30 day shred for march anyone??



  • I am absolutely in! I have the DVD and do level 1 occasionally, but I want to do the 30 days straight so March is great! Send friend requests everyone so I can be held accountable for my workouts ;)
  • I have it and I LOVE IT!!!! Don't be afraid of it, tackle it! You can do it.
  • I got the DVD a month or so ago...haven't been doing it consistently, but will definitely step it up for March!

    Friend me!
  • Curves73
    Curves73 Posts: 134 Member
    I have the dvd- on the shelf. Would love to start march 1st.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I am going to start it on March 1st with you. I'm doing only Zumba this month. I have seen a big difference. Now its time to start toning up. Sending you a friend request.
  • I accept the invitation and the challenge. I just burned 497.25 calories digging the video out from "under" and cleaning the miles of dust off of it. I will be in Florida for about 10 days this will help me stay on track.
  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in! I've got the DVD but haven't quite built up the motivation to get started. Perfect timing! :)
  • BSN2Be
    BSN2Be Posts: 23
    I shredded for the first time today. I'm rotating every other day between the shred and c25k. I was soooooo tired after L1D1, I assumed it would be challenging, but not overly difficult. My original plan was to do the shred every day and c25k every other. But there is no way I could do them both in one day!

    Best of luck to every one! I can't wait to hear how everyone comes along!
  • littlemuffin
    littlemuffin Posts: 25 Member
    Count me in too! I just ordered the dvd, should be here in 3-5 woking days! :p Having support will really help me stay motivated! :)
  • ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL WE START TO GET TOTALLY SHREDDED!! haha ;) good luck to everyone!
  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm excited! I know it'll be awful at first but in about a month I'll be feeling so good!

    So...do we check in here? On the home page? On a certain day? Just any day?

  • Gaahhhh oh man I HAVE to do it now that I saw this thread! Ugghhhh you guys it's hard -- I'm scared!! Lol. I think I'll do the every other day bit that other people have been saying. I'm going to download it off iTunes :)

  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    Im all shredded out! waiting her new one "ripped in 30" march 1....have fun with it everyone!
  • :smile: I would like to do it too! I would have to start on the 5th though, because I'll be away on vacation, coming home on the 4th. I'll friend you!
  • Gaahhhh oh man I HAVE to do it now that I saw this thread! Ugghhhh you guys it's hard -- I'm scared!! Lol. I think I'll do the every other day bit that other people have been saying. I'm going to download it off iTunes :)


    I'll be doing it every other day as well, I tried it once last month and I was hurting for the next few days.... no pain no gain....right? lol
  • Ohhh man lol I think I'm going to have NIGHTmares about the pain tonight!

    Gaahhhh oh man I HAVE to do it now that I saw this thread! Ugghhhh you guys it's hard -- I'm scared!! Lol. I think I'll do the every other day bit that other people have been saying. I'm going to download it off iTunes :)


    I'll be doing it every other day as well, I tried it once last month and I was hurting for the next few days.... no pain no gain....right? lol
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 439 Member
    I would love to join you too. I am on d3 at the moment. I can definitely say i'm in pain! But good pain : )
  • WOW I can not believe the support on here!!! I am still thinking its gonna be a hard work out but I am really looking forword to it!! I am going to do my best to do it every day. I am going to take all my measurements the morning of the 1st and then again on the 31st to see where I went. I plan on sticking to my calories and also doing my BL walking DVD and maybe a Zumba DVD along with the Shred. Haven't figured out the timing yet but I know I will fit it all in somewhere. I am glad everyone is wanting to Join. Will take time tonight and add everyone that has posted to the thread.

    Question now: How do we want to track our progress?? Measurements or wt loss?? Any suggestions?

  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    The DVD has finally arrived so I'm in now.

    I'm going to sit down and watch it today. :noway:
  • I started yesterday, would love extra support
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