"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • carmelasergi
    carmelasergi Posts: 163 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! I got up early and instead of doing the 30DS, I did Jillian's BFBM DVD. She worked me into a drenching sweat, but I feel so good! Day 5 is done!!
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    level 1 day 2 (did day 1 yesterday)
    My daughter woke me up at 6.30 so I thought I might as well get up and get it over with. yay me! :drinker:

    it felt a bit easier, maybe because I knew what to expect!
    My right knee is a little sore though - it doesn't like the side lunges. I think it's just muscle tightness though so I'm hoping I won't have to stop/modify too much.

    I have to say although I really like the workout the cool down section is utter crap. After a workout like that she should be giving you WAY more stretching at the end. I know that if I wasn't already fit, did that workout and her inadequate stretching session I would be utterly crippled the next day :noway:

    by the way if anyone would like to be my friend who is at a similar sort of stage to me that would be good!
    just started the shred but already reasonably fit and am doing it for toning/fat loss but not trying to lose lots of weight. I'm in the UK if you prefer friends in similar time zones, and my motivation is to look amazing by June when I will turn 40 :bigsmile:
    It would be nice to have people to suffer with on my feed :bigsmile:

    I have to admit, I don't even do the cool-down. I know, i'm bad. I usually walk right out into the kitchen and get my drink that's been chilling in the fridge. The cool-down is lame, and yet, I've never been sore from not doing it. I have yet to get to a point where I'm sore from doing Jillian the next day. And believe me, I'm NOT in any kind of shape.

    you must be lucky! I always get stiff after any new exercise, even though I work out a lot. Maybe some people are just more prone to muscle stiffness?? glad you're not hurting!
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    Level 1 day 3 done :)
    felt easier again, despite feeling a bit blah when I woke up (something to do with the wine I had last night!!).

    I managed to do the full push ups for the first set today, did the modified ones for set two.
    I also used heavier weights today - 2.5kg instead of 1.5kg. It was hard, but I managed all the sets apart from the 2nd set of lateral raises with side lunges - I switched back to my lighter weights for the 2nd set of those.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    level 1 day 2 (did day 1 yesterday)
    My daughter woke me up at 6.30 so I thought I might as well get up and get it over with. yay me! :drinker:

    it felt a bit easier, maybe because I knew what to expect!
    My right knee is a little sore though - it doesn't like the side lunges. I think it's just muscle tightness though so I'm hoping I won't have to stop/modify too much.

    I have to say although I really like the workout the cool down section is utter crap. After a workout like that she should be giving you WAY more stretching at the end. I know that if I wasn't already fit, did that workout and her inadequate stretching session I would be utterly crippled the next day :noway:

    by the way if anyone would like to be my friend who is at a similar sort of stage to me that would be good!
    just started the shred but already reasonably fit and am doing it for toning/fat loss but not trying to lose lots of weight. I'm in the UK if you prefer friends in similar time zones, and my motivation is to look amazing by June when I will turn 40 :bigsmile:
    It would be nice to have people to suffer with on my feed :bigsmile:

    I have to admit, I don't even do the cool-down. I know, i'm bad. I usually walk right out into the kitchen and get my drink that's been chilling in the fridge. The cool-down is lame, and yet, I've never been sore from not doing it. I have yet to get to a point where I'm sore from doing Jillian the next day. And believe me, I'm NOT in any kind of shape.

    you must be lucky! I always get stiff after any new exercise, even though I work out a lot. Maybe some people are just more prone to muscle stiffness?? glad you're not hurting!

    My knee hurts, but that's because I had surgery on it 3 times and I never got all the strength back. I'm doing some modified exercises because of it, but the majority is still what they are doing. I do wall push-ups (so I don't have to kneel), I mix in punches with weights when I can't do the jacks anymore because of the hopping impact, and when it starts to hurt doing the side to side lunges, I do squats with the anterior raises.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Day 6- Level 1- DONE!

    I have to say I'm rather proud of myself for sticking with this 5 days in a row. I do it early morning before I even eat and I feel great. I get pretty nasty when I'm doing it, and usually yell at the kids or dogs if they are in the room pestering me..haha. Tomorrow will be a whole week with 30DS, and I can't wait to see if my measurements went down. I hopped on the scale today for a peek, and my weight went up. :(
  • CaityB14
    CaityB14 Posts: 74 Member
    Day 5 Done! Having a protein bar then off to the treadmill! Was very frustrating, I let my son watch his show on my computer then he starts touching things! He ejected the disk that was in there, then he touched the mute button. :grumble:
    Anyway now he has the tv back... and daddy finally woke up so :smile:
  • CaityB14
    CaityB14 Posts: 74 Member
    Day 6- Level 1- DONE!

    I have to say I'm rather proud of myself for sticking with this 5 days in a row. I do it early morning before I even eat and I feel great. I get pretty nasty when I'm doing it, and usually yell at the kids or dogs if they are in the room pestering me..haha. Tomorrow will be a whole week with 30DS, and I can't wait to see if my measurements went down. I hopped on the scale today for a peek, and my weight went up. :(
    I'm the same way! I know it's not a good excuse but that's part of the reason I can never keep with an exercise routine. I only have one child, a very energetic almost 3 year old boy!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Day 6- Level 1- DONE!

    I have to say I'm rather proud of myself for sticking with this 5 days in a row. I do it early morning before I even eat and I feel great. I get pretty nasty when I'm doing it, and usually yell at the kids or dogs if they are in the room pestering me..haha. Tomorrow will be a whole week with 30DS, and I can't wait to see if my measurements went down. I hopped on the scale today for a peek, and my weight went up. :(

    Good job! :drinker: I like to do mine before I eat also otherwise I feel like my breakfast is going to come up...lol...I hopped on the scale this morning and I gained too! :sad:
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    My knee hurts, but that's because I had surgery on it 3 times and I never got all the strength back. I'm doing some modified exercises because of it, but the majority is still what they are doing. I do wall push-ups (so I don't have to kneel), I mix in punches with weights when I can't do the jacks anymore because of the hopping impact, and when it starts to hurt doing the side to side lunges, I do squats with the anterior raises.

    my knees sometimes complain about the side lunges, that's a good idea to just substitute a squat. I might try that!
    good luck with the rest of the shred :)
  • kanakike8
    kanakike8 Posts: 52 Member
    Good Morning! It's L1D7 for me. I didn't sleep in like I did yesterday and I got in a good breakfast of eggs and toast (a treat now with my low-cal breakfasts) and a good snack of half an apple and tbsp of peanut butter. Next up is my workout! I'm in a much better frame of mind than I was last night :laugh: I'm going to shred, bike, and hopefully Wii. Sundays are my weigh-in days. (They are also my "cheat days' following the weigh-in but after today's induction ceremony and dinner I'm going to try and ween myself off cheat days. At this point I'm getting used to eating better and cheat days I think are only harming me at this point)
    So after 6 days of shreddin' here are my current numbers (and what I've lost this week):

    180lbs (-2lbs)
    Neck: 13" (no change)
    Waist: 40.5" (-0.5")
    Hips: 47.5" (-0.25")
    Bust: 40" (no change)
    Rt Bicep: 12" (-0.5")
    Lt Bicep: 12.5" (-0.25")
    Rt Thigh: 28" (-0.5")
    Lt Thigh: 28.25" (-1.25") (I'm pretty sure I mis-measured this last week)
    Rt Calf: 17.5" (no change)
    Lt Calf: 17.5" (no change)

    So to summarize: This week I lost 2 lbs and just over 2 inches! :bigsmile:

    I'm off to shred! Happy Sunday Everyone!
  • CaityB14
    CaityB14 Posts: 74 Member
    Good Morning! It's L1D7 for me. I didn't sleep in like I did yesterday and I got in a good breakfast of eggs and toast (a treat now with my low-cal breakfasts) and a good snack of half an apple and tbsp of peanut butter. Next up is my workout! I'm in a much better frame of mind than I was last night :laugh: I'm going to shred, bike, and hopefully Wii. Sundays are my weigh-in days. (They are also my "cheat days' following the weigh-in but after today's induction ceremony and dinner I'm going to try and ween myself off cheat days. At this point I'm getting used to eating better and cheat days I think are only harming me at this point)
    So after 6 days of shreddin' here are my current numbers (and what I've lost this week):

    180lbs (-2lbs)
    Neck: 13" (no change)
    Waist: 40.5" (-0.5")
    Hips: 47.5" (-0.25")
    Bust: 40" (no change)
    Rt Bicep: 12" (-0.5")
    Lt Bicep: 12.5" (-0.25")
    Rt Thigh: 28" (-0.5")
    Lt Thigh: 28.25" (-1.25") (I'm pretty sure I mis-measured this last week)
    Rt Calf: 17.5" (no change)
    Lt Calf: 17.5" (no change)

    So to summarize: This week I lost 2 lbs and just over 2 inches! :bigsmile:

    I'm off to shred! Happy Sunday Everyone!
    Awesome job!!!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Great job everyone!!! We are like a 1/5 of the way there! Keep it up!! I did day 6 levels 1 and 2 today. Since I am training for a few races, I am going to head to the gym soon and do a run as well. This is a great Sunday. Working out, cooking, and relaxing! Wish everyday was like this.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Great job CaityB! I completed D4 L1 this morning. Burned about 191 calories then got on the Gazelle for about 10 more minutes. I got up late (around 10 -ish) and didnt eat breakfast so I think I was a bit low on energy while I was on the Gazelle. However when I was done much to my delight, my husband made smoothies this morning that were delicious!! He used that Greek yogurt "Chobani" as one of the ingredients, which is great since it is a good source of protien.

    I think I may get back on the Gazelle this afternoon to get some more cardio in. I can't ait for it to warm up outside so I can start running.
  • babyfatbegone
    babyfatbegone Posts: 42 Member
    I just finished my day seven. I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to get any workouts in this weekend, but my hubby was keeping the kids busy so I could. Today I did my level 3 and then went and did level 2. I feel more exhausted after level 2. I hope to do the 30 Day Shred once a day for the entire 30 days. I hope everyone else is feeling it like I am. My one big concern is my belly. I am not even 5' and I've had two children. My son was huge and now I have all this extra skin. I have a feeling I'm never going to get back into my old jeans because of it. Does anyone else have this issue?

    "If you don't get uncomfortable, nothing's going to change" - Jillian
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Day 6- Level 1- DONE!

    I have to say I'm rather proud of myself for sticking with this 5 days in a row. I do it early morning before I even eat and I feel great. I get pretty nasty when I'm doing it, and usually yell at the kids or dogs if they are in the room pestering me..haha. Tomorrow will be a whole week with 30DS, and I can't wait to see if my measurements went down. I hopped on the scale today for a peek, and my weight went up. :(

    Good job! :drinker: I like to do mine before I eat also otherwise I feel like my breakfast is going to come up...lol...I hopped on the scale this morning and I gained too! :sad:

    Let's just hope that we gained because we're gaining muscle!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I just finished my day seven. I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to get any workouts in this weekend, but my hubby was keeping the kids busy so I could. Today I did my level 3 and then went and did level 2. I feel more exhausted after level 2. I hope to do the 30 Day Shred once a day for the entire 30 days. I hope everyone else is feeling it like I am. My one big concern is my belly. I am not even 5' and I've had two children. My son was huge and now I have all this extra skin. I have a feeling I'm never going to get back into my old jeans because of it. Does anyone else have this issue?

    "If you don't get uncomfortable, nothing's going to change" - Jillian

    I've had 2 c-sections (which involves stretching skin) and I have a ton of 'hanging fat' (it's what I call all the extra skin). I spoke to my OB, who referred me to a plastic surgeon. He said that since I have almost no elasticity in my skin to end up with the amount of stretch marks I have, that I'm going to need a tummy tuck to get rid of that skin. He said I could tighten my upper stomach muscles til the cows come home, but you won't be able to see it with all the skin. Along with the skin, my stomach muscles split (while pregnant and again with the c-section in the other direction) so I'm a real mess. LOL.

    If you have elastic skin, with some time- it may go back- but that's no guarantee. The best thing you can do is probably talk to a doc and see what they think. That way you know what you're facing and they can give you better ideas on what you can do to tighten up the skin.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    Shred on pals!!! :drinker:
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Dear Shredders:

    DO NOT have a cheat day/night! Trust me one this one...I fully enjoyed myself yesterday and paid for it this morning with an almost 4 pound weight gain..:sad:..not worth it! I'm hoping my body is just holding onto water from what I ate and from my muscles being sore. Either way, I won't be doing that again!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Day 4 completed earlier today..... did it in the evening before dinner, and it was a bit hard going...!
    But I got through it.......
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Today was going to be my rest day--and then I convinced hubby to go through a workout with me! I do think it was a bit harder than he expected:laugh: , so I've now done L2/D4. It was SO much easier to get through it as I was watching him struggle. I must say that I certainly should be proud of myself--I'm heavier than he is (much to my mortification!) but I think I'm in better shape (shhh, don't tell him I said that).
    Tomorrow is weigh/measure day. I've been under my cals (every day except 1) but my food choices haven't always been the best--we'll see.