The 4-Hour Body / Slow-Carb Diet



  • devuchka
    4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    5) Topics which are started with the intent to denigrate, belittle, or disparage another MyFitnessPal member, either directly named or through enough descriptive commentary to be possibly identified, are prohibited. Such topics will be instantly deleted and may result in the banning of the original poster. This includes following another poster around in the forums, posting about past events gone sour, divulging personal information, spreading gossip or rumors, posting email exchanges between users, etc. Keep the drama off the forums!
  • walkers345
    walkers345 Posts: 50 Member
    Ok everyone, that was a little crazy. Is it Friday yet? YES!! Perhaps it's a full moon :)

    I'm still up 2lbs from my pre-cheat weight from last week, and tomorrow is my cheat day. UGGH! I am not super worried. I had 3 glasses of wine last night( wait-two nights this week), and I'm having two coffees today with 1/2 and 1/2. So I know I've cheated a bit this week. I hope that my workout tomorrow will get rid of some water weight. I'll take my measurements tomorrow too. I'm happy to report I am drinking my water continuously which makes me feel proud. I have never been good about water intake. This week I have felt great!

    Today, I'm dragging a little, hence the (decaf)coffee. It's a mental comfort having that hot cup. I typically work out 3-4 times a week. Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. Two days, I run 20-30 min and weight train for half hour including squats, lunges, push ups, pull ups (with chair)-I took a lot of exercises from p90x. The other two days, I run from 4-6 miles.

    I'm 5'6" and currently 149lbs.(last week pre-cheat I was 147.4lbs.) I Started at 152. It's slow going, as I'm starting week 6 on Sunday. My calorie intake is from 1300-1800 throughout the week. I know the SCD says not to restrict calories, but I'm wondering if this is something I should implement. Any thoughts?

    I am true to the plan, eating mainly chicken, eggs, spinach, salad with olive oil, pinto and black beans, red meat maybe once a week, no sugar salsa 1-2 tbsp a day, and quacamole 2 tbsp a day. I had re-fried beans 2x this week and will not do that again, because I feel bloated the day after. I am open to any suggestions for faster progress!

    Happy Cheat day, my fellow Saturday cheaters :bigsmile:
  • BrandyABrown
    I really WANT to go SC, but I can't seem to stick with it for more than 3 days at a time (I travel to another city each week to work on Wed. and then come back, it often serves as less than satisfying cheat day where I'm forced to cheat while traveling but am never thrilled with what I had to eat... and then I end up unsatisfied, tired, etc.). Which doesn't work. I have an odd schedule right now and am in general just in a bit of a stressful transition period. The one week I made it with it - I lost 2 pounds and my less than fatty fat pants fit me again.

    I just keep failing at following it consistently - I can't seem to make it convenient enough. Last week I even tried to pre-prep several meal options for the week on the weekend, hard boiled 2 dozen eggs, etc. and it just didn't hold up. So today I started back with my old-school calorie tracking. I am doing modified exercise like Tim recommended (the kettlebell swing really is as great as he says!) 3 days a week, but wish I would up to doing pilates on the off days. I'm working on it.

    Do any of you have advice for how to make it more convenient?? If not, it may have to wait until my move in May and I'll just stick with a plan that doesn't make me FATTER until then. :)
  • walkers345
    walkers345 Posts: 50 Member
    Brandy, you can do it! I know it's kind of boring, but you can always find a salad with chicken and vegetables with olive oil, salt and pepper, or salsa for dressing when you're traveling. Like Tim says, if you have to, have walnuts or almonds. If your cheat day falls on a travel day, that sucks in my opinion. I would rather skip a cheat day and wait so I can fully enjoy it while I'm relaxed and in a comfortable environment near or at home. It's more of a mental and physical relaxation for me that day, and I cannot really relax while traveling no matter how hard I try. When I get home, I have a release from the subconscious stresses of the trip. Can you alter your cheat day? It really helps to stay on track when you know you can truly enjoy it.

    Hope this helps..
  • sbracken
    Brandy, I'd wait until I was home to do a cheat day as well. While traveling, just make the best options possible. Salads are always a good option, and if you eat out, stick with lean proteins and a veggie. Don't stress too much about getting the legumes in unelss you can hit a mexican restaurant or something like that. Then just make sure you're back to strict when you're at home and can cook your own foods. While you're traveling can you prep your own meals? I know when I travel to Chicago we stay at a hotel with a small kitchenette in each room so prepping an easy meal could be doable. Do you fly? If you're driving, can you cook up some meals before you leave to take with you that you can microwave when you get there?
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Ok everyone, that was a little crazy. Is it Friday yet? YES!! Perhaps it's a full moon :)

    I'm still up 2lbs from my pre-cheat weight from last week, and tomorrow is my cheat day. UGGH! I am not super worried. I had 3 glasses of wine last night( wait-two nights this week), and I'm having two coffees today with 1/2 and 1/2. So I know I've cheated a bit this week. I hope that my workout tomorrow will get rid of some water weight. I'll take my measurements tomorrow too. I'm happy to report I am drinking my water continuously which makes me feel proud. I have never been good about water intake. This week I have felt great!

    Today, I'm dragging a little, hence the (decaf)coffee. It's a mental comfort having that hot cup. I typically work out 3-4 times a week. Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. Two days, I run 20-30 min and weight train for half hour including squats, lunges, push ups, pull ups (with chair)-I took a lot of exercises from p90x. The other two days, I run from 4-6 miles.

    I'm 5'6" and currently 149lbs.(last week pre-cheat I was 147.4lbs.) I Started at 152. It's slow going, as I'm starting week 6 on Sunday. My calorie intake is from 1300-1800 throughout the week. I know the SCD says not to restrict calories, but I'm wondering if this is something I should implement. Any thoughts?

    I am true to the plan, eating mainly chicken, eggs, spinach, salad with olive oil, pinto and black beans, red meat maybe once a week, no sugar salsa 1-2 tbsp a day, and quacamole 2 tbsp a day. I had re-fried beans 2x this week and will not do that again, because I feel bloated the day after. I am open to any suggestions for faster progress!

    Happy Cheat day, my fellow Saturday cheaters :bigsmile:


    I feel like I'm in a similar boat. This is my 7th week. I'm down 6.5 lbs (at my lowest), but currently up 1.5 lbs from my last cheat day (mine are Sundays). Last week, I lost nothing. The week before - 1/2 lb. Like you, I'm pounding water, and occasionally drinking more than 2 glasses of wine. I'd say I've had 3-4 glasses about twice a week almost every week, including those where I've lost.

    I have been exercising 7 days per week. I do the P90 sculpt (the original, precursor to the P90X) 3 times per week and run the other 4 days. I usually aim for one run of 10 miles, 1 of 7 and the rest are about 4.5 miles. Today, I got a 35 lb kettlebell and added the 75 swings to my normal Friday P90 workout.

    All of that said - my BEST week for wait loss (2.5 lbs), I didn't exercise at all. I was sick. I didn't lose my appetite, but I know I eat less when I don't workout. So, I'm contemplating dialing the exercise BACK a bit. In my head, this is difficult. It seems counter-intuitive to my goals, but...well...

    One final word to Devuchka...

    I was kidding in my last post. I hope that was obvious. You've always brought a positive energy to this board, and I truly do not want you to go. You came here for support, and I was just trying to shoot you straight, which, I suppose, is my way of giving you support. I never wished you any ill-will, but you clearly feel like you were being attacked, and I apologize for the part I played in that. It wasn't my intention. I was trying to help. Serioiusly.
  • sbracken
    Dieter's Gone Wild Day!!!!!!!

    Weighted in this morning...obly down 0.2 lbs. But 1/2 in my waist, so I'll take it!!!! I'll take a reduction in measurements any day over movement on the scale. Given that good old Flo is here (finally after being absent since Nov.) and being on progesterone this last week, combined with being sick, I don't think helped with seeing a big loss on the scale.
  • motufit
    motufit Posts: 8 Member
    This is my 3rd binge day and so far this is the only diet was able to stick too. It works. 14.2 lbs lost in 21 days.
  • motufit
    motufit Posts: 8 Member
    How much is everybody working out who's on this diet? I only worked out once for 45 minutes on a stairclimber.
  • circadianswing
    circadianswing Posts: 55 Member
    the weight has just fallen off in the last 72 hrs, 219 to 216, and I'm thrilled today is cheat day!!! I did Tim Ferriss' new recipe on his blog yesterday, organic beef w/ broccoli, it was so good!!

    sbracken - thanks for posting the binge rules, I let the personal trainer borrow my book and he's loving it!!!!!!
  • sbracken
    How much is everybody working out who's on this diet? I only worked out once for 45 minutes on a stairclimber.

    The first week I did some workouts with EA Sports Active, the last few weeks it's been nothing but the squats/presses/pulls when I remember. I do want to get some sort of gym workout in this weekend though.
  • sbracken
    OMG......the munchkins and Mocha Blast may have been too much!!!! My stomach is telling me I've had too much sugar!! I feel like a little kid that's just eaten half their Halloween candy in one sitting.
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    The first week I did some workouts with EA Sports Active, the last few weeks it's been nothing but the squats/presses/pulls when I remember. I do want to get some sort of gym workout in this weekend though.

    How often are we suppose to do these square/presses/pulls? I thought it was just on cheat day am I suppose to do it more often?
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    What does everyone's non-cheat day look like? I've gotten into a pretty good rhythm. I generally consume the following without much variation. I do occasionally substitute a shake and a few nuts for breakfast, but I've been trying to get away from that this week.

    3 times per day, I eat the following:

    Protein: 3-4 oz of beef or 6-8 oz of chicken, fish or pork tenderloin
    Legumes: 1/2 cup lentils or beans
    Veggies: 2 cups of steamed veggies, unless those veggies are peas, in which case 1/2 cup

    I also usually have 2 snacks per day consisting of a handful of nuts or tablespoon of peanut butter, and the occasional Slim Jim or some other such meat snack. Most days I have wine, 2-3 glasses.

    Sometime for breakfast, my protein will be eggs + some smaller amount of meat. I actually find that I don't ever get bored of thi meal. It's easy to keep all of these things available, and they're all things that I really like. My calories usually end up around 1800. Things haven't changed much since I started.

    In evaluating why I was plateauing, the only thing that I really could put my finger on was that when I started exercising more, I stopped or slowed weight loss. I've had some small changes in the tape measure, and my body fat % is something I've only been tracking for a week or so, so that's inconclusive. I've been debating scrapping my weight workout and just focusing on the 4HB recommendations. I just got a kettlebell, so I'll include that either way. Of course, I hate weights, so maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to quit doing them.

    I'm considering not cheating tomorrow. I want to move my cheat day from Sunday to Saturday, so I'm thinking that, rather than moving it up a day, I'll push it back 6 days.
  • motufit
    motufit Posts: 8 Member
    The first week I did some workouts with EA Sports Active, the last few weeks it's been nothing but the squats/presses/pulls when I remember. I do want to get some sort of gym workout in this weekend though.

    How often are we suppose to do these square/presses/pulls? I thought it was just on cheat day am I suppose to do it more often?

    I thought we were suppose to do it before and after every meal to open up the GLUT4 insulin receptors. Thats what I remember.
  • motufit
    motufit Posts: 8 Member
    What does everyone's non-cheat day look like? I've gotten into a pretty good rhythm. I generally consume the following without much variation. I do occasionally substitute a shake and a few nuts for breakfast, but I've been trying to get away from that this week.

    3 times per day, I eat the following:

    Protein: 3-4 oz of beef or 6-8 oz of chicken, fish or pork tenderloin
    Legumes: 1/2 cup lentils or beans
    Veggies: 2 cups of steamed veggies, unless those veggies are peas, in which case 1/2 cup

    I also usually have 2 snacks per day consisting of a handful of nuts or tablespoon of peanut butter, and the occasional Slim Jim or some other such meat snack. Most days I have wine, 2-3 glasses.

    Sometime for breakfast, my protein will be eggs + some smaller amount of meat. I actually find that I don't ever get bored of thi meal. It's easy to keep all of these things available, and they're all things that I really like. My calories usually end up around 1800. Things haven't changed much since I started.

    In evaluating why I was plateauing, the only thing that I really could put my finger on was that when I started exercising more, I stopped or slowed weight loss. I've had some small changes in the tape measure, and my body fat % is something I've only been tracking for a week or so, so that's inconclusive. I've been debating scrapping my weight workout and just focusing on the 4HB recommendations. I just got a kettlebell, so I'll include that either way. Of course, I hate weights, so maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to quit doing them.

    I'm considering not cheating tomorrow. I want to move my cheat day from Sunday to Saturday, so I'm thinking that, rather than moving it up a day, I'll push it back 6 days.

    My meals are pretty similar to yours during my week. I try to eat as much protein and beans I can until I feel full. Those beans can make me feel full pretty fast. I usually choose from canned pinto, black, or Lima beans. For my proteins its usually hard boiled eggs or those liquid eggs you find in the carton mixed in with canned spinach or some roasted chicken from Costco. Basically any protein I can get my hands on. I keep forgetting to eat more vegetables. I haven't tried to measure how many calories I'm consuming but so far the weight loss goes like this 220, then 220 next day, then 218 on day 3, day 4 217, 216, 216, 214. I then gain 3-6 pounds the day of and after the binge but typically lose it all and a pound more 48-72 hrs later.

    Maybe the reason you're plateauing is because of the weight training. You're building up muscle while losing a lot of fat. I want to workout more, but after working out I feel incredible hungry for carbs.
  • circadianswing
    circadianswing Posts: 55 Member
    My morning meal
    3 egg (1 of the egg yolks removed) omelette, may have a little chicken in it (from previous dinner), pico de gallo, and a few slices of avocado on top
    1/2 can of Kroeger Private Select Organic black, pinto, or a tribean
    black coffee

    Lunch - varies
    fast at home lunch - 1 can trader joe's organic pea soup or vegetarian chili
    fast food lunch - 3 piece from el pollo loco and beans
    better lunch - spinach salad, walnuts, tomato, celery, (dash of shredded carrots), avocado, kidney beans, w/ Olive Oil & Vinegar

    Trader Joe's Organic Chicken Breast, flattened, smothered in cayenne pepper, basil, thyme, and oregano. cooked in a cast iron skillet with a tbsp or 2 of macadamia nut oil and I sautee some mushrooms in the same skillet at same time. One uncooked tomato, sliced and laid on top.
    served with other half of can of whatever beans I had in the morning.
    1 or 2 glasses of red wine

    I only drink water or unsweetened tea & iced tea.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Well cheat day is here. It took me the whole week to get off the cheat day weight (again), with no loss. So, I think I'm going to just do a cheat meal today, if even that. The truth is - I'm not at all discouraged - I just don't feel like cheating. I really don't. I have lots of good leftovers from the week which will make it easy not to cheat today. Also, next weekend, I want to switch my cheat day to Saturday, so, I'd rather not move it up without doing something less today.

    We'll see. If I feel a big urge to cheat - I will. The last thing I want to do is sabotage myself by not cheating when I'm allowed. I was just thinking how nice it would be to start Monday with no extra cheat day weight for a change.
  • walkers345
    walkers345 Posts: 50 Member
    Mcferg, have you had any changes in measurements or the way your clothes fit? Also, maybe cut the nuts and PB during the week? I wish I had better advice as I am definitely not losing like I would like. But mentally and physically, I feel great so it's worth it.

    Pre-cheat yesterday, I had lost .25-.5 inches in the waist only.

    Yesterday, Saturday(cheat day) I tried to just do cheat meal, but I kind of made up for it later in the day by eating whatever I wanted-Pizza, ice cream, apple pie, chocolate covered almonds (I love my sweets).

    I'm up 3.6 lbs today. I drank a lot of water with lemon and orange yesterday too. Last week I kept my weight until Friday before Saturday cheat day. I am really going to watch the sodium this week. I purchased black beans (which I eat most) with no salt added. That will cut 440mg each serving. I also haven't been adding the salt I sprinkle on my eggs to the diary. I did that today and that added about 400+ mg sodium. So I must be consuming more than I thought.
  • sbracken
    Well, cheat day was successful!!!! I had Arby's for dinner at about 5, then didn't eat anything but 2 Girl Scout cookies the rest of the day. I did have a couple Sailor Jerry's and Coke with DH later into the night, but no real food after 5. I'm only up a pound today. Let's hope it comes back off quick. I also made sure I had caffeine at every meal yesterday as well. Of course after the munchkins and Arby's my stomach was soooooooooooooo full I couldn't imagine eating anything else without making myself sick.

    Back to plan today....thankfully!!!!! Felt good to eat just some eggs and turkey bacon at breakfast today. It was hard to pass on the pancakes at IHOP, but my waistline thanks me.

    My meals are usually....
    Breakfast - Protein shake on my way out the door in the morning on the way to work
    Lunch 1 - Extra lean ground beef with taco seasoning, black beans, salad
    Lunch 2 - Chicken, black beans or hummus, veggies
    Dinner - Lean protein, beans, salad

    My salad is usually romaine, spinach, maybe a few cucumber slices, and 1T Kraft EVOO dressing.