Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I'm going to go ahead and post up my weight. It was 272 this morning. I've been celebrating today and have eaten like a PIG!!! Tomorrow I go back on the wagon.

    I went a lil bad yesterday too. Not so muhc on food, but I had a lot of alcohol lol

    It showed this morning because I gained about 2 pounds this morning from yesterday. I know it will be normal again in a couple days but it stil sucks because today is my official weigh in day. Oh well!

  • pgp_protector
    Up a bit from yesterday, but at 279.8 right now.
    (I think it was the two subway sandwiches :laugh: one for lunch & another for dinner.)

    Hmm today 279.4, bit better :smile:
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Good week guys! At least no one (yet) gained anything back! After the superbowl, I was wondering what the week looked like. I'm weighing in today at 239.6 - Woohoo!

    Welcome to the mancave Mackoy! If you have last Sunday's weight recorded, we can include you in the standings for this week. When I first got on MFP, I wanted to do this as a motivator. However, I didn't really want to compare myself to a 170lb woman who was trying to lose 10lbs - that is great for her, but I wanted to work with other men my size and in my predicament.

    We will wait for the other results and I will post the table tonight! Waiting for mackoy (last week's weight), Spitfirex007, Kforrest, davidmsheppard, marc8686, ceebran, and spinndrift. Again, some of you didn't post last week's weight. So, in order to be in the standings, please provide this information too.

  • mackoy809
    Thanks for the welcome apolloag

    Last weeks weight @ 263 lbs
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Here are the results! Good job thomas_vision! Keep up the good work men!


    Topic of the week: how often do you weigh yourself? Every day? What time of day do you weigh yourself? Does it help your motivation to weigh yourself often? Or perhaps less often?

  • TreyTLH
    TreyTLH Posts: 11 Member
    CW 220 (2/13/11)

    I weigh in every Sunday monring right after I wake up. I typically do not weigh more than that.
  • mackoy809
    Here are the results! Good job thomas_vision! Keep up the good work men!


    Topic of the week: how often do you weigh yourself? Every day? What time of day do you weigh yourself? Does it help your motivation to weigh yourself often? Or perhaps less often?


    I weigh myself every monday at 6am before breakfast. Its such a motivation it helps me not eat a lot during weekends coz i know if i eat more than my alloted cal i wont have time to recover from and it will show on the weigh in on Monday

    Current weight - 259.8 lbs 2/14/11
    Last weeks weight - 263 lbs 2/07/11
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    I weigh everyday. Typically I weigh before 0700. I only record the first three digits and don't worry about the numbers to the right of the decimal. The literature on my scale says it is accurate to 0.2 lb, but who knows how long it will stay calibrated to that level. My last scale was typically +/- 1-2 pounds.

    Official weigh-in is either Saturday or Sunday depending on my mood and what is going on at the time.
  • spinndrift
    243 for me - been very slack but back on the bike and training again.

    I weigh myself every morning at 5am - I know that Tuesday and Wednesday are my blip days.
  • ETPPaul
    ETPPaul Posts: 16 Member
    I started my weight loss journey at 213 (even though on here I started much later), I now weigh under 177 (I say under because I only check when I get my body fat analyzed which will be on the 25th), pretty sure I have either lost weight or gained muscle, both of which are OK.

    I was religious in counting calories in the beginning but when I started to plateau so I took it to another level. Today I do 1000 calorie workouts daily (not including resting days) and I don't eat refined flour, white rice or refined sugars. Doing 1000 calorie workouts a day is a lot easier than most people think assuming you can get your heart rate up. The good news is for most people that aren't fit they burn calories in truck loads once they get their heart rate up and keep it up. While you should never compromise on safety I have found exertion to be the key.

    Lastly I have come to believe that body fat percentage is much more important than weight loss. I realize that might seem very convenient for me to say but trust me, if you don't want sagging skin increase your muscle mass. I also realize that cardio can become addictive to any of us trying to lose weight because it shows results quickly. Don't fall into that trap.

    Good luck to everyone, nice to talk to dudes, it seems like these boards are overrun with the ladies;-)
  • Swilson87
    I usually weigh on Wednesday morning (to see if what I'm doing that week is working or needs to be tweaked), and Friday mornings. Friday is my official day, but I like to know where I am mid week. If for some unknown reason I have a bad weekend, I'll only weigh Friday morning, and just work really hard all week.
  • Ibgroovy
    How much variation do you see from day to day? I see something around 1.5% to 2% of my total body weight in daily variation, and that's weighing in at the same time every day (the moment I get up.) As I am over 280, that means I can have as much as a 5-pound fluctuation. It's really a pain when I do five hours of exercise, eat 500 calories under my resting metabolism, and GAIN a couple of pounds.

    I know it has to be almost entirely water weight, as the amount of liquid I drink varies a lot from day to day.

    To compensate for that, though, I'm only recording my weight once per week, even though I'm weighing in every day. When I record it, though, I'm listing the lowest weight I reach in the weigh-ins that week. I figure that while I might get a low reading once or even twice from a lower hydration level, over time, it will more accurately reflect where I am, because the fluctuations will even out. Granted, they'll even out slightly on the low side, but it should still more accurately show the progress. Granted, too, the high side might be a bit better, but it's a lot less encouraging, and I need all of that I can get right now.

    Does that make sense to everyone, or am I missing something? I'm new to this counting of calories, and I love what I can do with MFP as a Droid app (particularly scanning bar codes,)
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    hey im Craig
    my starting weight was 282
    my current weight is 252
    my goal weight is 215-220

    finishing up my first round of P90X
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    I tend to step on the scales daily. Always just after getting out of bed and after the usual bodily functions have kicked in to play and before I go to work or the gym!. I don't expect them to show much of a difference from day to day. I get annoyed though if they show an increase and I then mentally analyse what I did the day before to warrant an increase. It then spurs me on to watch closer what I'm eating through out the day. I will only record my weight on the weekend.
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    SW: 327 (12/1/10)
    GW: 215
    LWW: 298
    CW: 292
    WD: 6
    TWL: 35
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    I get on the scale every time I go into the bathroom, but only take serious the first weigh-in of the day. That might sound kind of obsessive, but seeing how my weight is all over the place has actually helped me to obsess less on the number and concentrate more on how I look and feel.

    That said... Man, I love when the number goes down! :-D
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Hit 25 lb loss today!! havn't checked in this topic for a while, hope you are all doing great!
  • Swilson87
    OK I had a bad week, but got on the scake and it's not as bad as I originally thought

    LWW: 263
    CW : 264

    This was a very busy week. To only gain 1lb was actually encouraging.
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Today - Feb 19th I am - - - 238.4
    On Feb 12th, 2011 - - -238.6
    On Feb 5th, 2011 - - - 242.6
    On Jan 29, 2011 - - -245.4
    On Jan 22, 2011 - - - 246.8
    On Jan 15, 2011 - - - 247.8
    On Jan 9, 2011 - - - 248.4.
    On Jan 2, 2011 - - - 253.4

    I actually forgot to add my weight loss last week to my Galaxy Tab app for MFP so on my page is said I lost 1.4 but I really only lost .2 this week :-(
    But actually I am pretty happy with this past week. I am getting fitter and fitter every day! So while the weight loss is important to me it is not the only way I measure my success. Today is day 35 for in P90X and I have lost 22 lbs in 35 days. That is Awesome for me. To the rest of you guys all of you keep me going!!! Keep moving forward!
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Hi all out there, this time a better week for me than last one. And I noticed that a few other misson men are going very strong. Way to go gentlemen, keep it up. Here are the results of the dutch jury: CW 118.5 LW 120.0 (all in kilo's of course since the French revolution in 1795 in Holland ;-) Let's see if I can improve my place in the charts.