New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • deb93535
    deb93535 Posts: 2 Member
    Day one crossed off the list!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I'm in recovery week of phase 1. I actually did Yoga x today and was sweating rivers. Got a decent burn doing it, too, but my child was not helping. He woke up when I was at the end and sat on my stomach when I was trying to do the abs part.
  • stacy7533
    stacy7533 Posts: 11 Member
    We finished Arms and Shoulders and ARX for week 2 today. Week 2 is feeling harder than week 1! ARX is still kicking my butt. It's worst on my hip flexors!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Didn't do so great staying with the plan over the weekend but I tracked anyway and it's a new day! I did have some great things happen over the weekend though so it wasn't a total bust! I'm now the proud owner of some new shoes with custom fit orthotics that feel heavenly! I'm actually looking forward to Plyometrics tomorrow so I can try them out. I also got a new HRM and wore it for the first time today. My chest & back with ARX burned about 416 calories. Nothing as high as the guy with the astronomical numbers but at least I know where I'm hitting and can eat accordingly!

    Now I'm off to Taekwondo with the family! Hope everyone had a great day! Oh, I'm on Day 1 of Week 2 and still pushing play (even though I could barely walk after that back & legs workout! Wowsers!)
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Day 1 Wk 2 tonight. Cant wait. I was suppose to start wk 2 last night. But my hotel room didnt have a dvd player. So I hit the treadmill instead. Chest and Back & ARX !!!
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Just started week 2. Chest and Back is my worst dvd since i have no upper body strength. I wonder if I will ever be able to do push-ups without being on my knees and regular pull-ups. Oh well did it any way. Ab Ripper X is going pretty well just can't get those V-up rollups down. Good luck.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    just started 2day. did 2miles in 28min & just finished day 1 of p90x classic. GEEZUS!!!!! i'm bushed!! :yawn:
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Survived Day 1 tonight -- did 1/2 of the Chest and Back video since I am trying to ease into it.
    Pushups done from my knees... and Divebombers are the funniest looking thing I have ever tried to do, I was literally lying on the floor laughing hysterically.

    How are weak people doing the pull ups though?
    I tried the resistance bands, and I didnt "feel the burn"
    So I stood on a chair under the bar.... tried to hang as limp as possible and go through the movement with my arms while straightening my legs to help ..... will this eventually help?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well, I gotta say……I had an AMAZING first day! It felt sooo good to do P90X again! I missed Tony! I was pretty impressed with myself; day 1 is always a doozy no matter what round you’re on, so I know I’ll be sore but it’s to be expected. My fiancé did great too! I am soooo proud of him and hope he keeps it up! He just looks forward to the recovery drink afterwards! Lol

    Jswitaj: Welcome! Congrats on your week 1 weight loss but yes, I’m sure the 1lb you gained back is more than likely muscle! Woo hoo! Your calorie burn sounds a little high but mine was too when I had an HRM; now I have a BodyMedia and I think it’s a tad more accurate. But, nonetheless, great burn! Plus, you were probably pushing it pretty hard! The plyo burn sounds about right though, that is the mother of all X workouts! Keep up the good work!

    GooBeGone: love your profile name! lol Welcome! I look forward to reading your posts!

    FLmom: Woo hoo! Congrats on day one!

    Tara: Welcome! Glad to have you!

    Deb: Way to go girl! Day 1 down, 89 more to go….we got this!

    Crowhorse: Aaahhh…..recovery week sounds so good right now! Lol Great job on the yoga!

    Stacy: I love arms and shoulders, one of my favs! ARX is hard on my hip flexors too, that’s actually where I feel it most!

    Knittnponder: Nice job girl! One day at a time. I too am the proud owner of new shoes, they finally arrived and I can’t wait to wear them tomorrow for plyo! I burned about the same with chest & back & ARX; must be because we’re girls? Lol Anyway, I’ll take any burn! Lol Keep up the great work!

    Jata: Nice job girl! You’re determined when you’re doing it while traveling! My hat goes off to you!

    Dyiaane: Yes, you will certainly be able to do a push up on your toes! You’ll get stronger, just wait!

    Emma: You crack me up! Hey, you survived, that’s all that matters, you did your best and forgot the rest! You’ll get there, just keep doing it. Dive bombers are kind of funny though! Lol Standing on a chair does work as long as the chair is far enough out that you feel it but yes, it helps; that’s how I used to do them.

    Well everyone, you’re doing great! I love to see how this thread is just growing! So many positive, energetic peeps in here! Keep up the good work! Oh, yeah, one more thing, I think I may actually swap out ARX for some of Chalene’s ab routines like from Turbo Fire; they are killer and I get more of a burn from them…we’ll see. Keep it up and keep pushing play!

  • cytrus
    cytrus Posts: 25 Member
    A little late getting started, But completed a lean day 1. Didn't want to not start from the get go. Accountability is a great thing.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Okay all you people who've done this before, how long does it take before you start noticing gains in your strength? I did notice that the Chest & Back workout today some of the things I went up in weight and some I didn't but I did more reps before I pooped out so I guess I've seen some gain in strength there.

    But AbripperX is killing me! It almost seems like it's harder than it was when I first started it! Of course the first time I did it I hadn't done any workouts just prior. Now I do it right after whatever the strength training is and I feel like I barely have anything to bring! Do you think I would see better improvement if I take a break between the two and refuel before I go into it? I really want to see improvement there and I'm willing to change things up if need be.

    Dazzle me with your wisdom oh wise ones! :glasses: <--(Sunglasses for the "dazzling")
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Morning everyone! Grrrrr!!! I only got 4 hours of sleep last night! I had to pick my sister and nephew up at the airport and their flight was delayed from Chicago (we live in Sea) so I didn't get home until 2am! Not good! But, I got up, made my fiance his Shakeology, packed his lunch....I gotta keep him on track, whatever it takes! Now I'm off to take my son to school and then mom is coming back home to try and catch a few more zzzzz's! I'm gonna need my rest! Today is Plyo and then tonight at our fit club, we're doing Cardio X! Yowsers!!!!!!!!

    Knittnponder: I would say you'll start noticing strength into the 2nd week, that's why you have the workout sheets so you can look back and see just how strong you've gotten! :bigsmile: I think you'll start noticing significant difference after 2 weeks, in your strength, your physique, everything! Do what you feel works best for you, if you need to take a breather before ARX, do it. I wouldn't recommend drinking anything though! lol Not good.

    Well, I'll be back later after my workouts and check in! Have a great day everyone and bring it today!!!! :drinker:

  • Hello! I am a little late posting here as well, but I started week 2 yesterday :) I am a mother of 1 little boy and am set to "graduate" p90x may 21st! my husband & I are hoping to start trying for another baby in June so I am pushing my hardest to get my body to where I want it and look good in that bikini this summer! I am very excited about this program and will measure for the 1st time since starting p90x on this coming sunday. I can't wait to see the difference already (I can definitely feel my body changing) I am mainly here for support and hoping for some guidance also. WOOHOO p90x ROCKS!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I've been given the go ahead to do light jumping, but since I did so much at therapy yesterday I think I'm going to substitue Plyo for Cardio today. My knee smarts a bit. I was pretty sore yesterday from Chest & Back and it felt great!

    Pullup advice - I was talking to the lady who owns the physical therapy place. She is also doing P90X. I told her I can't do real pullups yet and was using a stool. I hang by my arms and pull myself up until I run out of steam and then use my legs for assistance the rest of the way up. She told me to try doing the exact opposite... Use my legs to help get up and then use my own strength to slowly let myself down. She went into the reason behind it, but I don't remember. Haven't tried it yet. Does anyone have thoughts on the matter?
  • cytrus
    cytrus Posts: 25 Member
    Day 2. got the cardio in. now need to get the calories in. have issues with that. feel full on less. any suggestions?
  • LovelyE28
    LovelyE28 Posts: 33 Member
    Grr, I think I might of strained a muscle in my abdomen, I noticed it during yesterdays Chest & Back workout, as well as during Ab Ripper. Anyone have any advice for what I should do? I don't wanna not work on my abs/core so this sucks. :(
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    Wow, tomorrow is day 1 of week 4 for me, can't believe it!!!!!!!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Did day 1 wk 2 last night. Its getting easier for me to do the push ups and ARX. Sitll have a ways to go though.

    I have a problem I cant seem to get enough calories in each day. I do P90X plus jogging. So most days I burn between 500-700 calories. What are you guys doing to get in the extra calories?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Did day 1 wk 2 last night. Its getting easier for me to do the push ups and ARX. Sitll have a ways to go though.

    I have a problem I cant seem to get enough calories in each day. I do P90X plus jogging. So most days I burn between 500-700 calories. What are you guys doing to get in the extra calories?

    Protein shakes. I use BSN Lean Dessert or BSN Syntha 6 protein. Their chocolate peanut butter flavor is awesome and it comes with 21 grams protein per scoop. Also, calorie dense food such as almonds or granola.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I wish I'd seen this yesterday! I'm planning on starting tonight after I put my babies in bed. I'm hoping that having a group to be accountable to will keep me going. Hopefully, I'll check in again in the morning to let you know how day 1 went. :smile:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Second time through Plyo today and it kicked my butt just as hard as the first time! Phew! I need a nap! I was able to do a better job on the exercises for the most part though.

    And most exciting, no shin pain! I've struggled with shin splints for some time. I've been stretching and working diligently to get rid of them and it was helping until I did Plyo last week! But over the weekend I got new shoes and orthotics and no shin pain today! At all! I am so happy about this! I did all the jumping and the only thing holding me back was my fitness level, not my shins! Now that I've got that taken care of I can work on strengthening them more.

    Tomorrow is my favorite workout so far: Shoulders and Arms. I did like the Legs & Back workout but I'll like it better when I'm stronger! :wink:

    ETA: Edorice, I am jealous of your beautiful push up form! I gotta work on that...
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    ETA: Edorice, I am jealous of your beautiful push up form! I gotta work on that...

    Doesn't she? She has awesome form in that picture, and looks like she is bringing it!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Wow, tomorrow is day 1 of week 4 for me, can't believe it!!!!!!!

    I'm in recovery week of phase 1. I'm so excited about that!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good evening everyone!!! Well, just got done with the mother of all X workouts…..plyo!!!! I haven’t done it in a loooong time but it wasn’t that bad! My fiancé even made it all the way through! I’m so proud of him! And now, I’m off to fit club to do Cardio X! WOW!!!! I’m gonna be pooped!

    Tabhig: Welcome! P90X will definitely get you that bikini bod you’re looking for! I look forward to reading your posts! Keep up the good work!

    Lovely: Ouch, a strained muscle in your abdomen, that doesn’t sound comfortable. Maybe do some stretching for it, like cobra. Hope it gets better!

    Dara: Time flies when you’re getting fit!!! Way to go girl!

    Jata: I thought getting all my calories in would be easy but it’s been kind of a struggle and not exactly eating some of what I had on my menu at the time I had but I manage to get it in. I have protein bars, those help, big calories and protein.

    Jenna: Hey! Come on in! Hope you have a good day 1 and remember that every day that you push play is one day closer to your goal! You can do it, we can help!

    Fran: Nice job girl! I got my new shoes too and noticed a huge difference! I felt like I could just jump around all night!

    Well, gotta run to the next workout! Have a great evening and I’ll see ya tomorrow!

  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    In week 2 day 2. Did Plyo today. I was so tired during it but made it through. I'm hoping next week I get better at everything. I wish there were more hours in the day. I really want to add in additional cardio while doing P90x but don't have the time during the week. I'll try to add in on the weekend. Hope you all are doing well.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am on Day 2 of Week 2 of Lean (Cardio-X). I brought it more this week than last week (682 calories burned). I made it through the entire workout with very short pauses for water breaks and towelling off. My biggest accomplishment from week one to today was I did about 5 or 6 (lost count) halfway decent Dreya Rolls. Those puppies are brutal! I also flopped around a little better on Superman-Banana, although I am still having a helluva time keeping my legs up in Banana. Overall, I am VERY happy with the progress made in just one week. I LOVE P90X! Onto Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper-X (Lovingly called "Heaven and Hell").
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Week 3/Day1 - couldn't get through core synergistics this morning as I was feeling terrible - even ended up calling off work but after taking it easy all day and reading about everybody's accomplishments I felt energized enough to push play on it this evening. I'm feeling like my bananas are better in the beginning but the last couple are tough to grind out. I actually feel like I'm getting stronger so the thought of taking a week "off" for recovery next week is sort of depressing!

    Keep up the good work everyone - this thread really provides great motivation!!
  • I ordered by DVDs today and Amazon said it will be here by Saturday so I will join you next week . Alittle bit afraid but I figure, what have I got to lose but 15 more lbs :>)
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Well, did my core tonight. Definitely much, much stronger than previous times. Still didn't do the Dreya rolls. Planned on doing it, but at that point, I STILL somehow had dinner in my stomach that was refluxing.

    I actually did a few regular push-ups, too! Probably 15 total. Probably not that perfect, but perfect enough! Proud of myself for that.

    When doing the boat, and the superman/banana I kept having a 28lb toddler sitting on me and was having a hard time rolling over to the othe positions. I'd have to pick him up, set him to the side, and roll. By the time I got there, it was time to go back, and he was back to climbing on me again.

    Yes, doing P90x can be a challenge to me, in more ways than one.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Plyo done! Man it was But easier this week than last. Burned 481 cals. Good job everyone!!!
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