Lose 5 Pounds a Month February 2011



  • Feb 1
    Feb 7
    Feb 14
    Feb 21
    Feb 28
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    kintegra > did you get a flat screen? my husband and I hooked an HDMI Cable directly from the bluray player to the tv. if both have a place for that type of cable then that could be an option
  • Ralu19
    Ralu19 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, everyone
    i did not disappear but i've had a nasty cold for the past week...the upside is that i barely ate the last few days. I had gained one pound during my weekend trip (well, i did enjoy a nice breakfast, a couple of beers....and a few other things), but even that is gone now.
    today i trained for the first time this week - as i was feeling better, i walked for more than 1 hour on the treadmill. It is not much, but it is something and i felt good afterwards.

    Let's hope that some more pounds will melt away until the end of this month :smile:

    bru, looking forward to the coming challenges! :happy:
  • Eek, I forgot about this topic!

    I also got new scales, so my weigh-ins have been weird this month. I also hurt my knee and couldn't exercise as much as I wanted to. Sucks. :(

    February 2nd - 167.5lbs
    February 9th - 169.5lbs (new scales)
    February 16th - 169.8lbs
    February 23rd - 167.4lbs
    February 28th -

    New Scale Total Loss - 2.1lbs

    February has been a bit of a wash out for me :(
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    kintegra > did you get a flat screen? my husband and I hooked an HDMI Cable directly from the bluray player to the tv. if both have a place for that type of cable then that could be an option

    Yes I did and thanks for the tip - I will see if that works!! :bigsmile:
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Down 1 lb this week. Was really hoping to hit the 5lb mark this month...:ohwell: Total loss so far this month is at 3.3 lbs. Will weigh in again on Monday. Don't think I will make it 5 this month. Normally I would be upset and would have lost momentum and just "thrown in the towel". But \i am commited to exercise and although the scale is not flying down I am losing inches. I am really hoping the scale will cooperate with me in March!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening all...just wanted to write a quick note:

    In the past I have always been a mom who sat on the sidelines as many of us do because I was to out of shape to REALLY do things with my kids.....but NO MORE!! Tonight was parents vs kids at my sons basketball practice.....I had a BLAST!!!!! It was soooo fun. I could have played all night....and I think my son was proud too because only 3 out of the eight kids parents played....and might I add I was drenched too so I know I got an extra good workout in today...

    What a GREAT day!!...:bigsmile:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    ugh im losing weight and hubby is finding it!
    He wont eat healthy for the life of him but he doesn't eat fast food on a daily basis so i give him that. he works graves and that makes things hard I give him that. But he is 6'4 and found out yesterday he weighs 400 pounds. up from 370 ISH about 3 years ago. I don't know what to do he is so hard to please food wise. I don't judge him or anything like that but I have no medical history on his family because he is adopted....and he doesn't go to the doctor. He has been litteraly one time in the 6 years that we have been together. He has never had a physical and he is 32 years old.

    ok sorry for the rant but this is something I worry about. Im afraid I will lose him young. i just needed to vent
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Evening all...just wanted to write a quick note:

    In the past I have always been a mom who sat on the sidelines as many of us do because I was to out of shape to REALLY do things with my kids.....but NO MORE!! Tonight was parents vs kids at my sons basketball practice.....I had a BLAST!!!!! It was soooo fun. I could have played all night....and I think my son was proud too because only 3 out of the eight kids parents played....and might I add I was drenched too so I know I got an extra good workout in today...

    What a GREAT day!!...:bigsmile:

    AWESOME!!! :bigsmile: I love it! IMO this is way better than a drop on the scale any day!
    Although mine are still young to be in team sports, I love chasing my kiddos around at the park and seeing the light in their face while they see me running and playing with them. Priceless.
  • NCisME
    NCisME Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in! This seems to be a nice/feasable goal.
    -1.4 since the 1st so far

    2/7 weigh in : -1.6

    Total so far for Feb: -3 lbs

    2/25 weight in : -2.2 !!

    Total for Feb so far: -5.2 !!!!!

    I reached my goal! This is the first time I've ever joined a challenge and it feels good to have met my goal. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for a March Challenge.

    Total weight loss on MFP : 14
    Total weight loss since I've been trying to lose weight = 40 lbs
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    It's been a crazy couple of weeks for me with work, sick kids, and Board stuff. sorry I haven't had the chance to encourage you all and catch up. I'm sending you all happy thoughts for a healthy lifestyle. here are my stats:

    Feb 1
    Feb 7
    Feb 14
    Feb 21
    Feb 28

    as you can tell my last couple weeks have been horrible. I'm hoping my weigh in is better on Monday!!

    have a great day everyone!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Long time no see. I just read the last few days of posts. Keep up the good work everyone.

    The last 3 months feel like a cart going downhill. I feel like time is so busy and going so fast I can't fit everything in that needs to be done. Usually winter seems like a quiet laid back time of the year but not his winter. There just seems to be something going on all the time. I can't believe February ends next week. Where did it go?

    I am slowly getting my eating back under my control (my evil twin has been in control since Thanksgiving) And with life so busy I had not taken the time to organize my eating. I am hoping March is a great month for weight loss.

    Have a great weekend!

  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member

    current weight: 194.8
    feb 8 - 190.2
    feb 15 - 187.8
    Feb 22 - 185.6
    feb 28

    I'm always a few days behind on logging my weight but here it is. Hopefully I'll remember to check back in on the 28th. And I just want to say to you all are extremely motivating and inspiring!
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    ugh im losing weight and hubby is finding it!
    He wont eat healthy for the life of him but he doesn't eat fast food on a daily basis so i give him that. he works graves and that makes things hard I give him that. But he is 6'4 and found out yesterday he weighs 400 pounds. up from 370 ISH about 3 years ago. I don't know what to do he is so hard to please food wise. I don't judge him or anything like that but I have no medical history on his family because he is adopted....and he doesn't go to the doctor. He has been litteraly one time in the 6 years that we have been together. He has never had a physical and he is 32 years old.

    ok sorry for the rant but this is something I worry about. Im afraid I will lose him young. i just needed to vent

    You don't have to apologize for ranting, that's what the Pals part of MFP is for :heart: and you have totally valid concerns about your husband. Are you able to prepare healthier versions of the foods he likes? When I started changing to a clean diet I really didn't say anything to my family and they didn't notice the changes. My husband is 100% Sicilian and he never noticed when I changed from white pasta to Barilla Plus, he says it seems the same. I also have been using some of the tricks where I puree different vegetables and combine them with a dish so everyone is getting their veggies and they don't even know it! There are many resources out there, one book I like is Deceptively Delicious. I get Clean Eating magazine and I also have the Eat Clean series of books. Good luck and ask your Pals for advice any time
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PaLS,
    I have been doing the yo yo thing from 139 to 137 all month. Right now I am in the middle with 138. looking forward to starting the 30 day shred on March 1st. Well not actually LOOKING forward to it but it's my goal. Congratulations on all who have made their goal this month. Look forward to the BRU challenges too. That was fun before. Phyljen:laugh:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning ladies, hope all is well, see that most are atleast loosing some this month and some already have made the goal so WTG girls.....I have been trying to slowly get a handle back on my eating, hadn't had any dinning out food for 3 days, then went to McDonalds with the kids for icecream after swimming, but I think I deserved a treat. I am at 4354 calories burned so far to the week and I plan on getting a few more in today, so workout wise I think I am ok on that front. My weight has been staying about the same so as I near maintenance I am ok with that....Hope you all enjoy the weekend, talk to you all soon.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    ugh im losing weight and hubby is finding it!
    He wont eat healthy for the life of him but he doesn't eat fast food on a daily basis so i give him that. he works graves and that makes things hard I give him that. But he is 6'4 and found out yesterday he weighs 400 pounds. up from 370 ISH about 3 years ago. I don't know what to do he is so hard to please food wise. I don't judge him or anything like that but I have no medical history on his family because he is adopted....and he doesn't go to the doctor. He has been litteraly one time in the 6 years that we have been together. He has never had a physical and he is 32 years old.

    ok sorry for the rant but this is something I worry about. Im afraid I will lose him young. i just needed to vent

    You don't have to apologize for ranting, that's what the Pals part of MFP is for :heart: and you have totally valid concerns about your husband. Are you able to prepare healthier versions of the foods he likes? When I started changing to a clean diet I really didn't say anything to my family and they didn't notice the changes. My husband is 100% Sicilian and he never noticed when I changed from white pasta to Barilla Plus, he says it seems the same. I also have been using some of the tricks where I puree different vegetables and combine them with a dish so everyone is getting their veggies and they don't even know it! There are many resources out there, one book I like is Deceptively Delicious. I get Clean Eating magazine and I also have the Eat Clean series of books. Good luck and ask your Pals for advice any time

    He litterally only likes a few things.

    Spaghetti, only with rague traditional sauce no homemade
    fettucini, only with bertoli original sauce, no homemade
    mashed potatoes with pepper and a glob of butter in the middle, no gravy
    Tacos, made of course a certain way with certain brand ingreedients
    enchiladas, made a certain way
    Lasagna , made a certain way
    Chicken noodle from the can ,,Only when he is sick
    Tyson Chicken strips (deep fried Never baked) With fiesta sides Spanish rice

    Vegetables = corn and garden fresh peas
    Fruit = only green apples
    meat = only steak and chicken breast (but hates any version I can come up with for baking it... )

    NO Variations on anything, No cool new recepi, no low fat sauce, and when he is around to eat dinner He cooks It gets hard.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Checking in a day early because I have to wake up at 5 in the morning and my weight is never accurate that early in the morning ... Plus Im excited about my weigh-in :love:

    2/01 -- 155.8
    2/06 -- 156.2
    2/13 -- 155.4
    2/20 -- 154.4
    2/26 -- 151.8 <<<<<<<<HORAY UNDER MY FIRST MINI GOAL AND THE FIRST TIME IN 6 YEARS!!!! :noway: :noway:
    2/28-- GOAL 150.8

    I knew that this was the month that I would finally get past 152 !!! :happy: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Two days left and one pound to lose before Im at my five lb goal for the month :smile: Im so beyond excited I could jump for joy haha and NSV I Just got into new pants this past month and they are too big and Im in new pants again as of today YAY!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    It's been a long month for being the shortest. After having 3 funerals this month and having 2 teeth extractions, plus Nick being out of work for half the month, woof. I'm glad to see Feb go!! Here's to a much better March! :drinker: I'll be back with my fiinal weigh in tomorrow... See ya next month!
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    Feb 1- 194.4
    Feb 5- 193.8
    Feb 12- 192.0
    Feb 19192.0
    Feb 26-190.5 (Goal: 189.0)
    didnt make it:(
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