Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!



  • cougs12
    cougs12 Posts: 92
    it getting easier and easier not to step on that scale. last year when i started my weight loss journey, i went 6 months without weighing myself. and it was a nice surprise when i finally weighed myself. of course the compliments from friends and family when they saw me really helped and the change of how the clothes felt was a bigger indication on how i was doing. i can't wait to see my weight at the end of this
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I need to give up chocolate for the rest of Lent, too, I think. Who else is chocolate-free til Easter?

    I gave up chocolate and my scale for Lent. I have to say...the chocolate is hitting me way harder than the scale. I had gotten into a habit of snacking on Dove Promises and mini Heath Bars everyday. At first it was just one or the other, and at around 40 calories each, why not? But then it was one of each per day. Then it was a couple of each some days. When I started packing them in my lunch, I knew I had a problem! :wink: I know I won't ever completely give up chocolate for good, but I figured I had to do it for Lent just to break that daily habit it was becoming.

    As for the scale...I'm usually surprisingly fine. I hid the scale and as long as I don't see it in the mornings, I'm good...except when my MFP friends weigh-in and I see their weight loss pop up on my home page. Right then, I want to be them. I want confirmation that I'm not totally screwing things up. It really tempts me, but the feeling is fleeting and before long I'm back to not really thinking about it. Usually the best way to keep my mind off of it is to go to my closet and try on jeans that were too small just weeks ago.

    Oh, and just the other day I was coming out of the grocery store, and I stared longingly at the giant scale by the front door...really, Lent or no Lent, there's no way I'd step on a scale in such a public place, but, if only for a few seconds, I considered it.

    Can't wait 'till Easter!!!!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member

    You know I have thought about this a long time last night (when I wasnt sleeping) ... why are WE are worst critic.
    I have people who say how impressive it is that I ran a half marathon ... and I immediately think... yeah but Im slow.
    I have people who say how impressive it is that I do P90X and I immediately think... yeah but I cant do a real push up or pull up....

    Dude... why are we our worst critic?

    What a great point to bring up. I'm critical of myself with negitive things too - like if I go over a bit on my fat grams I think "Well, I screwed up (again) might as well have that piece of cake". Silly silly. We should all go a little eaiser on ourselves. The effort that it takes to change our eating and exercise habits is huge! We should be proud of that!!! I think I'm going to put more effort into savoring the smaller victories - like you said, a 1/2 inch is still a loss. If I wasn't on MFP and working on changing my life that may have been a 1/2 inch that I'd have gained!
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Still off the scale :smile:
    Not too hard..
    Been good with food choices but still having too much. Not much too much fortunately.
    Had two chomps yesterday. Much better than the Twix a couple of days ago!
    Still feel like I've gained. No clothes feel loser (I wouldn't expect them to yet) and I have no confirmation that I'm on the right track.

    What if I get on on Easter Sunday and I've not lost a pound?! Or nowhere near my goal?!
    I feel I may have set the bar too high for myself.
    But really I'm only looking at 17 pounds in 47 days.. Thats 2.5lbs per week average. My food should have me losing slightly less than that, but I've been over some days, some days massively... I am exercising still though. Walking almost everywhere which is loads compared to how much I used to. I've only gotten 1 taxi and that was with my shopping. I used to get 3/4 a week at least.
    Meh.. Having one of those days :grumble:
    189 here I come.....
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    I'm liking this "no scale" stuff. I tend to beat myself up when it doesn't go to my liking. I feel as if I am wayyyy more positive now :) Keep up the awesome work everyone!!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Just checking in and seeing how everyone is doing! Glad to hear you're liking it Jenn!!!

    @ RP - You have to watch your food entries if you want results. The scale isn't going to hand them to you. Diet and exercise are what take the weight off. Hard work and dedication. If you work hard (no eating too much) and are dedicated to working out you WILL see results by the end of the diet!! Way to stay off the scale!
  • sneakers71
    sneakers71 Posts: 106
    not really having trouble with this like i thought I would. BUT - its baseball season, busy season...food choices are not so good.
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Just checking in and seeing how everyone is doing! Glad to hear you're liking it Jenn!!!

    @ RP - You have to watch your food entries if you want results. The scale isn't going to hand them to you. Diet and exercise are what take the weight off. Hard work and dedication. If you work hard (no eating too much) and are dedicated to working out you WILL see results by the end of the diet!! Way to stay off the scale!
    I don't feel as accountable though without my scale. I am motivated to do it, I just have no driving force so to speak!
    Trying to be good but all I can think about it carby food today. I bought a really lovely fruit salad for with my lunch but my mind was going, nah you don't want that.. I ate it though later on, and it was nice.. But I'm not used to this TOM business! I'd forgotten how much it messes with me! I'm not grumpy though which is something!!
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    Still avoiding the scale, but I accidentally ate a piece of chocolate :( It was totally an accident - just picked it up and put it in my mouth without thinking. There are more there but I know the first one was a mistake and I WILL NOT have a second one.

    Scale (WII Balance Board) is not calling my name ;)
  • marniehodges
    Hard time today. I feel like I've gained 10 lbs! :noway: I know I really haven't but I'm freaking out that when I do get on that stupid thing it's going to go in the wrong direction. And I'm bummed out today. Rained all morning and now it's SNOWING, and not just a little, huge sticking snow. Crap. I just want to eat a huge plate of nachos right now and lay down and take a nap. I'm not going to do either, but it sure is enticing!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    oofda....just got done with my second workout of the day....P90X! Just got a new HRM too, with a chest strap, so it'll be more accurate. I'm hoping that this helps with the weight loss. I've been working my butt off for 2 1/2 weeks and trying to eat right, and it feels like nothing has changed. I kind of wish I could hop on the scale to prove myself wrong, but if the numbers are swinging the right way, I'll feel even more crappy. I'm going to open up my diary, if anyone would like to take a look and let me know what they think I can do to improve my eating habits. Please and thank you!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Ugh, don't you hate when you do things like that when you really don't mean to!!! Way to be a champ and not say, well, I already had 1, I might as well have another one!! Good for you!
    Still avoiding the scale, but I accidentally ate a piece of chocolate :( It was totally an accident - just picked it up and put it in my mouth without thinking. There are more there but I know the first one was a mistake and I WILL NOT have a second one.

    Scale (WII Balance Board) is not calling my name ;)
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Step away from the nachos Marnie, LOL. It's tough when you don't feel like you've lost, but honestly, for me, that is when I've lost the most!! Keep staying strong and we can get through this!!!!
    Hard time today. I feel like I've gained 10 lbs! :noway: I know I really haven't but I'm freaking out that when I do get on that stupid thing it's going to go in the wrong direction. And I'm bummed out today. Rained all morning and now it's SNOWING, and not just a little, huge sticking snow. Crap. I just want to eat a huge plate of nachos right now and lay down and take a nap. I'm not going to do either, but it sure is enticing!
  • Little_Lisa_Ann
    I love this idea, and I am definitely in! The last time I weighed myself I was at 132.8. Can't wait to see what happens :)
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for the feedback!!

    Today - not soo good with the scale thing. Last night I felt fat and today I feel fat. I wanted to get on so bad but I did not. It helps that I weigh myself on the Wii because i don't have time to do that on work days. I do have a weigh in on Sunday for a challenge I already committed to, so I will be looking. I have to see if I won or not!! lol
    Ugh, don't you hate when you do things like that when you really don't mean to!!! Way to be a champ and not say, well, I already had 1, I might as well have another one!! Good for you!
    Still avoiding the scale, but I accidentally ate a piece of chocolate :( It was totally an accident - just picked it up and put it in my mouth without thinking. There are more there but I know the first one was a mistake and I WILL NOT have a second one.

    Scale (WII Balance Board) is not calling my name ;)
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I really feel like the scale motivates me positively... not, "You better not eat that because the SCALE will get you," but "Hey, look, the scale moved! I'm doing the right thing for my body and I should do it more!"

    I KNOW the right way to treat my body. I'm very capable of doing it, too. I track and I exercise every single day. But I've definitely noticed more sugar and bread going into my mouth since I stopped weighing, and I'm just curious if there's a correlation.
  • sneakers71
    sneakers71 Posts: 106
    I KNOW the right way to treat my body. I'm very capable of doing it, too. I track and I exercise every single day. But I've definitely noticed more sugar and bread going into my mouth since I stopped weighing, and I'm just curious if there's a correlation.

    I hear ya, its like we are "off the hook" or "I'll get to it later since i don't have to answer to the scale". I feel that way most days lately, its not good.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I weighed this morning....I started freaking again last night and decided to weigh this morning. My weight was down....so, that's nice. I just don't know if I can keep up with the non-weighing. It's adding more stress to my already stressful days, and I can't handle it. I'm going to try for only once a week, but that might be as detached as I can get right now. With my college graduation coming up and my wedding in July, I need to lighten the stress load a little bit. I'm feeling the pressure of wanting to lose weight for the wedding, but it feels as though not being able to weigh only increases that pressure. I'm sorry guys. I'm already trying to tackle too much.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    blueviolet....if not weighing yourself is causing you that much stress, then by all means weigh yourself. No one will think less of you for it. This challenge wasn't meant to cause undo stress on anyone. It was just something to do to keep our minds more focused on eating right and exercising. Do what you have to do to keep yourself sane (or as sane as you can be while in college and planning a wedding!).
    I weighed this morning....I started freaking again last night and decided to weigh this morning. My weight was down....so, that's nice. I just don't know if I can keep up with the non-weighing. It's adding more stress to my already stressful days, and I can't handle it. I'm going to try for only once a week, but that might be as detached as I can get right now. With my college graduation coming up and my wedding in July, I need to lighten the stress load a little bit. I'm feeling the pressure of wanting to lose weight for the wedding, but it feels as though not being able to weigh only increases that pressure. I'm sorry guys. I'm already trying to tackle too much.
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    First I have to apologize I am late getting this posted, and have been totally “absent” lately—can you believe I’ve actually been having to WORK at work?! The nerve… :laugh:
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Week 2 - Lenten Scale Diet CHALLENGE!

    How will you hold yourself accountable without the SCALE to “answer to”?
    Looking through the posts, accountability seems to be a big issue for a lot of us (myself included!) once the ominous Scale-Monster is out of the picture. :devil: So what can, and WILL, you do to keep yourself accountable, making healthy food choices and exercising? Open your diary and ask others for feedback? Ask a friend or family member to talk with you about your workouts during this “diet” (whether you’ve actually worked-out that day, how hard/far you pushed yourself, what exercises are you doing, etc.)? Ask that “one” friend on MFP (you know, the one that you hate because they are brutally honest, which is why you love them) to do a daily/weekly check-in? Tape a picture of your dreaded scale to the fridge? Commit to exercise with a friend, or join a gym (if you’re paying, maybe you’ll go?!)? Vow to keep your MFP “numbers” out of the red for X number of days or weeks?

    Whatever you choose, remember that this “diet” and the scale are just pieces of the puzzle—YOU will keep yourself motivated and accountable in the end, not the scale. While it might feel like it slaps you in the face when you’ve had a hard week, it doesn’t (at least not literally)… and it doesn’t hold your hand and cheer you on when you’re busting your @ss on the elliptical, either. Do NOT give-up on yourself just because some silly little scale isn’t there to stick its tongue out at you, or convince you that a week of chocolate must have been a good idea because you stayed under your total calories and didn’t gain. YOU can do this… we can help, encourage, or be that “one” friend, but it still has to start (and continue every day) with you!

    We’d love to hear your ideas if you’re willing to share… I’m sure we can all use any inspiration/motivation/encouragement we can get :bigsmile:

    My Accountability Plan:
    *Picture of the scale is taped to the freezer (where my Slim-a-Bears & hubby’s Phish Food are hiding)
    *Diary is public… and I get hell for some of it every few days, but I love it!
    *Hubby asks me every day about my workouts… this bugged me for a few days, but now I find it really motivating
    *Last night when I didn’t feel like working out (for no reason other than sheer laziness), I told myself “this is what it feels like to give up… this is why people fail… do you want to go back to 3 months & 20 lbs ago?” I worked my booty off after that! I’m hoping to use that mentality again :smile:
    *My 3,500 Calorie for 4/6 weeks goal seems to sneer at me when I’m feeling lazy

    :heart: Good luck everyone—we are doing awesome! Sounds like staying away from the scale is getting easier as well.