New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    My brother is in the Army. He is learning how to jump out of airplanes right now, with a chute attached that is.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I have a lot of friends and family in Mexico and it is becoming more and more dangerous to stay there because of the violence and corruption, and it will take a long time for that to be fixed. It's hard for me to keep it on my mind all the time because the norm for me is to be in the USA, a place with opportunity and an expectation of stability. It does not seem like there's a lot for me to do here to help (except to not buy drugs, which I have nothing to do with anyway), so I just feel sad and useless when I think about it.

    I do donate to a few charities that help people around the world find ways to lift themselves out of poverty (Plan USA, Heifer International) but I always wonder if there is more that I can do.

    Isn't the danger in certain areas? Our youth group goes to Mexico every year to build homes, It's something that makes some of us parents parents nervous, but they keep reassuring us that it's only in certain parts.
  • kh0215
    kh0215 Posts: 56 Member
    So Nervous!

    I have signed my oldest up to do online school for next year. Our local school district is so very sad. They have cut funding for buses now and there will be none ran to the high school, plus the fact that she is being bullied and I think she will be eaten ALIVE at the high school that she would be attending.

    Decision making as a parent sucks sometimes.

    I too, have missed two questions:

    1. I could not live without my water bottle, I fill it up 3 times during the day and that exceeds my water intake for the day, MFP is right up there too - now that I am actually using it.
    2. I have a friend who is stationed in Japan, however he is in Afghanistan currently. Yes, I worry about him.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    I have signed my oldest up to do online school for next year. Our local school district is so very sad. They have cut funding for buses now and there will be none ran to the high school, plus the fact that she is being bullied and I think she will be eaten ALIVE at the high school that she would be attending.

    We have a pretty poor school district but fortunately we were able to get our two youngest into a good system ... the oldest is still in the current high school but we may pull her soon ... we thought about online opportunities and if they work for you (and your daughter) I think it's a smart option.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    My brother is in the Army. He is learning how to jump out of airplanes right now, with a chute attached that is.

    Having the chute I hear is the most important part of jumping out of airplanes ... I haven't any personal experience but it makes sense to me ;)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    I'm guilty as well, of living in my own bubble. I think especially with counting calories all day, and trying to get my butt in gear to work out. Seems thats all I think about most days. I get frustrated at times like the last couple days, when I realize that I have been focused on myself so much.

    Yeah, it's a balance ... I know I need to take care of myself yet I don't want to get so wrapped up in myself I forget all the pain that is out there. Reminds me of Matthew West's song "My Own Little World"

    @everyone ... thanks for sharing your stories
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Just checking in...I have been out since Friday!!! My whole family got a virus....and we were all out of the count!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend...and a good start to the week.....Here it is Wednesday...and my week is just getting started!!!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    So is everyone feeling better I hope?? Having kids makes viruses all that more exciting eh?!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I think we all powered through it!!! AS of this morning....we are all doing much better!!! Lucky we had two bathrooms or we would of never made it!!! The hardest part is not being able to do anything about it!!! Watching the 5 year old....was so hard!!! She just did not understand!!!

    My hubby......on the other hand.....had what we call the "man cold"....because his was SOOO much worse then what we had!!! LOL!!! He will even tell you that his was way worse then ours was!!!! If I didn't love him so much....I might have put him outside with the dogs!!! LOL!!!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I'm guilty as well, of living in my own bubble. I think especially with counting calories all day, and trying to get my butt in gear to work out. Seems thats all I think about most days. I get frustrated at times like the last couple days, when I realize that I have been focused on myself so much.

    Yeah, it's a balance ... I know I need to take care of myself yet I don't want to get so wrapped up in myself I forget all the pain that is out there. Reminds me of Matthew West's song "My Own Little World"

    @everyone ... thanks for sharing your stories

    It's been one of my prayers through the last two years, that the weight loss and all never goes to my head, and certainly praying for balance has been ongoing as well. I have to constantly reevaluate, and shift focus.
  • Isn't the danger in certain areas? Our youth group goes to Mexico every year to build homes, It's something that makes some of us parents parents nervous, but they keep reassuring us that it's only in certain parts.

    The most severe problems are in the north but there are problems in all parts of the country and it is not decreasing. However it is not targeting tourists or foreigners. It is mostly an internal problem and the incidents involving Americans have been wrong place wrong time things that could happen to anyone anywhere. It should be ok in most places (not border cities) to do missionary work or vacations with groups of people, and like any unfamiliar situation, exercise common sense. Don't visit shady establishments, or wander around at night, or wear expensive jewelry, etc.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Ciao everyone ... for a few days anyway! :)

    I'm going off the grid! I have a retreat I'm leaving for (Walk to Emmaus) this afternoon and won't be online until Sunday evening, if not Monday morning.

    So much for my log-in streak! Ha! :) ...

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!
  • karaokeqt
    karaokeqt Posts: 16 Member
    I am 32...have been happily married for almost 13 years. We have 4 boys and adopted my neice...although she is 20 and out of the house now :( My husband and I began a weight loss journey back in 2006 when we were both well over 200 pounds...we had lost about 80 pounds then. We had lost track and gained a few in Jan. we began the journey again. My husband is already down 25 pounds and I am down nice to do this together....and have the support of mfp friends :)
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Isn't the danger in certain areas? Our youth group goes to Mexico every year to build homes, It's something that makes some of us parents parents nervous, but they keep reassuring us that it's only in certain parts.

    The most severe problems are in the north but there are problems in all parts of the country and it is not decreasing. However it is not targeting tourists or foreigners. It is mostly an internal problem and the incidents involving Americans have been wrong place wrong time things that could happen to anyone anywhere. It should be ok in most places (not border cities) to do missionary work or vacations with groups of people, and like any unfamiliar situation, exercise common sense. Don't visit shady establishments, or wander around at night, or wear expensive jewelry, etc.

    They go right over the border, but it's like a camp so they aren't running around checking things out, just building houses and hanging in their camp at night. Last year one of their vans were broke into and a bunch of stuff stolen, but it was after they got back to the US in La Jolla (I think thats how you spell it).
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Since Matt is gone for the weekend, I'll ask a question for Thursday!

    What are you plans for St. Patrick's Day? How has your weight loss journey affected this holiday for you this year?

    A: I'm not doing anything special. Thursday is always girls night for me. One week with a group of 4 friends I've had for about 6-7 years. The other week with a friend of 21 years. We always eat and drink so I have to make up for it with exercise. (BALANCE!) Usually I try to schedule our night starting no earlier than 7 so I can get my workout in after work. One of my friends has a baby so sometimes we try to start early to accomodate her. Tonight we're getting together at 6:30 which leaves no workout time really, so I got up early this morning and ran 2 miles. I am NOT a morning person.

    Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Have a great time!
    Ciao everyone ... for a few days anyway! :)

    I'm going off the grid! I have a retreat I'm leaving for (Walk to Emmaus) this afternoon and won't be online until Sunday evening, if not Monday morning.

    So much for my log-in streak! Ha! :) ...

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Even though my husband and I both have lots of Irish in me, St. Patrick's day is just another day to us.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Even though my husband and I both have lots of Irish in me, St. Patrick's day is just another day to us.

    Same here...just another day!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Probably just another day for me too!! Work, Home, kids, dinner, workout...shower and bed!!!!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    If my husband was in town we would probably be at the brewpub with lots of beer (and I would exercise like crazy to even it out!), but luckily (?) he is out of town so I don't have to bother. The bagpipes annoy me anyway. Instead I am going to watch a chick flick or help our concert band record some songs. And get a good workout in beforehand!
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