"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • FabulousGia
    Hi ladies, I just saw this thread. I'm not sure if it's too late to join officially, but I'm going to join as a "lurker" (I need the support. I've had the DVD for more than a year now, but too chicken to do it on my own.) I hope you don't mind.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I am so so so so so so so so sorry for not doing Jillian last night or this morning! I feel horrible and very disapointed in myself. This is a terrible feeling!! If only I could cause this feeling to happen BEFORE I miss the opportunity! So, I guess yesterday really was my "rest day." Blah!

    I am going to try and do 2 rounds tonight. Don't know if that is beneficial at all, but I will be sore and hopefully it will snap me out of slacking. :P

    *No worries - I won't kill my body, but I do need to get back on track*
  • Dawn111567
    Measurements taken 3/1/11

    Current Weight: 152
    Belly - below belly button 38
    Bra line 30
    Hips/butt 40.5
    Thigh 23
    Calf 13
    Bicep 11
    Waist below rib cage 29
    Bust 34.5

    I was going to try to do my shred this morning before work but I woke up at 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I ended up with a headache and did eventually fall back to sleep but not for too long before the alarm went off. Why do I think it is going to be a long day?

    I am struggling with the jumping jacks for a couple reasons, the first is I have problems with my right shoulder/arm but I can modify that. I find that I am doing this workout in my bedroom and jumping on my carpeting is extremely hard because of the resistance from my sneakers. I can go in my bathroom on the floor but there is no room in there to comfortably do them. I also find the same thing with my butt kicks that my sneakers "stick" to the carpeting. So for now until I can go somewhere else in the house that doesn't have carpeting I jump in place or run. Any other suggestions?

    I do it without shoes. I know that sound odd, but i do it in my bedroom on carpet too, and it's just too hard with gym shoes on. I go to a boot camp 2x a week and most of the girls, including the instructors do the whole thing without shoes as well. We do it at the gymnastics center on the mats, which is kinda like being on carpet when you're in shoes. I think without shoes you get a better grip on the ground with your feet if that makes any sense.

    Thank you. I'm not sure why I never tried doing it without shoes. I will try it but I'm not sure how it will work out for me because I have orthotics in my sneakers which help stabilizes my foot. Thank you again for the suggestion.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Day 1 of Level 2 is done. All those plank poses are ridiculous! Got 30 min of carido and 40 of yoga in as well.

    Also, my weigh in today was 214 which means I finally surpassed my 215 mini-goal AND it's a loss of 2.4 lbs. Didn't do measurements though.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Day 2 @ Level 1 for me (I started late). Not too bad. I was a bit sore though. I had the most trouble with the sidsquates and lifts. I wnet dowm to a 1 lb weight. I was using 5lbs initially. Ouch.

    I had been doing Jillians Biggest Loser series for about 6 weeks about 4-5 x's per week. I think that prepared me for this because I'm actualy able to do about 11-12 non-modified pushups before I have to put my knees on the ground and continue. I think I'm going to shoot for adding one more non-modfiied push-up every day!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I found a really good article on eHow on the best way to get the maximum benefits from the shred. Here's the link

  • Taras630
    Taras630 Posts: 85
    Alright, so yesterday I didn't do the DVD. I feel like I kind of failed a bit. Oh well, I'll just finish the rest off strong. The thing is, I wasn't dying of pain and didn't do it. I pushed it off until it was too late to do the workout. I did however use the elliptical for an hour and 20 minutes so yesterday wasn't a complete waste. I went grocery shopping yesterday and looked at every label to make sure I wasn't getting something I was allowed to eat. ;) have a great day all!
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Day 5, level 1 complete. I must have pulled a muscle in my calf, it's been killing me for 2 days now. I'm also starting to get a cold, boo! But I'm going to hang in there. :wink: Keep up the good work everyone.
  • smareeh
    smareeh Posts: 117 Member
    I finished D10 of L1 today and felt great. While I was stretching extra I took a sneak peak of Level 2. I decided to jump back up and try some of it. I did all 3 sets of abs but cardio and strength I did only one set of each. Intense but not too bad. Im excited to keep going and shred and forget about it!!!
  • angelicpiece101
    angelicpiece101 Posts: 40 Member
    Im back in the game :) did my shred for today....it seems to be getting easier then in the beginning of the week. I did 30 min on my elliptical too at a 6 resistance. I'll take my measurements on Sunday see if anythings changing.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member

    I'll probably do a one or two more days on this level and then switch to Level 2 - I'm getting to the point that I'm "talking" with Jillian and it's driving me crazy :) Not talking to her, just talking w/ her with some of her lines that we now hear every day!!
    We do that as well! My son especially--he love the part where she is talking about the bicycle cruches and she says they are the "absolute best" and he says--"get it mom? the ABSolute best?" and now every time something is tough he says "400 pound people are doing it SO CAN YOU!'

    I did Day 2/ Level 2 today. I was tired from yesterday I guess becuase it was tougher to get through. I did it, but with not quite as much pep. I also did it just before lunch and didn't have that big of a breakfast so I was pretty low on energy. I'll do it either earlier or after lunch.

    I did 20 minutes of Wii Zumba and will be taking the dog out for a walk next (about 25 mins).

    Lots of water so far today, and iced unsweetenend green tea.

    This is helping to keep me going. Thanks guys!
  • horizonsp
    horizonsp Posts: 134 Member
    day 5 done..I did level 2 .took a break in between for 4-5 mins & then again continued. Still have to do some cardio.
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Day 5 Level 1 and 2 complete! I had a bit of an interuption from my little munchkin, so I had to stop and then do it agian a half hour later. Phew...I'm so glad that's it's done for today! I'm really looking forward to a rest day sometime soon...:laugh:

    GREAT work everyone! Keep Shredding!!! :drinker:
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Did Day 5. Did level 1 and 2 this morning! Felt good. Still struggle, but it is getting a little easier to do level 2. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    I dug out my tape measure at last.
    Starting measurement (if I post them here I can find them again!)

    Thigh 21.5 "
    hips 37.5"
    low belly (the sticky out bit!) 33.5" (this is the bit I really want to lose from!)
    waist 29"

    current weight 55-56kg depending on the day
    I'm not really looking to lose weight, am happy just to tone up and maintain.
    I'm 5' 2.5" (the .5 is very important :tongue: )

    I'm considering getting up early to do it tomorrow but I have to go out by 9am so that feels quite keen for a Saturday. We shall see...
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Did Day 5. Did level 1 and 2 this morning! Felt good. Still struggle, but it is getting a little easier to do level 2. Keep up the good work everyone!

    Great job! It's so much harder when you combine the levels...lol...and I just drip in sweat!
  • Mkmassey3
    Mkmassey3 Posts: 214 Member
    I lived to Shred another day!!!! I just finished day 3 of level 1. I too added in the 3# weights during the punching, the other just seemed to easy. The weights made it more intense. I was able to get through it all without stopping except for the bicycle crunches...those kill me. Maybe tomorrow I will make it all the way through. I'm going to give it another day or two before I add in level 2 with level 1. Those 20 minutes just seem to fly by.
    It's date night tonight and the hubby wants to take me out to dinner and a movie, let's hope I can find something on the healthy side. I have to get another 24 oz of water in me before the nights over...could make for an interesting movie.....hope it's a theater close to the bathroom. Have a great night all!! Keep Shredding :happy:
  • ThisAboveAll
    ThisAboveAll Posts: 25 Member
    I started 30DS today, as the first of the month seemed a good time to start, so I'm a little behind. One day don, 29 to go! Feel free to add me, lets support/encourage each other.

    I started on the 1st too. I'm anal about doing it for the 30 days of the month..haha. I actually waited until March 1 just so I had 30 days!

    I started on the 1st -- waited 'till the 1st -- as well!! There is another group of us who started on March 1st too, but none of us have posted our measurements so I'd love to join in here as well as I'm super curious as to how everyone else will do! I'm done day 4 now, but will have to add in the daily cardio to catch up with you lot as all I was doing was the DVD. I took LOTS of measurements (more inches lost in the end right?! LOL):

    Start weight 175.6 lbs

    Bust 40.5
    Ribs 33.5
    Waist (thinnest part) 34
    Belly Button (inch below) 41
    Hips 42.5
    Bum 45
    L Thigh 25.5 R Thigh 26.5
    L Calf 14.5 R Calf 15
    L Arm 12 R Arm 12
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Wow taking one day off really helped me alot. I did the video today and feel so much better about it. Thanks for all the support. It is nice to be with this group. Did my shred and got my 4 mile walk in. Ready to face another day.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Ohh I so want to be a part of this group. Is it still open?
    I am going to do 30 day shred tonight, for the first time. (Thank you Netflix)

    I forgot all about Netflix!! Is it streaming?

    I didn't see it on streaming but they do have the DVD.