Beach Ready Challenge



  • count me in! id realllly love some support :)
  • kknudson
    kknudson Posts: 60 Member
    Oh it's already been broughten.
  • Im in again,lets do this!!!!!! good luck everybody:):)
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Sounds good. I'm in. Just started MFP on Monday. Eating better and working out more are my goals.
  • :happy: I am so excited!

    Everyone is coming up with some really awesome challenges for us. I can't wait until Monday. I will post the 1st challenge on Sunday so everyone keep an eye out for it. Friend me if it helps keep up with this post. :flowerforyou:
  • Let's do it!
  • I'm new to challenges too but I'd love to join!
  • Guilted in by a friend who is in. At this moment over my shoulder discuss my lunch options.
  • I'm in! Ive never done the challenges before, but I definitely need this one! Lol
  • Danilea7
    Danilea7 Posts: 8 Member
    I would love to do this!! I'm new as well so don't really know how it all works!
  • aww heck- I'm in too! Friending now:flowerforyou:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I'm in! Can't wait!
  • Hello! This is will be my first MFP challenge. I have been a member since the beginning of November. I find that it's easy to get "bored" doing the same thing day in and day out so I thought it would be fun to do something new on here! I'm also currently training for my first half marathon (Publix Half in Atlanta on March 20th). Let's see...a litte about myself...I'm a SAHM of a soon-to-be 3 year old and I'm getting ready to go back to school (all online throught American Military University). I'm wanting get my degree in Sports and Health Sciences. I decided if I go back, I'm going to do something I love learning about. My husband has been active duty Navy for 10 years and is currently in a commissioning program, so he is currently going to school full time. He is very in shape and active and I try to keep up with him :heart:

    SW on MFP: 137ish
    GW: 125

    My goal is to lose a 1/2 lb. a week, but it's been moving much slower than in the beginning. The closer I get to my goal weight the S-L-O-W-E-R it falls off. I would LOVE to be at my goal weight by June. SURELY I will be...geez!! My original goal was to get there, but Valentine's Day, but that didn't happen. Not because I wasn't working body just plateaued at 130 for a few weeks. Now, I'm stuck at my CW. My new goal is to be at my GW by April 15!!
  • :flowerforyou: Is everyone ready to start the Beach Ready Challenge tomorrow?? Go ahead and post up your stats, goals and tells us a little about yourself if you would like. Day 1 is tomorrow!

    :heart: :heart: 1st weekly challenge:heart::heart: : Burn 3,500 calories this week.

    A pound of body fat equates to approximately 3500 calories. So if you have a calorie deficit of 500 calories (meaning that you burn 500 calories more than you eat each day) you would lose approximately one pound per week: :bigsmile:

    Good Luck! :drinker:
  • Height: 5'9

    Current Weight: 167.6 (as of this morning)

    This weekly goal weight: 166

    Main goal to hit by June: 150

    This weeks challenge is going to be hard for me. I hate working out on the weekends and I usually only burn 400-500 per day.
    I am really going to have to step it up for sure.

    I have been a member for almost a year now. I was really focused up until I hit the 15lbs and then it just stopped. :frown:
    I want to lose about 15-20 more pounds. I do feel so much better already with the 1st 15lbs off. I can not wait until I can put on a bikini this year and actually look good in one. I've been married for about 1 1/2 years now to my high school sweetheart.
    We dated from about 15-19 (on and off) until I moved away with my family in 1996. He found me years later on Myspace. Yep, back when Myspace was the place to be. So around 2008 we got back together, he moved here, we got married and now have a blended family....4 kids total. He has 2 (boy&girl) and I have 2 (boy&girl).
  • Here we go!! I also started a blog for the Beach Ready Challenge. I've posted before pics on my profile bec. I have no idea how to put them in a blog or forum thread. I'm also posting weekly updates to my measurements...both pics and measurements taken first thing in the morning. Since I'm doing the 30 day shred, I'll post those recommendations for measurements...high waist is just under the rib cage and low waist is around the belly button - Chest is under your breasts...your band size. Both arm and leg measurements are taken at the thickest part.

    CW: 173.6
    GW: 145

    Week 1 Challenge:
    Burn 3,500 calories

    Chest: 34.5
    Bust: 43
    Hips: 41
    High Waist: 34
    Low Waist: 37
    Arm: 12.5
    Leg: 25
    Neck: 14.5
  • michellehorvath
    michellehorvath Posts: 57 Member
    I am in. First time joining a group so not sure what to do next..keep me posted please!

    me too!!
  • Hey all! I'm 19 (20 in march) and a sophomore in college! I keep switching majors. Originially I was in the nursing program, and now I think I'm going to do elementary education. :) I started this lifestyle change in the middle of January this year. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism (after rapidly gaining 50+ lbs and not really even eating much). I have a lot to lose to feel comfortable with myself, but my goal for the summer is to at least feel comfortable in shorts again! Because right now I just feel disgusted with myself.

    SW: 235
    CW: 224.2

    Summer goal weight: Hopefully to be under, 199.9 would be amazing. :P
    My weekly goal is to lose at least a pound! I'm really excited for the challege because it'll keep me motivated to keep working.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey guys, Im Kandace. I weigh 161.5 as of Feb 27th. My ulimate goal is 135 (maybe) but if I loose a pound a week til June 25th I will be 145. So Thats GOOD FOR ME!~!~! Im excited to be here. Lets do this!~!
  • happygram
    happygram Posts: 6 Member
    I just joined today and would love to do this challenge! We spend alot of time at the beach with the grandkids so this is perfect. My goal is 20 pounds
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