New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    900 calories! Great job!

    I followed through today and made up my Legs & Back workout. Tomorrow I'll stick with my schedule and Thursday I may do a double to make up for my weekend slacking. I'm going away this weekend so it's really important that I get these workouts in beforehand. March got crazy busy on me!
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Hey guys. I'm hanging in there with my diet and P90x despite having 75 hours to work this week and close to that next week. I could only do half of yoga x tonight, but I will do the balance and ab stuff tomorrow on my rest day. Doing my best. Now for as much sleep as I can get...
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Did plyo today. I like this one the best. I feel like it burns the most calories.
  • stacy7533
    stacy7533 Posts: 11 Member
    Well our Sunday got away from us this past weekend which should have been Plyo. So we continued Monday with Shoulders/Arms and then did Plyo last night instead of Yoga. Tonight is Legs/Back and we'll see how that feels back to back with the Plyo. I'm concerned that 3 1/2 weeks in I'm still showing a weight gain on the scale of 2 lbs. Everything still fits well so I guess I'll chalk it up to water weight and maybe some muscle gain.
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    cnance: Welcome! So, what were your results like with the Lean version if you don't mind me asking. I have a friend who started with the classic recently and then decided that the lean was for her. I bet plyo was an eye opener for ya! Way to bring it!

    I lost 23lb and gained about 10lb of muscle with the Lean. (I used the P90Xcel spreadsheet and its the numbers from that, not sure how accurate it is on the muscle gain.) I liked Lean, but by the end I was really wanting more lifting. So I'm thinking the Classic is more for me.

    Did Legs and Back today, wow that was brutal. In a good way!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I started my second round of P90X on Saturday 3/5. Doing the classic version this time, as I did the Lean version last year around this time.

    I haven't had any problems getting back on the horse so far, except Plyo killed me. I never did it in the Lean version so that was a totally new and rough experience. I still feel like I can barely walk the stairs, even after doing Yoga this morning!

    Wait, so plyo isn't even in the lean version?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I started week 2 today of phase 1. I'm doing the Lean program. This is my first time doing P90X. Was wondering which program the girls are doing? Classic or Lean? If you've done both, which one did you have better results with?

    I've always done classic. Even in my first round I did classic and still lost 24 pounds.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Today was Shoulders/Arms, and I actually really enjoyed it. I didn't get to do the "bonus" part, and only got about 1/2 done with ARX because of kids/dog this morning. My husband is travelling for work, so I get the extra chores, and he's not there to help when the boys need something. Made it a little harder, but I did my best. :ohwell:
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I read this article today, and it convinced me that doing P90X is the right thing for me:

    I had my thyroid removed about 5 months ago, and am having trouble regulating my medication afterwards, so I'm basically still hypothyroid. My energy and metabolism is still suffering. My weight hasn't changed since the surgery (thankfully), but I feel like I've been working hard enough that I should have made a little progress. The article recommends at least an hour per day of exercise (as opposed to the normally suggested 30 mins 3-5x per week), and making it mostly strength training.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Morning my P90X peeps! How is everyone today? Ready to bring it? Or maybe you already have for today! I have Shoulders, Arms & ARX today and I can’t wait! It’s one of my favs!

    Fran: Nice job! I sent out your samples, they’re on their way! Enjoy! Let me know when you get them!

    Annyshay: Ouch, 75 hours! Not fun. But congrats to you for keeping up the schedule, not a lot of people can do that and they come up with excuse after excuse, good job! You are important and so is your health & fitness! Hope you get some good zzzz’s!

    Dyiaane: It totally burns the calories! Nice job on bringing it!

    Stacy: Take it easy today if you’re doubling up legs & back with plyo! Plyo works your legs as it is! Just be careful. Don’t let the scale hold you hostage! It will! Just keep plugging along and know that you are in fact gaining lean muscle with this program. The results will follow, keep up the good work!

    Cnance: Nice results form your lean round! Keep it up!

    Edorice: So, what round is this for you? You’re bringing it like no other girl! You inspire me! Way to go!

    Jenna: Nice job on the workout today! I have the same one and it’s one of my favs! I hear ya, with things getting in the way sometimes….kids, dogs, etc. Way to do your best! Your work will pay off and the results will come, just keep doing what you’re doing. Your body is only bound to get stronger and stronger! Great work!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day today! I’ll be checking in later with my accountability!

  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    I started my second round of P90X on Saturday 3/5. Doing the classic version this time, as I did the Lean version last year around this time.

    I haven't had any problems getting back on the horse so far, except Plyo killed me. I never did it in the Lean version so that was a totally new and rough experience. I still feel like I can barely walk the stairs, even after doing Yoga this morning!

    Wait, so plyo isn't even in the lean version?
    Nope. Its Core Syn every week, lifting twice a week, and CardioX/KenpoX for Cardio days. And Yoga, can't forget YogaX.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I started my second round of P90X on Saturday 3/5. Doing the classic version this time, as I did the Lean version last year around this time.

    I haven't had any problems getting back on the horse so far, except Plyo killed me. I never did it in the Lean version so that was a totally new and rough experience. I still feel like I can barely walk the stairs, even after doing Yoga this morning!

    Wait, so plyo isn't even in the lean version?
    Nope. Its Core Syn every week, lifting twice a week, and CardioX/KenpoX for Cardio days. And Yoga, can't forget YogaX.

    Core Syn is a great workout, but Plyo is what really brought it home to me that I needed to get my butt in gear.

    Deb - this is round 4. We were watching some plyocide video. Gotta get that next!!!
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Okay - I have to get in on this! Just got my "stuff" and I'm ready to go - just need a little kick and hope this group will help. Planning on doing the lean program - starting today! I do have a couple of questions though:
    1. I am going away to Utah skiing in two weeks and will be away for 10 days. Do I just pause my schedule and then pick up where I left off when I return?
    2. I am doing the C25K running program and currently on week 7. Diggin' it. I do the run every other day and then walk the same course the opposite day. I get up rather early to do this and was thinking of a small breakfast after this and then "pushing play". Is that a good plan or should I eat Bkfst after?
    3. Any extra advice for a newbie?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    onawhymm - I would say pick up where you left off while you're in Utah. Continue to stay active while on vacation. If you can take a lap top there then you can do cardio X in your room. You can also travel with resistance bands pretty easily too. If you're staying in a hotel then use their treadmill to continue with your C25K training.

    Sports Authority carries extra bands and grips.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Okay - I have to get in on this! Just got my "stuff" and I'm ready to go - just need a little kick and hope this group will help. Planning on doing the lean program - starting today! I do have a couple of questions though:
    1. I am going away to Utah skiing in two weeks and will be away for 10 days. Do I just pause my schedule and then pick up where I left off when I return?
    2. I am doing the C25K running program and currently on week 7. Diggin' it. I do the run every other day and then walk the same course the opposite day. I get up rather early to do this and was thinking of a small breakfast after this and then "pushing play". Is that a good plan or should I eat Bkfst after?
    3. Any extra advice for a newbie?

    Welcome! Glad you found us! I agree with edorice, I would continue where you left off but definately try to fit in some exercise while in Utah. However, like she said, if you have a laptop, you can bring the workouts with you and use resistence bands for your weight days. I did that while on vacation, that way I didn't miss anything and kept going with the program, it's totally up to you. You might want to eat something light/small before you push play after your runs just to re-energize yourself. A banana is good. My advice is just to stick with it, do what you can do and do your best, you will get stronger that's the natur of the program so don't get too frustrated and there's always someone in the video to modify if needed. Like Tony always says, "Do your best and forget the rest." Just show up and push play! Can't wait to hear about your progress!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Whoo! Shoulders and Arms and some Ab Ripper X! Man, the Shoulders and Arms was okay, but when I had to shovel the sidewalk today, oofda, it burned! My arms are dead now. As well as my abs. I really pushed myself today though! I nearly kept up with Ab Ripper X....had at least 15 reps for each exercise, sometimes 20, even 25 on some of them! It hurt....but it hurt good!
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Thanks for the info! Not to worry about keeping up while I am away - I ski like a maniac from the minute the lifts open until the minute they close! Then I eat something and usually die. To be honest I think I will burn more on the slopes 6-8 hours a day than I could in a gym. I am bringing my pilates DVD's with me as it's great stretching at the end of the day. But for now - it's onto the first two weeks!!!!!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Shoulders & Arms + ARX done! I love that one! I have TKD tonight and I'll make up my plyo tomorrow and then I'll be back on track. My stupid scale has barely moved but someone noticed at church on Sunday that I'm smaller (actually I got a couple of comments). And my pants are getting looser so it's working! I don't expect miracles for my first 30 days but it would be nice to see noticeable progress! I want diamonds of gold, not marshmallow peeps!
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Okay - Did my first day today! It was great and not nearly as intimidating as I thought it would be. Stay tuned!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I read this article today, and it convinced me that doing P90X is the right thing for me:

    I had my thyroid removed about 5 months ago, and am having trouble regulating my medication afterwards, so I'm basically still hypothyroid. My energy and metabolism is still suffering. My weight hasn't changed since the surgery (thankfully), but I feel like I've been working hard enough that I should have made a little progress. The article recommends at least an hour per day of exercise (as opposed to the normally suggested 30 mins 3-5x per week), and making it mostly strength training.

    I had my thyroid removed a few yrs ago. I didnt gain weight at first either. Having the surgery actually made me want to lose weight and get in shape, So I joined ww and worked out for 2hr a 5 days a week. I lost weight pretty easy. But the weight crept back up very easy after I quit counting my calories. A few month later I got pregnant. After the pregnancy my weight stayed the same because I was constanly getting my levels checked and having my meds adjusted as needed. But last year we made a big from HI to NY. I got so wrapped up in things that I wasnt taking my meds regularly. So I gained 20 lbs in just a few months. That was a wake up call. Now I workout hard 6 days a week, watch what I eat and take my meds religiously. I also get my levels checked about every 6 wks. Right now Im taking .175mcg of synthroid I've lost 27 lbs since Jan 1.
  • Im starting today ;) im excited.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Subbed Turbo Kickboxing at the gym today for Kenpo. The gym class is so much more intense. I burn way more calories. Tomorrow shoulders and arms. Still a little sore from chest and back. Next week is week 4!
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    Okay, back from our vacation. Missed you all! I think I'm going to start back at day one tonight with core syn. I'd really like to say I did all 90 days straight through. My mind just works better that way I think lol. Glad to be back :)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I detect a theme here today...I did Arms and Shoulders and Ab Ripper-X (Week 3 day 3 Lean). I have been doing Ab Ripper-X first and I am proud to say that I did all 339 moves of the program today. I paused the DVD and did them at my own pace with some breaks and in some of the moves my form was not what I would call picture perfect, but I DID THEM! Feeling stronger everyday I do it. Shoulders and Arms turned the limbs to jell-o (in a good way). I am a little jealous...Plyo sounds like a great only get a taste with Cardio-X on Lean. I guess it will have to wait until I graduate Lean and start Classic in June.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    My kids are finally asleep. Guess I should get off this computer. Arm & Shoulder and ARX tonight. Unlike last week Im still a little sore from chest and back.. I figure its because I was able to do more push ups.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi guys, just started P90X today. Would you mind if I jump in your group? I could really use the support.

    I had a question. would it be better to get a pull-up bar or the band? I am not sure the pull-up would fit on my door.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    WOW!!!! What’s WOW upside down? MOM! LOL… Tony! Just got done pushing play with Shoulders & Arms & ARX! Holy cow can you say bring it? Love this feeling after a good lifting session! Recovery drink drank and I’m ready for a nice hot shower and food!

    Fran: That’s awesome that people are noticing! Woo hoo!!! You cracked me up with your marshmallow peeps comment! Too funny!

    Onawhymm: Nice job on day 1!!

    Russfrenchgirl: Welcome aboard!

    Dyiaane: I can’t believe you’re already going to be starting week 4! Wow! Time flies!

    FLmom: Welcome back! You think the way I do! I want to know I worked the program all the way through!

    Reepobob: Congrats on completing ARX! Nice job! My arms totally feel like jello, I can barely type right now! Lol Keep up the good work!

    Jata: Bring it girl! I felt the exact same way, I was sore from Monday too but I know it’s because I did extra reps but I was still able to crank out the reps tonight! Go for it!

    Have a great evening everyone and continue the good work!

  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I was due for Arms and Shoulders today ... but OMG I am just physically and mentally exhausted, Husband is super sick and I have been taking care of him, very busy day at work ... and between the fasting for Ash Wednesday ... I am just wiped out.

    But rather than give up ... I am going to get up tomorrow morning and do Arms Shoulders... I am promising you.
    I did skip Plyo this week because I ran on Sunday, Monday, AND Tuesday ... total of 15.2 miles in those days and my knee are very sore right now. Running that many days in a row is NOT something I will be replicating...

    But ... I did run 6.0 for one minute on the treadmill which was a huge deal for me.
    Anyways... someone kick my butt tomorrow... I HAVE to do my Arms and Shoulders!!
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    You are all doing so fantastic!

    Welcome to the people who are just starting the program! We have a varied group, people just starting all the way to those on week 3.

    Tomorrow starts week 2 for me! So it's chest and back and I'm super excited that my pullup bar came in and I can now properly do the various grips etc instead of the table I was using.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Everybody is doing great with pushing play!

    I'm into my first recovery week on the Lean program. Tried Plyo instead of Yoga on Tuesday and had fun with it - parts of it are actually easier for me then some of the work on core synergistics. I've got Cardio X today and then yoga is scheduled again tomorrow. So far have lost about 5 lbs. doing the lean version. I haven't been really good at getting as many calories as I should and that's what I'm going to work on in the next 4 week phase.

    Thanks for the inspiration to keep pushing play!
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