Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!



  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Good luck jinxed!
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    I bow down to you for giving up chocolate!!! Good for you! And way to go!
    So I have given up chocolate and the scale for 47 days and it surprises me that I am doing so well. Keep up the great work everyone! :blushing:
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    No scale today again :)
    Getting pretty easy although I still feel like I'm doing rubbish!
    Eaten soooo much today, not bad food necessarily but sooo hungry.. TMI but it's TOM which might have something to do with it.
    Want my scales :( Lol I'm like a split personality about my bloomin' scales!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    TOM always gets me too! But you can do it!!
  • ToniDH
    ToniDH Posts: 3
    Hi y'all! I've been doing MFP for several months now, but have never posted in the forums. This challenge totally intrigues me...and scares me to death! My scale is my motivation - I weigh every day! Some days it makes me smile and some days it makes me cry! LOL! Gosh, can I do this challenge? I'd like to. I'd love to get back on it Easter morning and be at my goal weight! That would be the bomb diggity! I must think on this for a few hours....

    BTW, I'm Toni.
    Starting weight Jan 2010: 172
    Current weight Today: 153.8
    Goal weight: 139
    I'm 5'11"
    35 years old

    Just about a month ago I was down to 144lbs. and then I crashed and burned. I've developed a horrible ability to play mind games with myself over food. It's not healthy and I know it. My desire to be thin consumes my thinking. I don't know any other way to be at this point. But I think giving up the scale might be a step in the right direction. Ugh! :-)
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Toni!!
  • klininger
    klininger Posts: 44
    I can't help myself from weighing in everyday. I am so anxious to know how I compare to the day before. But I set myself up for frustration when I see the scale go up and down and up and down day by day. Yesterday, I put the scale under my bed. I will take advantage of the once per week weigh-in though.

    I am so in, and it's great to be in such good company!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Welcome Toni! You have to forego short term success for long term success. Is it cool to lose a pound... sure. Is it cooler to step on the scale see 5 or more pounds gone... heck yeah!

    Kl... welcome! We are all about breaking the hold that stupid scale has on you. I weighed 3x per day ... sometimes more before giving it up cold turkey. I am not doing ANY weigh ins... gutting it out until Easter! Welcome to the group!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I haven't weighed myself... but I'm being bad. I'm eating lots of sugar, and not much else. I exercise a lot, so even with the sugar I'm staying under, but I just don't feel good. I need to give up chocolate for the rest of Lent, too, I think. Who else is chocolate-free til Easter?
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Well, today (Monday) is my normal weigh-in day. It felt weird to not get on the scale. This has been the longest I've ever gone! WooHoo!

    Today was also a measurement day, I measure once a month, and I didn't do well this month according to those numbers. I lost 1/2 inch on my waist and stayed the same everywhere else. But, I'm wearing pants that didn't use to fit and I'm down another belt notch! So I'm still staying positive - I have an agressive workout schedule this week and I'm going to try a new recipe!

    Easter here we come! :)
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I'm not eating "bad" chocolate if you can count that. I am eating chocolate vitamuffins. But I will say my Easter reward is going to be 2 Reese's PB Easter Eggs!!!! And I can't wait to dive into them!

    And you have to stay away from that sugar!!! I know that you know just because you're under doesn't mean what you're eating is good for you. I know you can eat healthier!! I KNOW IT!!! You can do it!!! :D
    I haven't weighed myself... but I'm being bad. I'm eating lots of sugar, and not much else. I exercise a lot, so even with the sugar I'm staying under, but I just don't feel good. I need to give up chocolate for the rest of Lent, too, I think. Who else is chocolate-free til Easter?
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Way to resist Meg!!! Congrats on the loss you did have! That is great!! "Stuff" could be shifting which could account for why you didn't lose in the other places, but if your pants fit and down another belt notch then those are total NSVs!! Rock those pants Meg!! Great job!!
    Well, today (Monday) is my normal weigh-in day. It felt weird to not get on the scale. This has been the longest I've ever gone! WooHoo!

    Today was also a measurement day, I measure once a month, and I didn't do well this month according to those numbers. I lost 1/2 inch on my waist and stayed the same everywhere else. But, I'm wearing pants that didn't use to fit and I'm down another belt notch! So I'm still staying positive - I have an agressive workout schedule this week and I'm going to try a new recipe!

    Easter here we come! :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You going to stop at 2 ... LOL I promised myself a whole dang package!
    You are an awesome person.

    Meg: I dont know why your disappointed... a half inch is a loss, and your pants fitting better... ooh I think someone is gaining muscle and tone!

    You know I have thought about this a long time last night (when I wasnt sleeping) ... why are WE are worst critic.
    I have people who say how impressive it is that I ran a half marathon ... and I immediately think... yeah but Im slow.
    I have people who say how impressive it is that I do P90X and I immediately think... yeah but I cant do a real push up or pull up....

    Dude... why are we our worst critic?
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    Sick. Cannot exercise. Haven't weighed. Eating like crap. END. OF. STORY.

    uhg! Im also happy there is no scale in the house right now!
  • sneakers71
    sneakers71 Posts: 106
    so the dance studio where I take zumba is starting a biggest loser competion - how can I join in without using the scale???
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Can you just have them record your weight on paper for you and you not look at the scale?
    so the dance studio where I take zumba is starting a biggest loser competion - how can I join in without using the scale???
  • sarahnicolexoxo
    I have not seen my weight since the 10th which was at my doctors appointment and you know what's funny? My fiance has NOT hid the scales and nor have I had an urge to get on them. He'd of course stop me if I tried but, it's nice to know that they are there but, I never look twice at them. :D
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I have not seen my weight since the 10th which was at my doctors appointment and you know what's funny? My fiance has NOT hid the scales and nor have I had an urge to get on them. He'd of course stop me if I tried but, it's nice to know that they are there but, I never look twice at them. :D

    Good for you girlie. Truth be told, I just noticed this morning that the husbands bathroom scale is still there. But I have no urge to get on it :)
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    I haven't weighed myself... but I'm being bad. I'm eating lots of sugar, and not much else. I exercise a lot, so even with the sugar I'm staying under, but I just don't feel good. I need to give up chocolate for the rest of Lent, too, I think. Who else is chocolate-free til Easter?

    Chocolate free for 47 days! It has not been too hard. Try it, you might like it :)
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    I have not seen my weight since the 10th which was at my doctors appointment and you know what's funny? My fiance has NOT hid the scales and nor have I had an urge to get on them. He'd of course stop me if I tried but, it's nice to know that they are there but, I never look twice at them. :D

    great job resisting the urge!