

  • aladuke26
    aladuke26 Posts: 37 Member
    This is my day 2 and I have not binged. :happy: I am soooo proud of myself. This has been a struggle for me since I joined in June. But I am taking baby steps. :smile:
  • mamakitty
    I am giving it another shot. Tomorrow will be day 1.
    I have to do this. My binges have gotten fewer and less severe but they are still impeding my weight loss and it is frustrating. I would like to go on vacation at the end of October and be able to control myself around all the tempations.
  • kels0724
    good job aladuke! keep up the good work

    mamakitty~ you can do this!! just try to keep thinking about how great it feels good when you eat right and exercise!
  • sarakenna1
    OMG. Last night was bad. Really, really bad. We had a BBQ at my house, my husband smoked babyback ribs and we made the general BBQ fare... cole slaw, beans, corn bread, garlic bread, roasted veges.... I totally pigged out. This was the worst binge I've had in over a month. I had 3 martinis, one beer, and my fair share of all of the food mentioned above. I logged my cals for the day and I ended up eating about twice as many of my recomended calorie intake. :sick: This fell into the "gain a pound a week if I ate like this every day" category.

    Yarg!!! :mad: :cry: :sad:
  • kels0724
    Day 3 done!! i am posting this now so that I CAN'T eat anything else!!! cause i don't want to have to come back on and change this post!

    good luck to all :) have a great start to your week!!
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm at day 3 too kels!!! sarakenna....don't let it get you down! one night won't kill you! however....if you have three nights in a row like I did last week..thats another story:wink: so don't follow in my footsteps!!!
  • CouchPotatoe
    I am most definitely in!!! Okay, so today can't really count as day one, but from now on I will not binge, I promise that to all of you. BInging has always been a problem of mine, and I think that by taking it one day at a time it will help me.
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm back...after a week or two away from checking in to MFP.

    Today is my Day One, also coinciding with Day One of a two-week shoot. My goal is to keep making the right decisions every day so that I can get to Day 14 and go home happy.

    Good luck, everyone!
  • sarakenna1
    I went to someones house for dinner, and managed to stay in line. I'm repenting for yesturday, trying to end my day with an extra 500 cal deficit...

    WL, welcome back! You should start another accountability partner thread, that was fun!
  • msblondy16
    ok so im beginning at day 1 once more... you know you say "oh i can eat that it's my birthday" on your birthday? well it has been my birthday since friday and today is my actual birthday so im thinking that 4 days straight of birthday food is SO NOT GOOD! we'll see where the day goes...
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    ok so im beginning at day 1 once more... you know you say "oh i can eat that it's my birthday" on your birthday? well it has been my birthday since friday and today is my actual birthday so im thinking that 4 days straight of birthday food is SO NOT GOOD! we'll see where the day goes...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAY :flowerforyou:
  • JohnnyP
    Greetings all!

    Today will be my 3rd day of success. I really feel like I'm on the track to success now. Yesterday was "check in" for me and I'm down 3 lbs.:drinker:

    I even got on my treadmill last night for 25 minutes.:bigsmile:

    Keep it up everyone!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • msblondy16
    ok so today is not day 1 for me....:mad: so my own fault

    tomorrow is the beginning of a NEW day. goal: 1 week. hope everyone is having a great day!
  • kels0724
    day 4 is done!! woohoo! mondays actually seem to be easier because i am soo busy. there is no time for studying but also none for eating either. so i plan my meals and it seems to work! hope everyone else is doing okay-
    msblondy- don't worry you will do great! just do well tomorrow!
    dancer- woohoo, it looks like we are in this one together :) did you do well on day 4?
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Yes, today went well:smile: Burned lots of calories at dance tonight! (Never sure exactly how many though.... I wish knew how strenuous "dancing, general" is considered under the exercises choices.) Sometimes I'm sweating for two hours straight and other times I may only sweat for like 20 min. during the entire 2 1/2 hour practice. Anyone have an idea of how to get a more accurate number of calories burned besides wearing one of those HRM type things? I'm so broke right now to buy something like that.....:frown:
  • savanuh
    savanuh Posts: 52 Member
    that is great!! dancing is one of my favorite exercises:smile: Well i have completed my first day and i did it without a struggle yay!:tongue:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Day 2 for me -- no struggles today and I just got off the elliptical and am heading to bed...

    Sarakenna...YES...I'm thinking of starting another accountability thread! Twelve days to go on this shoot -- I'm going to get my goals in order.

    Good luck everyone!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Today is Day 3 for me -- still got my toughest stretch ahead -- dinner!

    I've planned what I'm going to eat and I'm going to stick to it. If not, I'll be answering to this thread later on tonight. Here's to a successful evening.

  • kels0724
    Day 5 is done! I did fairly well~ went over about 100 calories but I couldn't exerisize and had 2 tests in a row today so i will take it! good luck to all!