Like minded lushes -Februay 2011



  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Monday = 0 drinks
    Tuesday = 0 drinks
    Wednesday = 0 drinks despite having a bottle of wine chilling in the fridge

    Thursday = well it should be 0 drinks as I'd pledged not to drink during the week, but my ex hubby is cooking me dinner tomorrow night and a shared bottle of wine is on the menu. Think I might have to make a trade off and not drink one of the weekend days instead. I guess that wouldn't be cheating too much as I wouldn't be drinking any more over the whole week, just on a different day. I don't actually know what he's cooking for me, he's being very cryptic about it and has been consulting my recipe books. It's all slightly worrying, as a) he's not a particularly good cook and b) I'm not sure of his motive for wanting to cook for me, hopefully it's just a kind gesture!
  • Hello all! Glad I found you. I don't drink a lot regularly, but when I do, it's serious. LOL Last night our friends invited us out for wing night at a little bar we'd never been to before. Well, now I have a new favourite little bar and I will be returning often. I used to be a sucker for cocktails, but now I'm sticking to beer most of the time. Saturday we're going to a party (same friends) and I've been asked to make jello shooters. And I make damn good jello shooters. Sigh.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member ex hubby is cooking me dinner tomorrow night and a shared bottle of wine is on the menu. Think I might have to make a trade off and not drink one of the weekend days instead. I guess that wouldn't be cheating too much as I wouldn't be drinking any more over the whole week, just on a different day. I don't actually know what he's cooking for me, he's being very cryptic about it and has been consulting my recipe books. It's all slightly worrying, as a) he's not a particularly good cook and b) I'm not sure of his motive for wanting to cook for me, hopefully it's just a kind gesture!
    do let us know what it all means!
  • Hi, everyone-
    I am SO happy to find this thread!!
    Last night I backed out on my "don't drink at home" rule, and finished the 1/2 shot of tequila we had, and the 1/2 shot of vodka that was left...then somehow I thought everclear would be a good next step.
    Bad idea.

    Having had this experience, I'm trying to decide what to do this weekend--I am supposed to go to the beach with a bunch of friends: It's a yearly, 36 hour drunk-fest that will surely have a detrimental effect on my weight.
    OR I can tell everyone I have to work this weekend, and spend the weekend at home, sober. Hmmmmm....
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Feeling grumpy. just had a biospy and now I am all crampy. Ionly have 200 calories for dinner if I don't get on the treadmill and I don't feel like getting on the treadmil and I want a drink. It was a baad eating day since I left lunch at home. welcome to my pity party:tongue:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    Hello LMLs -
    Great topic, and I have to say that staying alcohol free on some days gives me delicious nights of good sleep. It's amazing how those 3 glasses of wine or whatever can make the night crawl by... One beer is not a problem, but I find the reward of those good nights are making it easier to skip the drinks more days than ever before. Guess I'm getting old! Sleep is better than fun. hmmm.

    of course, losing more easily helps too! loose pants are another pleasure that is starting to happen. Enjoy, lushes -
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Walking on the tredmill will help with the cramps. :wink:

    Do it you know you'll feel better when you are done!
  • 5grn9
    5grn9 Posts: 36
    Well I didn't have any drinks Mon or Tue but had 1 1/2 oz of captain morgan with diet pepsi, couldn't resist tonight, went a tad over my daily calories but had 350 excercise calories. Feel a bit guilty but heck- whatever!!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 5 beers at happy hour, 2 beers at home and 3 margaritas, I think...started at 3 in the afternoon and went into the evening
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks

    Total: 10
    Goal: <12

    2 days down and 4 to go:grumble:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Yeewwwww go nisijam5!! I lost 1.4kg for my weekly weigh in this morning :noway: SO STOKED. :laugh: We can do it!
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member ex hubby is cooking me dinner tomorrow night and a shared bottle of wine is on the menu. Think I might have to make a trade off and not drink one of the weekend days instead. I guess that wouldn't be cheating too much as I wouldn't be drinking any more over the whole week, just on a different day. I don't actually know what he's cooking for me, he's being very cryptic about it and has been consulting my recipe books. It's all slightly worrying, as a) he's not a particularly good cook and b) I'm not sure of his motive for wanting to cook for me, hopefully it's just a kind gesture!
    do let us know what it all means!

  • tarjake
    tarjake Posts: 56 Member
    i go 35 days at work offshore with no booze, and when i get home, all my friends want to buy me a drink, and i love beer... is vodka better, calorie wise?
  • tarjake, vodka is better than beer carb-wise. Calorie wise, it depends on the beer.

    Wednesday= 0 drinks :)
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    OMG!!!!! Ineeded this thread - last night, hit the bottle as boyfriend had a hard day, I didn't but any excuse!!!! Got to try to be a little stronger, last night jumped on stair master just to burn the amount of calories in a glass of red......ashamed!:blushing:

    I am going on the G&T to try to ease away from the wine - I hear it has about a 1/5 of the cals if you use slimlime!

    Cheers :drinker:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    drank like a fish last night. I kinda freaked myself out about the biopsy. I am sure it is nothing but my mind got the better of me and I got scared thinking about what it could be. I will try to do better tonight. the plan is to hit the dreadmill as soon as I get home and then clean the house so I won't have time to drink.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Other than soccer on Tuesday, I've not really worked out this week, so I've been trying to just stay under calories (stupid thumb!) So, other than a drink of hubby's beer last night, I've been pretty good. It helps that I didn't make the risotto I was planning on so the wine was safe from me.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I just wanted to drink and I did. I was home alone, which is sad. I had two beers while watching HEavy and packing for Punta Cana. Then I had a glass of red wine. It wasn't even very good, I had opened the bottle last week and forgotton. It is screw cap wine so I thought it would stay good, but I think it was a little off, but I drank the glass anyway.
    I thought I was going to be so good this week before vacation but is the opposite-no working out (don't want to ruin my spray tan sweating) and not eating well either since I don't want to get groceries before we go and I am majorly snacky!
  • 5grn9
    5grn9 Posts: 36
    I just wanted to drink and I did. I was home alone, which is sad. I had two beers while watching HEavy and packing for Punta Cana. Then I had a glass of red wine. It wasn't even very good, I had opened the bottle last week and forgotton. It is screw cap wine so I thought it would stay good, but I think it was a little off, but I drank the glass anyway.
    I thought I was going to be so good this week before vacation but is the opposite-no working out (don't want to ruin my spray tan sweating) and not eating well either since I don't want to get groceries before we go and I am majorly snacky!
  • 5grn9
    5grn9 Posts: 36
    Hey you were packing right1 =) Have you ever been to Punta Cana? Beautiful place, I've been twice, would love to go back!! Enjoy your trip!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Hey you were packing right1 =) Have you ever been to Punta Cana? Beautiful place, I've been twice, would love to go back!! Enjoy your trip!
    No, I have never been. I am looking forward to it! We are staying at a large all-inclusive resort-Grand Bahia Principe Bavaro. can't wait!
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