are just going to spend "quality time" together. It is a gift just having him be home, we have been lucky enough in the past 4 years to be together on each of our anniversarys. With 23 months of deployments in those 4 years I will take all the time I can get!~!

    I am trying not to worry about my "aliments" too much because some of them can be from not drinking and may last a few more weeks. I am trying to deal with the headaches and the fatigue. I think I have a good enough hold on it that it is not going to make me "too insane". lol. But now my doctors are worried I have high blood pressure. I have had 4 bps taken, I have to go for the rest of the week to get a few more taken before they "do" anything about it. They want to change my diet!~! Keep in mind that my bps are taken in the morning before breakfast AND coffee. I know they are only going to suggest a few things to add to my diet, but when she said that to me I wanted to punch the poor nurse right in the mouth!~!~! But instead, I took a deep breath, smiled and said, ok, see you tomorrow! I will know more friday after my last bp is taken and I have a consultation with my doctor.

    I tryed quick oats this morning!~! I made 3/4 of a cup cuz the box said it was a "healthy heart" serving but I couldnt eat it all. I already logged it in so I am going to save it and eat it if i get hungry before lunch. I really like it!! I diced half a green apple up and added some cinnimon (thought of MEAG!~!). Its delicious!~! I am so glad to have you all here to help me try new things!~!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone~!