

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Goodmorning Ladies

    The weather took a turn again here in Canada. Wet snow today and high winds after two days of soaking rain. :cry:

    Went to the hairdresser today and got a color and cut and I feel marvelous. It always seems to pick you up somehow.
    Now I have to get lunch ready and then I am going to make chicken chili. Today I seem to be running around like
    a chicken.
    Friends are coming over tonight for a movie and popcorn. So I am trying to be careful with the calories all day so I
    can enjoy the popcorn and wine tonight. I will make a wine spritzer it goes a longer way. :laugh:
    I hope to squeeze some exercise in this afternoon too.
    Have a great day u all!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Everyone,:flowerforyou:

    It's a sad day for the people of Japan today. Hawaii has flooding. There is a tour group from this area (probably more than one) over there. My DIL's mother talked to her friend. They arrived there last evening. They were in bed about 2 hours when they were told to go up to the 17th floor. They are coming back home. No taxis are out, nor buses..they will have to walk to the airport. Flooding everywhere they can see.:frown:

    I have changed my user name. I have learned that when you google the username...your posts on your home pages are open to the public.:noway: So I hoped it would help to change the username. I have protested on the tech forum. It might help if everyone did.

    I hope all of you on the West coast such as Barbie, Mimi and others that I may have not remembered, are okay.

    I'll check back on the posts later.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Wow-Robin you are so right...it is quiet on here....

    I was reminded by another friend on MFP that we need laughter:wink: every day. I have always felt laughter and humor was a healing thing for anyone.
    Some of you know that I had one of the worst cases of shingles anyone has ever seen or heard of. Lots of people are affected by this painful disease.

    This is an opportunity to laugh about shingles......:tongue:
    Bubba had shingles.

    Those of us who spend much time in a doctor's office should appreciate this! Doesn't it seem more and more that physicians are running their practices like an assembly line?

    Here's what happened to Bubba:

    Bubba walked into a doctor's office and the receptionist asked him what he had. Bubba said: 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his name, address, medical insurance number and told him to have a seat.

    Fifteen minutes later a nurse's aide came out and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, 'Shingles' So she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical history and told Bubba to wait in the examining room.

    A half hour later a nurse came in and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, 'Shingles.' So the nurse gave Bubba a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram, and told Bubba to take off all his clothes and wait for the doctor.

    An hour later the doctor came in and found Bubba sitting patiently in the nude and asked Bubba what he had.

    Bubba said, 'Shingles.' The doctor asked, 'Where?'

    Bubba said, 'Outside on the truck. Where do you want me to unload 'em??' :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I hope I made you smile today.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, indeed a sad day across the seas. I wonder what will happen to our continent once the earth starts changing its face more.

    Should take a few days and check your own homes for emergency supplies, and procedures, you will be prepared if nothing else. A ice storm can leave us with out power for days, and in the winter it will be a rough go.

    Exercises went better today, I was satisfied that I was able to do them well. Can't do much else without these being done right and the muscles ready. Did some food posting, nothing too much on there is what I really ate, however it is the closest thing to it. Raw vegetables listed are fairly accurate. But I thought I would give it a try, and see if I can keep a food journal going for a bit.

    Hope you all have a great day tomorrow, blessings to you.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    WE are in lafayette for the night and half day tomorrow. Heather and matt went on a little weekedn getaway so we have byron and emma and regan. my godchilds birthday is tomorrow in am so we came and spent the night. this morning before lunch hubby and I went for an hour walk then came home and did yard work. did 90 min of grass cutting. lots of calories burned but I am burned out. we left about 1 to come here. stopped for some lunch and then did a little shopping. at hotel chilling for a while before supper. then after a swim we promised them hopefully they will sleep all night. I know I will. It is so disturbing the things that are happening to our earth. knowing that at any time any place anything can happen is scary. guess we just have to pray and prepare and take what comes. Hope you are all safe and stay that way. Have good evening. try to post in the am.
    Vicki M
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Shirley - how do you make the chicken chili?

    Lynn - you are so right. I went and, sure enough, I could view all of my posts. Honestly, that makes me somewhat hesitant to post things here. I doubt Vince would be bothered to search it out, but I can easily see one of the kids searching it out and then calling saying something like "daddy, did you know that mommy thinks ......" Do you have a link where I can register my protest?

    Went to yoga today and then deep water class. Afterwards, stopped at a food store, came home and put the refrigerated items away, went shopping, then to a cooking demo at the mall, then more shopping when it was over. Actually, I left before the "sampling". That doesn't really interest me too much. I did find this one shirt, when I first saw it it was $30 and there was no way I was going to pay that amount of money, but today it was on sale for $10, so that's a price I can live with. Got a pair of jeans for $20. Tomorrow...yoga and then on to Wally World.

    Guess that's about it for me. Yea, this place has really been quiet.

    Have a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    barbie - you said Dr. Oz talked about the HCG diet. There is this one commercial here that, to me, I get the impression that according to the commercial he endorses the HCG diet, but only from this one company. Is that right?

    :flowerforyou: Dr. Oz didn't endorse the HCG diet, what he said was that when something shows the kind of results that some people are getting, that good medical professionals should pay some attention to it and not just scoff......he also said that such a dramatic change in eating should be under the care of a excellent medical professional

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, the story about Bubba and the Shingles made us both laugh......thank you for checking to see if we were OK.......we are far enough away from the water that we weren't concerned about the possibility of a tsunami.

    :flowerforyou: we have been busy with meetings and appointments and tomorrow we'll be at an all day meeting an hour and half away with a catered lunch so there will be too little exercise and too many calories.
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Michele, as far as I know beans don't cause diarrhea, but rather can cause constipation along with gas. Good luck with that and also your new cat.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Quick in and out here. I got to cuddle Raiden again today. :bigsmile: But then the doctor called and said his bilirubin was high and we had to go get him a light table to help get it down. Mom probably won't get much sleep tonight with him sleeping on that thing. He will be fine - just needs some light treatment to help get rid of the old blood from a little birthing bruising. No more cuddles for me until Wednesday as I am going out of town to see a friend I only get to see a couple times a year. She is coming down from the frozen north to GA for a grandson's birthday.

    Michele - Yes it does sound like my DH and yours could be related - at least by the stomach... :ohwell: We live in the NE part of the state nearly in GA.

    Got to the gym today but just barely. After going to see the GGS and needing to make a trip for the light table, I just barely made it back in time to get a short session in. It's amazing how a good workout can make you feel.

    Talk to you all again on Wed.

  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Hello All,
    Well I haven't been perfect but I really love MFP to help me track calories. I don't get too crazy if I'm a few over and sometimes that just motivates me to do a little stretching before I go to bed. As a result, I lost another 3 pounds. Now my total is not much, I've only lost 7 since mid January but i like seeing the scale go in the other direction and I know that doing it slowly is the wiser way. Like Marjorie said.

    Lynn, you're right humor is important and the shingles and grandmas joke were cute and the Artie choke hysterical.

    Faye - congrats on the new grandson.

    Mary - i'll keep your mom in my prayers. So hard to be this age with aging parents. I do hope she recovers and does well. Have a safe flight (if you are flying). I'm sure it will be better when you are actually there with her.

    frogmama - kudos to you for giving up chocolate for lent. I am just too hooked on my dark chocolate. However I do moderate, usually eat half a serving and only when I've exercised.

    Lynda - that was a good pep talk, I do need to bump up my activity and change it up. Although it's been on my goals since January, I have yet to work with my weights with any consistency. My exercise always consists of walking, partly because I feel guilty if I don't take my cute girl out for her exercise. I need to get back to my wii. I have zumba for wii, only tried it twice but I don't really like it. Maybe I'll trade it in for some other dance thing. Maybe I should just put on some of those music you tubes and DANCE!

    Barbie - that's a lot of exercise!

    Viv - Good for you for running. I've toyed with the idea of just jogging but my neighborhood is all hilly. It's enough of an effort for me to just walk never mind run.

    Robin - wondering how work is going, it's good to be able to move while working. I'm sitting all day. Hope you can get your mojo back. It pains me to hear you be so hard on yourself. Don't lose sight of what you have accomplished in your wgt loss. It's more than 3x what I've done so far, so you are still a good role model for the rest of us. Why wait 'til Monday?

    Sceck - my colleagues and I were just having a conversation yesterday about belly fat. i just never, ever wanted to have the stuff below my naval -- you know the stuff that spills over onto your thighs. YUCK! However, I am a believer that we can lose it and tone what's underneath by being consistent and sticking to this.

    Shirley - congrats on pushing past the plateau

    Mimi - cutie granson. I have 4 boys and my oldest just turned 14 today. It could make me feel old or get me motivated to keep up with them. I vote for the latter.

    To all the "potato chip" animal lovers. For quite some time, I had 3 dogs, 2 cats and a conure. They lived long lucky lives with me and now we have just the one dog and are "foster parenting" a bird....for 8 months now, so you know where that is going. I love my sweet doggie but long for a feline. Problem is I still miss my last one too much. Plus DH and I sort of agreed we would not have more animals than people in the house.

    Marilyn - sure hope you can thaw out soon. But shoveling does burn calories and counts as upper body strengthening, right?

    Michelle - hope your tummy is better by today.

    Kathy - I never knew anyone else knew about Phil Ochs! Recently there was a tribute of sorts to him out here in LA.

    I second what Marilyn about all of us having an emergency plan and supplies. I live in earthquake country and we are told that it would be 3 to 5 days that we would have to subsist without help from local agencies. It's scary to know that what happened in Japan could probably happen here in CA.

    Well, I should really be working on my taxes but don't feel like it...maybe tomorrow. Somebodies baby shower tomorrow - someone my DH knows, still have to get a gift. I need to get new running shoes (even though I don't actually run) 'cuz mine are wearing out. I can feel it in my knees when I need them. And a whole bunch of other errands but I suspect most will not get done tomorrow. Our rental house is vacant and because of the obligation tomorrow, have to go up on Sunday to continue working on it to get it ready for new tenants. I think that might burn a few calories - cleaning, washing walls and painting.

    Sorry for the long post. I've been lurking, now I'm posting and feel caught up

    And all you new gals - Welcom. You'll love it here.

  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Here's some Maxine wisdom for you gals: I tried to download it with the cartoon picture of her but it didn't work. Anyway, you all know who she is.

    So, you're a sick senior citizen and the government says there is no nursing home available for you - what do you do ?
    Our plan gives anyone 65 years or older a gun and 4 bullets. You are allowed to shoot 4 politicians, not necessarily dead!
    Of course this means you'll be sent to prison where you will get 3 meals a day, a roof over your head, central heating, and all the health care you need! New teeth - no problem. Need glasses, great. New hips, knees, kidney, lungs, heart? All covered.

    ( Your kids can come and visit you as often as they do now).

    And, who will be paying for all of this ?

    The same government who just told you that you they cannot afford for you to go into the home.

    Plus, because you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay any income taxes any more.


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I just gotta ask.....
    Is prison food better than nursing home food???:noway: :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Just want to warn you guys, I will probably be changing my login here because of the security issue that Lynn raised. I am not sure about the name yet, but you will know it's me from the avatar photo, the ticker photo and the "cartoon" of the "perpetual motion pooch."

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi all! I am lurking mostly now but still around.

    Robin - Yea for you! A plan to start is an important step.

    Kathy - I love Tom Paxton! I have been fortunate enough to see him in person several times over the last few years, and have talked with him a little after a performance. He autographed a cd for my grandson, and now when Jacob hears his songs, he says "That's my friend, Tom Paxton."

    Everyone have a great weekend! I am headed to Wichita to see Mom tomorrow, so will know more about how she is really doing. This long distance by phone stuff stinks.

    I've only seen him a few times and that was MANY years ago when I lived in Boston. He's the best!

    I hope you find your Mom is improving! Praying for you and your Mom.

    Joy--just saw your post . I've been a fan of Phil Ochs' music since I was a kid. If you search some of his song titles at youtube you can find lots of remakes and updated versions of them. Some of them are very good, too.
    ("Pleasures of the Harbor" is one of my all-time favorites, BTW.)
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Happy Saturday to you all! :flowerforyou:

    I am thrilled to say that as of today all the weight I regained between Thanksgiving and Valentines Day is now gone. It took 3 weeks of dedication to do it but I'm finally back to where I was when I left for the beach in early November. I tried something I had never done before this time and so far its working.

    In the past I have exercised 6 days a week avoided simple carbs and religiously stayed near or just under 1200 calories every day but Sunday (when I'd allow myself to go as high as 1500.) RESULTS: a loss of 1-2 lbs a week.

    This time I have not eaten any simple carbs at all with the exception of a glass of grape juice every evening about an hour before bedtime (instead of wine). The biggest change is that every other day I bump my calories up to my suggested BMR and the days in between only eat 900-1100 calories. Also I have dialed back the exercise by giving myself permission to "skip" on days I felt too tired instead of plodding on through. RESULTS:for the first time in me losing as much as 4 lbs in a week. :happy:

    With warmer weather and calmer winds in the coming months I look forward to being able to garden and ride my bike. I think I finally found a combination that is working well for me. THIS is gonna be the year those last 10 lbs will finally vanish for good.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Maybe that's my problem I exercise religiously and have been bobbing up and down with the pounds for months now.
    I eat approximately 1300 calories but usually less and the pounds are creeping down. I feel much better with the
    exercise though and I will keep that up because of arthritis so I can keep limber. Maybe I sholuld up my calories again, I
    just lowered them from 1390 because I wasn't losing. It is so frustrating. :grumble:

    Any tips?
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hi All,

    Joy- congratulations on your 3 lb loss! I love your wisdom from Maxine- It certainly seems that life works that way

    SuzyQ- Congratulations on getting back to your pre-holiday weight.

    Shirley- I love wine spritzers. I don't feel guilty when I drink a couple of those with diet 7-up. I also agree that balancing the calories can be very frustrating. I have been staying pretty close to 1200 calories, exercising at least a hour every day, and the pounds creep down slowly. BUT, they are going down. I would be so afraid to eat more or cut down on the exercise fearing that I would see a gain.

    Mary- good luck on your visit with Mom. Hope things are improving.

    Lynn- thanks for Bubba and Shingles- it did make me smie.

    Faye- I agree that a work out can make you feel so much better.

    The weather here isn't the greatest, but I think I can get the dog out for a walk, AND with what is happening in the rest of the world, I will not complain about a little gray , cold weather. Hmmm- guess I'll skip the walk for now- just looked outside and it is raining.
    Went to a play last night called "Over the Tavern." It was quite well done and very amusing. Generally, during intermission we buy huge Macadamia Nut cookies. They are hard to pass up because they are so yummy and only $.50. Last night, I skipped the cookie and had a black coffee.
    Hubby will be returning home from Florida tomorrow, so I think I will spend some quite time reading "Fierce Radiance."
    Have a good week-end!
  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies, hope we all have a great weekend!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    barbie - thanks for getting back to me. I had a feeling that this company was putting their "spin" on it,eluding that Dr. Oz endorsed their version of the HCG diet. I think I'll email his company and just bring this to their attention.

    maxymom - I didn't think beans caused diarrhea, either. What I think its more a case of is the fact that I introduced a new food so quickly. Last night I only had 1/2 a portion, and I didn't feel so "bloated" or gassy. I think I just need to go slower.
    The cat is coming along, thank you for the concern. When we first brought him home, he hid in the nightstand. That night he slept with me. Here it is, the second day and he's walking around, jumping on the bed. Still, when I go to pet him at the end of the bed, he jumps off. Also, if I come into the bedroom quickly, he runs. I think it's just a matter of time. I would think that tomorrow we'll probably bring the other cats into the bedroom and let them sniff him. Update: we were going to, but when I went to get Loki to bring him in the bedroom, Loki ran away. He's curious, but at first I really want to be holding him. I think they'll get along, but you never know. I remember it too Lexi a few weeks before she accepted Loki. Now they are the best of buds.

    frogmama - WTG on passing up the cookie!

    Did an hour of yoga today. Tomorrow I'll do an hour on the Wii of balance games

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • fabulousfebe

    Enjoyed reading your post! I may try your method of losing weight...eating below daily calories, etc. and treat for Sunday 1500 calories. Thanks again!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hey Girls!

    It's been a busy day as I prepared for the onslaught of my hubbie's annual gang of wrestling buddies. They go to States in Hershey and then come here for chili, beer, corn spoonbread and brownies. It's a fun weekend for them. They are noisy tho, but I guess boys will be boys no matter how old they are!

    SuzyQ - congrats on losing the holiday weight! Awesome! :flowerforyou:

    Michelle - What did you name your new kittie? My Bandit was VERY skittish when I got him. Made me feel terrible because I know his former home was just too busy and rough for his gentle personality. He is no longer skittish with me, but if someone he doesn't know moves quickly near him, he's outta there! Lots of luck with the new member of your family.

    I'm really tired so I'm not hanging around to see the late postings. I'm going to my bedroom to curl up with my book and a WW ice cream bar. :smile: