30 Day Slim-down-starting feb14/11



  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Ladies! I've been doing the 30 day slimdown and wow I am sore today. I only did Level 1 yesterday because i wasnt feeling too well. Today I did Level two and NMTZ quick Workout. I'm definitally going to be sore tomorrow. Does anyone have the yoga meltdown? I know a lot of you are talking about doing 6 week 6 pack and shred it on the next challenge. Yoga meltdown would be a great dvd to do that with too.

    Yes I LOVE yogameltdown! I get such a great sweat and burn doing that one :) And it's a nice change of pace, although, planks are still involved hehe :D
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    Wow, time flies even if we are getting our butts kicked by Jillian!

    Since we are half way through I think this question is good to ask...What exercise in any of the Jillian workouts do you feel you most improved on?

    For myself I think it's the Plank Twists, the ones where we are in plank and bring your knees in one at a time and twist to the side. At first during the shred when those were introduced they were tough for me. The holding in plank part and gettin in the full twisting motion, but now I feel like I can totally rock them!

    How about you? What's your most improved exercise?

    That’s a good question! :smile: I agree that those plank twists have improved for me. During 30 DS, I also had to take a 5 second break. Not now! I’ve also improved with the jump ropes. I used to have to stop for a few seconds b/c my legs used to hurt so badly. My push-ups get better and better! One of my most hated moves was the bicycle crunch. I’ve improved with those, too. I would say that that is my most improved exercise! :bigsmile:

    Way to go Val!! I'm so proud of you and being with you through these challenges I feel as though we've improved together :heart: Love ya girl!
  • ileana84
    ileana84 Posts: 163
    woooooo wtg girls :) I agree on the jump ropes... I used to hate them but now theyre pretty easy....planks are still a bit hard but getting easier. Congrats to everyone starting/finishing all of these workout :)
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    how about our next challenge we include the JM yoga?
  • ileana84
    ileana84 Posts: 163
    I <3 Yoga.... Im doing some of the beginners along with the exercise and I think it will be great.
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    I'm totally for JM's Yoga :)
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    planks KILLERS lol
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    I went to buy some Jillian Michaels Whey Protein Powder and Walmart was no longer carrying them!!! Must have been why they were on sale last time :( I'm going to have to search for it! :)
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    I went to buy some Jillian Michaels Whey Protein Powder and Walmart was no longer carrying them!!! Must have been why they were on sale last time :( I'm going to have to search for it! :)

    GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grumble: I'm so happy that I have some of both flavors left!!! Well, I may look for something comparable just in case I'm not able to find it. I wonder how the Walmart one is... I forgot what it's called.....

    So, how is everyone???? Just finished the NMTZ for today. Feeling a little sick, but I made it through! I slacked on some of the core moves.... like the bicycle crunches. I blame the virus I've caught, of course. :wink:

    I need to go burn another 135 cals for today so that I can have some air-popped popcorn and my JM whey protein... Not together, of course.... I'm not sprinkling the powder on my popcorn or anything.. I'm not THAT obsessed yet... :laugh: :laugh:
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    Got ripped in 30 in the mail ...yay...i will wait to do taht one it looks real hard. I may do another round of the 30 day slim and incorperate the yoga
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I really like this 30-Day Slimdown. :) I think this week will be a "killer" week, though, lol. BFBM yesterday just about took me down. I came downstairs aftwerwards to get my littlest to take her up for a bath and just about fell carrying her up the steps. But I can still feel the burn today! Really glad for this day of rest!

    I'm not sure what to do next. Don't have Ripped in 30 yet.
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    I really like this 30-Day Slimdown. :) I think this week will be a "killer" week, though, lol. BFBM yesterday just about took me down. I came downstairs aftwerwards to get my littlest to take her up for a bath and just about fell carrying her up the steps. But I can still feel the burn today! Really glad for this day of rest!

    I'm not sure what to do next. Don't have Ripped in 30 yet.

    I would not mind doing another round of the 30 day slim
  • ileana84
    ileana84 Posts: 163
    I went to buy some Jillian Michaels Whey Protein Powder and Walmart was no longer carrying them!!! Must have been why they were on sale last time :( I'm going to have to search for it! :)

    GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grumble: I'm so happy that I have some of both flavors left!!! Well, I may look for something comparable just in case I'm not able to find it. I wonder how the Walmart one is... I forgot what it's called.....

    So, how is everyone???? Just finished the NMTZ for today. Feeling a little sick, but I made it through! I slacked on some of the core moves.... like the bicycle crunches. I blame the virus I've caught, of course. :wink:

    I need to go burn another 135 cals for today so that I can have some air-popped popcorn and my JM whey protein... Not together, of course.... I'm not sprinkling the powder on my popcorn or anything.. I'm not THAT obsessed yet... :laugh: :laugh:

    Val...You crack me up!!! Maybe some day you will sprinkle that protein on salad?? lol

    @ Lucie: I wouldnt mind doing it either. I need to push myself for all 56 mins of it. :grumble:

    @Maggie: Im going to have to check my Walmart before they go away and never ever come back!

    @up2me2loseit: Girl thats some hardcore workout u did!! Go you!!
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    Yes ladies check your local walmart because I went back again to double check and...there isn't even a spot for it on the shelf now! I love that protien powder :grumble: Val you crack me up too! hehe :laugh: I don't blame ya though, i'm about to check out some other stores to see if they are carrying it! I'll let you ladies know if I find it :D

    So how did everyone do today doing lvl 1 and 2 of the Shred. This morning I felt like I was coming down with my lil one's cold, but I sucked it up and did the workout. I can't believe how much better I feel!! As soon as I started I began feeling much better. Guess I just needed some adreneline :glasses:
  • ileana84
    ileana84 Posts: 163
    Idk yesturday sucked for me! :sad: :sad: lol JM took me down like a rag doll. I felt so outta shape for some odd reason, and to be honest I was only able to do 10 mins of her. I did incorporate some other exercises but SNAP I wasnt too proud of myself. Does that happen to you girls when you've waited after eating, or should I suck it up and do the dinner after the workout?

    Personal Question here for you ladies:

    When its TOM, do you get a bigger belly? Im about to get mine, and I feel all pouchie! HELP
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    @ileana: I also get a little puffy feeling at TOM. I notice that if I drink more water when I know it's coming, I don't feel as bad. Just something to try. It seems to flush out some of the water being retained.

    I try to workout before I eat, but that isn't always possible. Take tonight, for instance. I had to work then I didn't have time right after I got home.... so, it was a post-dinner workout for me. I prefer working out before eating b/c I feel like I have more endurance. I feel lighter, like I can float through the workout. :laugh: The last time I did BFBM, I did it after I ate and got such a bad cramp from it.

    L1 and L2 wasn't too bad for me yesterday. I did them back to back b/c of my time constraints and only did the cool down for L2. I slacked on the plank work of L2 though. My body was mad at me for doing both levels together.

    QTZ wasn't bad today. I left out all of the floor work this time. I need ed to burn some more calories so I added 20 minutes of BL Cardio Blast.

    Can't believe we're almost done!!! So glad we're all doing this together! :heart:
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    Re: TOM- I have noticed the better shape I am in the less my symptoms are. Drinking water is key. (And I'm afraid a bottle of ibuprofen follows me very closely for a few days too.) I didn't notice the water retention was bad this past cycle, but who knows...I've always been a bit unpredictable in that department.

    L1 &L2 yesterday: I felt really strong. I also did them back to back. I really wanted to do "real" pushups, but just didn't quite get there. :(

    NMTZ: I did the whole workout this morning. I know once I get through that 3rd circuit (can we say "surrenders") I can do everything from there on out. I like that feeling. :) My abs are sore today, so I'm hoping something is starting to click! I can finally do bicycle cruches (they ain't pretty, but hey) and am even doing the scissor things. But the windshield wiper things-- I still have to keep my arms at my sides. I just can't balance -- when I bring my legs up (if my arms are up in the air) and swing my legs up and over to one side, I roll right over. Yup, that looks dumb.

    Tomorrow: BFBM --- ugh.....
  • ileana84
    ileana84 Posts: 163
    Reg TOM: Thanks ladies.... Its so crazy that we go thru these silly things rofl. Reg exercise before dinner: I did that today and I felt so much better. I was actually able to do more minutes in my exercise then when I do it after I eat (2 hrs after). I felt lighter like Val said, and couldnt wait to eat after lol

    @up2me2loseit: Congrats thats great that you were able to complete the workout. Your description is sooo funny though (the windshield wiper things lol)

    Im actually psyched for BFBM.... lol Lets challenge JM!!!:happy:

    To Everyone: I cant believe we're almost done. Im rly proud of each and every one of you! Its been pretty difficult for me since I fell off the wagon a bit, but I still get the 20 mins done (im keep trying to push myself for more) but I dont give up and add more variety.

    Thank you for keeping me sane throughout all this!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • mommy3girls
    I am a new member to myfitnesspal.com< and just found this thread. Please let me know if you ladies decide to do another 30 Day Slim Down challenge, I would love to join. I can use all the motivation I can get! :smile:
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    Ok, so...

    Tomorrow is supposed to be an off day, but it's Friday and I just don't want to get out of routine. I think I'm going to take my off day on Sunday again and workout tomorrow with NMTZ & Shred Level 1 (I might have to get up earlier, 'cause that's over an hour -- like 75 minutes? ) Saturday will be tough with BFBM and NMTZ. WOW! I think I'll have to split that into 2 workout sessions.

    I felt strong today. Yesterday with BFBM I just felt wimpy and out of shape. How's everyone else feeling?