

  • kels0724
    thanks for the advice and it is totally just about being strong for me and saying no! i was just really angry when i wrote that and have moved on and am looking for better things once again! i feel that every time tho, i go longer without a binge so i guess i will just keep plugging away until i get this right! i do well for a while, then have a bad night but in the long run, hopefully i will just learn from it! thanks for replying

    congrats on day 15!! and feel free to post- you are not bragging, you should be proud of your accomplishments. and your accomplishments help the rest of us to keep going! anyways, day 1 again tomorrow :ohwell: will start out with a hard workout and i will ensure that i eat well and have a great day! i will make it a week this time! i was so close and i will do it!!
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Terrible day= terrible bingeing:sad:

    My computer completely died on me today...and I'm already cringing my teeth looking at prices for a new one.....I hate being a poor college student:cry: I'm taking it in to best buy in a couple days to have it looked at, but from what I've been told it sounds like I've lost some important things I've been working on that were on there. I'm in the library right now "doing homework" since I might as well put a "RIP" on my computer. This has been such a frustrating day and I definitely took it out on my kitchen. I'm back to day 1 tomorrow.... Hope the rest of you had a better day than I did.
  • sarakenna1
    Day 1 complete! I did really well last week, and found out that I managed to lose 2.5 lbs last week even though I was away from home! However, my first evening home (monday) I kept hitting the whiskey for no reason other then it was there and i hadn't had any booze for over a week. Lame! I'm counting today as day 1 because of my whiskey bindge yesturday!
  • walnut
    walnut Posts: 216 Member
    Yay, I made it through day 4!! I reaaaalllllllly wanted a beer after spending 1+ hours cleaning cat pee smell out of the basement :sick: , but that would put me over my cals, probably trigger a binge, and make me feel bad later. So I'm writing in here instead - "wasting time" on the internet is my reward (instead of food) for an unpleasant task accomplished. (C'mon, how can MFP be a waste of time? it's an investment in my health, right?? :tongue: :laugh:)

    ***MY TIPS FOR AVOIDING BINGES*** (from the last 4 days)

    Emotional eating:
    -there is a moment on the cusp of a binge which is the present. YOU get to control the present. Find that moment and SLOW IT DOWN... think backwards through your thoughts, feelings, and what just happened in the past few minutes. What's going on that feels bad or you want to avoid? Sit with that feeling for a minute instead of eating - just think about how you feel. If it's overwhelming, write it down or talk with someone about it. Often times I find just acknowledging where it came from is enough to stop the need to eat something.

    You see or think about something yummy:
    -Don't think about what it will taste like or feel like in your mouth. Just cut the thoughts off and think about/do something else. If it doesn't go away, chew a piece of gum, brush your teeth, or drink water and see above.

    You're hungry:
    -Easiest to avoid by eating more frequently. Actually plan in snacks. I never did this because I was afraid it would put me over my cals, but I do actually want to eat less at meal times.

    -Before you eat anything, drink a glass of milk (or soy or rice milk). This is great for curbing hunger if you get home and need to cook something, but are starving and tempted to snack while cooking.

    In general:
    Take care of yourself! :flowerforyou: Make sure you're getting at least some time for yourself to keep the stress down in your life - whether that's for exercise, knitting, gardening, reading a mindless magazine, whatever you need to do. I've spent a lot of time the past several days taking care of myself even though I have loads of other things I really need to be doing. Stopping the binge habit/sugar and carb addiction came to take precedence over everything else until I could get over my hump.

    I hope to see you all at day 15!! :glasses:
  • msblondy16
    I have recently discovered iceberg lettuce and lots of tea to help my binges. when i want to binge on something i usually just look for something that crunches and that i can eat with my hands. so i got a head of iceberg lettuce and chopped it up and now keep it in a tupperware in the fridge. you can munch on tons of that and it actually makes you feel full and is like no calories! and i drink lots of tea at night which helps relax me. i hope that helps!

    day 1 = success. day 2 = in progress.

    have a good one :smile:
  • neha_duvvuri
    neha_duvvuri Posts: 186 Member
    Before you eat anything, drink a glass of milk (or soy or rice milk). This is great for curbing hunger if you get home and need to cook something, but are starving and tempted to snack while cooking.

    This is always my problem. Will do try it from today. Thx for sharing. :flowerforyou:
    Day 1.
  • msblondy16
    Terrible day= terrible bingeing:sad:

    My computer completely died on me today...and I'm already cringing my teeth looking at prices for a new one.....I hate being a poor college student:cry: I'm taking it in to best buy in a couple days to have it looked at, but from what I've been told it sounds like I've lost some important things I've been working on that were on there. I'm in the library right now "doing homework" since I might as well put a "RIP" on my computer. This has been such a frustrating day and I definitely took it out on my kitchen. I'm back to day 1 tomorrow.... Hope the rest of you had a better day than I did.

    that totally SUCKS that your computer crashed!! I am so sorry! dont beat yourself up too much about taking your aggressions on food for the day. you had a totally rotten day. good luck with the rest of the week!:flowerforyou:

    p.s. yes it totally sucks to be a broke student, i totally feel your pain.
  • mamakitty
    Back to day 1 because night eating.
  • kels0724
    day 1 done!! i had a few too many pretzels tonight but nothing major so i am counting this as day one and just going to look to do a BIT better tomorrow. hope everyone is had a great day!

    dancer, i am so sorry about your bad day! you have no reason to feel bad cause that was just an awful day! hope today went better for ya :)
  • msblondy16
    im done with 2 days so far...but help I want to binge today!!!!!!! ahhhh :grumble:
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    Day 6 for me!!! Tomorrow will be a whole week....ok i have never made it past day 5 so i am stoked!!! Day 10 here i come!!!
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Today is finally going a LITTLE better....I still couldn't count yesterday as my day 1, so hopefully I can pull through and make it a good one. It's how amazing how much we (meaning I, in this situation haha) turn to food during stressful times:grumble:
  • kels0724
    totally screwed up tonight!!! i have such a hard time at night when i am done studying and just hanging out...i don't know what my problem is but i am determined to make it through the weekend and do well. so here goes nothing...
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    So yesterday also turned out bad...again... But I'm feeling much better now about everything that I have been stressed about so I'm determined to make today a great day to go along with my happier mindset. Good luck and have a good weekend everyone!
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    I've been sooo busy, like I haven't been in quite some time. So I didn't have much time for food and got home so tired, that sleep had priority over food. :smile: I had a doubt at the beginning of the week as to whether one of the days could count as a good day or not, but since my new (hope accurate enough :huh: ) scale said I lost quite some in the past 10 days, I won't go back to day one. I actually decided to be back here only if I need to start over.

    Now my only worry :huh: is that I need to pay a visit to some friend who owes a scale, to compare what her says with what mine claims I weight :smile: .

    I'm so dead tired :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: ...
  • kels0724
    Day 1 was a success! my goal is to make it a week~ my mom is coming to visit me next weekend and i want to feel and look great for when she gets here! that is my modivation for now :smile: i hope you all had a good day!
  • JohnnyP
    Greetings all!

    I hope it's not too late to join. This is such a problem for me. I get to a Chinese or Mexican Restraunt and I just cannot control myself.:mad:

    It is now Saturday morning so I pledge this as my first day. I was doing pretty well until some friends invited us out for dinner. I work a lot, so my wife and I don't get many invitations.

    Here's to a successful day 1...:drinker:

    Strength, Honor, Perseverence.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • savanuh
    savanuh Posts: 52 Member
    I hope its not too late for me either!! I have a huge huge problem with this so i am decided to dtart right now!!! I will report my progress day to day:smile:
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    welcome newcomers:smile:

    It's never to late to join! I've actually had a pretty rough week and had to start over yesterday as my day 1. So I'm right there with you! Good luck!
  • kels0724
    day 2 accomplished! oh i love this feeling. this morning i weighed myself and i was back down to my lowest weight thus far after being up after a binge! yay

    good luck to all and to newcomers- welcome!