Black Team Week 8!!!!!



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok, it sounds like these kids acted like fools, but why would you dub the team "pagan". Christians and Pagans alike act like idiots all the time. It's the parents and how they choose to raise their children. I am Pagan and have a Pagan family. My daughter plays very competitively on a ball team and her team mates be they Christian or not love her reagrdless of her religious upbringing. She is polite and voluteers as a camp councelor for kids with diabilities and helps tutor the down syndrome children at her high school. That is acceptable behavior for our teens and it has nothing to do with the religious label she wears. It sounds like you have raise a bright and polite child and these other parents need to maybe quit catering to their lazy whinny kids. As, someone looking from the outside in. I would have automatcally over looked the fact that they were playing under a "Christian" label and gone right to the source of the problem. Lazy parents raising lazy children.

    This is an old thread, so I'm not entirely sure anymore to what you're referring-- but, I think if I'm reading it right......... My choice of "pagan" simply was to coin the term that a lot of Christians would use to describe something that isn't "Christian." If it's not under the label of Christianity, a lot of professing believers that I've known use the label "pagan," simply meaning non-Christian.

    It wasn't a term of offense, which is clear in the context because the children of the non-Christian league behaved better, and so did the parents--

    LOL Marla, had to hunt for this one, huh?? I find it amazing that the very first post for this newbie is not about diet and exercise but to hit on a 1 yr old thread for the black team. Ok.

    Welcome Newbie :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ok, it sounds like these kids acted like fools, but why would you dub the team "pagan". Christians and Pagans alike act like idiots all the time. It's the parents and how they choose to raise their children. I am Pagan and have a Pagan family. My daughter plays very competitively on a ball team and her team mates be they Christian or not love her reagrdless of her religious upbringing. She is polite and voluteers as a camp councelor for kids with diabilities and helps tutor the down syndrome children at her high school. That is acceptable behavior for our teens and it has nothing to do with the religious label she wears. It sounds like you have raise a bright and polite child and these other parents need to maybe quit catering to their lazy whinny kids. As, someone looking from the outside in. I would have automatcally over looked the fact that they were playing under a "Christian" label and gone right to the source of the problem. Lazy parents raising lazy children.

    This is an old thread, so I'm not entirely sure anymore to what you're referring-- but, I think if I'm reading it right......... My choice of "pagan" simply was to coin the term that a lot of Christians would use to describe something that isn't "Christian." If it's not under the label of Christianity, a lot of professing believers that I've known use the label "pagan," simply meaning non-Christian.

    It wasn't a term of offense, which is clear in the context because the children of the non-Christian league behaved better, and so did the parents--

    LOL Marla, had to hunt for this one, huh?? I find it amazing that the very first post for this newbie is not about diet and exercise but to hit on a 1 yr old thread for the black team. Ok.

    Welcome Newbie :flowerforyou:

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Where did this tread pop up from..I thought we have finished everyone we have started?? Hum.. the things that make you go humm..