P90X Group?



  • drwstown76

    THAT WAS GREAT!! You are so motivating!!

    And we are ending week 5...I am getting so excited as Spring approaches! I am more motivated than I have ever been to get in the best shape of my life! Purchased some heavier weights yesterday and I am no longer using the bands for pull-ups...I swithced to assited pull-ups using a chair and that made a total difference. I could feel so much more than with the bands. ONE DAY I will do that unassited pull-up!!! And I can almost make it through AB RIPPER X without having to take a break in the middle of the exercise.

    Oh I ordered my bikini yesterday!! Determined to look good in it and be 100% confident!!

    Stefani..... Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! @the bikini and the pull ups! Yes you will be able to do unassisted pull ups. You are doing a fantastic job! :)

    Today is day 56 for me.... Loveing every minute of it. I can't stop... Im so hooked!
    Bring it yall...
  • drwstown76
    Ejsmith... Welcome! Not that you need advice, but try to get as many workouts in as possible. Make sure you get that heart rate up EVERY TIME! And great job on your progress so far! Keep Bringin it...

    runner... Everyones results are different. I lost 12 lbs in the first 30 days. Im sure ive lost at least 5 lbs in these last 25 days or so. But anyway, AWESOME JOB losing the 31 lbs. Watching calories and workin hard is the only way to lose weight... At least in my humble opinion...

    Anyway... Have a great day everyone!
  • johnporcaro
    johnporcaro Posts: 76 Member
    Howdy, y'all. I'm going to jump into this discussion. Just finished up my second week of P90X. I completed the program last Jan-Mar, and have tried a couple of times to get back into the swing of things since then. I do a lot better when I have a group struggling through the same things, and you all seem supportive and helpful.

    Heading to a couple of days traveling for work, so I'm going to start week three today, and do plyo and yoga the days I'm traveling--they're hotel friendly (don't need pullup bars or weights...).

    So, gotta put on the shorts, and press play! :)
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Want to say WELCOME to all the new posters in this group!!

    So just an update...5 weeks complete! Weight is still fluctuating between 144-146...but I have lost 3 1/2 inches!!! May not sound like much to some, but I feel AMAZING! I can totally see a difference in my legs, my abs, my arms! And now I actually look forward to working out! LOVIN IT!!

    Keep going guys!!
  • drwstown76
    Want to say WELCOME to all the new posters in this group!!

    So just an update...5 weeks complete! Weight is still fluctuating between 144-146...but I have lost 3 1/2 inches!!! May not sound like much to some, but I feel AMAZING! I can totally see a difference in my legs, my abs, my arms! And now I actually look forward to working out! LOVIN IT!!

    Keep going guys!!

    Stefani!!! Way to go! And three inches IS impressive. You are really rockin in out! Keep it up... You got this!

    Welcome to all the newcommers. Keep us updated, your motivation certainly helps me stay positive and keeps me pushing.

    Today is Day 58 for me... Plyometrics. I usually am totally stoked after plyo, but today I am just plain sore! haha! I had an intense workout yesterday, followed by football.... followed by basketball. The sun was just too perfect to stay indoors yesterday. Once I get out there, forget it. So needless to say, my body was awfully sore this morning. I still brought it though. I bring it every day. I have to!

    Have a great afternoon yall... Smile. Life is good... Believe.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    2nd week of Chest, Shoulders, and Tri's - I did sooo much better!! Those push-ups are killer but I am going as far as I can, even if I have to go to my knees on a lot of them. Started with a heavier weight with the dumbbell exercises and on a few had to drop back down to finish, but that's how you build yourself up right? Got a good burn and I felt like I really got a better workout this week. Just gotta keep pushing myself a little harder each time!!

    Hope you guys are having a great week!! :)
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Drew, I love your post! Very inspiring!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Plyo last night...couldn't finish it. A friend of mine started a Beachbody Fit Club, so I went to her first class after last night...Turbo Fire 55 EZ. It was a pretty intesne class. Then my husband had dinner started when I got home at about 7:15....jalepeno turkey burgers and steamed veggies. So we didn't eat until close to 8. Then started our workout about 8:30. Plyo and jalepeno burgers don't mix well....I thought I was gonna be sick. Got through 47 minute and had to quit! Lesson learned! On top of that I didn't have nearly enough calories for the day. burned over 1100 and didn't even reach 1300. So just not a real good day...as far as planning!

    How is everyone doing??
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Hey Yall!! :)

    Day 60 for me!!!!!! Yay!

    Today was yoga x.... Fought through it.

    I posted my Day 60 pics if anyone wants to see how I am stacking up... only constructive criticism please! :)
    Have a good one...
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hey Yall!! :)

    Day 60 for me!!!!!! Yay!

    Today was yoga x.... Fought through it.

    I posted my Day 60 pics if anyone wants to see how I am stacking up... only constructive criticism please! :)
    Have a good one...

    I stumbled across your new pic on my friends list on my profie and so I went and checked out all your pics. WOW!! What a transformation! You look amazing! Great job!!
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Thank you very much Stefani!!!
    Hows everybody doing?????
    Are we bringin it today or what?

    Today is day 61 for me... Only 29 days to go. I don't know exactly what I am going to do when I'm done... but I do know that I am gonna be the most proud guy ever. I have never been happy to take my shirt of. EVER. I can't wait for the day that I am eager to rip it off... Life is great. I am so happy and grateful...
  • ejsmith7
    ejsmith7 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi guys!! Drew your pics are awesome!!

    So did yoga x for the first time yesterday and I actually liked it. It is long, but after the first 45 min it is all downhill.
    Today was Legs, back & ab ripper. It went well, I'm still pushing myself with the chair assisted pullups...I'm hoping I will be able to do at least 1 unassisted by the end :smile: Pushing to do more each time I do Ab Ripper.

    I'm LOVING P90x!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hi guys!! Drew your pics are awesome!!

    So did yoga x for the first time yesterday and I actually liked it. It is long, but after the first 45 min it is all downhill.
    Today was Legs, back & ab ripper. It went well, I'm still pushing myself with the chair assisted pullups...I'm hoping I will be able to do at least 1 unassisted by the end :smile: Pushing to do more each time I do Ab Ripper.

    I'm LOVING P90x!!

    YEAH!! Great job! I am really trying to build up to an unassited pull-up too!! That will be my ultimate accomplishment!

    Tried Cardio X for the first time this morning! LOVED IT! Have Legs and Back tonight. Adding some extra cardio is working...down from 146 last week to 143.4 this week. Just gonna have to plan better to get enough food...been draggin the past few days and I know it's because I am not getting enough calories.

    Keep it up guys!! :)
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    I have been sick all week so I haven't gotten my workouts in like I wanted to :( I will start again Monday :)
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I have been sick all week so I haven't gotten my workouts in like I wanted to :( I will start again Monday :)

    Hope you are feeling better!! Take care!!

    Getting a little frustrated with my hubby...last night during our Legs and Back workout while I doing some chair assited pull-ups he was sitting on the couch! So I thought maybe he wanted to use the pull-up bar (he's been using the bands lately), I ask if he wants to use it. Next pull-up exercise he goes over to the bar and just stands there...so I am like "if you aren't gonna do em, move out of the way so I can". He's really acting like he's losing interest. And I am more motivated than ever! I was afraid this would happen when he got busy at work...Spring is his busy season and he's doing ALOT of physical stuff right now. I know he's tired, but to see him sitting on the couch while I am working my booty off is just annoying. OK I'm done! Just wanted to get that out! :)
  • ejsmith7
    ejsmith7 Posts: 81 Member
    I know how you feel, I'm trying to get my husband to do P90x with me but he's being lazy. Then, he wants to sit there and watch me do it!! Ummmm no, I told him to join in or leave me alone b/c I don't want you watching me bust my *kitten*...
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Hey Yall!!! :)

    Today is Day 65 for me.... I totally love how things are progressing for me and my team. Things are just perfect.
    My warrior princess is officially kicking my butt in the effort department. She went from half the effort to crusing me... This is not becuase I am giving any less than 100%, it's just because she is freaking awesome. I am so fortunate.
    I have some people joining my team on BeachBody now too.
    So I wanted to tell you all that I tried Shakeology. I like it.... very chocolatey. I have to say, however, that it has more carbs and more calories than my traditional whey protein shake. So, I don't think I will be getting it again. I will say that it is close to impossible to pack all of those vitamins and nutrients into any other source, but I will try my best to get as much of them in as possible. Carbs are the enemy. The End...

    I hope you guys are doing great! Give me a heads up...
  • ejsmith7
    ejsmith7 Posts: 81 Member
    Kenpo today, went by very fast. Got a little thrown off with the combo's so I did them slower to get them right. Does anyone use weighted gloves for kenpo??
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    6 week update - 4 inches lost and 2 lbs down. Lovin the results. Still lovin the workouts!

    Hubby hasn't worked out for 3 days. But in his defense I think his cholesterol meds are having side effects again. His joints are hurting, which was the side effect of all the other meds he's taken. He's in so much pain he can barley move around and can't sleep. So he's stopped takind them to see if that helps. His doc was going to taking him off in a couple months anyway if his numbers were good.

    Drew - I LOVE IT! That is so awesome that she's kickin booty!! HA HA!!

    ejsmith7 - I haven't used weighted gloves because I don't have any yet, but have thought about it. Would be a good idea in my opinion!
  • beautifulnow
    Kenpo today, went by very fast. Got a little thrown off with the combo's so I did them slower to get them right. Does anyone use weighted gloves for kenpo??

    I do...2 pound they are the ones I got for turbo fire...I didn't think they did much till I took em off lol!