30 day shred



  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Ok D7L2..... Great work out this eveing. I am glad the weekend is here so that I can have time to burn more calories..:)
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    L2:D9 is in the record books. Only one more day at Level 2. I'm so ready for Level 3, although I previewed it before... I can't recall what was on it. I'm going to preview again tomorrow so I'm not caught off guard.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • awyler
    awyler Posts: 78
    im on day 5, love it!
  • nellyp0oh
    nellyp0oh Posts: 27 Member
    I just previewed L2 of 30day Shredd and I think I'll be ready to move up on Sunday (day 11/30). After doing the first level in 6wk 6pack today, Level 2 on 30day Shred looks doable. It's a lil similar to L1 in 6wk 6pk (that dvd is harder to me though...for now)
  • L2D10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I might be getting a bit addicted lol!!! I didn't shred yesterday as I did an hour 'Body Pump' and a hard run but I felt really guilty about it. Today my body is aching like mad so I thought I would just do a leisurely swim followed by a sauna. Excellent rest me thinks. Shredded this evening and then thought 'I will just check out my Biggest Loser wii game' and ended up doing a cardio AND yoga routine on top and now by body feels like it might fall to bits!!!!!! Is anyone else getting a bit obsessed or is it just me??
  • genst
    genst Posts: 36 Member
    Are you supposed to take breaks or do it everyday for the 30 days?
  • Are you supposed to take breaks or do it everyday for the 30 days?
    my understanding is every day
  • nellyp0oh
    nellyp0oh Posts: 27 Member
    Are you supposed to take breaks or do it everyday for the 30 days?
    Yes everyday. I'm moving up to L2 tomorrow!! OO joy. Yea I'm addicted too.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Done with L2:D10! Moving onto Level 3 tomorrow :) Measured myself today, no major changes.
  • I just ordered this today! So I'm sure I'll start it by then!
  • nellyp0oh
    nellyp0oh Posts: 27 Member
    L2D1 (11/30) complete. OMG I thought I was ready for L2!!! I am so glad there are modified versions for the plank work bc OMG!!! Hopefully like L1 I will have it down pact by D5. I am convinced that with L2 I will see more results. So far I have lost no pounds, but I have lost an inch off of my arms, thighs, stomach, and hips!! I even see the tops cuts forming in my abs!! I am so excited to see the results March 18th!! (3days before I say "I do")
  • Smokenmirrors
    Smokenmirrors Posts: 71 Member
    Jillian Michaels is the Devil... But her program sure works. If your Husband/ BF laugh at you. make em do it...By the second cardio circuit i guarantee they wont be laughing...
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    D1LV3!!! started a day early. it is hard but i've actually enjoyed it a lot more than the other levels. i've got my friends 21st birthday in two weeks and i really want to look good for it. i've lost about 4lb and 4 inches so far so i'm hoping the level 3 will really go out with a bang. I think I might start doing some exercise in the early evenings aswell.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    How is everyone planning on calorie plans during this time? I'm going to try to really stay under as much as possible! :happy:
  • lahzay
    lahzay Posts: 22 Member
    I started the 30 day shred yesterday, and wow even by the afternoon I was feeling sore. Debating whether I should work out today as well since I run tomorrow. To the people who do the 30 day shred and c25k, is it better to do the 30 day shred every day or is that too much?
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    I started the 30 day shred yesterday, and wow even by the afternoon I was feeling sore. Debating whether I should work out today as well since I run tomorrow. To the people who do the 30 day shred and c25k, is it better to do the 30 day shred every day or is that too much?

    wowza! i'm not sure. i remember the first few days of the shred my quads were in agony, i couldn't walk properly. they eased off on day 4 or 5 level one. maybe just see how you go and once the soreness subsides (if you have any) continue with c25k?
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Ok.. After taking yesterday off, I did D8L2 today. WOW! I burned more calories today than ever before... 215 in 30min.... I do love this DVD. I am going to share it with a friend and will be with out for 30 days. I have ordered Ripped in 30 and is should be here as soon as Amazon ships it. I am going to do another DVD and then Pole class... I should burn tons of cals today! I love the weekend for giving me tons of time!
  • I much prefer Level 3 to Level 2! I find it easier, I guess that is because there is less cardio. On the plus side, I can do a sit-up! Actually multiple sit-ups! My abs must be stronger! Here are my measurements for after Level 2:

    Weight: 155 (-4.5lbs)
    Natural waist: no change
    Waist: -0.5in
    Hips: -0.5in
    Arms: No change
    Thighs: No change
    Calves: No change
    Chest/Back: -No change

    Total weight loss = 4.5lbs
    Total inch loss = 4in
  • L3D1 today. Interestingly I found this alot easier than the first 2 levels but did do the modified positions for most of it. It is really intense on the strength which i struggle with and less so on the cardio I think. I am in a ball on the floor after level 2 but was straight up and on to my Biggest Loser workout after this one. Will keep it up and hope my strength improves enough to ditch the modifications before the end. I have ordered her 'Boost metab' and banish fat' (or something like that) to follow on with :smile: if anybody wants to jion me for the next one get it ordered, mine was only £6 off Play.com :wink:
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    Okay so i'm kind of baaaadd. :blushing:
    I started this.. about last tuesday?
    D1L1 killed me. so I took a day off.. Well now it's too easy and sooo slow paced. So I'm doing 2 days of Level 1, then a day of Level 2, and just kind of going back and forth. Will this be okay? I'm not really exercise literate, hehe. But I was thinking of later this week adding Level 3 into the mix and just kind of doing whatever I feel like for that day. I'm going to be doing it for two months straight so I'm sure I'll get atleast 10 days in each of them.

    But is it better to do them through the 10 days? I'm looking to get toned, not lose any weight haha. Which level would be best for this? Thanks!
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