New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    @cortez - Very cool story! God has a plan for you two! :)

    @Shannon (sbracken) - You seem very happy and that's awesome ... glad you two found eachother!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Just found this group....too late to join? I am 35....been married for 15 years.....4 kids ages 14, 11,11 (twins) and the baby is 5.....I started my fitness pal on Dec 2011 and as of this past Monday....I have lost 40.5 pounds.......

    I am looking for a few friends......
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Blah!!! :( ... Marceen had a craving (need) for wonton soup as she's not feeling well (and pregnant doesn't make it any easier) ... well, I didn't feel like soup so I thought I'd get the General Tso's chicken (no rice, no eggroll, not breaded or deep fried, etc.) ... well ... I was amazed at the sodium ... I just ate 4000mg of sodium in one sitting! :( ... no wonder I feel like garbage after I eat Chinese ... I feel so nasty, what an eye opener ...

    So what about you? Any major eye openers since tracking your food?
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    So what about you? Any major eye openers since tracking your food?

    Major eye-openers... to preface my response, let me say I have lifted this philosophy from another MFP member, "I am NOT on a diet, I am on a BUDGET!" Isn't that awesome? So... I will not "deny" myself anything. However, I want to make better choices on how to "spend" my daily budget ... don't spend it all in one place! hahaha

    So in the ongoing education, I am really surprised at how calorie-heavy meat is! The other night I threw together a sort-of jambalaya of pork, rice, beans, tomatoes and spices. After the fact, I logged it as a recipe, and one serving was 500 calories! Yowza!
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    So what about you? Any major eye openers since tracking your food?

    The restaurant salads!!! Some have the same amount of calories as my total daily calorie intake. I might as well enjoy a nice burger...jk. So now I order salmon and veggies (no rice, no bread)'s still yummy and filling.
  • Marceen
    Marceen Posts: 14

    So what about you? Any major eye openers since tracking your food?

    Mine, like Matt's, has been sodium. When I was pregnant with Amelia 15years ago I had tons of water retention and swelling. Information was not available like today and I had no clue how bad fast food was. I never ate a lot of food but I see now that my choices were horrible.
  • sbracken
    sbracken Posts: 79

    So what about you? Any major eye openers since tracking your food?

    Sodium in some foods is crazy high!!!! No wonder my weight would fluctuate so wildly. Now I'm much more aware of how much sodium I'm taking in.....even on my cheat days I try to keep the sodium low and drink tons of water to flush it out.

    Calorie count in the "good" carbs was the most shocking. I never realized how calorie packed they are. Now that I've removed them from my diet I don't have any problem staying under calorie target everyday.
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    31 and nearly married (July)! That count?
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi! I'm Kate. I'm 32, have been married for almost 12 years, and have 4 beautiful (and sometimes infuriating:explode: ) children: ages 8, 6, 4, and almost 2.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    My eye opener has been portion size. Someone said that almonds were healthy, so of course I rushed to Sam's Club and bought the industrial sized container. I started munching them in the car. When I got home and measured out the servings, I discovered that I had eaten about 5 or 6 servings on the way home. You can look at almost anything and find it to be in the right calorie range but when you see a portion size, you'll realize that you're eating serveral portions.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So what about you? Any major eye openers since tracking your food?

    Absolutely the sodium! And in unexpected places, like ketchup (I'll use salsa instead!) and dressings and breads. I'm surprised it isn't higher in things like tortilla chips. They taste salty to me, but aren't all that high, all things considered.
  • Shannmfp11
    Shannmfp11 Posts: 339 Member
    I agree with LorinaLynn! The sodium! I calculated some beef enchiladas I make. Calories and all not so bad! Sodium....Wowzers! Needless to say I won't be making those often at all! I have to figure out a new recipe I guess.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    My eye opener has been portion size. Someone said that almonds were healthy, so of course I rushed to Sam's Club and bought the industrial sized container. I started munching them in the car. When I got home and measured out the servings, I discovered that I had eaten about 5 or 6 servings on the way home. You can look at almost anything and find it to be in the right calorie range but when you see a portion size, you'll realize that you're eating serveral portions.

    lol ... yeah ... the first time I heard about the health benefits of having some tree nuts in your diet I had the same experience ... I quickly learned what a serving size of calorie packed nuts are! I can't even imagine how many calories I packed in sometimes munching on nuts!!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    So what about you? Any major eye openers since tracking your food?

    Absolutely the sodium! And in unexpected places, like ketchup (I'll use salsa instead!) and dressings and breads. I'm surprised it isn't higher in things like tortilla chips. They taste salty to me, but aren't all that high, all things considered.

    You know, that's going to be another reason why I continue making my own bread, that blows me away too. Not to mention the preservatives and softeners that we put in our bread that are actually banned in some countries (yes, I'm serious) but yeah, the sodium ... crazy ... bread should go stale and get moldy after a few days ... if it lasts a couple weeks in your pantry, there are issues! lol
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    The biggest eye openers for me was simply how much I was consuming - both portion size and calories. I really had no idea. I will still eat similar things, but try to make them healthier and/or smaller portions. Things like pizza I try to limit my slices and usually try to order a salad with it and eat that instead.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    My husband and I were just talking about the serving size for boxed cereal last night. Who only eats 1 cup of cereal? A normal bowl will fit 2 servings plus milk. So you are looking at 500+ calories for one bowl of cereal and you are still hungry in 30 minutes! That's why we stopped buying it and switched to oatmeal.

    I, too, am amazed at the sodium in things like bread. You think a 6" turkey sub from Subway is healthy at 300 cals, but there is over 1000 mg of sodium!
  • scoops13
    scoops13 Posts: 31
    My eye opener has been restaurant foods. I mean I knew that they were a lot of calories and fat but I guess since I never really looked at it I didn't know HOW MUCH!! We went to Applebee's the other night and I looked up all of the information online before we went. I went with one of the "under 550 calories" meals, but couldn't help but gasp at the other meals! The appetizer sampler is over 2400 calories!! Now granted, if you share that between four people it goes down to 600 - but still - for an APPETIZER!!! You still have to eat your meal after that! Most of the meals were over 1000 calories - including salads. The Provolone Stuffed Meatballs with Fettuccine (which I admit looked amazing but have never tried) was 1530 calories! I have tried (unsuccessfully) to convince myself for ten years that I like fish, so ordering a grilled fish type entree at a restaurant is not an option for me. I have been trying to cook at home a lot more and now I know I will continue to try new and healthier recipes. I never really learned how to cook growing up so it has been a learning experience. I'm enjoying looking at websites and healthy food magazines for new stuff - let me know if you know of any great ones. I've been scouring the recipes board, too, and it has been very helpful. Hope you all have had a great weekend!!
  • @scoops13, yeah, restaurants are right out. I sometimes get hungry at work and consider ordering some takeout but then I start going down the menus and realize that most of what is good is unhealthy and what is healthy isn't good. It's really surprising when you start to really think about it.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    How about restraunt salads, some of them are over 1000 calories, for a friggin salad. So someone thinks they are ordering something healthy, and bam!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Eye opener for me has been sodium. I have pretty much always paid attention to calorie and fat content in foods, because weight has always been an issue for me. But I never paid any attention to sodium until my husband started having blood pressue issues. Turkey...OH MY! I would have never guessed it had so much sodium! So I try to pay more attention to that now.
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