The Randoms - February 2011



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,015 Member
    today is my weigh in day
    weigh in 200.6
    I gained .4 lbs I am so close to onderland GRRRRR
    I need to do more exercise this week, also I blew it valentines day, so this week will be better

    Hope everyone has a great weekend
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Gooooood afternoon! :o)

    Checking in quickly before I continue my weekend! And what a fabulous weekend at that! I'm torn between working and leaving this house and hanging with my boys all day. Its been an incredibly rough week with my son and I really want to get out of the house and try to see if we can just get a fresh start! :o)

    QOTD: As we go along this journey, I'm struck every year by how different I am from just a YEAR ago. Every year I think, I'm not going to mature or change THAT radically, but I do. Recently I was thinking about highschool, oh so long ago! I think many events back then can shape who we are today! SO! On that note, what's your worst/best memory of high school and why?
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Hmm: Best memory from high school would have to be working at Dairy Queen with all of my best friends. Some of the best memories were made in that little fast food place! We would also take weekly Garfield's runs (a restaurant about an hour away) in my friend's beat up old station wagon. Too fun!

    Worst memory: My parents divorced, and even though she's one of the greatest things in my life, when I got pregnant with my daughter, I realized that life as I knew it was over. I was a grown up now. My youth had officially left me. That was a very hard, very dark time in my life. A lot of depression. If it weren't for my husband, who met me right in the middle of it all, I honestly don't know if I'd be here. My motto is: If God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it. I had to live by those words, because I was very lost! Looking back at my life then, it's amazing to see what God's changed in me, how I look at people or my life. Crazy how God uses experiences in your life to shape who you become. I'm definitely not the judgemental, closed minded person I once was. Yay for being a grown up! :)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hmm: Best memory from high school would have to be working at Dairy Queen with all of my best friends. Some of the best memories were made in that little fast food place! We would also take weekly Garfield's runs (a restaurant about an hour away) in my friend's beat up old station wagon. Too fun!

    Worst memory: My parents divorced, and even though she's one of the greatest things in my life, when I got pregnant with my daughter, I realized that life as I knew it was over. I was a grown up now. My youth had officially left me. That was a very hard, very dark time in my life. A lot of depression. If it weren't for my husband, who met me right in the middle of it all, I honestly don't know if I'd be here. My motto is: If God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it. I had to live by those words, because I was very lost! Looking back at my life then, it's amazing to see what God's changed in me, how I look at people or my life. Crazy how God uses experiences in your life to shape who you become. I'm definitely not the judgemental, closed minded person I once was. Yay for being a grown up! :)

    LOL! Funny you say that because today my sister texted me and said Tara? I don't want to be a grown up any more. LOL! And I didn't half blame her! :o) At church tonight, our pastor said "You wouldn't be who you are today without your history." That is fantastic! :o)
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    QOTD: Worst memory of high school? Oh gosh. I was one of those awful troublemaker kids that ended up in the alternative school and ditched all the time. High school is a little fuzzy. (I'm nothing like this anymore of course!) Huh. I was a total "gothic death metal stoner" type, so I didn't really get picked on. This isn't a memory of high school, but a regret I suppose. I wish I wasn't so messed up back then, because it still has me slightly held back to this day (I'll be 30 this year and I'm still in college). I guess everything has a reason though, it's helped me to define for sure what I'd like to do with my life (I'm in school to become a social worker), and I had a lot of great experiences.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Best/worst high school, eh?

    Worst: episodic depression

    Best: fully committing my life to Christ
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hmmm... good question!

    Best memory: Band class and Model UN club and yearbook with all my best friends. I loved all the activities I was in and I met my best friends in high school in Orchestra my freshman year. We were in a few clubs together and we hung out all the time, it was pretty awesome. And getting into my 1st choice college for engineering.

    Worst memory: Girls being obnoxious on the bus home, they were immature and not worth my time but I let it get to me. I really wanted to have a 5 year reunion to rub my well paying rocket scientist job and size 6 body in their faces but we didn't get around to planning one this year for my class.
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: Since it seems like everyone here is of the proper age, favorite alcoholic drink?
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    bynsky - mmmm, reisling is my favorite too. Especially the really sweet late harvest, or ice wine varieties :-/ Those are the most caloric ones too, I think. Or at least the most sugary. But soooo delicious! I live in wine country, and the farmer's market is always so dangerous because they're always set up to give out samples!

    QOTD: Mine depends on mood also. I'm not munch of a drinker except for with dinner or one or two shots at a club, I'm more of a coffee-holic, haha.
    Beer: Pilsner or Boddingtons
    Mixed: Malibu and coke
    Shot: Dead Nazi
    Wine: St Chappelle's late harvest reisling or ice wine
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: I have like ZERO knowledge of alcohol! I'm not anti-alcohol...I'm just not educated on what is out there! I was pregnant by the time I was 21, having strokes after that and now I'm on I drink but I play it safe!

    I love Moscato D'asti with a passion and I also love Pineapple juice and coconut rum...YUM! I've never even heard of a dead nazi. Sounds VERY interesting! hahaha! I hate beer completely, could never develop a taste. :o)
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    QOTD: Since it seems like everyone here is of the proper age, favorite alcoholic drink?

    I love this question :-)

    When I want to to have mixed drink, I like a Lychee Martini. They are soooo yummy!

    Beer- Blue Moon.

    Wine- Cabernet. Although I tried a merlot recently and I loved it. It's called Menage A Trois. It was delicious.

    I stick to wine most of the time though.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hmm... Randy is a beer guru so I've been trying so many kinds of delicious beer! Sam Adams Cherry Wheat is still my favorite. I love dark, delicious, creamy beers tho (of course, highest in calories... haha). Randy's picked out a few good ones that I've had and can't remember the names of. Too many delicious beers out there!

    For mixed drinks, I think a Malibu Baybreeze is my favorite. Anything with pineapple juice really.

    I don't really drink much wine... I like sweeter white wines when I do tho.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,015 Member
    I have been having alot of trouble making myself exercise. So today I made my family go on a walk on the american river bike trail. It was nice and good family time and I got in my exercise. We ended up walking a little over 5 miles. Maybe I should start having them do it with me more often. LOL. So I got in 140 mins of exercise today. YEAH

    What do you ladies do to make yourself exercise when you really dont want to ?

    what is my favorite mixed drink ?
    mixed drink margarita
    wine beringer white zinfindel
    and I dont really like beer
    I am not much of a drinker, I used to be but with all the meds I am on It wouldnt take much for me to be under the table , LOL
    but I do love a good margarita
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Hmm favorite drink...

    Back in the day--margaritas hands down. I still love them, but because I'm more conscious of what calories are going in, I became a wine drinker. I love moscato and rieslings.

    Mixed drink- malibu rum and diet

    I don't drink often other than a glass of wine on some nights a week. If there was one drink that i could drink whenever and never gain a pound, it would be shark water. The most delicious drink EVER. It's almost complete alcohol but it tastes like kool-aid. Delightful! Dangerous. :)
  • SarcasticManiac
    Answering my own question, fave beer is micro-brewery beer, Shiner Bock, and Sam Adams.

    Fave mixers are Jack and Coke, Captain and Coke, and almost anything with Vodka.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    themommie - Hmmm...usually alot of mind games. "You want to do this Tara. You know you do." I ultimately know that I will feel better AFTERWARD. My other thing, like today, its having a companion. Last night I worked out with my husband. Today I'm meeting a friend at the gym. We're going to share each others routines for an extra calorie burning workout! :o)

    QOTD: What would you do if you won the lottery? ANNNNNNNNNNNNND GO!