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  • My other half knows better...he is bigger than I am and I would smack the crap out of him!!! The one that isn't usually directed at me but bothers me every time someone says it is when someone is talking about someone else and they try to describe just how big someone is...
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Oh yeah, forgot to mention my mom wanted me to emulate my grandmother. Four kids, 88 lbs. She also didn't eat -- smoked all day, black coffee all day, one egg a day, maybe 3 shrimp. :laugh: Sooooo healthy

    She even asked me why I didn't just purge like my dancer friends? "Mom that's not healthy". "Yeah, but they're thin!"

    OH MY GOD....I am speechless. Just speechless.
  • I remember a few years ago, there were 3 of us in my office that were on the heavier side. One too-chatty gal lost about 25lbs and, of course, was proud of herself (which I was too) but she let it be known to whomever would listen constantly. One day in particular she was looking at a pic of herself before the weight loss and kept on and ON about WHY no one ever bothered to tell her how fat she was and why did she allow herself to get sooooo fat and disgusting, and, like I said, on and on. So I finally (after about 5 mins) just looked at her and asked her if she realized her "so fat weight" and her "disgusting weight" was about 10 lbs less than Pam and 5 lbs more than I was currently. She looked at me and said that wasn't her problem. Nice.
  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    I have never experienced insults relating to my physique, but an acquaintance has been asked a few times "when is it due?" when she isn't pregnant. The people who say this are usually old ladies who say so very innocently and don't mean to insult.

    Ohhhhh, I had totally forgotten about the insult that made me actually cry like a baby on my sister. I was in Tescos (UK food store) and the lady at the checkout asked when I was due, I said 'excuse me' as I was quite puzzled and didn't realise what she had said, my sister beside me caught on very quickly and treid to change the subject, but the checkout assistant asked again - when was my baby due! Needless to say I was not pregnant, and told her as much before walking out then spent the rest of the day depressed and harrassing my sister about my size... bad times!

    Another was my mother who told me while I was at uni that I had 'let myself go' - nice, thanks mum!!
  • It sounds like a lot of these insults are either coming from family members or partners, which is upsetting. You can't choose your family, but you CAN choose who you're dating/marrying/married to. Please rethink a relationship if they have anything to tell you short of "you're beautiful." I don't care HOW much you weigh! If you're too "fat" or too "skinny" in YOUR eyes, that's when you need to change. But if someone is seeing this and is hurting you for it instead of helping, that's when they need to change.

    In short, don't date douche bags. If they can't handle you, they shouldn't be with you.

    A lot of these people should take lessons from my man...he tells me I'm beautiful every day. I had my fill of the bad ones right after I was told the world would be better off if I killed myself. That's the worst insult I've ever had, and that's when I was done with that relationship.
  • I was alway chubby and in high school the boys I had grown up with decided to start calling me pork chop, always nice for the low self esteem I already had.
    But the one comment I have never forgotten was my sister, I was about a size 18 and was trying on dresses for a wedding and couldn't find anything that looked nice, so frustrated I said...every dress makes me look fat, to her reply.....well you are fat! I was devistated that she would say that to me and that was about 15 years ago and I have never forgotten that comment. She was always the thin one in the family, well she isn't anymore but I still would NEVER rub that in her face that she has gained a lot of weight. My only way to get to her is lose weight so I am the same size as her or smaller, then that will kill her without me even making a comment! :wink:
    Though my health is my motivation for losing weight!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    In an earlier post, I said that I would give you guys a laugh because some of the things I read, I just could not fathom. No one deserves this type of treatment for being over OR underweight, but as I said before, I've been through it before and I know how it feels. At the same time, I don't want my new friends to hold on to anything hurtful, because we are not meant to live that way. There is an old saying that says 'let go and let God'. It can't be easy to let go when someone you love has hurt you, but just as we are pushing ourselves to lose weight and be healthier, we have to push through the hurt. I believe that God wants us to be happy however we look and I also believe that he has a sense of humor too. Please let me know if you like the post or not. Like I said, this is only a few jokes, not meant to offend...just give us a few good laughs while at the same time giving us a little humorous therapy while letting us know that we don't have to let anyone build a brick house on our backs....here goes!
    I believe in the sanctity of marriage and when there are problems, it is best to try and work it out, but just in case this is not a possibility, this is for whoever is being insulted at home. Hopefully there will be no offense taken, just laughs and the realization that you have the right to speak up for yourself.

    When an insult is thrown at you....throw back!
    1. "Your butt is too big!" "So is your mouth....too bad I can't say the
    same for any other part of your body!"

    2. "Why am I even with you?" "Because no one else wants you!"

    3. "I'm just not attracted to you anymore." "Likewise, dude."

    4. "Why can't you look more like HER?" "Because if I did, I'd have to dump you....you
    wouldn't be my type."

    5. "You didn't work out long enough." "You " How uncanny! I was just about to say
    need to do more if you want to get the same thing about our sex life!"
    anywhere with me!"

    6. " When are you gonna finally lower " As soon as your mentality is raised.....it's
    your weight?" gonna be awhile, ain't it?"

    7."I don't want to be seen with you in public... "O my gosh!" Why didn't anybody ever tell
    people are always looking at us funny, and me before now that I should leave my
    it's embarrassing!" douche bag at home?"

    8. "Are you sure you want to eat that cake?" "Actually, I was hoping you would eat it to
    "You're only gonna get bigger." stop your mouth up, 'cause if not, this
    room is only gonna get hotter."

    9. "You've got ______months to lose the weight "Um...you're like tempting me to get off my
    or I'm leaving you!" fitness plan, but why wait to do me a
    favor?" "Let me help you pack so you
    can GET TA STEPPIN'!"

    10. "I don't even want to have sex with you anymore "Wow!" "Thanks dude!" "You have just
    because you're so fat!" given me ONE WHOLE MINUTE to add
    to my exercise program!":tongue:

    If you guys didn't like this, please excuse my sarcastic sense of humor. I still hope that somebody
    got a good laugh out of this...it was quite therapeutic for me. Let me know what you thought of 'THE LIST'.
    If you enjoyed it, there's more, if not, let me know. I just figured it was a good way to pass the time in
    between workouts!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    I don't know how it happened, but my post didn't come out like I typed it, and I can't correct it despite many attempts. Hopefully you guys can decipher what I was trying to post and get the joke, because you can't edit a post after an hour. Darn it!!!!!!:sad: The errors are found in numbers 5-9, I think.
  • JoanCG
    JoanCG Posts: 22
    I am my biggest critic. I would be crushed if someone I loved seriously talked to me like that. I'm sorry that some of you go through this.:flowerforyou:
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I don't know how it happened, but my post didn't come out like I typed it, and I can't correct it despite many attempts. Hopefully you guys can decipher what I was trying to post and get the joke, because you can't edit a post after an hour. Darn it!!!!!!:sad: The errors are found in numbers 5-9, I think.

    Loved it! Laughed hysterically... love your sense of humor!
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    Not as bad as what a lot of you guys have suffered but a couple of examples stick in my mind. Growing up I was always fat and my sister was super skinny. My brothers called us Bones and Belly. I guess it was just mean big brothers being mean. Also I after I gained loads of weight I found out that a guy at work often referred to me as 'that blonde girl who used to be quite hot'. It was one of the comments that made me say enough is enough and start losing.
  • mbrotnitsky
    mbrotnitsky Posts: 44 Member
    R u kidding. He really said that. How selfish and inconsiderate. I'm furious with him and I don't even know him. I am so blessed because my husband married a fat woman 245 pounds when we wed. He is a HOTTIE and I mean Hottie. He has always loved me for me and has never insulted me only encouraged me to be the most beautiful person I can be.

    No one that loves me has ever insulted me. Only people who really didn't matter would spurt trash out of their mouth about my size.

    I would trade him in and never look back. Your beautiful no matter what size.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member

    5." You didn't work out long enough...you need to do more if you're gonna get anywhere with me!"
    "How uncanny...I was just about to tell you the same thing
    about our sex life!"

    6. "When are you gonna finally lower your weight?"
    "As soon as you RAISE your mentality...gonna be awhile, ain't it?"

    7. "I don't even want to be seen with you in public...people are always
    looking at us funny and it's embarrassing."
    "Oh my gosh!" "Why didn't anybody ever tell me before now that I
    should leave my douche bag at home?"

    8. "Are you sure you want to eat that cake...you're only gonna get
    "Actually, I was hoping YOU would eat it to stop up your mouth 'cause
    if not, this room is only gonna get hotter."

    9. "You've got ____ months to lose the weight or I'm leaving you!"
    "Um, you're like, tempting me to get off of my fitness plan, but why
    wait to do me a favor...let me help you pack and...GET TA STEPPIN'!"

    10."I don't even want to have sex with you anymore because you're too fat!"
    "Wow!" "Thanks dude...you have just given me ONE WHOLE MINUTE to
    add to my exercise program!" 5-10 corrected, thanks!
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    In an earlier post, I said that I would give you guys a laugh because some of the things I read, I just could not fathom. No one deserves this type of treatment for being over OR underweight, but as I said before, I've been through it before and I know how it feels. At the same time, I don't want my new friends to hold on to anything hurtful, because we are not meant to live that way. There is an old saying that says 'let go and let God'. It can't be easy to let go when someone you love has hurt you, but just as we are pushing ourselves to lose weight and be healthier, we have to push through the hurt. I believe that God wants us to be happy however we look and I also believe that he has a sense of humor too. Please let me know if you like the post or not. Like I said, this is only a few jokes, not meant to offend...just give us a few good laughs while at the same time giving us a little humorous therapy while letting us know that we don't have to let anyone build a brick house on our backs....here goes!
    I believe in the sanctity of marriage and when there are problems, it is best to try and work it out, but just in case this is not a possibility, this is for whoever is being insulted at home. Hopefully there will be no offense taken, just laughs and the realization that you have the right to speak up for yourself.

    When an insult is thrown at you....throw back!
    1. "Your butt is too big!" "So is your mouth....too bad I can't say the
    same for any other part of your body!"

    2. "Why am I even with you?" "Because no one else wants you!"

    3. "I'm just not attracted to you anymore." "Likewise, dude."

    4. "Why can't you look more like HER?" "Because if I did, I'd have to dump you....you
    wouldn't be my type."

    5. "You didn't work out long enough." "You " How uncanny! I was just about to say
    need to do more if you want to get the same thing about our sex life!"
    anywhere with me!"

    6. " When are you gonna finally lower " As soon as your mentality is raised.....it's
    your weight?" gonna be awhile, ain't it?"

    7."I don't want to be seen with you in public... "O my gosh!" Why didn't anybody ever tell
    people are always looking at us funny, and me before now that I should leave my
    it's embarrassing!" douche bag at home?"

    8. "Are you sure you want to eat that cake?" "Actually, I was hoping you would eat it to
    "You're only gonna get bigger." stop your mouth up, 'cause if not, this
    room is only gonna get hotter."

    9. "You've got ______months to lose the weight "Um...you're like tempting me to get off my
    or I'm leaving you!" fitness plan, but why wait to do me a
    favor?" "Let me help you pack so you
    can GET TA STEPPIN'!"

    10. "I don't even want to have sex with you anymore "Wow!" "Thanks dude!" "You have just
    because you're so fat!" given me ONE WHOLE MINUTE to add
    to my exercise program!":tongue:

    If you guys didn't like this, please excuse my sarcastic sense of humor. I still hope that somebody
    got a good laugh out of this...it was quite therapeutic for me. Let me know what you thought of 'THE LIST'.
    If you enjoyed it, there's more, if not, let me know. I just figured it was a good way to pass the time in
    between workouts!
    Love number 2
  • onelonegypsy
    onelonegypsy Posts: 9 Member
    In our life we must remember

    Those that matter dont mind and those that mind dont matter

    Keep smiling
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    A few years back when I was just under 200 pounds a gal that I worked with just turned to me out of the blue at work and said, "you have a big butt." Apparently it had been bothering her more than me! I felt like telling her that it wouldn't hurt to shave her moustache now and then either, but I was stunned and speechless and just walked away. As they say, the truth hurts! But it is much smaller now!
  • Boy! That was thoughtless and just plain mean!
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I have to thank everyone in this thread for sharing. I had no idea how many of us had gone thru this with family.

    Just a few weeks ago I had someone make a thoughtless remark to me and I really let him have it. I told him how "original" his comment was and asked him if he was a member of MENSA. I was good for a while, then I started getting real emotional about it and it made remember alot of the stuff I put up with growing up. My mom had food issues from dealing with a mother who didn't like having overweight kids. My mom always told me I was beautiful, everyday whether I was a size 16 or a 26. My "father" on the otherhand was cruel. I remember spraining my ankle when I was 8 yrs old (I've been overweight all my life) and he told everyone I sprained it chasing the little boy across the street trying to get his twinkie. I had to develope a thick skin because if his comments made me cry he'd call me a crybaby. He always commented on how my clothes fit, how much makeup I wore, how big I was, especially in front of my friends and boyfriends. After I graduated high school I moved out, that was the last time I saw him. I finally, after all these years, was able to cry about it.
  • This thread brought back a memory from the early 80s in HS. A girl in my class had called me buffalo butt several times, but the irony was that she was obese and I was overweight. In those days, I was really active (no computer, no home video games, etc.) but loved my sweets way too much by dealing with my parents' acrimonious divorce. Anyway, that comment still had bothered me at the time.

    My dad once asked me if I was going to stuff my face with the Doritos, but that was the only time.

    However, my mother was big on being slim and beauty as she was brainwashed by the society (born in '37). She would harp on it so often, to the point that it had made me feel so insecure about myself (not to repeat this insanity with my own DD, of course).

    When I was 15 and overweight and then lost it through a semi-starvation diet (900-1000 calories a day) at a diet clinic, she was glad that I no longer had old ladies' legs (cellulite on thighs). Then, of course, I gained it back later. That diet was not reasonable, nor did it teach me reasonable goals. Also, the 'nurse' had told me to maintain at 1000 calories. Right.

    The irony is that my mom is much bigger than I am today and has been over the decade. She loves her Dr. Pepper too much, but I don't comment on her weight. Let her think about this, and she probably does. At least, she no longer 'comments' on my weight since the 90s after I lost the weight. One time, I did stop her from talking about how fat she was in front of my DD, and she hasn't done it again.

    I was obese in my 20s for about a decade (eating junk from stress by dealing with a former severely bipolar boyfriend, never exercising as opposed to my earlier activities like biking, swimming, walking) before losing 66 pounds when I was 31, thanks to Susan Powter before I later modified the diet to suit me (more protein, fewer carbs, not the Atkins diet). One time when I was obese, my old boss commented that I shouldn't be eating what I had for 'dinner' (on the B shift), which was only a hamburger - never mind that I didn't have anything to eat all day before then.

    I had kept the weight off for 8 years until the baby came around in '04. I was 47 pounds before my child was born, and after the birth, I was 9 pounds above my former normal weight. Breastfeeding doesn't always help one to lose weight; it just made me so ravenous, but I was glad that my DD was breastfed due to allergies that could be prevented. She is a lot healthier than I was as a young child. I was allergic to cow's milk formula. She was allergic to cow's milk introduced to her at her first birthday. Then she had goat's milk until her 2nd birthday when she then tolerated cow's milk. It was worth being overweight to breastfeed her in her first year because she has lesser allergies than I did back then, up to being 7 years old today.

    Anyway, it's time for me to lose weight because I need to. :-) Today, I am 45 pounds overweight (on a 4'10" frame), so I joined here. I haven't had negative comments so far from family members, but I still need to lose weight for health since I am much older and not younger to be able to tolerate the ill effects from overeating.

    So here I am on this website that I really like so far. I just need to find myself again from when I first lost the weight back then.
  • Keep your chin up and remember you can do anything!!!! I don't know what I would do if my husband said that to me, you must be very strong.. Good luck with all of your goals.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I stoped caring what other people thought of me a long time ago,and its the best feeling.
  • My dad and brother are the worst culprits. Which is daft as they both are pretty big.

    My mum on the other hand deals with it slightly differently in telling me how much better i look slim. not perfect but at least she's not calling me thunder thighs, fatty or, well i can't repeat on here the kinda things my brother used to say.

    It's one thing saying something to help, another just being cruel!
  • jc2488
    jc2488 Posts: 12
    At my boyfriends family dinner his brother and girlfriend said they were looking at older pictures of us and "i used to be fat" i said oh...ok and they said oh but only when i sat down it was noticeable in my stomach. Well thanks. Mind you i have never really weighed more than 135 and that my boyfriend's brothers girlfriend is not the healthiest person! This was about 3 years ago.....and i still think about it and get so mad over it! I can't beleive people can say things like that. I regret not giving her a piece of my mind. Unfortuantly one day she will be my sister-in-law.
  • chrssyeldridge
    chrssyeldridge Posts: 47 Member
    My ex once told me the my *kitten* looked like a golf ball white covered with dimples!!! F*&%$#! So glad he's an ex now!
  • It's not really an insult so much as a constant reminder, but everyone in my immediate family (especially my mom and dad) constantly tell me that things I eat are gonna go straight to my *kitten*. Or they are telling me how I need to exercise more. It's the *kitten* comment that gets to me the most, because sometimes it's over a piece of toast or because I ate everything off my plate, even if it was healthy foods...it's frustrating.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    This sounds like a very cathartic thread. It is nice to be able to say something in a safe environment such as this one about things that have tormented us over the years and we have probaly never mentioned to another person before. And the good news is we are all doing something to make sure that we will never be taunted again! Good luck to everyone here! Keep going and never give up!
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