

  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    Yes you may absolutly join and I well set you guys up as partners! - I will be sending out emails shortly to everyone who already joined to see if they are still active!
    rules are simple
    the team to drink the most water ( or water like substance) is the winner and gets to set up the next challenge! we start on saturdays so start thinking what your challlenges could be - anything goes for a challenge- food based, exersice, motivation, postive thinking, anything that we might have a problem with! thanks for joining!
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    Yes you may absolutly join and I well set you guys up as partners! - I will be sending out emails shortly to everyone who already joined to see if they are still active!
    rules are simple
    the team to drink the most water ( or water like substance) is the winner and gets to set up the next challenge! we start on saturdays so start thinking what your challlenges could be - anything goes for a challenge- food based, exersice, motivation, postive thinking, anything that we might have a problem with! thanks for joining!

    hmmmmm... does it count BACK to what we drank since saturday?
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    If you can remember then sure - I have to write it down cuz I forget everything!
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    i just went back to my food log.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    can anyone get in on this?
    I'd love to as well...if you have an extra spot for either or both of us..that would ROCK! But I'm willing to wait it out if need be and drink along with you all whether I'm paired with someone or not:laugh: :drinker:

    i will TOTALLY be your Pee Pal!
    TEE HEE HEE ....and PEE along with it! Ok I don't know the exact rules except DOWN THAT WATER...till ya pee and drink some more and then...well you get the general idea.

    I think this is the current challenge then the pee, um, I mean the water drinkers with the longevity/highest water drinking amount picks the next challenge...

    Course we'll have someone give us the exact rules :drinker:

    But for now.....let us BEGIN:drinker: I'l check back in with ya later Chickie:flowerforyou:

    ok toots, just so you know... i AVERAGE 16 glasses of water a day.
    you ready?
    do you smell what i'm cookin?

    ok, and just so you know......are you sittin down?:laugh: I drink at least 10-12 24 oz. bottles a day...usualy more like 15-24oz'ers.....

    So we'll make a great's true what they say.....many folks DO get used to drinking more water and don't have to go as often... that's how it for me. :noway: But once I slow down on my water intake, I pee more when I start again to increase it until my body is adjusted again...

    So hang in there the peeing for most will not be such a intrution if we keep it up regularly.:drinker: :drinker:
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    BRB gotta go pee.

  • monica5237
    well yesterday was not a great water day but i will try better today i had only 88oz of water i was trying for my normal 6 44oz cups but it did not work out and today i am on my second cup of water i have had about 66 so far today:cry::cry: not doing as well as i wanted
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    You are doin great! I still have to figure out how many ounces the cup I use holds!lol after that I will have a better idea of how much I need to catch up with a few of you!!!:drinker:
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    one gallon of water down.

    1/2 to go.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Well. So far, so good. 100oz. (at least) of water down (and probably 70oz. out :ohwell: ) so far today. Now I'm waiting for The Biggest Loser to record a little bit more. I let it record and then about half-way through, I'll start watching the recording so I can fast forward throught the commercials. I plan to down at least another 20oz. bottle before the show is over. :smile:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Ya'll are amazing. :drinker: I'm trying to get the water in, but my taste for Diet soda gets to me, plus I'm not thirsty all the time. I don't know how ya'll do it. But me and my partner Chrissy are trying to work. We have alot of water to drink to catch up with them Chrissy.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I used to rarely drink anything during the day. Never thought I really had the time to stop what I was doing just to take a drink of water. But now...really, I honestly crave water! I always have a water bottle with me and when there's not one with me, I'm wondering where the hell I left it. :laugh: I think one of the reasons why I never drank much was how I was raised. I remember the sitter giving us a small tupperware cup of kool-aid at meal times and warning us that that was all we would get. She got very angry if we asked for more. I learned to really drag out my drinks so it would last the whole meal. My parents were the same way. That always stuck with me. Totally doesn't make sense to me now why they would do that. My 8yr. old drinks just about as much water as I do. Heck, it's free! :happy:

    I started by using the to-go packets like Crystal Lite (actually my fave is the Walmart brand - Great Value - of peach tea. I'm slowly weaning myself off of the stuff now and doing really well. Now I save it for dinner times, but the rest is just plain water. You can do it too!

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well I did better yesterday - 64 OZ!

    I am building up to more each day and peeing a bunch!

  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Is it tomorrow that we post up our water consumption?
  • kayaraelyn
    I'm here, well in spirit. Haven't been on the computer over the last couple days to wind storms and no power.

    Still been drinking lots of H20 probably should drink lots more

    Congrats everyone on there water consumption

    When do we post our daily totals?:drinker:
  • monica5237
    well yesterday was not a great water day but i will try better today i had only 88oz of water i was trying for my normal 6 44oz cups but it did not work out and today i am on my second cup of water i have had about 66 so far today:cry::cry: not doing as well as i wanted

    Okay I did not do so well yesterday well I only got 2 cups down for a total of 88 for the day. sorry partner.

    I have drank 3 bottles today of ozarka water I am not sure of the oz it is .5 liter or 1pint .9oz so I am not sure if someone could help calculate for me please..:happy: I don't have my cup today i forgot it at home:mad: i could kick myself for that one. I hope to get at least one more in
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    96 oz today. and still have about 48 more to go!
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    Please send me your totals for the week friday night or saturday morning - so I can post the winners! the new chllenge should be posted by sunday morning for what ever team wins! START THINKING UP YOUR CHALLENGE JUST IN CASE YOU WIN!!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    So I feel stupid now - so it's just you posting so it goes back in the recent posts?

    anyone can bump a topic..yes you just type bump, use an icon or just type anything you

    I sometimes bump to read a bit later if I'm on my way out the door and it's a busy morning on here so that thread will end up in 'my topics' section

    why on earth would you feel stupid?

    :bigsmile: silly girl:flowerforyou:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    You guys are all doing great! You are really drinking that water!

    I would just like to remind everyone that, while water intake is important, electrolyte balance is just as-if not more--important. The water we drink is not the only water we take in--all of the food we eat contains water as well. The less caloric it is (like fruits and veggies), the more water it contains. Since I know you're all eating a lot of veggies, you're getting a TON of water. While you're not risking serious illness since it's spaced throughout the day, you are risking losing potassium and sodium from urinating so frequently. There's really no need to drink so much water that you're urinating several times an hour, and at that point, you're doing more harm than good.

    If you're drinking that much water, you need to watch your sodium and potassium levels. The RDA for sodium for the average person is 2400mg. If you engage in prolonged physical activity that causes you to sweat a lot, you'll need more than that to replenish it. The RDA for potassium is 2000 mg, and you'd need more than that as well if you're sweating hard for an hour or more a day. If you experience unusual cramping, weakness, diarrhea, or decreased urination despite the high levels of water ingested, you should decrease your water intake and increase your electrolyte intake. Chronically low electrolytes will result in serious health problems.

    I don't want to ruin the fun, I am just putting this out there to keep everyone healthy! :flowerforyou: