To spank, or not to spank!?!



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    For fear of getting drawn in to a debate I'm not interested in, I'm just going to skip the other posts and write my own response. You MUST READ the book 'Discipline Without Distress' by Judy Arnall or the book 'Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves' by Naomi Aldort. Please check out one of these books and you'll find answers that I think will really really help you and your child.

    Best wishes!
  • teachparents
    teachparents Posts: 225 Member
    hey hope i can help.. i teach parenting.. and you should not feel like a bad parent, however, the more attention to pay to the biting, hiting etc. even negative responses, the more it will happen.. your child is screaming for attention.. so 1. give him positive remarks, statements, etc when he least expects it"wow great job" what a helper you are , etc".
    2. when the screaming , biting, hitting starts, give no eye contact , make no statements and walk away
    (when he is older, you can say "i will talk to you when you are calm" and walk away).

    then make sure you do!!!!
    3. if it happens in a public place, don't say anything, just leave!!!! i know this is hard to do , been there myself.... have had to leave walmart with an hours worth of shopping still in the cart, go home and try again the next day...

    all of this will work , it may get worse before better, but once your son decides that he gets more attention when things are calm,,, that he can continue to be with you when calm,,,, it will become clear to him, even without words that the other behaviours are not necessary..

    check out
  • niceautogal
    niceautogal Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, RME_wyfe. I have two children, 19 and 13. They are both great kids - most of the time. We spanked, mostly to get their attention. No matter what anyone says, there is NO reasoning with a 1 1/2 year old. One or two spats lets them know you mean business. That said, let me say that spanking is not the "be all and end all" of discipline. It has a time and a place, and your children definitely will get to old to be spanked. Then you have to find something else that gets their attention.

  • marskids
    marskids Posts: 296 Member
    I have just scanned this thread and must say that my blood is boiling.

    In today's society I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone thinks that physically abusing a child could in any way be acceptable. How many of you would allow your boyfriend or husband to hit you? If he did it once you'd be shocked. If he did it twice, you'd be furious. If he did it a few more times you'd call the police and get a restraining order.

    Why does anyone think it's acceptable to hit a child? It makes me cry to even think about a little 1 1/2 year old just doing what they know to do....and then being hit for it. If I saw a parent, or anyone else for that matter, do that I am OBLIGED BY LAW to report the abuse......and it's for a reason....because it's wrong.

    I don't understand why threads where ADULTS are having ADULT conversations with each other have been taking off here yet a post which promotes physical abuse of children is allowed to continue. That , in my humble opinion is quite %#@^'ed up!!!

    I asked at the beginning of this post, that if you didnt have anything nice to say, dont post it!! I respect your opinon, as you should others. No one in here is talking about ABUSING our children! we are simply discussing ways of dicipline, and ways they were diciplined! I am sorry if what anyone said in here offended you. I am just a mother seeking help from other mothers. No need to be rude. Again, I respect your opinion, as well as the others on here. As you said, we are adults, having adult conversations. no lashing out necessary.

    And to make it clear, i am very aware that my son is only 1 1/2 years old, i know that he is not going to be perfect so there is not need for you to "cry at the thought of it" , because i dont HIT my child, i may swat his little hiney, or swat his hand if he is grabbing something that is going to hurt him twice as much as my little swat. Plus that why i started this thread, to find out new inventive ways that work.
    go have a :drinker: and relax. the last thing people want to do on here is "promote child abuse"!!!

    Call it what you will but laying a hand on a child to inflict pain of any sort IS abuse.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    OH GOSH YOU SOUND LIKE MY MOM!! haha... not you lecturing just your personality! thanks tho!! a big thing is that me and my husband don't agree on how to punish, i want to incorporate newer ideas and he wants to stick with spanking, which apparently isn't working because its gotten worse!! blah!! or to help things, tell younger teenagers ( I'm 18:laugh: ) that if you have a child young, you will get fat, lose hair, have an uncontrollable bladder, get tired, wrinkles, and go nutsss!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Its fun but boy is it tiring!! I will try the naughty rug (corner) (chair) something.... i just don't know how i am going to get him to stay there!! blah that's the next task!!

    You and your DH have to show your kid you are a TEAM! That I think has made the greatest change for our son. He's so good but has always tried every trick with us. LOL My husband and I have to show as a driving force. Even the other day my husband thought I got onto our son too quickly about something. He totally backed me up and we let the punishment stand. After my son was out of the room and ear shot, hubby spoke to me and well, I was really too strict about it and wow...Thank goodness he showed restraint! I learned, and we both learned as a team. It was great!

    You will end up wanting to strangle both you and your son many times over the naughty rug. Seriously. Set a timer, I use to keep one around the naughty rug area so I wouldn't forget to set it. I would then carry it around. It will be tough at first, but once your kid knows you aren't playing around anymore. He'll get it!

    Another thing I did with my kids was on a "good moment" I explained the new rules. Something like, "Hey! We have a new way we are going to do things. From now on we are not going to bite or scream if we don't get our way. If you do this, you will go to the naughty rug for 5 minutes each time. You will sit there so you can cool off." Then get your kid to give you a high five to seal the deal. Also, maybe tell your kid something like, "Hey if you start to feel like you are going to get grouchy, walk up to me and ask for a hug. K?" this day (about two hours ago) my 11 year old STILL does this! I love it! So...

    E-me always...It isn't easy, and I struggle daily. I shoot for complete failure as a parent and anything above that is success! LOL :flowerforyou:
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I thought we were trying to not ruffle feathers here people....
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I don't understand why threads where ADULTS are having ADULT conversations with each other have been taking off here yet a post which promotes physical abuse of children is allowed to continue. That , in my humble opinion is quite %#@^'ed up!!!

    Nobody said to beat your child. I would do a light tap on the rump.

    I have threatened with humor to sell my kids to the nuns, make them walk with limps if they can't keep their feet off the walls, make them walk a plank (of course I had to explain that we would have to add onto the house first), Ummm... I don't know what else. But trying to add humor to my irritation when the are not following the rules helps keep them on track. I also grab their attention because they like to hear what silly thing I come up with. LOL

    I would NEVER, send my kids to the moon, back to where they came from, sell my kids, send them out the door with a limp, or even a slight bobble or anything remotely hurtful. They just laugh and get back on task.

    I also enjoy seeing the look on other parent's faces when I tell my kids I'm going to turn them into monkeys if they don't settle down. LOL I always get a ya, really look! :flowerforyou:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I thought we were trying to not ruffle feathers here people....

    It is okay under "general discussion" to talk about different things as long as they keep clean I believe. And with crazy homes, how can we cook healthy and stay healthy! Home sin chaos are hard to keep straight and healthy. Good question though!:flowerforyou:
  • alimassa
    I thought we were trying to not ruffle feathers here people....

    I think the fact that there has been two pages of constructive helpful hints, from both sides of the table, and only one person has chosen to go negative goes to show that feathers are not ruffled! Cant please everyone and if we are trying to, no one will ever voice an opinion.

    I think this was a great topic and took some good points away for my 3 kids.

    "How does this apply to diet and fitness?" IT DOESNT....that is why we are under the general discussion board. Great topic ladies! I am glad you started it and very much enjoyed reading it!!

    just my 2 cents

  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Biting, spiting and Lying- are my pet peeves. I would bite him back. Not hard enough to injure him but hard enough that he knows that he can't bite anymore. Actually, kids are a great appetizer! (Smile) :wink:

    EXSMACKLY!!!! OMG!!! I HATE SPITTERS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! UGGGGGGG!!! I had a friend who would feed her kid juice and he'd spit it all over the house. She'd give him a cup and he'd wonder all over the house with this spitting juice. I have had a few friends who had this going on. It was awful!

    My solution: Don't give him anymore juice to wonder with, serve it only at the table with one meal. Easy, right? But...She thought it was not nice to not give him the juice he wanted stating it, "wasn't fair" to deprive him. :huh: Anyway...This just goes to show we have different priorities as parents and what isn't okay with one parent is okay with another. yikes! LOL
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    Well, sorry if I upset anyone, But lately anything being discussed under "general discussion" that does not have to do with people getting their periods and eating excerise calories has been jumped all over.

    As far as spanking goes, I am a mother of 3, I do not spank. I use the re-direct and time out form of disipline.

    It is funny that you say that you did not want any one to post rude comments, because you probably did not want to feel like you were being attacked. Ironic.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I thought we were trying to not ruffle feathers here people....

    I think the fact that there has been two pages of constructive helpful hints, from both sides of the table, and only one person has chosen to go negative goes to show that feathers are not ruffled! Cant please everyone and if we are trying to, no one will ever voice an opinion.

    I think this was a great topic and took some good points away for my 3 kids.

    "How does this apply to diet and fitness?" IT DOESNT....that is why we are under the general discussion board. Great topic ladies! I am glad you started it and very much enjoyed reading it!!

    Totally girlie!!! I HAVE to have ideas from friends, boards, family and so on...I have so many ideas from my friends who have older kids. I pick the things that will work for me and our situation and toss aside the things that I don't agree with for my family. It is like a filter, filter the useful, ditch the other. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thankful to get ideas diet, family, kids, life, workout or otherwise from everyone here. Everyone here and their help is AMAZING to me!! Thank you!
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I thought we were trying to not ruffle feathers here people....

    I think the fact that there has been two pages of constructive helpful hints, from both sides of the table, and only one person has chosen to go negative goes to show that feathers are not ruffled! Cant please everyone and if we are trying to, no one will ever voice an opinion.

    I think this was a great topic and took some good points away for my 3 kids.

    "How does this apply to diet and fitness?" IT DOESNT....that is why we are under the general discussion board. Great topic ladies! I am glad you started it and very much enjoyed reading it!!

    Totally girlie!!! I HAVE to have ideas from friends, boards, family and so on...I have so many ideas from my friends who have older kids. I pick the things that will work for me and our situation and toss aside the things that I don't agree with for my family. It is like a filter, filter the useful, ditch the other. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thankful to get ideas diet, family, kids, life, workout or otherwise from everyone here. Everyone here and their help is AMAZING to me!! Thank you!

    Princess - I used to feel the same way. You guys get what you need to out of this forum. Peace.
  • mommy2js
    mommy2js Posts: 196 Member
    I think not giving them the attention they are wanting is the key.
    I can remember when we would go out in public and my kids would throw a fit I would walk away (keeping them in site, but they could not see me) they thought I had left them so they would stop and then if they did it again i would walk away again. soon enough they got it.
    (I was a spanker when needed but only if it was really bad)

    Don't let them know you are watching the fit.

    it is just attention they are wanting and if they see it don't work they will stop.

    As far as the talking back I have teenagers and I have NOOOOO advice there, I could probably use some :laugh:

    yep. this is it. do it even in public. don't worry about what other people think. your kid is smart enough to recognize that they can get away with more in public - my daughter is EXACTLY like what you described. she is almost 3 now, and i did this many times. keep calm, walk away.

    as for spanking - my philosophy is to spank if what they are doing could cause themself or another person harm,(meet potential pain with pain) otherwise it is the surprise element of spanking that works - not the actual spanking. Redirecting their attention seems to work better - at least for my kiddos.
  • mommy2js
    mommy2js Posts: 196 Member
    by the way -
    as for the opinion of people who think any spanking is "abuse" and should be "reported" blah blah blah, i just have one question:

    when our parents were kids, they really were spanked and a lot more - they were certainly more respectful of adults than kids today and there were many fewer problems in society with kids than their is today. not that spanking was all that made it that way, but just a thought.
  • blueenvy
    blueenvy Posts: 31 Member
    I have a fifteen year old and an eleven year old. my daughter I've never hit I always used the corner an bought her a special time out chair. she often put herself in it when she did something bad. Now that she is fifteen I take away books because she is a bookworm and yes she still gets the corner an gives me no lip about it. my son is a handful and I've learned that his playstation is his lifeline so I threaten to erase his memory cards I hide his remotes an have confiscated his game case. My son has been the spirited one but I don't feel that hitting them is okay espesially since my mother used to beat the sh@t out of us. I do believe every parent has a right to handle their kids as they see fit. As long as they're not bruising beating black an blue or causing mental damage to their kids.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member

    Hokay, now what's the question? LOL

    LMBO!! right... i just get so uncomfortable when I am in public, because of the controversy over it, and everyon is so quitck to judge, i live at an army post, and because most of the wives here are so "perfect" they dont have to spank their child cuz theirs would "never act like that", i couldnt count the times someone has said something to me, or just loud enough for me to hear, about me spanking him, all the while i'm thinking,"unless you have a child, YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!"

    I have been in your shoes MANY times and I feel for you. And IGNORE the stuck-up rude people who stick their noses in where they do not belong. Just keep on doing what you are doing.

    BTW, I agree with blueenvy completely. Within reason, parents have a right to discipline as they see fit. A couple of swats on the butt never hurt anyone, but it probably got their attention!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'm a firm believer in spanking (or 'popping', as the case may be when they are young); HOWEVER, with a thick diaper on the tush they don't feel the spanking, and you are teaching them to hit.

    My daughter is the most independent, strong willed diva I have EVER met. She's three now.

    I could spank her, in that quick popping fashion that would leave a handprint on her bare rear, and the child would give me an 'eat *kitten*' look over her shoulder and go back to doing whatever she pleased. I was there, where you are now!! Frustrated and not knowing what to do, ESPECIALLY when she started trying to 'spank' or hit me back!

    I went to time out and removal of toys/treats/favorite things.

    For time out, we placed her in a chair (her size) in the middle of the room. She was in time out for one minute for each year of her age (1 y/o = 1 min). I set the kitchen timer and she wasn't allowed up until it went off. If she got up early, my husband would put her back. If it was just me, I had to forcibly hold her butt in the seat. She hated time out and still does. Cries and wails. That works for 'at home' situations.

    In public, more than once, she has pushed her limits, testing me. I have, on many occasions, taken her outside for a spanking or a firm talking to. When it comes to public outings, I try to limit them to a time when my husband can accompany us. It takes us both tag-teaming this kid. Some children are high maintenance like that..... So, for example, if she starts acting up at the grocery store, one of us takes her outside for a talk or possible spanking while the other continues shopping.

    Overall, what we've seen.... kids want limits and boundaries, but they also want to test them REPEATEDLY each and every day. You must stay firm and constant with your response. Don't worry what other people think. As long as you stop with a 'spanking' and don't cross the line into abuse (BIG DIFFERENCE), then it's your perogotive. And if anyone says anything, tell 'em to shove it.

    It's hard raising a strong willed, independent child. They are a different breed.

    Good luck and keep your chin up. This shall pass. :flowerforyou:

    EDIT: One other point to mention, and this is kinda sad, but we stopped going out as much when she started acting up. It was too frustrating for us so we kept her at home as much as possible and ran errands without her when we could. We gave up a little social life in exchange for less frustration with parenting. Also, be aware of naptimes, irritability, hunger and thirst. (You probably already thought all about those factors.) Even though we gave up a little, the 'fits' decreased as we stayed home with her more.
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i myself don't believe in spanking. i guess to me it just seems like you're teaching them its ok to hit. Im having a hard time with him hitting and biting lately, so to me to spank his butt is teaching him that its ok to hit, kwim?

    i prefer the time out method. he's almost 18 months old, and for us a firm NO and being put in time out for a min or two really seems to work.

    i think it all depends on the parent and what they're comfortable with doing, and on the child and what they seem to respond to best.

    when i was younger, please believe i got my butt busted quite a few times. the neighbours phoned the police one time when they saw my mom swatting me and my brother in the butt. the police told the neighbours to mind their business and that spanking is NOT considered abuse (at least not in canada, not sure about the US)

    if it comes down to a situation where i think a spanking is necessary when my kids are a little older, they'll be getting it no second thoughts.
  • Kdlo1026
    im actually a little surprised at how many people said spank.... apparently im the only non-spanker:huh:

    Depends on the kid IMHO...My son would look at me like WTF? My daughter a light tap to her bum and she would move it now! My husband...errrr...Hokay, be good! LOL

    I don't mind being spanked either... but then that is a whole different blog!!!! (LOL) I probably offended some one with that - Oh well, WTF I thought it was funny!! :ohwell:

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