30 day shred for march anyone??



  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    it was a challenge getting up and down off the floor (very sore thighs) cant imagine how they will feel tomorrow

    Yeh I find that with my thighs in between moves I have to grab something and pull myself up lol

    HAHA..ME TOO!!! You are supposed to get down and then back up so quick..and I am soooo sore..its hard.....Plus Day 2 was easeir than Day 1, but Day 3 seemed harder....lol
  • hlokty07
    hlokty07 Posts: 33
    L1D3 down!!! I was able to not stop this time, until I got to the bicycle crunches then I felt like I was dying. I also still have to do the girl push-ups but it's progress! Everyone is doing great!!!
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    I can not do the pushups...not even the modified ones..lol...well, maybe 5 and thats it...anyone else have as much trouble as I do? .I have to do them against my kitchen island...

    I am starting to see some definition in my thighs....but of course i have been workin hard on the treadmill as well...
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    I do the modified push ups - i start off ok but as i do more i can't push as much so they get smaller and smaller - if that makes sense? lol

    i can't do jumping jacks well my pelvic floor is just destroyed LOL

    for the butt kicks i have to hold on to something otherwise i lose balance

    in fact for all the cardio i have to hold my boobs as i need to invest in a decent sports bra... so thats annoying.

    oh and for the reverse crunches i just do normal crunches instead because my tailbone/lower back kills at the mo and it hurts too much

    but other than that i'm doing ok.... LOL

    and I found day 2 easier than day 1, but day 3 i found harder than day 2 lol. think because im so tired and achy!
  • RockVixen
    RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
    L1D3 done, phew!!! I am feeling weak and tired today! Today was definitely harder for me than yesterday however, I did wake up less stiff today. I still can't do the push ups even the modified ones. I push myself just to get 10 each time, so 20 total. With a 1200 calorie diet and this workout I am definitely seeing results already, so nice!
  • Trozendaal
    Really trying to work up the motivation to do day 3.
  • Romeena
    Romeena Posts: 54 Member
    Oh, yeah, push ups are the hardest for me. I have been known to do them standing at the wall. Still giving effort to floor, but sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • Romeena
    Romeena Posts: 54 Member
  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 97 Member
    It'll only suck until it's done. Then, it feels so dang good! Get to the good part! :) You can do it!
  • 0flynnstone0
    So I thought I was gonna be all motivated and do day 3 this morning before class, even though I'm going to power pump class (basically 45 minutes of upper body strength training) and zumba tonight.
    However, after doing a 3 mile jog last night, I was not feelin it this morning.
    SO.....Day 3 tomorrow!
    But good job all you ladies! Keep it up, and we'll be ripped in no time :)
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    Day 3 is the hardest - you can do it! Nothing can kill you in 20 minutes!!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Day 3 is the hardest - you can do it! Nothing can kill you in 20 minutes!!

    I totally agree..felt off. struggled through the whole thing, did what I could, and stuck to it. Hoping it gets easier. :smile:
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    L1D2 is history. I have modified some. I do jumping jacks for about 10 seconds til it starts hurting having all this extra *stuff* flopping around... LOL! I can't really do the reverse crunch. I do push ups until I can't (I am up to about 11 total! Girl-style of course). And the last cardio section was almost a moot point because my heart rate was a bit too high already. On the other hand, I can do the lunges and leg work pretty well. I can do crunches and obliques quite well. I have NO upper body strength or stamina though! That squat then lift thing is next to impossible for me to do the entire time. I have to hand off my dumbbells to my husband to even THINK about finishing that section, and then I still barely do. I hope before this round is over that I can at least make it through the entire (if modified) workout! I can tell that this will be one I will come back to a few times before my journey begins to wind down.
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    OMG... I was going to have a read here then go and do L1D3 now you have all scared me that I am going to be close to death by day three... Eek!!!

    Oh well I'll go give it a crack and report back later. Hope everyone's having a good day.

    p.s I also suck at push up's - just do the best I can lol.
  • deasourus
    deasourus Posts: 16
    L1D3 DONE!!!! I did really good, but I have to do extra extra modified pushups lol my arms are the sorest! When does the soreness stop?? I can barely get out of bed in the morning =( this better be damn worth the pain!! lol Hope everyone is doing good! =)
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    Wooooooohooooooo! L1D3!! Done and dusted, very happy to report the following

    * It didn't kill me (did have to stop twice, harder than yesterday)
    * It hurt less getting up and down off the floor
    * Feeling stronger

    I had the TV volume down lower today with some music on, much better motivation for me! Bring on D4 :bigsmile:
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    I know most people find jillian motivating but her voice really grates on me, I usually look out the window and visualise myself looking hot to block out the sound of her...

    Last night laying on bed before I went to sleep I couldn't get the stupid background music out of my head!! Lol
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    Didn't mind the music and talking the first time, once I finished D2 I knew music would be required.
  • sudha336
    sudha336 Posts: 26 Member
    L1 D4 Completed!. I was feeling very tired but I still made it. feel great now.
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    L1 D4 Completed!. I was feeling very tired but I still made it. feel great now.

    Well Done! Great feeling after a good workout :smile: