Anyone have/like piercings?



  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I have had to many to list in the past lol but right now I have monroe, labret, tongue, and inner ear.
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    i've had my tongue ring for 10 years. i refuse to take it out, until i'm told it's inappropriate for work, then i will.
    i love my tongue ring so much! the part that hurt the most about getting it done was the clamp and not the actual piercing.
    it doesn't really hit my teeth, i replaced the ball on the bottom for a smaller one, and i've got a huge ball on top, and still no problems :)

    used to have my belly button pierced, but took it out long ago, i plan on getting it again once i reach my goal weight.
    used to have a surface piercing on my stomach, but it it again in the same spot, rejected again. i really wish it didn't cause i loved it.

    other than that, two holes in each ear....two tattoos.

    i want more tattoos but no real ideas yet.
  • lucky48
    lucky48 Posts: 65 Member
    I have 3 regular ear piercings in each ear and my upper cartiledge pierced on my right ear. I also have my navel and my nose pierced. I used to have an eyebrow ring but after I kept catching it on stuff and the threat of my boss to fire me if I didn't take it out, it got removed.
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    I never thought I would have any, but I just got my nipples pierced a couple of months ago. I'm sure I won't get any more, but I am a woodworker and I started making ear gauges. The gauges are very interesting, but I would never do it. I work in a professional environment and I just don't think I would enjoy them. I'll stick to tattoos that I can cover with a shirt. Good luck with yours.
  • KelaLess
    KelaLess Posts: 11 Member
    Love piercings! I have my ears (one in each) done and I had my belly button done. The belly button did not hurt at all and I actually did not even know when he finished. That one started to shift position as I began to lose weight but when I reach my goal weight I will get it redone. As mush as I would LOVE to get my nose done and a Monroe, I work in corporate America... I'll just have to put those on hold.
  • mommasamfa
    mommasamfa Posts: 87 Member
    I have a tragus, monroe, nose, had an eyebrow, and my mother said she'd kill me if I ever ruined my $20,000 in orthodontia and dental work by shoving a $50 piece of metal through it, that she couldn't deal with it... And I had a boyfriend who had a couple once, and his teeth and tongue were never right afterwards.

    Have 7 tattoos and waiting for my artist to come back into town...

    My only rule is: I wont put anything on or in my skin that I wouldnt show in a church, in front of family, or respectfully in the workplace... I know I'm kinda weird!! :)

    A monroe is just as likely to mess up your teeth as any other facial piercing that enters your mouth. It's more detrimental if you play with it. I've had my tongue pierced (and played with it) for almost 9 years now. The most damage I think I've done is chip an already chipped tooth even more.

    I've had everything pierced but orbitals. My orbitals are too shallow. I have my ears gauged to a half inch currently. I've had 4 lip piercings, labret, nose, eyebrows, tongue (standard), tongue tip, tongue web, conch, 5 or 6 up each lobe, cartilage, industrial, nipples, belly button and one other. All but my conch were done myself (which I don't recommend). I miss them :)
  • mentalbeat
    mentalbeat Posts: 104 Member
    4 in left ear one streched to 10mm 3 in right ear one streched to 10mm, 2 in right nostril, 1 in left nostril, septum done, left nipple and PA. All nose jewellery removed but got clear plugs in to keep open. Right nipple was done but got ripped out when I hit a tree on my mountain bike. And 2 tattoos.
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    I had my lip, monroe, hips, belly button, nose, and gauged ears. Now I just have belly button, monroe, nose, and regular pierced ears.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Thinking of getting the other side of my lip done when I get to my goal as a lil reward.
    Possibly re-doing my ears as well
  • I have 5 in each ear, my nose, and my tongue (and it didn't hurt a bit til after). I have had my belly button and both top and bottom girl parts-but had to remove them for an MRI and never bothered to put them back in. I am more of a tattoo person though-I have at least 20 and am planning on a mini reward of a new one soon!
    You seem a bit like me! To look at you a person wouldnt think youd have all that done but.... I'm the same way all my tatts and piercings were private or where I could cover them if I wanted to. My close friends couldn't believe I had them. Then came medical tests and out they came. I tried to put them back a day or so later and it just wasn't gonna work. My hubby was a little disapointed but I got another Tatt instead!! As a matter of fact last spring my BFF n I got the same Tatt (She bought it for my birthday gift & I designed it) We plan to add to it every year or so!
  • I have my ears pierced twice, my life, tongue and belly button.

    I did used to have my nose and the top of my ear pierced but had to take them out when i started work.

    (I also want a tattoo but still havent got it designed so havent got it done yet but i'm going to leave that as a treat for myself when i hit my goal weight not to mention it would look better.)
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I love, love, loooove piercings. I currently have 14, but they are mainly on my ears. I did 7 of them myself. I still want more, but I'm broke and the ones I still want, I cannot do on my own. Anyway, I have: both earlobes pierced 4x each, right tragus, right helix, left cartilage, left rook, nose, and tongue. I had my belly button pierced when I was 16, after I had lost a lot of weight. My parents took me as a 'reward' for my hard work. I have let it close since then though. Not a very flattering place to be pierced when you are really overweight. I might reward myself with that again when I reach my goal. I haven't decided yet though.

    Of all of my piercings, the tongue actually hurt the least. It was a bit uncomfortable while it was healing though.
  • I have 3 piercing in each ear,labret, nose and 8 tattoos.
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    I love piercings! I have 5 in each ear (lobe to cartiledge) and my right nostril. I tried for a 6th in each two different times, but I guess 5's my limit.

    I also tried to get an industrial a while back, but was told that my ear is the wrong shape. I was pretty bummed. after examining my parents' ears, I concluded that it was my mom's fault... but what isn't? ;P
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I have a tragus, monroe, nose, had an eyebrow, and my mother said she'd kill me if I ever ruined my $20,000 in orthodontia and dental work by shoving a $50 piece of metal through it, that she couldn't deal with it... And I had a boyfriend who had a couple once, and his teeth and tongue were never right afterwards.

    Have 7 tattoos and waiting for my artist to come back into town...

    My only rule is: I wont put anything on or in my skin that I wouldnt show in a church, in front of family, or respectfully in the workplace... I know I'm kinda weird!! :)

    A monroe is just as likely to mess up your teeth as any other facial piercing that enters your mouth. It's more detrimental if you play with it. I've had my tongue pierced (and played with it) for almost 9 years now. The most damage I think I've done is chip an already chipped tooth even more.

    I've had everything pierced but orbitals. My orbitals are too shallow. I have my ears gauged to a half inch currently. I've had 4 lip piercings, labret, nose, eyebrows, tongue (standard), tongue tip, tongue web, conch, 5 or 6 up each lobe, cartilage, industrial, nipples, belly button and one other. All but my conch were done myself (which I don't recommend). I miss them :)

    If you get a monroe done properly it shouldn't mess up your teeth really... or maybe it's according to how your mouth is.. mine is flat against the top of my lip and it barely touches my teeth when I force my lip flat down... when I'm not trying to force my lip down it doesn't touch my teeth at all. I never had trouble with it (except changing it). But they have special jewelry you can use now it's called something bio.. it's not exactly plastic but it's like plastic and it's soft and flexible and a snug fit that doesn't do anything to your teeth.. and the balls are easy to slip in.

    I like steel and titanium though, but I did try that bio stuff once and it's good! I just like the jewelry choices for the steel better (my piercing is a 14g.. not a like a normal 16g).

    I've had it since I was 18, I'm almost 25 now. I had my labret pierced at the same time and still have it... it actually hovers over my bottom teeth for the most part... or just hits the tip.. I wear a extra long shaft there because I find small ones uncomfortable... haven't had problems with it messing up my teeth even though the shaft hits the top because it's so long.

    I have had a tongue piercing for awhile and this is the only one I'd say actually hurt my teeth and it's NOT THE piercing's fault it's mine.. don't put it between your teeth to untwist the ball.. after awhile that files your teeth down... that was my fault! It hasn't actually hurt my teeth otherwise.. I never actually had it hit my teeth unless I was purposely playing with it.. but after awhile you get used to it and don't play with it as much and are more careful when you are.

    Well that's my experience on those piercings.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    The only piercing I reget ever getting is the bridge of my nose... it was crooked when they did it.. not tight and just all around done wrong. I took it out a few months later but it was to late... years later and I got a horrible crooked scar on the top of my nose.. which was ok until today.. my glasses covered it up for the most part but I'm getting contacts today and the scar is horrible!

    Just remember that when getting piercings.. if you get one in an obvious place like that the scar might remain! My ear's (for the most part) and my eyebrows that had scars are gone now, so is my nose (that piercing was a pain in the butt, never again.. I kept accidently ripping it out in the shower... :/).

    I also have a scar on my wrist where I tried a surface pericing.. it only lasted about 8 months because it wouldn't heal correctly, but it never rejected. I don't regret this scar.. It's fading and actually in a werid way it makes me sad this was my favorite piercing and I miss it.. maybe someday I will get it again when I can go to a proper place to get it done.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    I love piercings! I've only got 4 in each ear at the mo, used to have my nosed pierced but took that out.

    I'm hoping to have two micro dermals on my temple this weekend actually, but i'm a little scared of the pain (im a wimp) so would love to hear peoples stories if they've had facial micro dermals before!

    micro dermals leave scars :(
  • EmmileeJ
    EmmileeJ Posts: 3
    15 piercings so far, did all but nipples. I have snake bites, a monroe, 5 in each ear lobe, 5/8 gauge in ea. ear (going for an inch..), and my nipples pierced.

    Tat wise: An Edgar Allan Poe chest piece, a start of a bio-hazard/gas mask/steampunk piece on right shoulder, and a tree that is curved into a peace sign on my left wrist.

    Going to be getting 2 red microdermals as the eyes of my ravens in the chest piece and a bridge piercing in a couple weeks.

    If I can lose enough weight, I want to get my hips pierced, and a corset piercing.

    I love body mods =].
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    My husband and I both have our tongues pierced...He also has his labret and eye brow done too. I find it very attractive! I just have the belly button pierced. We both have tats but he is covered. I want MORE tats for sure!
  • I have four. Snakebites (planning to get spider bites on right side), nose and bellybutton. (: Also, I have my ears, but I don't really count those as "piercings". (: I want to do an industrial, my tongue and maybe my eyebrow. I love piercings!
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