30 day shred for march anyone??



  • Romeena
    Romeena Posts: 41 Member
    Sounds good! Hoping the support will help me stick with it.
  • nixxy74
    nixxy74 Posts: 106
    count me in i did my first attempt just now and tbh i got in 16 minutes......tbh ive been sedentary from birth!!!! lol and am trying to change. so this was a major step for me....next time the rest of the video....damm wheres my asthma pump!

    oh and feel free to add me im determined every time i get home from work to pop this on and go for it! :bigsmile:
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    Bought the DVD yesterday. Going to start tomorrow or the 1st. Count me in. going to send you a friend request.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
  • Which DVD are you using??? Shred with weights or the Shred/Boost your metabolism??? I watched a little of the one with weights, it looks hard. Where can you get the videos? I saw that I can get it on amazon, but would like to find at a store. I am in. I will give it a try.
  • nixxy74
    nixxy74 Posts: 106
    the only problem i had apart from asthma is that old girly chestnut....I needed a stronger bra for the jumping jacks hahaha
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    would also like to join with my wonderful partner Nixxy lol we are going to attempt this together starting on the 1st :)
  • Shawnarose
    Shawnarose Posts: 74 Member
    Ok this is a good idea to start this on March 1, 11.
    I will be starting a new job soon and my time for my morning routine is going to be shortened from an hour to 45 min. so I can commute there. I really like the Leslie Sansone walking tapes and have been doing Shred once in a while on the weekends.
    This will help make me more accountable to getting it done for an entire month! Let's do it.
  • p222
    p222 Posts: 20
    thanks so much, that clarification really helps! I'm looking forward to mastering all 3 levels
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I got the DVD in January, but honestly, have been terrified to try it. I just started calorie tracking this past week and now will be adding in the exercise this coming week. I'm going to cowboy up and try the Shred and hopefully will be able to stick to it!
  • lahzay
    lahzay Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in! I started a little bit early(on day 2) but oh well. =) Looking forward to seeing how everyone does and what they think of it.
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Wow, what a weekend! We got the news that my inlaws were moving on Friday and they needed to be out by Monday. So we spent all day Saturday boxing and loading and moved them an hour and a half to my hometown. Then my husband, sister in law and I spent the morning Sunday unloading everything into the new house. Wow!!! I looked up the calorie burn for moving and carrying boxes - (ready for it???) - 722 cals an hour . Whoa! So I am not too sure the cal burn for the weekend, but I think I like it!!! Makes me feel super motivated for the week. Hopefully it keeps up!

    Oh, and before they showed up on Saturday I did the 30 Day Shred. I was just wanting to get an idea about what to expect when we start the challange on Tuesday. I only got 1/3 through it before they showed up -they got to my house sooner than I expected, but my goodness I was Jello Muscles by the time the day was over and today was sore! It was my first shred ever....I think I love/hate it!!!

    Have a great week ya'll, looking forward to the challanges!
  • MoonlightMerlot
    MoonlightMerlot Posts: 21 Member
    I'd love to join this! I've done a few days of Level 1, but had to return it to the library and my copy won't be here for a few days. So, if it's okay, I'll sub in another workout and then catch up when my DVD arrives!
  • Everyone who is pumped to start Tuesday be sure to add me so we can all keep each other accountable!! Whoo! So ready!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Man, yesterday and today..i gave myself a break from food and fitness and boy, i must of indulged 2 pounds worth of food..yuck. i guess i wanted to get it out of the way before shred. Can't wait to get back on track! :smile:
  • SkinnyCate
    SkinnyCate Posts: 116
    I'm going to do my first day today -- it's going to be 60 degrees here tomorrow so I will DEFINITELY want to workout outside!

    I got 5 lb weights at Target yesterday, so I'm all set!

    Fingers crossed for me!

  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Ok I watched it for the first time today so I am prepared, at least as much as I can be. Does watching it count as an exercise?!? I kept sucking in my abs! LOL! I am not sure how my knees will do with the jumping but I will fight through it unless I absolutely cannot! Can't wait!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Good luck, everyone! You can do it! Keep pushing..I tried it before actually 1&2 for a bit (before) and can to modified & advanced..so we will see! I'm not weighing in during the month of March, taking measurements instead. Hope i can be suprised! *fingers crossed*
  • suzanh
    suzanh Posts: 2
    Someone please tell me what the Shred is so I can check it out
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    Someone please tell me what the Shred is so I can check it out

    It is a Jillian Michael's DVD (from the Biggest Loser). There are three 20-min workouts on the DVD. You work up from Phase 1, to two then three. Evidently you can lose up to 20lbs in 30days - per the cover. I bought the dvd at Walmart for under $10.

    People have mixed feelings about the dvd. I am eager to start to see what it's all about. A little scared, but I am sure I can do it.

    We are starting the dvd tomorrow 3/1/11 and doing it for 30 days. Several of us here have added eachother in order to be accountable to eachother. ADD us as your friends if you decide to start tomorrow. We will encourage you!
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