Beach Ready Challenge



  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    1082 cals previously, + 325 cycling and strength training Friday + 300 today Zumba...only 1707! Definitely not burning 1800 cals tomorrow lol. This was a hard challenge esp since I had already planned my workouts (short ones) for the week before I started the challenge. Will do better next week!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    aww you gotta be kidding me! I'm at 3458 calories burned right now. Tomorrow is supposed to be my rest day and I am just way to beat to do anymore tonight. Oh well...guess I will suck it up and do it tomorrow!! Good luck everyone!
    By way too beat I mean I may have to be rolled into my room and onto my bed tonight. lmao!
  • Week 1 Challenge: Burn 3,500 calories

    Challenge met - Burned 4,275 calories with exercise today (I have spin at 2 and 30 day shred later this evening)

    I only lost one pound, and I'm kind of frustrated about that.

    SW: 173.6
    CW: 172.4
    GW: 140

    Sunday February 27th Sunday March 6th
    Chest: 34.5 34
    Bust: 43 43
    Hips: 41 41
    High Waist: 34 34
    Low Waist: 37 37
    Arm: 12.5 12
    Leg: 25 25
    Neck: 14.5 14
  • jamgal789
    jamgal789 Posts: 51 Member
    Ok, so I fell short of the 3500 cal burn challenge. According to the record, I burned 2536 cals.


    I lost 4.6 lbs since last Sunday.

    Not too shabby.
  • Tvstarbabe
    Tvstarbabe Posts: 101
    I fell short this week... by a lot :/ I have classes from 6 am until 3pm and then i have play from 3:30 till 9 and I finish homework around 3 am! I get up at 5 already and i dont wanna get up at 4 so i only have on hour of sleep! My school gym isn't open at 3 am :/
    I managed to burn about a thousand dancing and walking around in my heels onstage :) Hopefully I can do better next week!
  • Week 1 Challenge: Burn 3,500 calories

    Challenge not met - Burned 2,113 calories with exercise today (I have spin at 2)

    SW: 135
    CW: 135.5
    GW: 120 - 125

    Sunday March 6th vs Sunday Feb 27th
    Chest: 30 Chest: 31
    Bust: 35.5 Bust: 35
    Hips: 36 Hips: 37
    High Waist: 31 High Waist: 32
    Low Waist: 34 Low Waist: 35
    Arm: 11 Arm: 11.5
    Leg: 21.5 Leg: 21
    Neck: 13 Neck: 12.5
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    Week 1 is over!:drinker: So, how did everyone do? I have to say that I am pretty darn proud of myself. I worked out every day this week and ended the week with a total calorie burn of...3,799! That is according to my HRM watch. I weighed in this morning and lost 1.4 pounds! :happy: I did horrible this week with eating and going over my count. I can't help but wonder what the scale would have said if I had did better with my food choices.:grumble:

    I need to get my measurements still but for now here's my final stats:
    Weekly goal: Burn 3,500 calories Check:wink:
    Lose 1 pound Check:wink:
    SW: 167.6
    CW: 166.2
    GW: 150

    Ultimate goal: Single digit pant size and look awesome in a bikini!

    Beach Ready Body!

    Will post the weekly challenge in a little bit. Throw any suggestions out there!
  • Monday through Thursday I did awesome....then I drank my *kitten* off all weekend and totally feel off the wagon. Fun weekend but didn't do what I was supposed to. At least I didn't gain anything back though.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Well I burned 3684 calories this week and I lost 1 lb!

    Start weight: 150.2 (Feb 27th)
    Current weight: 149.2 (March 6th)
    Goal weight: 135-125

    Goal is to lose 1 lb for next week.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Lost 1.5 lbs this week!!! Starting weight 132.5. This is my second week logging with MFP. Current weight 130. Goals: to get into the 120's by next weigh in. I am hoping for a pound a week. Ultimate goal: to weigh 123 by May and then to maintain under 125's forever. I would like to be bathing suit ready by June and look toned. I don't think I met the challenge workout goal...I estimate I burned around 2000 calories but not sure as I am doing p90x and do not have a heart rate monitor. I don't think with 6 days of p90x a week and a little extra cardio here and there I could burn over 3000 calories. I like P90x but wish there was more time for cardio. The workouts are so long that there isn't much time left to add in. My workout goal for next week is to do the 6 days of P90x and try to add in extra cardio 3 days. Hope you are all doing well.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    Alright ladies (and men if any),:tongue:

    It's time for week 2 to begin tomorrow. I think we all did a great job during week 1. I know personally, burning 3,500 for the week was a challenge for me. My workout routine is usually 30 minutes of elliptical and then about 10 on the ab coaster. I normally workout Monday-Friday only so I never hit the 3,500 mark. Now, as far as the challenges go, I'm trying to think of what most people have a hard time doing. This means with everything from workouts, eating, water and so on. If anyone has an ideas or something you struggle with...let me know.

    Week 2 challenge:

    Drink 64oz of water every day and say goodbye to all sodas! :drinker:

    Continue to burn 3,500 calories per week :huh:

    See where I'm going with this? :happy:

    We are making a lifestyle changed. Every week it will be something new, something we know we should do, something that will make our health and life better.:heart:

    80/20 rule: Do the right thing (eat the right thing) 80% of the time. The other 20% will be our "oops" moments.

    Beach Ready!

    Take pics along the way so you can see the change.
  • I'm ready for a challenge!

    Tomorrow I already signed up for Spin and have my trx training all set! That's a guaranteed two hours in the gym already! Woohoo!
  • Burned 3,510 calories this week. woo hoo!

    My weigh in was today and I lost three pounds this week. Hoping for three more next week! :happy:

    Worried about completing the water challenge. That is way more than I drink now!!! :noway:
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I fell a bit short on the 3500 challenge. I came in at 2991. I met my weekly goal of 1 pound, so I'm happy. My stats are as follows:

    CW: 134
    GW: 118

    I can totally do the water challenge this week and hope to complete the 3500 calories as well.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    Forgot to post my goal weight!

    SW: 167.6

    CW: 166.2

    WGW: 165

    FGW: 150
  • Well, I burned 2477 this weekend. Not quite!! Getting ready to read the next challenge. Let's do it!

    Oh, and I totally forgot to weigh this morning..


    Oh no, I just read the challenge for this week. The water won't be hard for me, but my diet pepsi will be EXTREMELY hard..its a treat for me:cry: !!.I promise I will try though:tongue:
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    Well, I burned 2477 this weekend. Not quite!! Getting ready to read the next challenge. Let's do it!

    Oh, and I totally forgot to weigh this morning..


    Oh no, I just read the challenge for this week. The water won't be hard for me, but my diet pepsi will be EXTREMELY hard..its a treat for me:cry: !!.I promise I will try though:tongue:

    My weakness is Diet Dr. Pepper:love:
    I had to tell my husband to tell me no if I ask for one.
  • frankerzzzfit
    frankerzzzfit Posts: 81 Member
    hey I'm a week late but I am IN!!!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    SW: 155
    CW: 155
    GW: 141

    No change, but changed for the good in inches! I am laying out my workout schedule for the week so I will find a way to burn 3500 cals! I will definitely drink 64 oz of water for the week but I cannot give up my diet coke. I know it is bad, but it's THE only thing that keeps me going. I am in college (18 hours this semester!), work 30 hours a week, and have my family to take care of....I gotta have my caffeine!
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    hey I'm a week late but I am IN!!!

    WELCOME! Summer is still 3 months away so you're good to go.
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