New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • kh0215
    kh0215 Posts: 56 Member
    Can I jump in?!! 34- married 14 years to my best friend, we have 3 girls, 13 and 9 year old twins.
    We are a super active family- love to hike, travel and play sports. I need all the encouraging I can get!!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Can I jump in?!! 34- married 14 years to my best friend, we have 3 girls, 13 and 9 year old twins.
    We are a super active family- love to hike, travel and play sports. I need all the encouraging I can get!!

    Welcome! Can I welcome new faces even though I'm new myself?!:tongue:
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    Q) Welcome! Can I welcome new faces even though I'm new myself?!:tongue:

    A) lol...Absolutely! :laugh:
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    Can I ask the daily question? (and, no, that's not my question:tongue: )

    What is the fitness thing (or diet thing or life thing) that you can't live without?

    My iPod. Gotta have it while I walk/hike. :smile:
  • ryansmom09
    ryansmom09 Posts: 45 Member
    I think that's me...I'm 32, happily married, 1 child, 2 yrs old...can you guess his name :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Welcome! Is anyone out there tonight? Are you all out having fun with your families? Good for you if you are!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Well, my baby-bake (nickname for my beautiful wife who is carrying our 4th child!) is off to bed and I'm about to pop on the TV and chill out ... though we did have a fun evening together!!!
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Daily question: for me it's shoes I guess too. I was always one to buy some kind of discounted running shoes at an outlet or something and then had tons of trouble with my knees. I thought it was because I was not a good runner, overweight etc...but now that my husband owns a running store and I've analyzed my gait and see which shoes correct my body's natural over-pronation, I've had no more issues.

    I love a variety of exercise environments and especially hiking but lately the gym membership allowing me access to tons of different kinds of classes at all different times of day has also been invaluable.

    Ran a 15k and had a PR today. Even without running more than 3 mi a couple of times since my half marathon last month I managed to shave 5 minutes off of my time from 2008 when I was in the best shape of my life :)
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    You all sound so amazing, going global! Our trips are usually restricted to our local mountains for camping and fishing. I would love to take some of the trips that you're describing! :happy:

    I've had the good fortune to travel all over the world and also have a special love for Africa (Even got to run a 10k at 10,000 feet in Ethiopia this fall when I was there for work) but some of my most favorite memories are from many camping trips with my family at various state and national parks. As for the Michigan folks, I grew up in Ohio, and remember being amazed by the dunes at Lake Michigan and how much it seemed like going to the ocean. Fun riding in the dune buggies too.
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    Hi everyone

    Im 32 - Married- 2 boys 1 girl- ages 10/6/5...
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Ran a 15k and had a PR today. Even without running more than 3 mi a couple of times since my half marathon last month I managed to shave 5 minutes off of my time from 2008 when I was in the best shape of my life :)

    Awesome!!! Good for you! :)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    QUESTION for Sunday

    Q) With all that has happened in Japan it got me thinking about all our loved ones. Does anyone have any family or close friends that are in areas of the world that cause you any concern or worry? Not just places like Japan now, or Haiti, but also those who serve in the military around the world? Perhaps even your spouse is serving or on leave?

    A) I don't, but I just thought I'd ask as I would love to hear about their service or simply lift them up in prayer. Living in Michigan with no family that actively serves in the military, it's a world to me that is foreign ... however I have many friends who are strained right now as either their spouse, or family member (son/daughter/uncle/aunt) is serving in the military ... or for that matter I had a friend who's husband went to Haiti to see family during the time of the earthquake(s) and while he survived they lost some of their family ...

    Anyway, I just ask as I can so easily live in my own bubble of a world and be so out of touch with the needs and strains of so many around me ... I just thought I'd ask.
  • tneeland
    tneeland Posts: 24 Member
    My hubby is now deployed to afghan for the 3rd time out of 10years and also been deployed to Iraq twice. We have a cousin who is stationed in Japan in the marines he is on a mission right now but his wife and three kids are there and they were very blessed and well.
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    I'd like to join this group. I'm 31, almost 32, been with my husband for 12 years, and married for 5 of those years. No kids yet, but have a dog that I treat like a child (she has her own bedroom and gets homecooked meals almost every night).
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I'm guilty as well, of living in my own bubble. I think especially with counting calories all day, and trying to get my butt in gear to work out. Seems thats all I think about most days. I get frustrated at times like the last couple days, when I realize that I have been focused on myself so much.
  • I have a lot of friends and family in Mexico and it is becoming more and more dangerous to stay there because of the violence and corruption, and it will take a long time for that to be fixed. It's hard for me to keep it on my mind all the time because the norm for me is to be in the USA, a place with opportunity and an expectation of stability. It does not seem like there's a lot for me to do here to help (except to not buy drugs, which I have nothing to do with anyway), so I just feel sad and useless when I think about it.

    I do donate to a few charities that help people around the world find ways to lift themselves out of poverty (Plan USA, Heifer International) but I always wonder if there is more that I can do.
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Thankfully my family is safe and sound at home. I live in a military town and work as a contractor in a military hospital ER part time in addition to my regular job, so I'm consistently reminded of the service and sacrifices our men and women in the military make for us and the sacrifices and struggles of their families as well. Thank you to all!
  • sbracken
    sbracken Posts: 79
    Sunday's Question of the Day.....
    Q) With all that has happened in Japan it got me thinking about all our loved ones. Does anyone have any family or close friends that are in areas of the world that cause you any concern or worry? Not just places like Japan now, or Haiti, but also those who serve in the military around the world? Perhaps even your spouse is serving or on leave?

    A) I have some distant family in Slovakia. While it's not exactly a "war-torn" area now, the conflicts there have had some lasting effects and it seems like my family there still struggles. My niece and her new husband just returned from serving in Korea. I know she's left the military, but he's still enlisted and unsure where or when he'll be deployed next. Other than that, the rest of us are all here "safe and sound" in the states.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Q) With all that has happened in Japan it got me thinking about all our loved ones. Does anyone have any family or close friends that are in areas of the world that cause you any concern or worry? Not just places like Japan now, or Haiti, but also those who serve in the military around the world? Perhaps even your spouse is serving or on leave?

    I thank God that everyone in our family is safe and sound! My stepson and daughter-in-law are both Marines and have both been recently deployed. But thankfully their time in about up so no more deployments!
  • scoops13
    scoops13 Posts: 31
    Well I've missed two questions

    1.) Could not do this without three things - 1st - MFP (seriously - I am not consistent on what I eat or working out without it). 2nd - The YMCA - I am not really that motivated to go to a gym and do something without the classes (and free babysitting) they provide. 3rd - my HRM/Calorie Counter. I would have no idea what I was burning without it.

    2.) I do have a cousin that is in Guam but they are getting ready to go to Japan. Other than that we have some friends that are in Guam and Italy.

    Seeing the disaster in Japan breaks my heart...
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