Thanksgiving Challenge!!



  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Congratulations!!! No wonder - you've made great progress according to your ticker. All that positive reinforcement should give you motivation to continue. Keep up the good work!
  • moms5boys
    I'm in!!! This is great.I could use the motivation and support right now.

    My beginning weight: 238.5
    My current weight 225.5
    My Thanksgiving goal to lose 15 lbs
    My goal weight 150
  • forcedbyangels
    Okay I am in...

    Current weight- 174
    Thanksgiving goal-162

    goodbye 12 pounds
    WOOO! :tongue:
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Didn't hit 300 this week...but I'm at 302 and should definitely lose that extra 2 by next week...:sad:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I'm in.
    current and starting weight: 210
    weight by thanksgiving: 198
    weight by my birthday: 190
    weight goal: 150
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Im In

    Ht- 5'5

    current weight- 154

    I think with the support and all the success ive seen , I can do it. Most of all we all can do it !!!

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • nytoaz
    nytoaz Posts: 143
    Week 1: lost .6 pound :bigsmile:
    Thanksgiving challenge starting weight:126
    Current weight: 125.4
    Thanksgiving challenge goal: 122
  • dezmoore
    dezmoore Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone--- i just wanted to share that I ran the army 10 miler today here in Washington, DC-- YEA ME! I had not been doing a lot of running...mostly walking and now the gym on the elliptical.... I wanted to not hurt myself and finish strong. I felt great at the end and even had enough energy to sprint to the finish line...It was an awesome experience... Only thing better would have been if my husband could have been there with me:sad: Maybe next year... and think how much faster I'll be after I lose some of this weight... ALSO-- I earned 1400 extra calories tonight I treated my kids to dinner at a local irish pub..and myself to a great beer and a nice meal.... AND--- I totally didnt feel guilty!!!! OK, I'm starting to get a little stiff now - but I can not complain! GO THANKSGIVING CHALLENGE PEOPLE... !!!!!!! We can do it-- ONE DAY AT A TIME:drinker:
  • threedeakgifts
    My mom told me yesterday I looked thinner - that was great to hear, even though I only lost 1 lb!

    I did pretty good this week, biggest thing I've noticed is that when I do cheat (eat bad carbs) I feel so sluggish - truly yucko. It's a good motivator to keep me going with eating right. Also, I'm starting to look for ways to be active. I enjoy walking on an inside track in the mornings with my iPod after the kids go to school,but also this week I've hiked with CubScouts and played soccer in a parents vs kids game. Good calorie burning and fun too! In the past I haven't seen my ticker move and have gotten frustrated, hoping I see some more movement!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    I'd like to get out of the 240s by then. at 250 now. So 11 lbs would be perfect!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hmmm-- let's see-- 177 now. I think I'll shoot for 169 by then--

  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    I have only been on for about a week, but I am up for the Thanksgiving Challenge! I want to lose 7 pounds by Thanksgiving! My son just turned two yesterday and I still have 15 pounds to go to pre-pregnancy weight! I love how motivational everyone is. Wish me luck.

    Current weight(as of last week's weight in) 146
    Goal by Thanksgiving 139

    Talk to you all soon!!
  • laurabelle25
    ok guys....again not a good weekend. I had a bachelorette party last weekend, and let me tell you....we definitely drank A LOT :drinker: But I didn't feel like i ate a ton, exept for the hungover cheeseburger and fries last night, which is probably why i gained 6 lbs in 3 days!!:explode: :sad:

    I'm going to work at it better this week, we don't have anything going on for a couple weeks so i'm hoping to get back to the 150 range, then try and get to 147 for halloween. I just wish i could break this streak of doing good, then messing up and eating/drinking bad. It's sooo hard sometimes, but yet, at the same time i know i can do it.
    Current Weight 156
    Starting Thanksgiving Challenge Weight 150
    Goal 144
  • ninabonina
    I'm Semi in too!
    Though, i live in Canada, so my Thanksgiving is on Monday next week :S

    Height: 5'6"
    Starting Weight: 177 lb
    Current Weight: 175 lb(I've only been on a diet for 5 days)
    Thanksgiving(October 12): 172
    Halloween: 165
    Christmas: 145 :) <- my goal weight :)
    You think i can do it?

    P.S: My weight right now my be water weight, but its been stable for 2 days, i so i dunno.. maybe i lost weight :D
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    i usually go home the week before thanksgiving. and my mom has offered to buy me a really sexy dress to wear for my birthday (the week after thanksgiving) if i lose 10 pounds by the time i go visit.

    starting weight: 190
    current weight: 186
    goal by Nov 11th: 180
    goal by ACTUAL thanksgiving: 175
    goal for the end of the year: 170
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    Keep going everyone!

  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    Keep going everyone!


    I am still at 138.
    Goal 133

    Good luck
  • amyjoh
    amyjoh Posts: 92
    So....I know that I am a little late for when this started but I am jumping in. My husband told me he wanted to eat healthier so I think that will help me too. So, by Thanksgiving I want to lose 10 pounds and have a developed a more committed exercise plan. There! I said it! You all are witnesses to my commitment! So here I go!!!:bigsmile:
  • threedeakgifts
    I'm so excited! I'm finally seeing a difference! YAY! I've lost 7 lbs and an inch off my waist and hips! Yipee! I haven't been successful the last few times I've tried to lose weight in the past and started to give up, but decided to give it another try. So this is a big deal, and motivator for me!

    Look at that ticker go! Woo Hoo!!!:tongue:
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    Height 5'7''
    Starting weight 215
    Current Weight 173
    Thanksgiving Goal 162
    Final Goal 155

    Still at 173... but I went up to 175 and back down to 173, so I'm kinda happy with 173! lol. Still working on it!