New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Good luck to those who are starting tomorrow!
  • Wow -- how did you work on progressing? My husband finally put up the pullup bar (after he stopped laughing)... I want so badly to prove him wrong...

    I was actually just researching how to go about building up to doing pullups and there are quite a few methods (without going to the gym) to build up to doing proper pullups, If you have a spotter that is one option.. but if you're like me and would much rather struggle through it without someone else (ie: your laughing husband) watching then starting out doing supine pullups is a great option.

    My kitchen table is heavy and strong with a large ledge, and I'm fairly smallish so I'll be doing supine pullups with my legs under the table, feet on the floor for a while. I just tested it out and it's fully doable, the table didn't even creak! .. So that is an option to think about if your muscles flat out refuse to allow you to use the pullup bar yet.

    Edit: link to youtube video showing an example of a man doing supine pullups (with a proper bar.. but still)
  • GeauxDonielle
    GeauxDonielle Posts: 145 Member
    Good morning- it is start day for some and wanted to wish y'all good luck and do better then your best!!! Way to go on Monday!!!!!¡'
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Morning everyone!!!! Today's the day!!!! I'll check in after my workout, won't be until later since my fiance is joining me and I really hope he does! So, bring it today peeps! Have a great workout and I'll see ya later on!

  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Good luck to everyone starting today!!

    This is the beginning of week 6 for me!! Down 3 1/2 inches!! Woohoo!!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Yay! Just did Day 1: Chest and Back w/ Ab Ripper X! Used a HRM, and burned 450 calories doing it too! Awesome...I'm pretty darn excited. :)
  • am_last10lbs
    am_last10lbs Posts: 41 Member
    How is everyone counting the calories from the workouts? I don't have a HRM. How many calories are you eating while doing this?
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am done lurking on this thread. Today is the first day of the second week of P90X lean for me (Core Synergistics). I already feel stronger and am excited to see the positive changes in my body. Down over 2 pounds since my fit test and feel great!

    Quick question for those that are using an HRM, are you discounting the calorie burn on the strength training and yoga routines? I had some unbelievable burn numbers in my first week and they really appeared too good to be true (i.e. over 1200 in Yoga-X, over 1300 in Legs, Back, ABRX). I have discounted those calories by about 1/3 (only logged 2/3 of the burn). I am afraid of overeating and derailing progress.

    Any one in the same boat as me on this?

  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Today I will be starting my 2nd week of P90x. It would have been my 3rd week but I was under the weather last week, so now it's time to get back on track. Good luck to everyone.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    good luck to all who are starting today!

    I'm on the rest day of week 2 - I plan to do some cardio and see if I have time for stretch x. Lost 2 lbs. last week doing the lean version so I might try to up my calories this week; I didn't want to lose much weekly.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    How is everyone counting the calories from the workouts? I don't have a HRM. How many calories are you eating while doing this?

    You need a heart rate monitor. Even if you get an inexpensive one for now. I still have my Sportline hrm from Walmart that I got for under $30. I'll upgrade eventually to the Polar, but the Sportline has done a great job.

    Well today kicked off ROUND FOUR. I didn't feel revved up this morning when we first started, since I knew I would have to drop down and start with Standard Push-ups. But it ended up being a solid workout. I'm definitely getting stronger and I'm knocking out as many push-ups as Marin in the DVD. :tongue:
  • wjassell
    wjassell Posts: 104 Member
    I started Round 5 a week ago. I have a custom schedule but should be at least as hard as P90X Classic. First phase for me is, like this.

    1on1 Chest Back & Balls
    1on1 Plyo Legs
    1on1 Just Arms ARX
    1on1 Diamond Delts ARX
    Running 6 Miles

    Second Phase is
    Chest Shoulders Triceps
    Plyo X
    Back & Biceps
    1on1 Back & Belly
    Running 6 Miles

    Havent made the final decision on what Phase 3 will be for me. But I have almost 60 days to figure it out.
  • Tracey1234
    Tracey1234 Posts: 18 Member
    Good Luck to everyone that starts today. I am on Day 2 of my 2nd week. I feel awesome!
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    How is everyone counting the calories from the workouts? I don't have a HRM. How many calories are you eating while doing this?

    No HRM here, either. I'm adding 300 calories (instead of the 600 p90x says) right now to see how it goes. First week lost .5 lb., this week lost 2 lbs. so I'm thinking I may add some calories. I'd rather lose around a pound a week.
  • Good luck to everybody starting today. Don't let it scare you! You can totally do it! Today was day 19 for me, legs & back and ab ripper. I was still tired from a busy busy weekend, but managed to push hard and get some serious work in. Now for a nice bath. ;0)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello everyone!!! Today's the day and I've been eating my food, getting fueled up! I wish I could've pushed play this morning but I'm waiting until my fiance gets home because he's doing it with me and I want to support and motivate him as much as I can so whenever he wants to do it is when I'll do it! Although, you have no idea how bad I want to start!!!! Aaahhhh!!!!

    Everyone is doing great! Love to see the energy! I've posted my day 1 pics in my profile to hold myself accountable to myself and to everyone here! I am determined this round! So, feel free to check them out! They're the last 3 in my album.

    Keep up the amazing work and keep pushing play! I'll be back later to check in!

  • jswitaj
    jswitaj Posts: 9 Member
    I started on the 18th, so today is day 11 for me. I've been doing the Classic version and lost 2 lbs the first week, have since put 1 back on, but my thought is that it is a muscle gain. Tonight is supposed to be Yoga, but the first time I couldnt' even bare to stick with it for 5 minutes so I gave up. My plan is to swap Cardio in for Yoga.

    I bought a HRM and started using it at the beginning of week 2. My calories burned according to the HRM so far have been astronomical (1000 for Chest & Back w/ AbX, 1200 for Plyo, and 950 for Shoulders & Arms w/AbX) so I've been estimating about 65% to be the actual number. Does that sound about right? That makes my calories burned 650, 780, and 600 respectively. I'm a male with current weight of 205lbs.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i'm starting 2day myself. i'll join ya! :smile:
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    Just finished day one of the lean version :) Good luck everyone!!
  • I just started today! So..perfect! I'm in!!!
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