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  • lilmommy
    lilmommy Posts: 84
    This is fantastic!! BUMP for later!! It's wonderful seeing so many happy couples!!
  • When I was a teenager, I had a ridiculously specific list of ideal attributes for my perfect mate. I wanted to meet a man who was at least 5 years older than me, taller than me, smart, funny, skinny, of half-asian ethnicity, with black hair and a goatee, and an Irish or English accent. I never expected to meet anyone who had all of these attributes. This was just my fantasy dream man.

    On my first day of University (Fine Arts), I walked into class and saw Alexis. I thought he was gorgeous, and then I heard him speak, and could have swooned! He has a sexy voice and a lovely British accent. He literally was the man of my dreams come to life.

    We started dating, and got married while still in University, attending all of our classes together. It was awesome, and we've been married 10.5 years! And he's so much greater than a list of attributes can describe!

    The thing is - I'm not doing this for him at all. In fact, he's sort of against my weight loss. He playfully likes to say, "I signed up for fat!" He is happy that I'm happy though, and we are happy together. :)


  • Rae12
    Rae12 Posts: 15 Member
    i love this thread!! i've even gotten teary over some of them!! :) i won't post pics either, i'm not signed up with any of the photo sites.

    my husband's name is ryan and we're almost gonna hit our 1 year wedding anniversary. :) he is the most amazing guy. he's sensitive and considerate. he opens my door EVERY TIME! i LOVE it!! he loves me fiercely and would do anything for me. i trust him more than any other person i've known.

    he also doesn't care if i lose weight or not, but he does care that i make my goals and i'm proud of myself. to make things even better he lost a lot of weight a few years before i met him so he's incredibly supportive and really understands my rough days.

    p.s. we met tubing the river in our bathing suits drinkin' beer...classy!!!
  • I have been married for over three years to an amazing husband and father. His family is his life, and I have never before or since met a man so dedicated. He stays at home with our daughter during the day while I work and then when I come home from work he goes to his job until midnight or so (he's a waiter, so sometimes more, sometimes less). It's been a crazy few years with the scheduling, but it works. He has infinite patience and is one of the most hopeful, positive people I've ever met. He lives to serve and inspire, and it shows every day.

    It was more or less love at first sight, although we couldn't do anything about it for a month when the class he took that I was teaching was over ;)

  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    :heart: :heart: I will be married for 7 years in July (together almost 11!!) to my amazing husband. My profile pic is of us and our oldest boy after he won his bracket in his first wrestling tournament. I believe with all my heart that the Lord brought us together and I love him with my whole heart. He works so very hard so that I am able to stay home and raise our three babies and I feel so blessed that he is my hunny. He is funny, brilliant, an amazing daddy and the best husband I could imagine. We are fairly opposite and we compliment each other in crazy ways. Where I am weak, he is amazing. Where he struggles, I excell. I could not imagine my life without him. :heart: :heart:
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    My guy is my best buddy and an incredible husband and father. We were 15 and 17 when we started dating and a year later, our daughter was born. I was 18 when I married him and weighed about 80 lbs less than I do now. Despite that, he has always made me feel sexy and loved and has never said one single negative thing about my weight. Here's a pic of us on our 15th anniversary.

  • This is my best friend. We eat oh so good bad foods together. We go on adventures like driving around in circles in the car listening to music. We are lazy couch potatoes on the weekends. We go to the beach & stare at the waves. We talk about stupid stuff and laugh at silly things. We cook together, burn stuff together, still eat it and complain together.
    We do everything together.
    July 28th 2010, happiest day of my life!
    I might not be doing this for him (doing it for me), but he supports me 100%

  • G'day,

    So I got some really good news today. My wife is a hairdresser and she runs a small business from our home. She told one of her clients that I was doing MFP and calorie counting and she told my wife that she was a Nutritionist! So my wife has organised to do her hair services in return for tailoring an eating plan for me to lose weight and keep my sugar and cholesterol levels under control as well as provide some counselling along the way...How good is that! So far my wife's skill as a hairdresser has gotten all of our kids one on one tutoring, a cleaner once a week and does work in return for a weekly beauty therapy session for her...I have an awesome Wife! (pictures on my profile)

  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    I have been married for over three years to an amazing husband and father. His family is his life, and I have never before or since met a man so dedicated. He stays at home with our daughter during the day while I work and then when I come home from work he goes to his job until midnight or so (he's a waiter, so sometimes more, sometimes less). It's been a crazy few years with the scheduling, but it works. He has infinite patience and is one of the most hopeful, positive people I've ever met. He lives to serve and inspire, and it shows every day.

    It was more or less love at first sight, although we couldn't do anything about it for a month when the class he took that I was teaching was over ;)


    SO sweet!!!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    My profile picture is a picture of my husband Philip and I!

    We met at my church when I was still in high school and he was a freshman in college. I was totally taken! We dated through college, and got married September 25, 2009.
    He makes my life amazingly beautiful. He works on a marketing team as a graphic/web designer for an investment management company. He works so very hard, and loves what he does. Our ultimate dream though, is to one day, do full-time missions overseas, working with children. We don't have any babies yet, but hope someday to have a family together!

    As far as weight loss goes, he always tells me and makes me feel beautiful no matter what I weigh, and all he wants is for me to be healthy and happy...what more could I ask for?!

    Philip is kind, hilarious, supportive, strong, (sexy! ; ), trust-worthy, persevering, passionate, God-fearing, and full of integrity.
    He makes me want to be a better person, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us on this amazing journey called life!

    p.s. he is incredibly athletic and fit, and I want to be an uber-hot wife for him!! ; )
  • Unfortunatley, we are also major foodies & love to cook. I've gained 15 pounds in 2 1/2 years and I wasn't where I should have been at that time! LOL

    That sounds just like my hubby and me! We both gained 15-20lbs when we first met from all the yummy food we cooked and all the great farm-to-table restaurants in our town. Then, we both buckled down to lose the weight--and succeeded--but we started gaining again after a couple of years because we discovered pork belly, hog jowl bacon, and roasted bone marrow (which are all basically pure fat!).

    My profile photo is Micah and me on our honeymoon to New York in July 2009. We got married at our favorite local restaurant, and then chose New York for our honeymoon for a lot of reasons--but delicious food was a HUGE one! We actually planned our itinerary around where we wanted to eat each day. :)

    Now, we are on MFP together and supporting each other the whole way. Our foodie passions have actually been put to good use, too, because we both love to cook great food together! We just cook with a little less fat and a few more veggies than we did before. We are still eating really delicious food, but I'm now only 4lbs away from my goal weight, and he's only got about 8-10lbs to go. It's great having such a perfect hubby to cook and eat with! <3
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    Here's my husband! He's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I truly couldn't do this without him. He does every single workout with me and keeps me motivated!

  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    bump - what an awesome thread :)
  • appleshells
    appleshells Posts: 165
    I love this thread!

    I met my husband on myspace. I was "introduced" from a friend who said she wouldn't date him because he was a "nice guy". I left work early one night and met up with him at 4 in the morning. I was smitten from the very begining. I had 3 kids from my first marriage and he had 2 from his first (ex moved out of state and left him with the kids who were 1 and 2). Things went pretty fast after that. I moved in 3 months later and during the move found out I was pregnant. He said he wasn't interested in a baby out of wedlock and wanted to marry me. I was burned on marriage (was married to my ex for 15 yrs) and I turned him down numerous times saying I wasnt interested in a mercy marriage. Well after 6 months, I gave in and married him.

    We have 6 kids in the house. A true yours, mine and ours. They are 13, 11, 10 (mine), 7,6 (his) and 3 (ours). He lost his job of 10 yrs (went overseas) shortly after we got together and had a hard time finding another in this lovely economy. He is a stay at home dad who moonlights in a band. He does laundry, runs kids to football, basketball, etc. He is a boyscout leader.

    We both gained weight, but he was always sexy as hell in my eyes. He has uncontrolled blood pressure (maxed out on 3 meds), high cholesterol and pre-diabetes. We are making this lifestyle change together to make sure our kids don't grow up without us or inherit the toxic food choices we have. I want to look hot for him. I want him to look at me the way he used too.

    We are in this together!
  • My fiance (soon to be husband in four days!) and I met in 10th grade, and we were NEVER friends. There was just entirely too much chemistry between us to just be friends. When we got too close, we attacked each other. If we weren't busy with THAT, and we weren't together, we would be so far away from each other it was ridiculous. We had our share of bad timing, and he's seen me go through a lot of crap and rescued me appropriately (abusive ex's), and I've seen him through a lot of crap (addictions, medical issues, losing 300lbs!!!), and I know it's meant to be. Why else would God have CONTINUOUSLY thrown him in my path, regardless of whether I was ready for him or not? :)

    He's been here when I gained all my weight, and he'll be here when I lose it all. We're very much happy and very much in love. :)

  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    my fiance's name is dave and we met when i was 17 through a mutual friend. we didn't start dating until i was 25, because as he says, i was the girl who always had a boyfriend. once we did get together, the sparks began to fly and the rest is history.

    we had gotten into a gym routine 2 years ago and lost a lot of weight together. then we moved in together and it all went down hill lol. we started getting back into working out Jan 09 and back on track with loosing weight, but not too seriously. then on christmas eve he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. we didn't have to change too much of our livestyle, just more of portion control and so far so good.

    we are in this journey together, just like every other journey we've gone through, and i couldn't be more thankful to have him by my side. he is truly my better half :smile:
  • Dreamgirl97
    Dreamgirl97 Posts: 106 Member
    I met Jose in 1996 and we instantly became the best of friends; he spent the next few years breaking down walls I wasn’t even aware I built. In 1999 I gave him a globe and with a marker I wrote on the globe “with the true love of the friendship she gave him the world.” He told me one day he would show me the world if I let him. We have been together ever since (married 4 years in August). I did not have an easy upbringing and although I always believed in fairytale:love: I just did not believe they could happen to people like me. In 2007 we moved to Ireland, and true to his word he has taken me traveling all over Europe and even New Zealand.This whole time I have been over weight, one day I was telling him tired I was that I could not lose the weight and he asked me why I did not feel I was worth it (in the most gentle tone, that it actually made me think about what he was asking) That is when I realized I was scared to really try to lose weight because I felt like I had too much of a good thing and there was no way I could be thin too. I wish I could say that it was a real AHA moment and I lost 40 pounds in 3 months but it’s been a struggle for me but now I am aware of what I want and what I am afraid of. I would love to say this is all about me I am doing it for me and me alone but the truth is (if I am being completely honest) this 75% me 25% him, He has seen me at my weakest moments(and I have had a few) and now I want him to see me at what I consider one of my strongest moments if I can lose the weight I feel like There is nothing I can not do and that I have beat a battle I have had for as long as I could remember. :wink:
  • Dreamgirl97
    Dreamgirl97 Posts: 106 Member
    I met Jose in 1996 and we instantly became the best of friends; he spent the next few years breaking down walls I wasn’t even aware I built. In 1999 I gave him a globe and with a marker I wrote on the globe “with the true love of the friendship she gave him the world.” He told me one day he would show me the world if I let him. We have been together ever since (married 4 years in August). I did not have an easy upbringing and although I always believed in fairytale:love: I just did not believe they could happen to people like me. In 2007 we moved to Ireland, and true to his word he has taken me traveling all over Europe and even New Zealand.This whole time I have been over weight, one day I was telling him tired I was that I could not lose the weight and he asked me why I did not feel I was worth it (in the most gentle tone, that it actually made me think about what he was asking) That is when I realized I was scared to really try to lose weight because I felt like I had too much of a good thing and there was no way I could be thin too. I wish I could say that it was a real AHA moment and I lost 40 pounds in 3 months but it’s been a struggle for me but now I am aware of what I want and what I am afraid of. I would love to say this is all about me I am doing it for me and me alone but the truth is (if I am being completely honest) this 75% me 25% him, He has seen me at my weakest moments(and I have had a few) and now I want him to see me at what I consider one of my strongest moments if I can lose the weight I feel like There is nothing I can not do and that I have beat a battle I have had for as long as I could remember. :wink:
  • My fiance (soon to be husband in four days!)

    Congratulations! :)
  • toridorey
    toridorey Posts: 30 Member
    My profile pic is of my fiance (Ryan) and I! When we met over 3 years ago (working at QuikTrip-hehe) I was probably half the size I am now but he has never stopped loving me! I have said "I'm going on a diet!" more than a few times and every time he has been there 110%! Even when I quit, he still loved and supported me! He is a police officer and I want him to be proud of who his wife is because I am so proud of the man he is!! We're getting married next March (which is one of the biggest motivations ever right!?) and I need to be a happy bride!! <3<3<3 (Fun fact: when I get married I'll be like the real life "Julia Gulia"!!! My name will be Tori Dorey...hehe)
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