trying to get out of the 170's...anyone else?



  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    Hey, it's progress! :D I hope you feel better.
  • purplespeckle
    Hey, it's progress! :D I hope you feel better.

  • purplespeckle
    CW 174.8

    How is everyone doing?

    I started interval training on the treadmill.
    There are other plans, just google it.
    But mine is:
    *Week 1* 30 minutes
    Walk at 3.0 pace for 4 minutes and jog for 1 minute at 4.0 pace.
    *Week 2* 30 minutes
    Walk at 3.0 pace for 3 minutes and jog for 2 minutes at 4.0 pace.
    I'll just increase the jog each week.
    The incline will always be at 2 (unless that gets too easy).

    - "The combination of slow and fast running increases your metabolic rate, causing you to burn more calories. And your metabolic rate stays higher long after the workout, resulting in continued fat burn and effective weight loss."

    I also bought Billy Blanks Tae Bo. I have his Ultimate Bootcamp Dvd and I like it. It's tough though.

    The one I bought:
    The one I already had:
  • safari20111
    safari20111 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello. I to have been stuck in the 170s. 173.3 to be exact. Started doing 30 day shred on Jan 31 and have not lost anyweight. I upped my calories to 1500 from 1200. Hopefully that helps me to see 169 by Mach 1. It been frustrating
  • purplespeckle
    Hello. I to have been stuck in the 170s. 173.3 to be exact. Started doing 30 day shred on Jan 31 and have not lost anyweight. I upped my calories to 1500 from 1200. Hopefully that helps me to see 169 by Mach 1. It been frustrating

    You might be losing inches. Measure yourself and don't get discouraged. :)
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    175.2 right now I fluctuate anywhere from 167 - 175 ish and it's SO frustrating!
    I got down to 163 just before Christmas.
    but I generally just seem to go up and down those same few pounds month in, month out. I just haven't found my calorie "sweet spot" yet.
  • purplespeckle
    175.2 right now I fluctuate anywhere from 167 - 175 ish and it's SO frustrating!
    I got down to 163 just before Christmas.
    but I generally just seem to go up and down those same few pounds month in, month out. I just haven't found my calorie "sweet spot" yet.

    I wish I could fluctuate over to the 160's lol I've not weighed myself in a few days I'm actually afraid too right now Idk Why I've not been pigging out but I've not ate that great and I've not been working out except a few days this week I've been sick But WE CAN DO THIS ;)
  • snerk
    snerk Posts: 51
    I was so excited to stand on the scale this morning and see 169.8!!!! Goodbye 170's....cant wait till i can say good bye to the 160's!! GoodLuck everyone
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    175.2 right now I fluctuate anywhere from 167 - 175 ish and it's SO frustrating!
    I got down to 163 just before Christmas.
    but I generally just seem to go up and down those same few pounds month in, month out. I just haven't found my calorie "sweet spot" yet.

    I wish I could fluctuate over to the 160's lol I've not weighed myself in a few days I'm actually afraid too right now Idk Why I've not been pigging out but I've not ate that great and I've not been working out except a few days this week I've been sick But WE CAN DO THIS ;)

    Haha it's almost WORSE cos I'm all YEAH!

    Then... nope.

    Its such a tease lol
  • purplespeckle
    I was so excited to stand on the scale this morning and see 169.8!!!! Goodbye 170's....cant wait till i can say good bye to the 160's!! GoodLuck everyone
    Great job!!!!:)
  • gems4me
    Add my name to this group, today I weighed in at 176, crud.......................
  • purplespeckle
    CW 176
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    So it turns out my 'fluctuations' are all down to how one stands on my scales :laugh: closer to the middle = lower weight. :huh: How annoying is THAT?!
    Gonna use my scales @ work from now on! They put me at 178.5 (with clothes)
  • purplespeckle
    i'm tired of these 170's
  • purplespeckle
    I took the battery out of my scale and brought it to work and put it in my pencil box. lol. (that way I wouldn't weigh daily)
    It was discouraging.
    I'll bring my battery back home on Mar 1 and we'll see where I"m at.
    I've been doing tae bo all week.
  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    Good luck!! Maybe it's time to try a different tactic. Also, I can't see most of your food entries because it seems like you never press the "complete this entry" button at the end of each day.
  • purplespeckle
    Who? Me? I don't log food. I do have a written log with exercise entries but that's it.
    I do watch my calorie intake though and protein, sodium, sugar, etc.
    I've not weighed since the 23rd...I'm hoping to have good numbers when I weigh again.
    I've worked out 6 days straight. Today is my rest day.
    How are you doing?
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I finally have been in the 170's for 2 weeks and I have to say, I am sooo excited. YET, I was stuck in the 170's a couple of years ago for months. I cannot wait to get in the 160's. It will be my lowest weight ever (besides puberty), and I cannot wait to experience how good I will feel.

    Great job on those who have gotten out of them and I hope I can join the "trying to get out of the 160's" group very soon!
  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    Who? Me? I don't log food. I do have a written log with exercise entries but that's it.
    I do watch my calorie intake though and protein, sodium, sugar, etc.
    I've not weighed since the 23rd...I'm hoping to have good numbers when I weigh again.
    I've worked out 6 days straight. Today is my rest day.
    How are you doing?
    Ah, okay. Not logging food would make it much harder to lose weight, unless you're fully aware of how many calories are in everything you eat. I didn't realize how many calories some seemingly innocent foods had until I looked them up in here.

    I had a rough few days, my calories went through the roof. I really have to avoid chocolate like the plague, because that triggers positive feedback and I get hungrier and hungrier. Hopefully I'll be down to a reasonable weight by the time Easter rolls around. I gained two pounds since last Monday.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My heaviest was 177, and I was 175 when starting MFP two weeks ago. I am on the cusp of the 160s and am DYING to see that stupid 7 as the middle number off of my darn scale! My weigh in this morning was 170.2. Grrrr .3 lbs away from the 160s!!!

    I am so close I can almost taste the 160s (and if I could taste them they would be calorie free :tongue: )