New Challenge - 1st of the month!



  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Hi all,
    Just wanted to share that I just got Zumba for my xbox kinect and I LOVE it! It has where you can do the whole hour, like a class, or 20 minute workouts, which is SO awesome since I don't always have time for a full hour with my kiddos running around, or if I have some extra time and want to burn just a few more calories for the day! I did the 20 minute 'beginner' workout today and according to MFP I burned 122 calories, although I really believe that to be an inaccurate measure, because I read an article on yahoo that says Zumba burns anywhere from 700 to 900 calories an hour, and MFP always only gives me 400 calories per hour... anyhow, just wanted to share that I LOVE it and highly recommend it!!!

    I just got this for the WII this week as well. I have done the 20 min workouts the last two nights with my 13 year old daugther who loves it too. From all the research I did the WII Zumba is less intense so the lower calorie burn would be expected. I hope that my knees will hold up and once I get these down and not challenging then I will move on to the DVDs which are supposed to be much closer to an actual class and give you the 700-900 calorie burn. Hopefully it wil be good and just glad to find something to get me moving!!

    I used to take the classes 3 times a week, but lately I've had some issues with child care so haven't been going, but I absolutely LOVE the classes, I don't know if it's the instructor (she's so upbeat and amazing and lost over 100lbs herself with just a good attitude and hard work) or being with the other people and feeding off their energy, or what it is, but I simply LOVE the classes! My MIL bought the DVD's off the infomercial, and when I wasn't able to go to class anymore she let em borrow them, and I didn't like them at all! Once again, maybe it was just that I was alone in my living room, who knows! But I felt like I didn't do as much, it felt slower and I definitely did not sweat NEAR as much as I did in the classes. The kinect reminds me more of the classes, it's really upbeat and better music then the DVD's, but still for me, nothing will ever compare to being in the class!
    Good luck with it, I hope you love it as much as I did!!!
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    Great job everyone. I can't wait to see the new weigh in on Tuesday.
  • juliemval
    juliemval Posts: 34 Member
    I know I'm late but my weight as of 3/8 was 209.2 :)
  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    Hello all...
    after last week (which was a really good diet/weight week for me)... this week has kicked my butt! Not as bad as I have been in the past- but worse than I should be! It has been one of the most stressful weeks I have had in a LONG TIME! a little history is: my daughter (7 yrs) and I moved to CA in Oct (where I grew up- she had always lived in NC)... her dad is still in NC and she had been doing pretty well with the transition/adjustment... This week however seems to have been REALLY rough for her. It's been building for awhile, but this week she was crying and SO SAD every day... which just sent my stress level through the roof! Not to mention I forgot to get the yogurt I usually have for breakfast so my days have been starting off hungry! UGH!

    Now, my daughter does have a history of Thyroid problems and I am getting her in to have labs done, but that is another can of worms! We just got insurance, and I need to assign her a pediatrician- the only one anyone has recommended is not accepting new patients... and I am worried about seeing one who will just blow off my concerns because she 'has a lot going on'...

    oh yeah... and I have been sick too... no voice for 3 days now. yippee!

    So, I have been snacking more in the evenings- raiding the sweethearts left from Vday (and I don't even like sweethearts that much)... so I am kinda discouraged right now...

    The positive side is I went to see a DR for me yesterday (of course there isn't much they can do for the cold/laryngitis) but she is very supportive of HELPING me lose weight. Usually in the past Dr's have been like 'oh yeah, I can give you a pill to help you lose, or refer you for surgery' but they haven't HELPED me! She made a referral for a nutritionist and gave me info for the weight loss classes/programs (Kaiser Perm CA) and is serious about me losing 10 lbs by mid June to evaluate/re-evaluate my progress and plan!

    Thanks for letting me vent. I haven't even logged since Thursday because I was so bummed. I will go back and log yesterday, but I think Thursday is lost...
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    so sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the mo and you poor lil girl too, must be hard for her!

    Hope things are better soon
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Hello all...
    after last week (which was a really good diet/weight week for me)... this week has kicked my butt! Not as bad as I have been in the past- but worse than I should be! It has been one of the most stressful weeks I have had in a LONG TIME! a little history is: my daughter (7 yrs) and I moved to CA in Oct (where I grew up- she had always lived in NC)... her dad is still in NC and she had been doing pretty well with the transition/adjustment... This week however seems to have been REALLY rough for her. It's been building for awhile, but this week she was crying and SO SAD every day... which just sent my stress level through the roof! Not to mention I forgot to get the yogurt I usually have for breakfast so my days have been starting off hungry! UGH!

    Now, my daughter does have a history of Thyroid problems and I am getting her in to have labs done, but that is another can of worms! We just got insurance, and I need to assign her a pediatrician- the only one anyone has recommended is not accepting new patients... and I am worried about seeing one who will just blow off my concerns because she 'has a lot going on'...

    oh yeah... and I have been sick too... no voice for 3 days now. yippee!

    So, I have been snacking more in the evenings- raiding the sweethearts left from Vday (and I don't even like sweethearts that much)... so I am kinda discouraged right now...

    The positive side is I went to see a DR for me yesterday (of course there isn't much they can do for the cold/laryngitis) but she is very supportive of HELPING me lose weight. Usually in the past Dr's have been like 'oh yeah, I can give you a pill to help you lose, or refer you for surgery' but they haven't HELPED me! She made a referral for a nutritionist and gave me info for the weight loss classes/programs (Kaiser Perm CA) and is serious about me losing 10 lbs by mid June to evaluate/re-evaluate my progress and plan!

    Thanks for letting me vent. I haven't even logged since Thursday because I was so bummed. I will go back and log yesterday, but I think Thursday is lost...

    Hey hunny - Im so sorry to hear about all the problems this week. Having a ur child upset must be so hard. So dont be so hard on yourself it is a lot to cope with.

    Im glad ur Dr is being supportive - its what we all need - unlike mine who just says loose weight - or else!

    I hope things get better for u! Please keep me up to date on ur progress - just remember we are all behind you and if you need any help/support/motivation we are here! U can always inbox me if you want to do it privatly :)

    big hugs xxx
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Its been a good week for me! I've seen a number of the scale I haven't seen for at least a year! Woo hoo...

    Weigh in tomorrow....
  • janiscurry
    janiscurry Posts: 109
    CW - 137....down 2 pounds since last week.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Can I go ahead and weigh in today? I can't wait until tomorrow!

    Challenge SW: 143.1 Last week: 141.5 CW: (drumroll) 139.6! Down 1.9 lbs from last week!

    Only 1.6 pounds to go until my April 1st goal. Woot! I don't even know how I did that since I was lazy allllll weekend, but I'll take it! :happy:
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    CW: 236. Same as last week. At least its not a gain! I didnt drink the water over the weekend that i needed to. Had some high sodium foods over the weekend, and no water to flush it out means its sticking with me. Oh and its TOM for me, so maybe thats it too!

    Good luck to all of you! See you next week!
  • CarissaNew
    CarissaNew Posts: 223 Member
    CW:206 down 3 pounds from last week!
  • rockabyesarojane
    well i'm totally embarrased to weigh in but i need to hold myself accountable.

    my weigh in this mornig was up.

    last week- 151.5
    this a.m.- 153

    just gonna shake it off and get back on track.
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    Current weight: 207.4 lb.

    1.8 lb loss. I'm glad I finally lost more than 0.2 of a pound, as that's seems to have been the norm for me for the past month.
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    Back from a mini vacay and gained a pound from my lowest but I think I still lost this week.

    My CW is 221.8 :)
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    CW= 150.2
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    Starting Weight on 03/01/2011: 175.6 lbs
    Goal Weight for 04/01/2011: 169.5 lbs.

    Challenge SW: 175.6
    Weight on 3-6-2011: 174.7
    Weight on 3-13-2011: 173.1

    LOSS THIS WEEK: 1.6 lbs! Weee!

    I am feeling pretty good this week because I lost a lot more weight than I thought I could.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    This week's weigh in 190.5
  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    March 15, 2011 weigh in: 189.8 & only 1.5 workout for the week
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    276. Nothing lost, nothing gained.
  • mazb81
    mazb81 Posts: 20
    Lost 4lbs this week so now on 190lbs