New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    Congrats on the marathon!!!

    Day 3 DONE!!! Feeling great so far! Sore, but great!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    good job every1!! :flowerforyou:

    just finished my half marathon in 3hrs33min (burned 7580 calories!! :noway: ) & i REALLY wish i had the p90x stretch x with me :sad:. my feet r HURTIN & i could use a good stretch abt now :cry:

    won't b able 2 get 2 exercise til 2morrow then it'll just b a mile or 2 walk/joggin, haven't decided yet. plus i'll b back on the p90x =P

    keep up the good work every1!!!! u're doin AWESOME!!! :drinker: <--water

    Wow! I am sooo proud of you for finishing the half marathon ... I just did my first one about 1 month ago and it was a great feeling. Was this your first? You did an awesome job... its not about time its about finishing. Did you know that less than 1% of the US has completed a half or full marathon... you rock! Too bad you didnt live closer... I could use some running buddies.

    Its my rest day today ... my legs are quite sore from the combo of Kenpo and Legs and Back... so what am I doing...
    Yep, I am going to go run 7 miles because thats what my training plan says!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Its my rest day today ... my legs are quite sore from the combo of Kenpo and Legs and Back... so what am I doing...
    Yep, I am going to go run 7 miles because thats what my training plan says!

    See, that's a great attitude. That's why I continue to follow my hybrid of workouts on a calendar that I create with each round. Of course I have a calendar at work, calendar in my email at work, but I have a fitness calendar that i created and X off each day. I made it through Windows calendar maker. No excuses!!!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I got over zealous on Friday and overdid it with the pullups. The muscles below my armpits are so sore I thought I pulled something. I have been using IcyHot like an addict. I can barely raise my left arm.
    I only got 4 hrs of sleep Fri night, so I took a 3 hr nap instead of working out yesterday. It would have been pointless. So today I am going to suck it up and do Kenpo and some stretching. Tomorrow I doubt I will want to do pullups so I may do Core Syn instead. (It's funny, I can hear my husband doing Plyo in our basement right now, hopping around like mad, we have to share our basement tv so I'm "scheduled" for this afternoon!)
    Looking forward to Week 2!!!

    Congrats on the marathon. That is great!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Got my burst of energy somehow today. Warmed up with 10 min on the elliptical. Then KenpoX. Then tried the second 30 min of YogaX but still didn't like it. So I went back to the elliptical for 15 min and then ran 1 mile. Wow, where did that come from?!
    The Yoga is fine. I can do it. But my HR is around 90 and I barely burn any calories. I think I'm going to start doing my own cardio on Yoga days and then do Yoga on the rest day.
    I also think some of my TaeBo workouts are better then Kenpo as far as sweat inducing. I enjoyed the Kenpo, but thought it was a little slow at times. Does anyone else substitute for Kenpo?
    At the end of Week 1 I am down 1 lb! I'm not taking measurements until Phase 1 is over. How is everyone doing?
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Week 2. Did Kenpo today. I was dragging since I am so tired. This week I'm going to go to a gym kickboxing class instead it is way more intense. I feel like Kenpo is kind of easy. Chest and Back tomorrow...When will I be able to do a real pull up or push up?
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm just finishing up my third week on the lean program. Did Kenpo today and then got on my treadmill for 30 minutes. My HRM came yesterday and I wanted to see where the calories would be according to it. My HRM's were higher than what my treadmill gave me but I'm thinking that's because my heart rate was up from the Kenpo. I love that I will actually be able to log the calories that I burn doing p90x. Tomorrow is my rest day and then I start my recovery week. I haven't looked at the what I do that week, but I hope there's a lot of cardio. I'd like to use that week to really burn some calories and lose a couple of pounds.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I also think some of my TaeBo workouts are better then Kenpo as far as sweat inducing. I enjoyed the Kenpo, but thought it was a little slow at times. Does anyone else substitute for Kenpo?
    At the end of Week 1 I am down 1 lb! I'm not taking measurements until Phase 1 is over. How is everyone doing?

    We haven't done Kenpo is a long time. My husband is trained in Krav Maga, so he thinks the moves in Kenpo are pretty weak. Subbing it out for TaeBo is a good choice.
  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    Yay! Day 4 down! Yoga x wasn't too bad. The repetition in the beginning was a little boring but I liked the rest. I'm a yoga fan anyway though! Tomorrow legs and back and arx....that should be interesting since my legs are still really sore!!
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    Day 4 down here as well. I actually enjoyed yoga x. I thought it was a pretty decent yoga program.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I restarted today, and have Day 1 under my belt. I didn't push as hard as last time, so hopefully I won't be as sore, and can actually complete a whole week. :wink:
  • kimmi12
    kimmi12 Posts: 28 Member
    Finished Legs and Back today for week three. I have come to think that the Legs workout is the hardest one in the series so far that I've done. Every time it wears me out and I get a really high calorie burn from it as well.
    What is your Favorite/ Best Burn cd in the series???
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Finished Legs and Back today for week three. I have come to think that the Legs workout is the hardest one in the series so far that I've done. Every time it wears me out and I get a really high calorie burn from it as well.
    What is your Favorite/ Best Burn cd in the series???

    Legs and Back is the hardest for me too. I burn the most cals with it. Im really starting to like KenpoX
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Start week 3 tonight. I cant believe I've made it this far. Good job everyone:smile:
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Finished Legs and Back today for week three. I have come to think that the Legs workout is the hardest one in the series so far that I've done. Every time it wears me out and I get a really high calorie burn from it as well.
    What is your Favorite/ Best Burn cd in the series???

    I'm really digging the Plyometrics. I was afraid my knee wouldn't like it, but it hasn't been a problem as long as I have my brace on and I modify some of the jumps.
    The funny thing is that all the exercises in Legs are things I have been doing at physical therapy for several months now, so I actually find it easy. There is the one move where you put your back leg on a chair and do lunges... and instead of putting your front foot on the floor (P90X) I have to put it on a Bosu and balance at the same time! Try it if you are looking for a challenge. Tough stuff.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Did chest and back today. It's week 3 and I'm still terrible at push ups and pull ups. Getting discouraged... I thought I was pretty fit until push ups and pull ups.
  • kimmi12
    kimmi12 Posts: 28 Member
    Finished Legs and Back today for week three. I have come to think that the Legs workout is the hardest one in the series so far that I've done. Every time it wears me out and I get a really high calorie burn from it as well.
    What is your Favorite/ Best Burn cd in the series???

    Legs and Back is the hardest for me too. I burn the most cals with it. Im really starting to like KenpoX

    I'm starting to like Kenpo more too. Nice job on starting week 3!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Im very very confused with the high calorie burns... my Body Media just doesnt register P90X very well... it doesnt seem to burn much ... does anyone else have a Body Media?
  • Agemini
    Agemini Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I started week 2 today of phase 1. I'm doing the Lean program. This is my first time doing P90X. Was wondering which program the girls are doing? Classic or Lean? If you've done both, which one did you have better results with?
  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    Yay day 5 done!! I'm not quite as sore today in the legs but I'm sure it will be double tomorrow!!